SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (49) ,''--;,__,;.."",,, ~'.,,~.~"~'.. ...",.."'~ C.'''''',-' ._~_~.., _._"-._."'-'UO'>"'''' .,,,..,!;.._~-,.;--~_.~_.~_....._--,,._... R[CORDfO . ~l'I[U~5 CG .-;;,)R~D'" \ (j);~e_ .'L- .' ,IJ; /..J..W~ , CLERK CReun COIJFI tj2010548 ,he 1\ 1:1:1 'i 1'11'1' o '.r / I "if ~ ~\ '1 f)~" \~~ r' 371'0. 0'-- V' y/ ,I, R. - . PAGE t' - .....-....;-. ~ Jall6 3 30 l)M'1Z ..~.---~-_....-.._~-~- 'l'ln~) hC)n~r:!j)~l!'r, l11iH)C 1)',' il}l<) 1)(.t\,)ccn t))C Cl'j'Y OF )l';;\'cinaftel-' rci'cr'f'cc1 to i:l~) ,JlDY'C i nil ft (~),-' ):'C f \~r'r'cd to il S nnd entc~r'ccJ into tJli~:~ 19th clay or January , _ ,) (,J7.__?~ c U;/\ )Z\}!':J'C R, r],o lU l1i\, 'i;--i;\:i-ii':~c ipi11 c C)-i:-1)'(~i:;:tL3'-(;-I)' , lie it,'y' II ;' imd B. Michael: Evans &, Terry Ann Evans (HiS Wife) _______--__,~--------.......-.-..------..---.--.----------.------4 II (hmcp"; \nTN1~SSCTll-: -the \-]jJEREAS ~ t1)c O'"mer' O\,ms,the follO\Jin\,: dc:;cr':Lbcd City of Clco.r'\-Jatel", Pincllo.s County) Flo):'ida: M 0< Bfu<::LlEwoea. Estates- 'See. 2-29-15. 1840' N.Highland Ave., 'Clearwater Fl.01;ida f'cal rn--'opCl-.ty .. ~) :1:l \1 ~l t e (1 i..- .~ and \'JlnjRE^S, O:c'oino.ncc. 110. 1:?19 of the Citv'r'cquirc~~ that all 1anel that abut::: a public }:'-ight of \-)o.y) \"lh:i.ch is to 11(lVe l}CU' constl'uction on it s eithc1--' fc))_--' ).:'csic1enti':Jl, co;;;,::c:ccicil, inclu;~trii:1.} 0)--' otheY' l)\.n'po;;c;~, shall helve sid(~\iil1ks constructed by t:hc ol,mer on) acro:;s CH' acljG.cqni: t118}:'CtO; ancl \"}ll~RE/\S l '-l:hc O\,mer is cy.'ccting' ccr-tain n2\-} con~;t'f'\.lction on said I?r'Opcr't~.r (lnd )-li:1S l'C(]UC~~tc:d tl,C cit\' at th:iu~; time not 'l:o J:'cCJuir'c thc. ili1irlec1izti:c lnf3talL:- 'lion and cc;nstruction of'sicl(>,',}alk~) in connection -t:1Wy'c\,.'ith; and \'nn~n.E/\S ~ the OWiC):' has agr'ccd that if :i.nthc fu.ture 't}-IC city) )_n J,tf; sol; ,d:~scY'et:i.on 5 c1etc~:'r"iJlc~; t}lat it is advisable i.lnd neccc~_;~;a:cy ,to have f;\.1ch E;:iclc\}.::tJJ~s in s tc:d J eci) '~)lClt the O\-Jl1e'/.-' \'J ill ~,upon not i Li_ca t i.onby the C :ity) hCl \Ie ~:-;idc\'Jcd:}:s iJf\JTlcc:3iatcly in;;ti11lcc1 at l~if; e:>:'pcnsc, aJ)cl if llc should fail to db ~)' . .. _. 1 . '1 ' " (, -then ,thc C}_ty may have siu.cl 1,nstaJ1i'1:tJ.on made .