79-89 ~l~~~.~~ ~>,~~ ,'/ki' ',.t'N; , ~.t;-"" : ~. ~ I C I T Y OF CLEARWATER "OST O"I"ICI .ox 0$,... CLEA"WATER. f1't..O'UDA 33151B September 12, 1979 Honorable .Mayor- Conunisdoner a.n.d Member!! of the City' Coxnrnia don PO Box 4748 Clearwal:er, Florida Re: Tropic Hills Annexation Dear Commissioners: Submitted. herewith for your considera.tion pursuant to Section 171.042, Florida Statutes, is the report relating to \:he proposed annexatic;Jn of the Tropic Hills Subdivision. This report was prepared by my department and 1 hereby certify that the area which is proposed to be annexed, namely.. 'tropic Hills Subdivision, 18 an area which meet8 the criteria set forth in Section l71.043t Florida Statutes. ~Sin~erelY' //c;z./,,,. .// /: ~ ::/L :~~..er_ / avid P. ~.Y/AICP / Planning Director "Equal Emplay""nt c:rnd Afflrmatl~. Actlan Employ.," .> , ~ f ' ~ "" ,_....-. . . . . ~ ,:.':">.;', ,:,:'~eso'...' '79;'89 attaohment. '" , ~ ~~.:""'."':~:",.'."".','.,,,..>~'.;..'~. ....~'.'. ,,".' ,'," ~ ct, ./T' ::,;j.?: ~<~ ' '> '. :,; ,:", ;' .1., ' ..'.' ,.' 9/20/79 ~ ~"'~"""'~J '~... :. ~.\ ;"\.{ ..'..: .,' ~" . '. ,"', r 1,. . ," .\.T .' "'1 " , ,.' . r".~ 'l . I . "'., ~.~ 'r n.....:..,r~ ~~~ ,'" .."......~d-" r'~"#"k}"'''' lIh'~r"1' .:..:,I.t~.,..:.~~~ ....u;~~~f\r V~~~~H- "-...~ ';...~ ~..,j..'t~-":'"'"~:. -;....jt<<:'J;.. ~ ,\.;:~T';-t~::rf" -.~;' ;~~~",,*-.l.",,!~;:'-~\ t:r..-~4;~\f;''':'' ".:'. I.c'~:, '. ~.. ~, \.. ~1 " ~ .~ . , ,.,.,~ .;~~~~: ': .'.~;,.,,~' 7,...: .,' " .' ,~'" ';,' ',; ~''';,'~i;'';:~':;t 'l~,~t; ,:..)t>,..'.,~");:',.,..~,~~~..:.~:,::.,',;,.>,;,;:i,c,;.,';';)':i3,'::"~~"':'i " ' ~~ht.~f}. :~~.r'-t ,>)j.';'~j\.::...;;: G '.1. ,I', ~'!~'''' .' <........ ': : ..\.~..~){.~ Ir". i..~ :..l ".1:'1,~'.l.$J'<<,:;;.,3rk..,~...n.kl.f~~Jr~"'''~'~~~! '"' -J. ~;:;.. 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".;:;;::\ ":~':~~ (;;{:'3f Y.,' \1..;: ~~:..!;: .'.:::'.~;:. ,~~:)'<';';: ;',~: :."'. ,';r "i ~",:,'.~ :'~: lr~~t~:")I.,:,I;;~:.,.t :t~1 :,;::1.." f.;~,,: ,,"'),; ~?\ ";~;;;~:~J,: FL.) ,,~, - . I.( ~II;~I/'~'l '~~~\i.t,..n.~~~~u~nM..~;'~~::~"-':''L1 ~~"~~.:L~:~:~.~~i..;',,"J~~:;;\~~~l~~~i!.:\~" u~ ....,!).,.o~:'~;... @.,.;n . .l,.. .:.~~' r "'.~'"," ~t t '~. ., ::~:.1 \~~.:;~'~...~:.:l . ~_...... ....~...- .. Tropi~ Hills is located in the southeastern portion of the City'S service area. Adjacent land uses include single- family homes to the south and east, City owned recreation areas to the north and east, a mobile home park to the north and developed commercial properties to the southeast. Across U.S. 19 from this site is a large mobile home park. a highly urbanized area with development encompassing nearly This is all of the surrounding lands. Land to the west of Tropic Hills was developed in the mid,1960's as the Morningside Subdivision in the City. The City has provided the residents of Morning- side and the b~adows with swimming, tennis and other recrea- tional facilities. The City has designated a planning area which includes both the incorporated City, developed enclaves which are adjacent to the incorporated area, and vacant outlying lands which are near the incorporated developed area. Tropic Hills lies within the City'S planning area, in subsector 7. subsector includ~s 1,467 acres. This In 1975, the population of this subsector was estimated to be 14,840. in this subsector is developed, and the population of this Most of the land subsector is expected to remain stable over the next twenty Because Tropic Hills is essentially surrounded by yea.rs. incorporated lands, the City has already been involved in the planning of transportation systems which serve the Tropic Hills area.. Z M . .. . ~ Reao. ,679-.89 attachment. 