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MOTOR POOL . PURCHASING . SURPLUS PROPERTY November 21, 1973 Plca5e address reply to: Room 115 MEMOR1\NDUM TOt Agency Addressed SUBJ'ECTt Energy Conservation POlicy On November 20, 1973, the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Governing Board of the Department of General Services. adopted the attached energy conservation policy for State buildings and operations, This policy was designed to serve as a model for energy conservation, not only in State Government, but also in. tho cities, counties, and other political subdivisions throughout the State, Each governiug body must consider the requirements of the operations under its jurisdiction--spocifically taking into account. the safety and well being of the employees, inmates. paticntsf and the general pUblic--bcfore daciding which of these energy conservation steps to implament. In additionf we respectfully invite you to inform us of any energy conservation ideas relating to governmental operations that you do not find included in the energy conservation policy. Our purpose in conveyin9 this information to you is to open up the lines of communication, so that we may all mutually benefit from the cxperionce and expertise that exist throughout this State in the area of cnergy con5~rvation, As ,public agencies supported by tax dollars, it is incumbent upon us to do our fair share toward alleviating this problem in the state of Florida. L~~~:< Executive ~irector JOKIer Attachment I":. : Rl~,hm 0'0, A'k..... GOVlJrnor Tholml D. O'~"II"y Tr..lurer Rltll.'lI rD,~kl Slon~ S~CrlJI.fV 01 SI,I, . Doyl, COllnm Commllllonrr 0', A;ro~uUu'" ROil".' L, ShlJvn. AlIofn,'V GGn,'r.' Fu',1 O. O"~"'"'' , " Cn"'IUro~II'" FIOV.1 T. CI1II'I'Rn COln'III'I'on." 01 EtiUl'nt.OOl . ~. ;:> c~ . . .~.~::.<~ :...,">. 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HVAC-l UVAC-2 IIVAC-3 HVAC-4 HVAC-S, HVAC-6 " Q, " ' . .. ~ ~ . \,':": @" . . ~ " , 'n HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS SETTINGS/REQUIREMENTS Raise room, arcaf or zon~ th~rmostat Gettings to 7B degrees in the sum~erf and lower to 60 degreos in the winter. Check and calibrate the thermostats to ensure operational accuracy. Please refer to dress standards in [ormation in the adminis- trative section. Reduce temperature in pUblic spaces, lObbies, cooridors, to G5 degrees in the winter and increase the temperature BO degrees in the summer. etc. , to For those systems with humidity controls and equipment, raise the humidistat setting to 60 per cent in the summer and lower the setting to 40 per cent in the winterf or disconnect the system completely for non-critical areas. -Operating rooms, somo computer applications, and similar operations may be considered critical and should not have service reduced. Make use of outdoor When this is done, not in operation. air during periodS of comfortable weather. be sure that heating/cooling equipment is' RedllCQ the outdoor ventilation requirements of the building to 5 cubic feet per minute/per person when the present 'system provides greater quantities than this. When this lowered quantity is less than the normal toilet and other exhaust requirements, reduce only as required until balance is achieved. If possible, reduce the exhaust requirements to permit addi- tional ventilation reductions. Reduce outdoor air infiltratIon by ensuring windows, doors. and other potential leakage aroas are tightly closed. ,Re~ pair and caulk cracks where necessary. Install and/or ~djust automatic door closers on outside doors. " -1- ,~ '; .: ~\: :,~::,:~ . .' ~L ~ .I/'", '., ~+ . ...1) .) :>{t '~.:f..t~:':~~:~~~.l~:~~~~~J.;.; '. f,"{ :~:, .:' . l.. .' ~ ' 0-2 0-3 @.:., . . -oJ'" ..