-ancl :unpo~;C a ..len ag<.u.n~?:c~".:l~J1C de::,c):'ibccl real pJ:'OPC1--.ty fop the 'cost t!lCl'eof.;:-' _m___e NOI.') ~ TJJE1~ErOPJ:~, ~.rl considc1:'ation of the foregoing p):'cmi~;cs Ct11d' othep gac il1.d viiJUi',bJ.c cO]j~~ideI-'ation bet\Jcen t)1C p;p--.tics., r'(-~cc:Lpt of \-}hich i~~ hCl-'cby ._ c1C)())O\11ec1gec1 ~ t}1C pa:ctics he:ceto covenant and' agrce' as fol10\.!s: .1. The con st):,uct ion . :unp):,oye me; n -\: S . 2_. TJ1C City T:'.Cl.Y at Clny time 1.n -Uw fut1.lr'.8 notify the O\.mer ~ his hci:cs ~ )). ""'x,,':'_;<?j1;-~.1_ '''c'.)."r'C(-')"--l-!'~V<">(' c,\,r,,--.cC'''OP'' 0'" ~C'~l' (';1" t,,"t '(:n'" C'L'ty ~T) l'-l-o co' (' "'- v), 1. co " ., l. c l. _'- \C..:>) ...." ,_ ,_ ,,:) .,,) L c. " ;::, - !',' " 11 Cl "C.. .L - l, ,,, oJ .'.- di~3c:cet:ion flas deter-mincd that it is advi~;ablc <mcJ nccccs~;ary to hClV(~ side\-Jcl} in~)tal1ed in conncct.ion v,lj.-th ~;aid described r'eo.l property. (' . t ' J 1 t t t) . . - . th . t 11 t' d ,)___y \'il.. no" i1 -. _1lS tune 1':,cqu:u-'e -- e :tns--a ,(1--)_on an of sidc\'J21ks as part of the erection of tlH~ building and by the O'..J]ler' ~)fi thc, above d'es'cr'ibed )~cal pi:'operty. 3. 'the O\-mer- or his heir's, })crsonal :c'ep:-:'cs(~nativcs'~ StlCCeSSOl-'S or as~>:~: shall at his e):pcnse \!ithin ninety (90) c1av:; fr'om the notif:i.cZltion by the Ci" ha_vc ,sidc\-JCl1ks inst<lllcd fen--- ;juicl dcsCJ_-.:i.bcd. rcal PPOPCj:,ty in accOr'c1ance \..li,t~l City spccificat::i.ons and ~)ta!1dcn-'cls as establ:L~:hcd.' . ' II. If i:))e O\'.'l1cr or his hC':ir'~;) persOn~).11-'C'.:)"ce;,cntilti\fes ~ SUCCCSS01-'~) 01-' ttss:ign~; ~-;h::tl1 fail tohavC'. siclc\'l()lk~; :i.nstaJ.lcci for the clcscr'ibcd r-cCl1 pro'0c?--' in clccord,:.Jlc c. ',': i t h Ci t'l~; DC c i f :\.CCl t IO]l ;;Cind s t (:.n(1.::n~cl~; i) ithi nIl i ne t v (~l 0) da v s fl"om the. notificc~t:i.on ilY the City) thcn the. City [~uy -~Ie the ~;id~\-lcl.l](;; - installed und _a~sc.;;S ,~nJ :ilr!~)OSc a li~~n <l[',ains t thc clC~:;cl-.ibed r'ccll !11:'OPC1-.tV f thc cost of the \iOdc. ' - f,. Thi~; ogI'ccr;:cnt :is to be rc!~<:t'c1cd (l~:; it covcnilnt r-unninl_\ \)),th the. 1~1I; l"'cf',cu"'dJc;~~; of uhC'.thcl--' it i;; f,pcci!'ic,tU:Y J;',cntionccl in ~\n:1 cl(~ccl~; or, COl!VCV':lliC ~~u1)~;C(luc.,i.ly c;,:ccutcd ~ cmeJ this c1?,rCC-[::cnt ;~hilll ,[)C binding on Gll pClt,tics) \: )leil-'s) pcr~onc:ll r(:ln:'c~)cnttlti~/cs, SUCCC:)~;Ol-';; cn--' cl.