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O.R. 3507 PAGE 182
. 1971
TillS J\C.REEt-1EN'J', m;1c1e and entered inLo Lhi~; 5th day or March , ~
by an,l bctvecn thl' CITY OF CU;i\lU-!^TER, FLORIDA, .1 1l1unicip,1l corporati.on, h('l"(~in.1itcr
referred to ,15 "Ci ty"; ;1nd CFS SERVICE CORPORATION. a Florida Corporat:ion
hcrcin<lf:t(~r I~e[('rred to <IS II(T,vner";
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\~'1lERE^S, the o,mcr o,ms the follO\\lin~ described real property situated, in
City of C1canvatcr, Pinc1las County, Florida:
Lots 4 and 5 GEORGE MOORE'S SUBDIVISION~.a~cordi~g to
map or plat t}ieieof as recorded in plat ~ook ,10 t . Page 12,
Public Records of Pinellas Co~ntYt Florida.
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WHEREAS, Ol-dinance No. 1219 of the' City requlres that all land that abuts a public
right of '-lay, \'lhieh is t.o hnve ne", construction on it, either for residential,
cOlThllcrcial, industrial or other purposes, slwl1 h3ve sidcHalks constructed by the
owner on, across 6r adjacenc thereto; and
HHEREAS, the o.:mer is Ci"cct.in3 certuin nC\07 construction on snicl property and
has reqtH:,!;tccl the City nt this time:. not to require the inmlccliate installation and
construction of sidewalks in connection therewitl1; and
WllEREAS, the O,mer has agrecd that if in the futut'e the City,. in its sole dis-:'
cretion, d~tcrmincs that it is advisable and ne:.ccssary to have such sidewalks
installed, that the O;'llWl.- Hill, upon notification by the City, have sidewalks
illlJ11cdiately installed at his e):pense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City
may have said installatj.on mnc1e and imposc a lie~ against the described real. property
for t11c cost thereof;
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+," 2. The Ci.ty may at any tj.Til(~ i.n tbe future notify tIle O;,mer, his heirs, personal
("-1 ~'...
~, ~ rcpresentatives, successors or nssjgn~; tl18t the City in its sole di~;(:retion has
2: ~d ( B; .detel."minccl that it is ac1vis.1,ble and neCCSS::l]'Y to h~ve side,,,alks inst<1llcd in
~bG ~ connection with saiil aes~riLcd ronl property.
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NO\'J, 'fJ1EP-EFORE, in consic1cro.tion of t11C. fOl~,egoing premises And other good and
valuable consideration b(:1:\-1\:en the parties, rccidpt of: "hich is hcrcby acknO\,!ledgcd,
the parties ],ercto covcr,c:nt Clnd agree as follm-ls:
1". The
the above
City will not at this time
as part of tho erection of
described real property.
require tho installation ,md constxuction
the buildin~ and ~nprovcmcnts by the ~)ncr
3. TIle O\oll1cr or his heirs) personal ropJ-cscntDtivC's, successors or assigns
sh<11,1' at his expense "lithin ninety (90) (12ys from the notification by the City have
side\-lalks installed for said described 1'on1 property in 3ccejrc1ance \"ith City
s~ecifications and. standards as established.
'+. If: the O~'lI1cr or his heirs, p(~rsoniJ.l representatives, successors or nssir,ns
shall fail to ,have siclo,'.'<1lks installed for tho described rC<11 property in accorc1oncc
"1ith City spccific::Jtioils and st<mdanls "lithin ninety (90)' days from the noL:ificotion
by the City, then the City may have the sidcI'J<11ks installed and assess anel imposc a
- ~-lien ngainse tl,ledescCl: tlJecl-Tcal-prol)(:~.rtyfor - t]TCC(lS t of t1Y~\vorlc
5. TIlls a~rcement is to Lc re'3ardcd as a covonnnt running \-lith the land)
rc.ganlless of ,:hethcr it is specifically li1,~ntioneel in tlny' deeds' or convcy~mccs
s tl b~; (' q \ I C' n t: 1 Y c :': C' cut cd: ;-, n c1 t 1) i ~; :, i'y (' (':~ c: 11 t ': 1 i 'i 11 L chi 11 c1i n ~~ 0 naIL p Cl r tiC's, the i r f;) per ~;cn21 rCi--;r c ~~(~~1 L:~ L 1. \'I~~~;, ::1J(.' c'.:..' ~~ ~;(;;-~. ur ;~ ~:.:; i_~: ,: :.~.
