SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (4) . '.' ,(?~ IO~~J-t'.Of!J A G R E E MEN T ~~_ ,~ . # '. 's:n182430 . . Q,R,5107 PAGE 1.55 TIllS AGREEMENJ, made and entered mto this I 20th day of ~L-__ A. D. 19 80 _, by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as :ICity"; and CFS &ervicp. ('nrrora tion 24 7l-B ST. Rd. l')R (). ell,! Fl hereinafter referred to as "Owner"; WITNESSETH: tile CIO ..... ~ Lot One Eundred of Forrest Hill Estates-Unl't Three,' CQ to th M 1 according .A ',.. co. eap or P at thereof as recoJ:'ded in Plat Book 54 Page 0 ~ ~ 1! j 25 of the public records' of Pinellas County, Florid~ ' eft ~~~~ - ~ ~ o~. 1453 B ' ;2 3 ~ ;;;'.1, i~) ::a; i:~~'8 rownlng Street, Clearwater, Fl. g ~ t 0 --:: TITL.n:;'REAS Section 7-6 of the Code of Orni..-,;:!TIces of the City :;:eoci:;:-cs that all a::: 0 . >- yy !"~ , ,~ ~d that abuts a public right-of-way, wbich is to have new construction cn it, eit~er fit residential, cormnercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidew2Llcs c~structed by the Owner on, acros s or adjacent,thereto; and WHEREAS, the Owner owns the following described real property City of Clea:rwater, Pinellas Connty, Florida, to wit: . siTted in " ~t-.,:._.,,! - l Z ~,.., ,." ~ r- ,. .- " <:'>~, ,.. ii 1..-", ~r: .:~ (") -.:~ to. c;.: "I ,..'~ :t i..:.rV ~f r r; WHEREAS, the affected property ov.uer has appealed request:i::lg 2. te!TIpora.ry 'rl-dl. ver of the side-..;aJJc bstalla tion requireme:::Jt; and -wr<:::::EREAS. the City Manager pu:;:-sua.nt to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) 1125 fOu=:ld t~e following conditions e:cist, as set out in his findi::1gs attacbed hereto as ~~hibit A, such as vwrar:::-a.nt the grant:i::1g of a temporary waiver; and 'ffEEREAS, the owner of the property described herein understands t-'-,at the W'2.l.ver granted herein is only temporary in character and -that this agreem~t ~ust provide a reasonable period of time for the w2.iver to be effective; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises a::J.d oilier good and ....--aluable consideration betwee:!:l the parties, receipt of which is hereby adcnowledged, tbe parties hereto cove~t and agree as follows: 1. The City in light of the facts found as set forth in Exhibit A at"...ached hereto and made a. part herein as if fully rewritten, grants to the Owrner a. tempo:::-ary wraiver of the sidew-a.llc instillation requirement imposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater. 00 ~ 2. The terr:.porary ~ver gra.nted~:Shall commence on ~) D) /'1 f'o ~ a~d n::n until the condition or reason for granting the waiver as set out in .'Sxhibit A g ~ ~~ removed or otherwise changed. Z~>< ~ 0:: 0 g g5 3. ':'he Ov-.ner understands a:1d 2.grees that the ';:;"2-1Ver gra:::Jted herein is i: ~ ~~porary in char2.cter 2.2.d tha.t it does not eXCuse tbe ~er or successors in ~ C3 ~~erest from the sidowaDc requirements ~posed by Section 7 -6 of tbe Codo of ~r1;~;:p'ceg of Clear-wd1er. The ~er,.fu.---ther agrees ~a.t should the cO::lotion :5~t out in :SxJ-....ibit A ,;:;"hich presently exists on the property a.nd 'Which -;:;-as sufficient tQ),;:;"arr:q..::::t graLting the -=aiver be cor::-ected duri:::J.g the -perioo of this ~;::.."?_i.er. then the O>.:.-ne;: W'ill iJ::ru:nc:ciiate1y COI:W.?ly V7i th tbe r ec.ci.r e..r:ne~ts 01 Section 7 - 6 a s it re.l2..te:'5 to ~idev;.-alk installation.. 4. Ii 6e O=ner or his heirs, per:5~aJ. repre:5en'tatlves, :5uccessors or :4:!.5is-ns ll'haJl fail to have sidc=<3..lk:'5 inst.aUed for tbe described real pre?crty i::J accord3-.Dce -with City l!pecific:ol.t::ODS L::ld ~ta.::.c.ard:5 -c;-ithi.::l ""~::lety (90) ci.a.Y5 irem t::.e ::JatL5c~tion by tl::..e City, tileD the City may have t::le sidc-.::.-alk~ i..:D:!itillcd ;t~d a.~l'>e~~ ;L~d impOl! e a lien 'a ~s t t::le d~!) cribed real pr operty for the cost of tbe -;::;-ork. 5. "This agreemcnt is to be regarded ;l.~ a cove~nt !>;....,...