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WHEREAS. the City of Clearwater has developed as an urbanized area of an estimated lZO,OOO rellidenb within the City service area; and WHEREAS. the esta.blillWnent and management of trees and plant allSociat~'n8 are important to enhance and maintain the beauty and livability of the City environment; and WHEREAS. there ill increasing citizen interest in trees and plant associations; and WHEREAS, a9silltance ma.y be availa.ble to provide urban forestry." for the establishment and management of trees and plant assC?ciationl!! through the State of Florida. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Serviceo: Division of Forestry~ in cooperation with the United States Cooperative .E'oreot Management Pl'ogranl; and " . WHEREAS. it is necessary to requ.est such. assistance; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C'OMMlSSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARW:ATER: FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBl:.ED. AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Manager. Anthony L. Shoemaker, is hereby authorized to provide a. copy of this resolution and such other application J. as may be requil'ed to the State of Florida Depart:ment of Agricultul'e and Consumer Services for the purpose of establishing an Urban Forester position under the Cooperative Forest Management Act. 2. That the G:ity Manager is authorized to provide to the State of , Florida Department of Ag:dculture and Consumer Services, the sWn of Three Thousand Dollars ($3. 000.00). from the operating budget of the ... -1- \, R' I.. '..1 ~so # 80~.30 ., " 3/G/80 'f~f~ ...' ','Ir- . ""."' ,- ~--~'" ~. .- --~.,,"':""""'_,~.-