85-84 :.,l- " '. .. e o . ' ~' .~ RESOLUTION No, 85-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND FILE AN APPLICATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE DISASTER RELIEF ACT, . L ",< WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has requested that the City of Clearwater designate an agent for the filing of an application in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining Federal financial assistance under the ~ Disaster Relief Act; and ", , ' . ' ~. ... .'-~ WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater desires to designate an agent for this purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1 . That Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager, of the City of Clearwater, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Clearwater, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Florida, an application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President I s Disaster Relief ~"und. , , , ' , ,~ 1 ~ , ) ~ 2. That the City of Clearwater, a public entity established under the laws of the state of Florida, hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assur~nces and agreements attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof. l.> ...... J;:.. c ,!> , ~', " .; ',. / .J " 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .1. I . , , . I . i I ~ I , " ' : 1.< ., ,..,l . , Attest: , " : :+l. . . >;' ;{;":;. ',';,\:~:;..T.\ ~' :'... . .'. :,: 1"~1- J I. (l~~~, J-.l, "'LJ~... CTIf" Clerk ,> - - .! .. i I ~. . < ~: 'i " Res. " 85-8~ 10/3/85 , " .., , _J... OT", .....:...I:.~..:..::..:.........__..:....._.::~.:..::.._ \ ,{ ,1 1 :;< , , ~ ,. ,j " ,,' " I..'" " \ , ' , ' , , ,~ o , ' Q EXHIBIT A APPLICANT ASSURANCES The Applicant h.rlby a..un'. and clnln.. thai he will comply ..Ith th. rEMA relUlatlona, pollcl", IIIld.Une.. and rtqulnm.nu Includlnl OMB', CIRulars No. A,IIS and A'102. and FMC 14.4, u thlY rel.lIlo Iblappllcallon. ,cup LInce and UM at F,dlnl rund. ror thl. Fldlrally' _Itt.d prajlct, Abo, Ihe Appllcant.lv.. _urance and cerune. with ,..~tto .nd u, candlllon ror th. rranllllll: I. It pou_.. ll.allulborlly to Ipply rar Ih.,rant. and 10 nnancI 15, It will comply with thl provlllona or thl Halch A~I which Umlt .nd contlNcl lb. propo.ad r&clllll": that a rtsolutlon. moUon or th. pollllc.1 .ctlvlty or .mploy.... .Imllu acllon hu bffn duly .daptld or pUMd u an ornclll ICt or lIlI appllcanl'. .onmlnl body, luthafbln, thl nllnl or lb. 111. It will comply wllh the minimum Will Ind mulmum hours Ippllcallon, lncludln, all undlnllndln.. Ind _urlncl' contained prQ'llalant or lIle Fldlral Fair Labot Sundud. Acl. u th.y apply 10 thlraln, and dlrtClIn'lnd autharillnl \hI ptnGn Idlntln.d u the hOlpllal .nd .duclllon.l hutllullon .mploy... or SUI. and ornclll r.p...un...lIve or Ih. . ppllcanl 10 .ct In conn..c lion wllh locll lo"rnm.nlt. thl appllcallon .nd to provldl luch addlllonal Inronnltlon u mlY 1M rtqulrad. 2. It will comply with lIlI provblona or: EIl..cuUv. Ord.r 11988, nlltln, to F100dpllln Mln"lm.n1 Ind Elltcull.,e Ord.r 119110. nllUnllo Prot..cllon or W.lllnda, h .Ul hi" .urncllnl runda IVllllble to m.11 the non.Fld.ra1 th.n or Ibe cO(t ror conatNctlan prollCla, Surncllnt runda will be anllabl. .h.n canttrucllon Is camplllld to utu.. drlCtlvl optrallan Ind mllntlnance or the raclllty ror the PUtpoM conatruclld, 3. 