77-44 0 RtSOLUTION No. 77 - 44 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SET OF RULES TO GUIDE; THE CITY COMMISSION IN CONDUCTING ITS BUSINESS AND MEETINGS. f i ??I r t?:.viw:f y ?? xt WHEREAS, the City Commission at the present time does not have a not of guidelines or rules to guide it in the conduct of its business; and WHEREAS, the business conducted by the City Commission has grown to such an extent that a set of guidelines or rules would assist the Commission in the more orderly conduct of those matters that come before it, and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to adopt and implement such a set of rules or guidelines; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: That the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida. hereby adopts the following rules to govern it in the consideration and administration of its affairs and the business presented to it: r RULE 1 A quorum for the transaction of business by the City Commission shall consist of three (3) Commissioners. Presiding officer of the City Commission shall be the Mayor-Commissioner. In case of his absence, the Vice Mayor shall assume those responsibilities, and if both are absent, the senior Commissioner in years of service shall preside. The Presiding Officer shall preserve carder. He may call to order any member of the Commission who shall violate any of the rules; and, when in the chair, he shall decide all questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal. The chair shall recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. Normally, members of the public shall be allowed to speak. All questions shall be stated and put by him, and he shall declare all votes. RULE 22 r The City Clerk shall make correct minutes of the proceedings of each Commission meeting, and shall furnish copies of the minutes of each regularly scheduled meeting to the Mayor Commissioner and to each Commissioner at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the next regular meeting. Such minutes shall stand confirmed at the regular sheeting of the Commission without the reading thereof in open meeting unless some inaccuracy or error be pointed out by some member of the Commission present, and in such event, an appropriate correction shall be shade. Upon request, the City Manager will cause the City Clerk to provide any iteso. 077-44 -1? 5/5177 ron?i?r'??1'aF3P•.'?".tia,K"e?'?'K?'"1, ,,' °''!;r ??`Mf.4l?? ,`M'., '.`.?i:L: ??'9;?Z'.?t°,.r?x???`n?2. ... `°.?'`•<'.+ , a .. ...`?': _?... ?......•.ry`:.i,>?..'.]'r:"...?.??..._:')'.:.1r?%isleti?;'??-??;*?i?3•?+t1:S;?F.??.t#''.Y.'.3;?S:.e??'??r.?"f?G:?t? 0 S'MI a:'`' Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of tapes of City Commission workshop or regular or special meetingo. RULE 3 All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. Every ordinance shall be read at two (2) distinct Commission meetings before it is passed, except when it is designated an emergency ordinance, containing a declaration describing the emergency and receiving a 2/3 vote of the Commmission. Such emergency ordinance shall remain effective for ninety days after effective date. All resolutions, ordinances and contracts require three (3) affirmative votes for passage. RULE 4 A copy of each ordinance when passed shall be furnished by the City Clerk to the heads of all City departments concerned. RULE 5 The City Commission shall meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 9:30 A. M. in its chamber. Special meetings may be held on call of the Mayor-Commissioner, City Manager or any two of the members and, whenever possible, upon no leas than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. A work session shall be held at 9:30 A. M, the first working day of the Commission meeting week. Work sessions are primarily designed for information gathering and guidance, and no formal Commission decision approving or disapproving agenda items or items scheduled for public hearing may be made. Except for items advertised for public hearing, items may be removed from the agenda and additional items may be added. The agenda may be re-ordered. Minutes shall be taken and distributed by the City Clerk. Only staff members shall be included in the work session discussion unless prior arrangements are made through the City Manager. Town meetings shall be held at 7:30 P. M. on the fourth Monday of each month (excluding June, July, August and December). They will be scheduled at City-owned facilities throughout the corporate limits when possible. RULE b The City Commission shall appoint all committees and advisory boards in accordance with the provisions of the administrative code. The City Clerk shall furnish each committee or advisory board with copies of all resolutions relating to the concerns of said committee or advisory board, which shall be delivered by the most economical method to the chairman of such committee or advisory board within four (4) days after the passage of the same, or as soon thereafter as possible. RULE 7 No Commissioner shall abstain from voting on any matter. Any Commissioner who votes in his official capacity on a matter in which that Commissioner has a direct or indirect personal or financial interest, must, within fifteen (I5) days after the Commission meeting file with the City Clerk a memorandum explaining that interest in the matter. The memorandum shall be received by the City Clerk and incorporated into the minutes of the meeting. ftaao. #77-44 -2- 'Nj 5/5/77 I 5 L !- - .f • ._.J-• •i' ?y.?,ll:.jti;s.i?'???'?5?,??Yja'f''.q-'"?sr.