9/20/79 .l.' , .\' " .~. . \ .' " ": . ~"'~M,."urrw~ . . ," c . - -- ,..__n.....__ :.~~~,-----""~.. ~ ~~ ~'Ii.~~' ;.~ . }.,LI~.-:,...!"'r~:'~' 1,- {t'~~1r ~~ :'~,~.r1~~~.~'" J!ll}~l'~'" ~"'t4~.t'..t.-j;"I.~'':''''' JlJ"r.I"".i'""""'t..;\t~W"'I',''''''''''''',;"""""", 'Dr'~..~,#qo-"~1~M~.');.~~!:-w.1~~~~J~.J."':'I.~<~.1""1.\.,..~. ....."1 #(:1 ".' '. . ,J':;',. 0" ~t:->- ,.,~~~;(.,<:',~. :,,~,~ '.',' '~,i",'/" ~ ~1.. t" ,...:.".: ,? 0,:, ,,':':", ,.;~~ ,..:~:. ~ ~\>i:.: ,_~:,'"'' -:';I'f- ,~:.:,;.~ '::>&"" \...;;,,~~);:~i~!' ,..'.'.,"~~,< i.t!' ;;,' ",o.' ' . ~'f..::\iS'r:~~,/J:./'~.(,'" ~Y:~I ~ ~, :....~.~: 'J, ~..,J ~::' (1 ~ " + If.'. ~ . ~"~ '.' "'~. .;;,~ ,.r~t'.:1"~\{;/WI" ~~I~\I~,t{:~}~f .~~~h~\:'~ht::l~t}'~/"" l':..',~:ttt;i,'!t\.'rf}.:~~~:: ,,\'"~\ '~.;~ ~ . _ .,J ~I ~, .. ~ /.' ,. _'t P. '. L i- "'i"l;~ "~,,... > r.. \ 1"\ ~ ~. . + :.n ,,,~~.:"-) ~"i'+ <---~ ~~~f.~'" .rw,;..' " ".\."~'~"'~" _f I ~""I," ", ,.~" \"'d ,; .., ',', ',!..' 4. 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',' \ ~~. <, ..~ ~ ::"':, ~ ....:, \' l '-':"~ .~ ~....~. t<' ..:, ~?~~;-:.. r~~~l.~~(;;;a-:;~~d;,{...;~', ~ -t:~;:l~'~.: J;fi};" t'l;~"-,, 'r...d J.o\r.......~...--......l._~-c.::"'~.......~~.ll....-...',..~.............llIUril C2\ ~~~~~.~.~;) " ~" ...:.... .'.,. (.. (\: ;) ~1;~,''''' 7 I'll. 'URBAN SERVICES DEl.,IVERY PLAN This section includes a description of the current level of urban services provided to the Tropic Hills area ~nd the level of servi~es which would be provided after annexation. Police: Tropic Hills is currently served by the Pine lIas County Sheriff's Department. The Sh~riff operates from a centralized facility at Ulmerton Road and Seminole Boulevard in mid-Pinellas County. After annexation, law enforcement services will be provided by the Clearwater Police Department, with offices located on.Pierce Street. City police protection would be instituted. immediately upon annexation. It is expected that response times for City police services would be shorter than those provided by the Sheriff. Tropic Hills is served by the Clearwater Fire Department. This service is provided under the provisions of a fire service Fire: district agreement, with a fee for service added onto the property tax in the fo~m of separate millage. payment would be dropped after annexation, but the service itself This method of would not change. Street Lighting: Tropic Hills currently has no street lights. After annexation the City will install and maintain street lights in the developed area. Installation of these lights on wooden poles with overhead wiring will'be made at no charge to the affected properties. processed after the annexation. Work orders for installation will be 3 ReBo~' 079-89 attachment I 9/20/79 ~ " ~ ~ l .