4, It wm nOl .ntlr Inta I ConalNCUon contract(al ror the pro!act or und.rtah olbar actlvlll" unlll Ihl condlllona or thl ,ra,lt pro- 1fIIII(1) hn. bffn mlt. ll. It will provld. and malnllln campt,.ntlnd ad.qua,. IRhlt..ctur- all1lllnHrln, lupt"I.lon Ind InaplCtion tl Ihl caMtNcUon .U. to lnaun Ihat the compl...d work conronDS .11h the approYld pllna and .lIlClncIUan.; that It will l'umlsh prOltnl raportl Ind luch oth.r !nrormatlon u the F.d.ral mnlDr a,ency mlY e. It will optrltl and malntaln the faclllly In Iccordance with the minimum ltandudt 1& mlY be Aqultld or prac:rlbed by the appllc.able Fed.,ll. SUt. and loeal .,.ncl.. ror th. IftIlnt.nanca Ind optttUon or .ucb racllltl... 7, It will rlVI th. IfIl\l'.Ir Illney and the Comptroller aln.raI. lhrou,h any luthorllld nIlAlln...'lvl. &CCIU 10 and the tilht 10 namln. all !'.cONI. books. papen. or docum.nla relatld to the Jnlnl. 8. It will rtqulre the flcUlly 10 b. dlllrned to comply with the "Ametie", Standard S~lncallona ror Mlkln, BIIlldlnp and FlcUlU.. "CCflIlbl. to, and UAbl. by the I'l1Yllcal1y Kandl. capptd." Numbar "111.1-1961, u modlnft\ 14l cra 11)1.11. 7031). The .ppllclnt will bt rupontlble ror conductlnr In. .ptc:tlona to lnautl compliance with Ih... .~llIclllalU by UJ. contractor. 9. It wUI C'UM work on Ih. prollCt 10 bt comm.nc.d within I tIUOnabl.. tlm. ul.r A~lpt or noUncaUon rrom Ihe IIIProfln, Feden! Illney that runcb hue bltn .IIPro....d and will III ,hit ...ork an the IlroJect wlll b. proMeUted 10 COmlll.Uon with re_nable dUI'IaCl. 10. It .Ul not dllpOM or or .ncun,ber Ita Uti. or oth.r lnt"eatt In the sll' end tfCUltl" dllrlnl the ~rlad or F.deral InlltlSt or whU.. ;h. Oonmm.nt holcb bonda. _hleb.Vlr II Ih. lonllt. 11. It alfNl lD comply with Section 311. P.I.. 93.288 Ind with nil. VI or Ih. ClflI allhta Al::t or 1964 (P,I.. 83.3152) and In accQt1Ianct with nUl VI or Ih. Act, no parson In the Unltd Statn thall. on Ihe (rollnd or tIC', color. or nallonal orilln. bt . ududld rlOm partlclpltion In. be d.nl.d the banln.. at. Dr be OthtrwM .ubJtcted to dlal:rlmln.Uon under any pro(rUll ar acU-rlty ror ..hleh the apllllcanl nc.lv.. F.d.ra1 nnanclll ... wtanca and "W Immedlat.ly ukt any m.uuftll nlC_1f)' to etrlCtuat. Ihla IfI'Hm.nl. It IllY real proptrty or .tNCtUtl Is I'fOYlded or Impro"d .,llIl th. aid 0 f Fed.ral nnanclaJ utlat. &Dn .lIund.d to the "lIpllctnl, this lAuranca thall abUllte th. APpllcull, or In the CUI Dr any tranaf.r of .uch proptrty, any , tnnar.,... ror th. parlod durin. which the nil proptrty or .lnit:tUtI Ia uMd tor I IIUtpOM for whIch the F.deral nnanc:laJ udlcanct Ia nt.nlled Dr ror anothlr purpoea InvolYln. the prorialon or ,lmU., Mnica Dr benen.., 12. It .L1I ...bU.ab ..t.,uudt to prohibit employ... trom wn. th.lr J)OlIiUOlU tor I pI...p_ thai is or ,Iy.. the epPluuc. of btIlDIl maUnled by I d"lre for prlnu pin lor theln&ll," or oth.... partlcu1arly tho.a with whom lhuy lwn ruaUy. blllln... or o\.h.r till. 13. I& ..w comply ..11h the raqulmnen.. Dr TIU. n lllIO 'nUe m or the UllIronn Relocation A..latanca and Rial Praptrty Acquj. NtIo/lll Act or 11110 (P.I.. 91-6411) which pro'rid.. ror fllr and equitable tflatm.nt or ptl'tOllI dllplacad .. I rault or Fed.ral and Fed.