6. All notice!: purSu;1nt to this .1gn~('l;,c~nt shi'lll be furnL:;llCcl t<.1itl.l;(.i...,r;c\~;pcctivc
par tie sat the [0110',.) i ng ,1clc1 re!) SC!;, un til rc c e ip t 0 f ",r it ten ins tr\l~t~o~~;no'Ufy i ng
the other party of Cl different .adt!rc:~s: (;).'{!.c- .-
City:.. -, ~;I~t' ,-,~~=.":
Hr. HerretL R. Stierhd.m CORPORAt~~",:...:;i
Ci ty },1.111<1 f,C r. \.;, ,,,,,-.,,
1'. O. JI(J)i, 117 Ij 8
Clc m:\";1 tc' r) Fl or it!;1 33518
0. '7. o,g-()C
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..... ~'~" ..
.-.; _:.-.. ii-
C.R, 3507 PAGE 183
IN \Hl'NESS H11EREOF, the p:1rtics hereto have caused these prcscnt8 to be
executed the d.1Y <lnd year lnst above ,,,rittcn.
~.A"--rJt /~.e/ ct'3JLL
-;i/z~ ":-,,,2-: - d /~j?~r ( .~
~~o/ m1~
As to. Oimer
'"-. ~
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ~~~Y'Of ~ _, A.D. ~.;{/,
before me personolly appeared Herrett R. S1::i.erhc.d.m, Herbert H. Brown, R.G.HhiLehead
and H. ,Everett lIouge:n, respectively City 11an.1ger, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor-
Commissioner of thc City of Clcanvater, a ll1unicipal corporation existing under the
lcnvs of the State of JUorida, to mc 1mo';]n to be 'the indivi.duals and officers described
in and \\1])0 cxecuted t11e foregoing Agreement anJ Gcve1~<111y acknmdcc1['.l~cl tl}(? execution
thereof t.o be their free. act and deed as such o[[icer~; thereunto duly. authorized; and
that the ofhcj.31 scal of said municipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto, and the
said ngrcenent is the act and deed of said corpOraU,(1l1.
WITNESS my signatllrc~ and official seal at: Clean:wtcr in t]lC County of Pincllas
and Statc of Florida, the day nnd year last al>ove Hritten.
Notary Public ""
,', ./
Hy Commission E::-;pircs:
Notary PUJlic, Stat\'! of Flonda at Large
My Cnmr:;,j:n [(,;;ns Cd. 22, H14
I "'T'" ~y .6.rn,pr~.s:an Fu. .& Ca~ Co.
, "
Before m(~ l1C'r sonally ;1ppe.:Jl"cd DONALD S. JONES as Managing Officer of
CFS SERVICE CORPORATION, a Florida Corporatien,
to me Hell known and lcnmm to 1:1C to be t]w indivi<ilwls dc~;cri.l)l~d in and ,.;ho c>:ccllte:d
the [orcgoinf, p;l[;n>clllcnt and <lcknoHlcd0ec.l bd~orc mc that Liley (~:~;!:.cuLcd tile S':1f1lC for
. '.t"
the purpo~es tllcrcin cxpressed. ,C: :~~
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d:Jtl' oFf:'.' LMa:rch':.
<': t ~~~. .
;~\:~ ' .. ...... ;7 ~
.,.,IY~'1ah/;:;;~. /;j ~.!//;e
, Notary l'llb1ic
WITNESS my hand, and oHic,ial scal this
A. D. t~J3.
Ny COllllld~;~; j On E):p ire's: ,
':~l~l ~G-\1 ?;,~r-.~ 1'-'.,
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