` A kv 0 RULE 8 The City officials whose regular attendance shall be required during the sittings of the Commission shall be the City Clark, City Manager and City Attorney or their substitutes; but all or any other officers of the City shall be bound to attend any meetings upon direction of the City Manager or by special request of any Commissioner to the City Manager. RULE 9 No citizen, except those determined to be out of order and subject to removal by the Chief of Police, shall be excluded from any meeting of the Commission whether it be regularly scheduled or specially called. RULE 20 The order of business shall ordinarily be: 1. Special recognitions and awards 2. Minutes of previous meetings 3. Citizens to be heard re items not on agenda 4. City Manager reports 5. Public hearings (12; 34 P. M. ) b. City Attorney reports 7. Other Commission action RULE 11 -1 7 Any member of the Commission who voted with the prevailing side may move a reconsideration of any action of the whole Commission; provided that the motion be made at the same meeting at which the action was taken. A motion to reconsider shall be in order at any time (during the meeting at which the action was taken) except when a motion on some other subject is pending. No motion to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject or matter at the same meeting. Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5 vote. The motion may be made by any Commis sioner. RULE 12 The City Manager, City Attorney, or any Commissioner may agenda an item. Any citizen may request to be agendaed, even though staff has assured petitioner that adverse action may result. The Chair cannot depart from the prescribed agenda but the Commission may do so by a 4/5 vote or by consensus in response to a suggestion from the Chair. RULE 13 These rules, or any of them, witli the exception of Charter provisions, may be amended or temporarily suspended at any meeting of the Commission by an affirmative vote of four (4). members thereof. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of the business of the Commission only, and no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Coirimission when approved by the majority votes required by the Charter. 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K s''?? +??.:.i? r'.'9?tr' w g '?y, ?6 ! ?r jr-4 r`t •fi? ?'- ,'r?`.4(.•Y IS.1 ¢ ri, .yt? ,. ii F"? yet S. xG ria ?'S,ili?. ?•. „(F5 5.;?7ti5:'l a t ^} ti:.' rE;?•?:(,.3 'T't,{ ? t.1:i •zt.. .+yN ??; a r, ?'.s ??;`;' i, 'r.9s'k1.+':?~•?n ...?.?.i.. Y.._ .loM...:.1?• .aN+'S>•.-? ! .,_ ?•J r;?._ Ca j {y? RULE 14 Any member of the Commission making a motion of"second shall address the Chairman and await recognition before speaking. The Chair must recognize any person who seeks the floor while entitled to it. The person making the motion is entitled to the floor first for debate. No one is entitled to the floor a second time on the same motion as long as any other member who has not spoken on the issue desires the floor. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Chairman before any debate shall be in order. Upon presentation of agenda Items, members may ask questions and request additional information prior to making motions. For a member to discuss a matter while no motion is pending requires permission from the Com- mission. Motions and any amendments can be withdrawn or modified by the maker at any time prior to the Chair stating the question on the motion; after that time, the permission of the Commission majority must be obtained. The Chair cannot close debate as long as any member who has not exhausted his right to debate desires the floor except by an affirmative vote of four (4) members. A tie vote shall constitute a continuance to the next regularly scheduled meeting. RULE 15 The following motions are not debatable: To adjourn To lay on the table To take from the table For the previous question c : . RULE lb ,1 t• .. ,, ' f Individuals speaking an non-agenda items shall be limited to five minutes. RULE 17 The Commission shall, at the direction of the Chair, take a ten minute break approximately every two hours, and shall recess at 11:30 A. M. for lunch, unless by unanimous vote it is agreed to continue. RULE 18 All material prepared by the City Manager for the Commission shall be provided to the press and to the public via a special box in the City Clerk's office. Reports shall be made available in the Clerk's office for the public to check out and study at leisure. RULE 19 All mail to the Mayor-Commissioner and the Commissioners arriving at City Hall received pursuant to law or in. connection with the transaction of official business by the City of Clearwater shall be copied immediately and provided to the other Commissioners and to the press with the following exceptions: t -4- 'Reso. f77-44 5/5/,77 .'? :$. a: ':L'.':jt ;IC stxl'f.Y °µ"f, .??..+' ,, i`, '???,?°,l. r, .. ., a'T+•: }s''?;, ?.? ,.? ,?., f •?!;€•?,S?i,3? ? 'r?r.. `}ri ,ti?r? :if_'?'j ,• ! . 'i'1. `f ??: '??.'t.f?`ra : pp ? .. .. ... ? ? ? -- -- - -- -- -. --.r.r.`- - '-?1i???,??irr?tirWi?M??YWI?IYIY? r .M , ., 1 Q (a) Mail from governmental agencies, addressed to the Mayor, clearly intended for the Chief Administrative Officer of the City which requires administrative action or staff action, will be delivered to the City Manager with informational copy to the Mayor. (b) Anonymous letters will not be distributed. (c) Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards upon which the Commissioners serve will not be copied. Only the agendas will be circulated. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be i copied, but instead a memo will be distributed announcing the availability of the item in the office. (d) Mail with the words similar to "Personal", "Confidential", or "For the Addressee Only" will be delivered unopened to the addressee. (e) The Mayor-Commissioner and Commissioners receiving individually addressed mail will be responsible for replying, asking the City Manager or City Attorney to reply, or placing the matter on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. (f) The City Manager will be responsible for seeing that mail addressed to the Mayor and other City Commissioners is properly answered or placed on the agenda. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May, A. D. 1977. Att ; Ci Clerk Mayor-Commis o er G ?• '??1 r.?,?Z!{t-iY /,?Z:, C'.?;'t:?f ^`dY-?;Ji• a:?•{(".'-t :'.' a:,•sl d{°i s? ? I•. ; ?!. iA' f•.... `"r 1t'. ,'lr sr ?iri.. ?4.?i' ;? ??°?,:. ? .? WE l ll`' iitl'4u::fnA•w:?.ir: ?r.9tr?r.' ': •' E. ; ? . `' ... ...' - . - , . .., . .., ?.