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o.R.3507 PAGE 1802~f-? I
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j{r;: >"-U A G' It E E 1,1 I: N T
.' . t'INELlt.~'_,,!~:~I~P~Ot. '1971.
JUI~L.D. MULLE >,t ,.j', l:, "LEU
'1'111"5 7\"'GREE~lJ.:N'J', 111:1(1(.' Dnd ('ntercel inLo lhi8 5th dny of March, ~,
by nnd bC't\h'Cn the CITY OF CLEI\lU'!i\TER, FLOIUDA, .1 1IlL\1li.cip>1l corpol:.1tion, hCl'cin.11tcr
referred to :lS "City"; .1nd _ CFS SERVICE CORPORATION. a Florida Corporation
hcrcinaf t(~r 1:e ferred to liS "ClImer";
\:nlERE^S, the ();'.'i1cr o,,,ns the follO\\lin~ described renl property situated, in the
City of Cl(~an.Jllter, Pincllas County, Florida:
Lot 2, GEORGE MOORE'S SUBDIVISION, according or plat
thereof as recorded in plat Book 10, Pag~ 12, Public Reco~ds
of Pinellas County, Florida. '
J 1-0 5'''- /tfo'7 .5,+, fV1~ J; ~ 0 W '
WllERE^S, Ol:dinance No. 1219 of the' City rcqulres ti1.1t all land that abuts a public
right of '''3Y, \'lhich is to have nc\ol construction on it, eithcr for residentinl,
cOIThllcrcial, industrial or otller purposes, sh<111 hDve siclc"wlks constructed by the
owner on, across 6r adjacenc thereto; and
HHEREliS, the OI'1l1er is ci'cctin3 certain nc\v construction on sDid property and
has reCJu<.>~>t('c1 the City D.t this time not to require the immediate installation and
construe tion of sidc"i.:llks in connec tion there'vi t]); and.
W1IERE^S, the O;mer has agreed that if in the futUl:c the City" in its sole dis..,'
cretion, c1.:;tcrminC's that it is advisDble :111d necessary to have SUc1l\'1alks
inst3l1ed) thattllc O;,mcr Hill, upon notificDtion by thc City) have side\Valks
in1l1\coiDte1y instDllcc1 at his expense, and if he slloulcl fail to do so, then the City
may IH1vesaicl ins ta11.:ltj,on l1woe and impose a lie~l agains t the d(~Scl:ibed real, propcr ty
f6r t~c cost t~ercof;
,. Q) 00
l>. E ~ '011 '111'1"""" . 1 ..' f'1 f
.D. o!;; N ." I...:",J::J,'O;U" 1n conslC.erat.Lon 0 t.le :01~egoing
~ ~ ><: ~ valuable cOM.;icl8i:'alion beu....ccn the parties, rcci~ipt of:
8 >,,~ ~ the parties IlCreto COVCl1z.nt imd ngree AS follm-ls:
~ :t~' . c.-5.
1-<00 c\l
0.", .'"d
r.n ~:~~ p,,,,.~ 0 r.
~ ~,:; "' O. J..
,.;- - ~ ~
.... () c.) ~ on
...'~ '(V' -<:,~ ...,
~ r~ :~ ~.
Q) P=I. :> Q).
S.".; @ cl 2. The City l11DY at any thlC in the future notify thc O;.mer, his heirf" personal
~,c.;.c:; ~ rcprcsentDtives, successors or assign~; tlwt: the City in its sole disfretion klS
't;E-<Uc\l-lt . 11 ' , ,. 11] ] '1]1' )Jd'
'::P::4-' Q).<e'el'm:tne(l t1<1t 1t IS <1(,VISt\) cant neCCSS:ll:Y to\<1VC SltC\'.'Cl,(S J.n:;t<1_,e )_n
.: @ 0 G connec tion \Vi th said ~1cscribed re<ll p)~opcr ty,
E-; ~ .~
premises and other good and
'lhich is hereby acknO'.'llec1gcd,
1". The
the above
City will not at this time
as part of the erection of
described real property.
requin:. the inst.:lJ.lation and constnlction
the building ;:Inc1 improvcments by the O;,mer
3. '111C 0,'1I1er or his hcirs, personal repl-esentDtivcs, successors or as~d,gns
shal,l' at his expense "lithin ninety (90) (12.ys from tlwnoLification by the City have
s:i.deHall(s installed for said described real properly in Dccorclance Hith City
s~ecifications and,standards as established.