~. ,. . .... .. ~ 6.'.'.' ,.,. . . . OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 0-1 Shut down or adjust temperature of heatingf ventilating and air conditioning systems for holidays and weekends. This can be done manuallYf with time clocks (installed, if practicable), or with computerized controlo. If at all possible, it is recommended that the systems be shut down. If not feasible, set temperature at 55 degrees in winter and BO degrees in summer. Turn off the ele"ctrical power to all refrigerated drinking fountains. When leaving a room or area unoccupied, turn off Install carda on light switches as a reminder to lights when leaving the room. all lights. turn off 0-4 In the winter, open blinds and drapes on the sunny side of a building and close them on the cold side of the building and at night. In the summer, close the blinds and drapes on the sunny side and open them at night, if the outside temper- ature is below 78 degrees. 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 ' Turn areas off or or unoccupied air handling floors. serving equipment unused Turn off domestic-type hot except where health rules and haat forbid. exchangesf water heater.s and regulations Shut off kitchen and other exhaust systems when not in use or when not absolutely required, consistent with He"a1th Department rules. Shut off chemistry hoods when not in use, unless hazardous conditions will exist. Turn off all swimming pool temperature requir~ments. the pOOls, combine and/or heaters, or decrease the water If absolutely ~ecessary to operate reduce schedules and usage. -3- , '.y .,. ~ . ;, ~:..~ ... . '....~ ,I '1> ': '\ i,' @:'::\- ,~ . ," ,. ,-:-;. ~.~, . \ @"'::';" ! '-'. ,,\ ,,~ ~ ,'~ 1 '."!T'P MINOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONf ENERGY-SAVING SUGGESTIONS C-l Inspect attic to ensure the place. spaces in insulation buildings with insulated ceilings has not deteriorated and is in a. If insulation is not the equivalent of 6 inch of fiberglass, which produces a "U" factor (heat/cola transmissibility) of 0.06, add insulation to achieve this value. b. If the attic space is not vented and not have thermostatically controlled fans~ add ventilation devices. does exhaust C-.2 For buildings that have insulated roofs and make use of the ceiling apace for return air, ensure that the roof insulation is in good condition. Repair or replace as necessary. C-3 Reduce summer window solar loads by: a. Installing externally mounted solar in the east and west exposures. screens b. Keeping the blinds and drapes closed on the sunny side. C-4 In southern parts of th6 State, if practicable, ensure ~he roof has a'highly reflectivn surface color (White) to reduce building cooling loads. NOTE: Any State agency desiring to implement any suggestions that cost money, must follow normal procedures estab- lished by the Department of Administration for. the expenditure of fundsf inclUding, but not limited to, certification that funds are available and complete justification of need. ~dditionally, any proposed modifications must be approved by the Division of Building Construction and Maintenance for State- owned or leased office space. -5- d -, :' ./.:.~.\' '.T: " .... t'. ..",' ~t1"IJUf~."""~., 1 . ~ . , , ~ '. "( ...', 1 ~" I.:, .," I.~> ;1{ ,-) " ~1l--~t;.t~W"'M'rt':'I,,"'}.t:"V'{"~:; ~""~~n~'."Yl""'<!