---- I I, ~. . r ......... ~'........... ..,,;~.....:) ....t, .........-~~ ",: 1- -.:;.~ "f" f"\,....~,,\~)I..~...:. ~..\:.'...;t"~~~)1j~. l\.~~ ~. A ~"~:..~ ..~.,.I (7;\. \.. .' .. P:,;,.. Street.Repairs: 'After annexation, potholes will be repaired at no cost to ~djacent property owners. Should any streets need to bo recaved or rebuilt with curbs and gutters, the City would - . 'bear one-third of the cost, with the remaining two-thirds to be shared by the affected property owners. Sidewalks: Residents of Tropic Hills do not have sidewalks within their residential area. Should they desire to have side- walks installed, the City policy has been to assess proper~y owners for materials cost, with the City crews providing labor. This policy would be applied in Tropic Hills subsequent to annexation. Library: Residents of Tropic Hills currently have no free public library service available to them. They may purchase a c~rd at an annual cost of $17 dollars per family which entitles them to use the Clearwater Public Lib!ary and its pranches. Library privlleges would be extended at no charge to Tropic Hills residents after annexation. Parks & Recreation: Pinellas County operates several large regional parks, but does not Qperate any neighborhood recreational facilities. Currently, the nearest puLlic park facility open to residents of Tropic Hills is Philippe Park in Safety Harbor. The City of Clearwater operates two parks adjacent to Tropic Hills. These parks prbvide a full range of recreational activities, including a seven~een cour~ tennis center. Access to these facil- ities is open to all City residents; others must pay a fee of twenty dollars per person per year to obtain access to these facilities. 4 Reso. '79-89 lattachment 9/20/79 :-, .,~. ~...~.....~-.., ~ ::...:~~\....._~" --.1-"""'t~l..tTJPI'""'" .w,,:, - . ........, '"'~'~:;f::::?}"'~:- .'~"~; "f:':::':~, ';C,'j;~;~~'::;;'~;i;::";~":': '~:,:,:,~;;';~,:;i;0;?ii.:'.~?'~~'~';;'~" b".c<::..!.;~~l.'~~.<li:i\ ,:!,:..~~' ",;. ""IL!,:": .', .:. :". '. -i(,' ,c ". .;... ',' . ':'.:~!J!~~""':'\{rf,;ti.?;"):~;:':~ ;;;,"": ,;:.,: .~:,~~,..~}t~:"::;".:J!:,~~.;t {:~l' l'~~l'~~~~;~~:~ ~",.~'~i..~ ,": ..~ :'l~~\~'\'t.' ',I' i~.;) ~~. ~~ '1 ':\:, :, ,/, :~ . ,-/- ,,;'\ :,:,~ V<.. ~)..<t..:, :it jl'::~' >'JI:t,,~~. \~ ~:..t~ ..:'..;~.~~~.tA"" ~~:;,:~'.~.J. ,~r;- ;:.rr;'~'t:,")'ll;;'J~,t:\~',)-:-i' :';:fJ~'.:';:'!.;'.: ',~, ,'~, ,: .~...;",:,'1:~ '~, .' >',' '~: ;",.0: . \ ",Ji}\~,,;:.i~::'i;,l.'Z;'lr"., ~:'it(. 'N. :\':; r::?l. ;",:";,\"g~~\~~.;t~~0.t L ~...~~..~~~'\........................-.~........~,~t'Ao,..w--...~.............-.u:.o...:;:'.J..;....l..._....J........~~.....' .........~.... (:':\ 1 '.:) __,t' p\ . . ( .........;.,.,i) Sewage Collection and Treatment: Residents of Tropic Hills are currently provided witn sewer service. ' Effluent from residences in Tropic Hills flows by gravity to a privately-operated sewage treatment facility located at the southeast corner of the sub- division. This treatment facility was designed to provide secondary treatment of sewage but problems have been experienced with operation of the facility. State standards require that 90 percent of all suspended' solids and BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) be removed prior to discharge of effluent. According to the Enforcement Section of the Department of Environmental Regulation, the Tropic Hills sewage treatment plant'has not consistently met required standards "for quite awhile" and the operators of this plant have been notified that they are in violation of DER standards. 