4. If the O.,mcr or his heirs) personal representatives, successors or assif,ns
shall fail to .have sidc,'.'.1lks installed for the dcscribc,c1 real property in <1ccorc.1nncc
\oJith City spccificaticll1s and SUlnt!t\rds uithin nincty (90)' cl.1ys from the notificntion
by the City, then thc City ];Jay have the side'iwlks installed and assess and impose a
_ "~ti<;!Tl-aga inst- t 1,1C d C scribeD' r caul prdpe.rty--foy-- the: -cos r6fT1W~~'~ork;
5. This ngrcement is to be re'2,<1roed <1S a covenant l"\mning \-lith the land,
re.ganlless of \'.'hcthcr it is specif.ically li~2ntioncd in tlny' deeds' or convcY<1nccs
subsequently c:':c'cl1t:c'(~, e11"1(1 tlli:: ::~',r('(::',:~f1,t :,1i~il1. be: bjlicl~n;:" on all ]1.:1rties) their
neirf-;, pc~.-~_;c~--l21 rt.:i>rc:~;(:~1L:lti.'.~,:'~;, :"uc(,(:~;.(;U~':- oJ;" :~';~;i:_~"l:';'
6. All notice~; pursu,lnt 1:0 tbis Jljrc~(,l1iC'nt DI1<\ll be fur.nisbc:d to the r('~;p[,ctive
parties at the follo','lin0 ,1ddre~sc~;, until receipt of \-Jrittcn instructions notifying
the other party of Cl di.fferent .addrc~ss:
1'1r. l-lcrrc:tl Il. Stierhd.m
City l!.:1I1 :1 f, c r
1'. O. JI(J)i, '17/18
Cl(::Il:\"~tC'rJ Florid3 33518
, '-
Donald S. Jo
Managing Officer
~ l~
' () "'}. (') 1':: -\...^
":"~:{r{'ll;1:"""~:.;;:'~~)3. "'-'" ~I:t "'P ,-<'!'>H.,'. ,.".,-" ~;'~~''''<>1>_~;~,'-''l'l!~_''''''''''''H_'' ,,~...~............'~,.. -""",,"&'-~ .,.
...~' ,
,,-' ~
O:R. ''3501 P~GE 181 .
IN \nnil:SS \.JIIEREOF, the p;lrties hereto h:1VC cau~)ed these presents to be
executed the day nnd year In,,t <1bovc \'lritten.
(~ ,/:[ ~~ '.
c . /?/'.;-;, -/71- / //f~
f~l~'& ,W~
t. "
I .
\~itnesses :
Donald S!!
Manag$.I\g Of
l '
'.";',1'/ ;)
As to. Oimcr
, ' I q '1 J
t HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this '~r~day'of _~ A.D. ~,
before me pcrsol101ly nppearcd Herrett R. SticrhC'im, Hcrbc,rt: H. Broivn, R.G.\~llitehead
and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City 11.:1113gcr, City Attorney, City Clerk <1nd l'l<.1.yo1:-
Commissioner of the City of ClcDrI-later, a 11mnicipal eo'cpcJ)~ation exi~;ting under the
l[MS of the StaLe of ~lOl~id2.., to me blO,m to be the individuals and officers clcscrj.bcd
in and \,1]10 executed tbe foregoing Agreement and sever811y aclenmd,edgcc.l the execution
thereof to be their free act and deed as such officer's tlwrcunl~o duly.authorized; and
that the officinl scal of ~;aic1 municipal corporation is clulyp.ffixed thereto; anel the
said <Igrecncnt is the act and deed of said corpor[lU:on.
\HTNESS my sign3tl1rc and official l;(>.aJ. at Clcan:wter in the County of Pincl1as
and State of Floriu.:l, the day ::mc1 year last aoovc Hd.tten.
/ .
, I
Notary Public '
Hy COlTU11ission E):pires:
Notary Public; State of Florida at large
M. (c.n.-.;,;^-" L":r~s ad 22 1974
Y .h.,.C.".."'. ..."..... -. . ,
DQ.UIeg b, AIUliP11....1I r;,... & ~._~ln '8_
Before me ]wrl;on;llly <1PPC:il'cd DONALD S. JONES, as Managing Officer of
CFS SERVICE CORPORATION, a Florida Corporation,
to 111e \olclikno....lI1 .11)(1 lmm:n to 1:1(; to be tlw indjvicluo::ls dc~;cd,bed in :Inc1 \olho ~'}:c:ct,tc:d
the [ol-cgoing ..:1[;l"CL:I:lCnt ond .1cknol'.'lcd0l'u bd:ore Ille that L11cX'llp:ccutcd the S.lnIC for
. . ",."" "4/-41'
the purposes thC're:in c;.:pn'Slicd. ,"';,.,CE '1,-
"~'(....l.........,, ':""'/'r.4f/..~".
f'" t. \.... ~... t.. 4>. ..... ~.- ~'.- . .,....~
, ':;~\'n y~. . l) '~~c;h
,:.:; { ($' >i :; .';'- ~.
r..) -. 0 ;' (;'1 '
(i~;-9-71,lc,/;? ~;F:;
._",'. .~" .....',:~ Not:lry Public
'. " \ t<.!~~ i"~'~ ~;-"~.
WITNESS my hand, <Jnd oHic,ial seal this
A.D. t9.j8.
Hy COllllnJ~:d on F}:pi r<'~;: ,
'Gl.<'- ;"
-&1" '
':iIY\'i \-