~y'_bW pro(nm&. 14. U trill comply wllh all requlnm.nt.a Impoead by the F.d.ral ItUlclr a..ncy cone.mlnl .~laJ requlnmenta or law prop-am teqlllrem.nu, II1d oth.r Idmlnllltttlye tlqulrtm.nt.a .pprond In _rdanee with OMU Circular A'102, P.L. 113.2Sll u unanded M.:I'prlllcable Fedlfl.l Relllllllona. . 17. (To the bflt or his knowl.d,e Ind belld) the dlaullt nlld work d_rlbad on nch Fedlral Em.rt.ncy Mln.,lmlnl ".Incy (FEM") PraIICI APpllc.allon ror which Federal Flnlnclal ... ala...nc. II tlqu..lld " .ll,lbl. In I~~ordlnce with the crltaril conUlned In 44 Cod. of Federal a.llllltlolU. Part 2011. .nd IIIPUc.able rEMA Kandbooka, 18. Th. Im.".ncy or dllaat.r tiller ."ork lh.reln d_r1bed ror which redual Aulatanc. Is nqu"t.d hlteundlr dOlI not or will not dUllllcat. ben.nll tlCelyed ror the tune ION bom Iliolh.r IOURe. It wlU (1) pmvld. wlthoul _I to the Unlt.d Sill" In landa. e_mlnll and rl,hlaoot.wey nlClUU)' ror aeeompllthmenl or thl apllrov.d work: (2) hold and ...,. th. Unltad Stat" t,.. rrom dam'l" due to the approved work Dr Federal ru ndln.. This _unnc. Is ~Iyen In conald.ratlon or .nd rorthl IIUrpoM 0 r obtalnln. Iny .nd all Federal trln", 10llU, relmblll'Mmen... ad. vanc... contflc.... proptrty. dltcollnll or oth.r Fedtn! nn.nclal _Ia...nce IIlt.nded an.r the data h.nor to thl Applicant by FEM.... that 'lIch Fedlral Financial ...lIeane. will ba IIlt.nd.d In raUlnct on the nptlSenullona Ind '(fllm.nla mad. In this ... luranc, IiId that Ihe Unlt.d Stat.. thal1 hlv, th. rilh t 10 ...k ludlclal .nroR.m.nt or thla utUflnca, This ...u ranC. Is blndlnl on the Ippllcant, I... IUCCIfIIOR. tranaf.rM', and ...l,n.... and \h. pinon or ptnona WhOM .I,nltutlS .pptar on the renna II .u. lhorlJad to a1ln tb" utlinnce on behalf or lIl. applicant. It will com Illy wl\h lIl. nood llIIlIranc. putch... nqulrem,nt.a Dr Stetlon 102(1) or th. Flood Dlaul.r I'TDtlCtlon Al::1 or 1913, Public La", 93.234, 87 SUt. 9711. IIIProYld Otcembar 31, 1913, Stetlon 102(1) ttqulna, on Ind an.r M.rch 2. 1975.U,. purch... pr nood hIJurane. In commullltl.. when luch lntunnc. " ."nable u a condlUon ror th. tIeIlpt or IllY F.d.ra1 nnanclal _Ialanc. ror colUltUclion or .cqulllllon putpOlll ror 11M In any ani thll hllJ bHn Id.nUned by th. Dlnctor, F.deral Emert.ncy Manll.m-nl .....ncy II an Itll hlylnt ,~11l nood hu..rclI. The IIhrut "F,deral nnanclaJ _Iaunca" Includ.. Iny ronn of loan. ltant. pannty. IlIIuranct IIlyment, nblt., lumldy, dllaaur utbunc. loan or ,ranI, or .ny olh.r tonn 0 r d Im:t or Indlna F.d.ra1 utltllnc.. II will comply with lb. lnaurane. tlqulnm.nta or Stellon 314. PL 93.288, to obtaln and malntaln InY othlt lllluranc:t ... mlY be rauonabl., Id.quat.. and nlClMll1 to protlCt ..alnal rurth.r 1011 to Iny proptrty which w.. tlplac.d. ralonrd, Apalnd. or con" ..ructed with thll utlatancI. 23, It will datlt rundlll' or any IIm!ac.. In...olvln, n.lIlbl. fu ndln, until FEM'A mak.. a rlYorabl. Inylronmental cltannc.. It thll Is raqulrtd. 