-',"""~':!o:e;;;'0":W"" .' ~""t',r ~;r;,\d~~""",#,~:';~,P~~P:'n~"'1:7f.1.l,~,~t}:,,;,,,,,,~,' of> ~,~'~'r..;('-I'i'''''~''!?'~~~~~_~''' ,-""...:-. k' ',':;>:,',: :ii,':..:".O',~'~,~~":'l",~:.~.;~'\"'..','.:=d.",,,r.!~;(,:::,.!,;J\",:':',',,,:;~rj'!:,~...,:_.,'~:k<.: '~'."'.;l':"" ,<'~~~.,.:(.,; '('i'" ,;., >......,; 'H;' :""'\,.' il~"'I;H_.:t'.1t>~"i\.:.-:"~':;"'::-l-:' '-.l..~'r. 'J' d.~~'lf',.' 'l";" ~t.;;;~~ W'I;~\~ . 'V;..;::;,)/~'tJ'-...- ,~_.";".. ..,":l.:K ,','~, o;Y'> '~-"'I,'" :'~t} h 'if!>,. '~<,.! ~~;:-::-jj"';otJ'~4';.;'~f' f.:.c~,u.~'.l... ~'t:+ ~." ll':.e.-<."f"TI,.>::,... '~ (.1~.~~. ~~ ~i:;"): +'"" :>;'-":'}I{::'iJ.t,J,'.':'9flr",\~;) .....!. ,~: ~"'h t~~~.\ :1;;. ,~{"r \ :',,'"' ~\~~.l" ,....~ ; 4~~.(U'j.-h~.l.i'~'}"'" ~0.,..hJ.i'L,""~ l: t. 'Vol .. ':.. I. i~ 15-.... t~ t"",. . 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I,~ 'I~ '..;' I~ .'.-'.: :.' : \'. ,~',Irl 'J,. "~jo.'~ r\I.~..dt>' \";:,~-';':":lj',\.~~'~.~..~~':lf,.:.';;<~Lt'!.. "'JIl'rt".-.'",;,--t'~~1.\~. ~.tll."''''-r~'<,'' . ~f '''t 'I~" "'I i,l. JI"\' r . '. ~~:. '\,~; ".,.:,d'~~t:"~\f:!~;.+.t"'.J:~LiA;'A"~":-!i!~~')f~U~~\ i~d'rt~ \ ';';:"~',.: (.;1;:~~-~:t:\~ 1";.,'~J'(!J w .:f~'~~.f t:. >'i ':tJ.c.:i:'~'lj L t ~{).o~~\ ~ ':':o"'ii<<.,~~:",,'1 io( '.'"'t1:~J">f,~J.. . 'l,!'~'i!'l 'V~\,.;\t. f .~~11;~ \ ;xiji;~f: ~~~;\ -s~(~r<<~' {~~:4;~ ,J)i~;~~J , ,:): .~~~ . " MV-l MV-2 MV-3 MV-4 MV-5 MV-6 MV-7 MV~8 MV-9 @.",. ,'." I . ^1,c' ~ ~ MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATioNS Except to relieve emergency situations for the protection of life or property, the maximum speed limit of nll Stato- owned and leased vehicles will be 50 miles per hour. A vehicle consumes 14 per cent to 20 per cent less fuel at 50 miles per hour than at 70. Plan trips, to the extent possible, so repetitive trips to conduct business in the same area can be avoided. Com- bine tripsf to tho extent practical, when other employees require travel to the same area to conduct business. Assure all equipment is properly assigned in accordance with established vehicle assignment policies. Purchase the smallest :lass vehicle that will adequately, economically, and safeiY meet program needs. Consider the energy efficiency of all mobile equipment purchased. In drivingf do not make jackrabbit startsl but when starting off, make fairly brisk acceleration to get the vehicle through the lower gears and into high as soon as possible. When desired as possible. traffic will permit. traffic and not weave speed is reached, drive as steadily speed as rarely and as smoothly as Drivers should.pace the~selves with in and out of lanes. driving Change In stopping, moderation should be the guide in applying brakes. Drivers should try to anticipate places that they will have to slow down or stop. By ~lowing down early, momentum will carry the car forward without requiring ad- ditional fuel. Use vehicle air ccnditioning only when necessary. Keep vehicles properly tuned and maintained to operate at peak efficiency. Generally, gasoline powered automotive and trucking equipment should receive a tune-up every 12,000 miles. Different vehicles and types of operation will require various frequencies of tune-upsl however, the frequency should be established at a level to keep equipment operating at peak efficiency. -6- . , "c"", '.. ,.!",. ... .. ... ~ }':.' . " ", \. '<:~' .' I' .! -'" , I . ~ ' ::~~~~~~K:~~~~~~_~it;1~;~~~i~' <..t.;.' :.~,' ':-:~-t,,' : !r~"~~~ ..("~"~':.+'1-' ~/. ..."'.. ,~. . ..../. . :.r" :. ;,~.~:~.:.~l ,~..,."'-41;:":-.:" " .: . . .:. ' ,~~