1~en the discharge permit for the Clearwater East sewage treatment plant was granted by DER, it was specifically mentioned that the City consider accepting the effluent from Tropic Hills. After annexa~iQn the Tropic Hills sewage treatment plant will be deeded to the City. This plant will be bypassed and effluent will be directed to an existing City sewer line adjacent to the proper~y. The Tropic Hills plant will then be phased out and dismantled. Residents of Tropic Hills pay four dollars per month for sewer service. The City sewer rate is fOUT dollars and twenty- five cents per month per 100 cubic fee~ of effluent. Cit~ staff has estimated the cost of connecting Tropic Hills to the City trunk line at $34,000. This estimate in~ludes $lO,OOO to scrap the old sewage treatment facility. 5 .," Reao~'79-89 attachment 9/20/79 ',) J.',: I I' \~: ~.: ,n I . . ~ . 'I,' r:~ ~~Jt."'~~'1r""""'4'}All""'l. J IU.1i I.:.n<~~.............. - . - . ;J '.' --- .' "~'~~;;:~f;~:::~:i:;,~:},."~',~.~.... ..~ ~T;:' ;: ',~..'.:':;':;'~~.'~';'g';~~:'i:;r:~';.~~[~:;::i;~~~~;~;;i~&~~~?r~:"'~ :";:, :::: ~;~~~ "'~:-!.~.............'+. > ...~.,~, "... , ....., -',' ,...., . ..... ' .. ,.. .., ',':. c-" ." ;, ..;~.~, ":<I',3\'.'f""~'}1.,~:,: .:" .,., . \ . '.H~" ). ." l'~ '".,J....I-.d..':'.I.(..~p....,tr ;r:l;\, ~~.iI;M .......i.;........ ~~'aol'"~t..;'WW_~_.....:..............~il.......(WJ1a'~......,.....~.;.~:....~~.~...::,..~~~ ~.' , ~ !.. 'I ~'. .;. . J J. ,.~~., ..',., t::'>; t, ,~ -.:~~J~T"r' Water:. Tropic Hills is curTently served with water from the Pinellas County water system. After annexation, the City would have the option of purchasing these customers from the. County. A decision to"purchase would depend, in part, on the results of a survey of the condition of the water system. Should the City desire to purchase the Tropic Hills water accounts, connection to the City's water system can be easily effected. Connec~ion would be made to a C~ty water main at the intersection of Tropi~ Hills Drive and U.S. 19. A second connection would be made at the Edenville Avenue to provide a looped system. The estimated cost of these connections is $64,000. IV. FINAL'lCING Residents of Tropic Hills will be permitted to tap into the City sewer system without payment of tap fees after annexa- tion: The Clearwater East sewage treatment facility will receive the effluent fro~ Tropic Hills, and sufficient capacity is already in place to accept the additional floli. Th~ sewer main exten- sion needed to tap in the Tropic Hills facility is relatively short (approximately 100 feet) and will be extended at City expense. City sewer service will be available to these units within three months of annexation. The financial impact of providing other urban services to Tropic Hills will be negligible. As a highly urbanized City with a population of 92,000, Clearwater's infrastructure and .urban service delivery systems are well developed. The marginal cost of providing such services as police, libraries 6 Resa. *79-89.attachment 9/20/79 I' ',. ij' 4~.