~...,g witll tlle la::Jc rC&;l.rdlc~eof wbct~er it is l'i?ccUically me:Qno::Jed in any deeds or cC::lve)'d.::Jce ~ub- s equently exc cuted. ~d this a gr cement s h~ll b~ bincii:1g on all p rtic s. t~e he i r ~ , ,pc.r~onal rcprC5eDtatives, suCCes~or:'5 or a:5~ip:5: .~. , cc" b-.. / ~..o.O ~s",,,<,:c..~ : \. '.~,... ~L'*"~ ~...'" "':"co" "(I...> ...v , , ~~.L;,~,.:, - 1 - 01D\~oD crt) Tilt jj? I,. .' ' ;'''',,", I I a.R. 51 0 7 PAGE 156 6. All noti~es pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addX'es sea, ,until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a diffe~ent address: CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater. Florida 33518 OWNER: CFS Service Corp. 247l-B State RJad 580 Clearwater, Fl. 33515 'm '\VITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have ca-q.sed these presents to be executed the day and year last above written. ~~~ ~ ~ Mayo - 0 .ssioner ' By ;~; { AttE1si;: ., orrecbess: 'C&...' ~ "'''';'c&..kJ'j~ City Clerk' WlTNESSES: CITY L~~ l~ 1L -, - -, - -- - 'As to City /T"~ dir~a.'L' A s to 'Owner (SEA L) (SEAL) CFS O'WNER Corpora tior STATE OF FLORIDA ) C01JNTY OF PINELLAS ) Williams I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 10th day of November ' 19....8J)_ before me personally appeared Anthony T.. SllOpm::lh>r 7 ThOJlla i .'\. Bus tin, J,llC i 11 and Charles F. LeCher respectively City Ma:aager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Ma )-or- Corn""""'; 5 s ioner of the City of Clear-;:;-ater, a municipal corpora tic existing under the la-ws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals a::ld officers described in and who executed t~e foregoing Agreement and severally ack:1owledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed a~ such <;i~icers thereu::lto duly a-.:.t:::o~...zcd; and that the official seal of said m~nicipal c()RP:r-aticn i duly affixed thereto, aDd tbe said P.g=eement is the act and deed of said"col'?o:r-2.tic \.'~~~L; ; My COlT'..IJ:J.ission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at large My Commission Expires Aug. 28, 1982 Bonded By American Fire & C;asuaUy Company '.~.. ... "'- ' ..... ','. ':;rt6:2~~}~~ 't ~,~~r.,l\'~"!"'" -2- , ...; ~'l.:, ; . ,"" I I , . o,R.5 i 0 7 PAGE 157 .. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) .- . ' "H'!l~1.i3.n D.',Merhige, presiUent of , Before me personally appeared CFS Servi 1"1'" rorpQration to me well known ~d known. to' me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing agreement and ac.lcnowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes the rein expressed. 19 f(V Wl=,ESS my hand and official seal this ;) I r.J-/ day of Or/ My Commission EXpires: "c;?a~~;~ Eh&T~' N atary Public r-.lO ;'/~,RY PUl,L I C .~ ~ !.~ C~ :'L<...:, . ,.I:"" /'\ i 'i''-''''''_ MY C::OMM1SSIC~j t;r!:,~' lULl' 11 19 4' ,1;I_U~U"_lJ ~H!U_ G~tR~t }; ~ . Y~;JtR\Vk ~i'5 ...:, -:.::'.... f ....., "J .... <0 ~'" ; ".:,. (; ~. u '\:~ ~:- ,'; ~' ,~.~ f~? '" '. , ~ . I I o.R.5 i 07 PAGE 158 November 4, 1980 MEMO TO FILE FRQM: COPIES TO: CFS Service Corporation Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Roy Ayres, Building Director Lucille Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER- Waiver of Sidewalk Installation CFS Service Corporation Lot 100, Forrest Hill Estates Unit 3 1453 Browning Street 33516 In response to a request from CFS Service Corporation for a waiver of requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the subject property in conjunction with new constI;'uction as required by City Ordinance, I have examined this pI;'operty and the following are my :findings: 1) There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of this property and this is the last lot to be developed in this area; 2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a route leading to a school; and 3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedestrian hazaI;'d. In my judgment, the above findings 7-6 of the City of Clearwater Code installation of a sidewalk at this meet the conditions prescribed in Section of'OI;'dinafices and therefore, a waiver of time is granted. ":'tlI~,W"";" "Exhibit A" I ! /16 J l {j