2t, It will IIIltt the F.daral (rIotor ..enC)' In III compliance with Stetlon 106 or the Nltlanal Historic l'ttMI'TIUon Acl or 1968 II am.nded. (16 U.s.c 410], Enclllln Ord.r uall3. Ind th; ArchtolOficll and Historic Pr...r'l'ltlon Act or 1II6e (Ie U.9.c. 41191"1 .t Mq,] by II) conaulllnl with the SUte Hlltam l'tntr. nllon orllc:.r on th. conducl or In,"II'ltlolll, un_I")' to Id.ntlty IImptrtl.. lllt.d In or tllllbl. tor Inclutlon In th; Nallonal R..tllt.r at HblDtic pll(lll thai art lubfact to IdntM .UICII (III 38 CFR Part 800.8) by the tetl'rity. ..nd nalityln, lb. F.d.ral tnntor ...ncy of th. .:d,ulM:. or any tuch proptr- U., II1d by Ib) complylnl with "I raqulrem.nll atabllthed by the Fed.ral tnnlDr ..ency to nold Dr mlli,at. Idn,... .rtectl upon lUeb propartl-. 19. 20. 21. 22. 211. It wUI. ror .ny ,..paln or colUltUcUon nnanced b.nwllb. comply with applicable IlIndlrda or ..r.ly, d~.ncy and ..nltallon and In contonnlty with Ippllcable cod... l~lncatlolU II1d lcan. dudt; and. -Ill enluau the natural hU&tda In artll In ",hleb thl procttda or the (rIIIt or loan al'I to be UIId and uk. .p- proprilll acllon to mill'l" IUch hU&tda. Includlnl lIle land IUI and coMtnlctlon pl'lcClclt. STATE ASSURANCES Th. SUt. qrIIlI to takl any nlClllU)' action wllbln SUt. caplbU Ill.. Ia rtqulre compllanct wllb thna UlllflnClt and ..nam.nll by the Ippllcant or lD UIIIm. ....pollllbUlty Ia Ihe Ped.ta1 ,o'.mment ror any d.ncl.ncl.... DOt moly.d Ia lb. 1I1laCactlon or the Kerlonal' D1ractor. ~~..;:e ,} .; rI J .' " f) , ~;l :'; ,0" , ~, , :'&., ,1 , . " ---~. A- , . , . .)1\", '. r, , , ',,: . " , \, : , I . ",.. . ,. , ; . . ~ I~ R_. '. ~'\ ~',~'.~. 'T .. 'j .~ , '\ . ~ . . , . _. .1 .' . I , . , . ,/. ' ~ .','-l >,.1., . ,. ...:' ~ : ; ,,"' . \ >" .' " .:- ~ ~. i, .. ..! > .' ~ . . '.' I . , :!; f '. ~. . !.l f '.. ,:L," I!'.,., ","",'l . ~ 4 .' I /.", ~ ";'~"~.,:.:'~,:,. "."'; ,;/ . ~.\ '" . " .:i :~'~,~,::~; '".' ;,~,~'\V.< ;: ',.f>':.',;:?;::;' !'!"\i,';: ',.': \1,:,1 I.!' ~, '~,. .i \ ',: :.;~::,::,.; . , ; ;';:, ;':' '~>:;':i' :; . . ..;:~. '. . ..~ ~. ~~. . . ...... ....., e ct ..' EXHIBIT A DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT A ESO,...UTION BE IT RESOLVED BY OF (Gollernino Body) (Public Entity J THAT , ; · (Name of Incumbent) (Official POlitlon) OR . Governor)s Authorized Representative. · (Name of Incumbent) is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of . a pUblic er.tlty established under the laws of the State ot ; this application and to roe it in the appropriate State oUlce for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial auistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288. 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund. THAT _ . tl public entity established under the laws of the State of , hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Fedeni1 Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal dbaster assistance the assurances and agreements printed on the wvene aide hereof. Passed and approved th15 day ot .19_. " (Name and Tit/e) (Name and Tit/e) (Name and Tit/e) CERTIPICATION . duly appointed and ot (Title) l, " I! resolution pnased and approved by the I; !/ on the "day ot Date: , do hereby certify that the above la a true and correct copy of a at (Gouemin, Body) (Public Entity) ,19_, (Official Position) (S18nature) . . -Nom, of Ineumb.nt /'tlld nOt bt prollld.d In UlO.' eGftl when the ,ol1.mlna body of thl publfe ,JlHty dill,., to authoM" GJly Eneu,""'"t 01 th, d"itnat,d oflle/IJl pofitlon to ,.,p,.,..nl it. ' FI!MA ,~ 1O-e3, MAR 81 Pt\'~e 2 .+:0. . " . 'h'~ ~ ' . ~...; . '. ~ " . "