-;;:"-><<m::L""~""""''''~ I ~~~~~. . I M"'~.~"""'" ~ J,. Iwa'~ '.'J.~. ..:':, i~,.~' ( . ~ j' .... }~i,. /}:}i;..~ ~':f~~~~~~ ~fi " " TABLE I Comparative property tax rates, City and County non-exempt prope:~y . value of $23,560. LEVY ., MILLAGE CLEARWATER COUNTY - School 8.000 $ 188.48 $188.48 County 5.914 139.33 139..33 MTSU 1.010 0 23.80 Transit ..240 5.63 5.63 City 5.456 iZ8.S4 b Fire 3.320 0 78.22 Total Taxes $ 461. 98 $435.46 Fees for Services (op tional) Library 0 $ l7.00 . .. h Parks & Rec.(Z.4 Persons/H.H.) 0 48.00 Total optional Fees 0 65.00 Grand 'Total (Equivalent Service Level) ,$ ~61. 9~. $500.46 ,~ . ' - 8 - . '.'. ., :" " 1"' '~'" I. t' !:. ". " ',' j I" '. ~ ,>< . " , , . :;, . .". >. ", ," . ~ ..' ."Reao ; 179';; 89'-:attachment '\':" ' ":;:~>:.>'F?,/ i>>;::::.:,:".!:':i>{..~ ;:.~::;:o:;. :"/:"::~.;'.'::"i:;/\:< :':'..:'?; .::~: '\ ' '. . , '~_ I' ,.\ "j' .' \ ,~/2~/7.9 .,'., , " ~ I. I . " ", " .. '. ~ f ~ i . ,I, '.' ",(.;, " ~ F"fM1tt. ".f, ..;..... I '~;....~~~:',... ""I ~ ~.o:~.~.. l~. " I . . .\ '.\ ,.'1-.. ~ .' , . 179'>. \.c . u I \ \~;'~:~"-' C\ \.~.'~::t~.~) CONCLUSION As -part of an urbanized area, residents exceed the needs of Tropic Hill's \ . those of other residents of the unincorporated area who live in less thickly settled areas. In part, these needs are met through purchases of service (fire, library) from neighbori~g jurisdictions. In part, these needs have gone unmet. In particular the inadequacy of the Tropic Hills sewage treatment It cannot be Plant is critically important to property owners. expected that the Department of Environmental Regulation will permit continued discharge of effluent which does not meet required standards. Subscribers to this service would ultimately be required to bear the costs of upgrading the system, a cost which will ,not be incurred if annexation is' chosen. Residents of Tropic Hills and the owner of the vacant par- cel which fronts on U.s. 19 have the option 'of independent action or joining with the City. From the informa~ion presented, it would appear that an increased quality of services can be obtained at little cost if the option of annexation is chosen. The City has, as a matter of policy., stated its desire to prevent or eliminate unincorporated enclaves within the service area. Therefore, this annexation action would be consistent with City pOlicy. After annexation, development within this area will be controlled by the City. Any new deve~opment will be subject to sewer tap and other applicable fees. Under County zoning regula- tions, the undeveloped parcel would be permitted to develop in commercial usage to a limited depth. City :oning will be deter- mined by the City Commission at the time of annexation. 9 '. Resa "79-89 attachemnt 9/20/79 . ,. I " '. ~ \ ' ~~~~~J1_1I"'~___~~"~ ..~..... ~ ..:, ~~'.< I. ..~.r '\ -r'-L. " t.; ~~""~"'t<-. . : ~~~~, ;,~: .c . ~ ~ , ,.. ~".~~>~ ~'J. ~,"'.l. .,~... r:?::' ' ;.'.;" ...... r~i::;' ~;;;/;k;!!:. ',. .... ~. .',' ,.~~..~,. 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