~;s)gn;;. " G. /\11 not:icc~~; pur::;\ICtnt to this cHrTCCr!~cnt ;;11,111 lie fu)'ni~;he~d to the y'cSl)cct5.vc Pi1l--.t::i.C;; at the: fOJ}O\'lill;~ 'lcl':.ll:'C~;;;C:;) \.11\\:5.1 )'cc(~ipt of \-Ji'ittcn :hl:,tr'llctioJ):; notifyin[j the 01:lC1' P<\l--.ty of (l' cLi.fSel-'c:nt (!clc\r'css: City: Oi}J)Cl': Hr'. lk l-'J'(~ t t lZ, S't :i. c die ir:\ Ci t Y l~(ll i it ,'/'-/' 1'.0. j\'))~ '1'/'10 Cl('ilr'ildt(~l'. !']())'ic1,'l :.l~;r)lO , ~ ! Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Evans 1300 Fairfield Drive Clearwater Fla. 33516 ~... I "1 .\ ") . CJ-'~~.- <-.:.. ~'-,. / (/ c.-. ... . (27) (L ,-'-' :~~1~' \}"I ;!)::<~; \)11[1;1:\)\') 111(: \,l"J),t:i,-~~; , (:C\ll~cd the c\;lY ;:Jlz) j'C'dl' ld:;t ,1bo\,l~ ))(:1"c'to 11.1',1(' \1)"'1.\.t(,)I, , o.R.3'710 ;l'Aff678 r..'. ,11, '''(., 1\ "1' 1'-": l" T)')"r' (: (" I', l'" "I' (. ;,' 1 . " I .. . \ ~ .. I _~.. .... . . I '- . '" " !; , " ". ,.'ctncs~; :. Hitnesses: y~~s;/c::/~ Y-~~' ({Pt:7C~/~~J . \-Il1CX' ' , , ' fikJ }(~~H '-. G. ~ ~~, . - .~/#) #~ ..-.-.,------..."..... ---..----- I~s to Cl ty STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PIJ,JLLLM;) . _ I lIl:RLBY CERTIFY, thil:t ~n -this::::~iday.Of.~~'':'~' ~.lJ. 19''i:~, bc-:::f.:ore me pCl'sona.LJ.Y, aPPccir'cc1 HC1_'rct:t IZ. ST:Le)'11c:U:I~ 11cr'!)Cr't h, Br'o\'1n, l\.G. tJhitc)18Llc1 Clnd H. LVC'I'ctt Hmlp,cJI, rospecti\lc~ly -City Han<:lgcr~ City f\ 't-l'l-))""1 cc,', (' I' '1- Y Cl"" 'n 1/ -, 1')(1 ].,f" \) or _ Cc)):'''' ~ <' L' 'L' 01' 0 l" 'C'),{: -I- h n C ]"'[-" 0 f Cl e 'Cl )-",)', ~- C)" , ' ,J )) .',_ l- ._,/~ ,".. C, ,le,.), _1..<.-"", lv,,'. ,- l-J I 'co h, -.1 - "Ct, \.c_ '- . ' ~ a municipe,l cor'poJ:'ation c>:i~.;ting unclc.)' tr,C'. ):cl'.'!S 'ofthc. Sta-tc of rlo)?~;.)l<l~--,to _ me kn (y"m to b c t 11 e i n cl i v i d u (.:,1 san d 0 f fie c :c~) . des C):' i bed i JI, a 11 d hI hoC.}~ c c tl t cd t) 'forcgoing ;\g:cC'.8ment and scvel'ally ac)(no'\llcdgccl the c>:ccution tl1C:C'cof to be ,:))d1' -f1'c,;, act and ~ccd _ as such _ officc"s tl,el'eun~o duly au'tho"izecl; .)]lel th~ . t: h c 01: f J, C J. a ], ~) E' '-~ lot s c::. :t d Hi un l c l p a J cor' p 0'1:' cl'l~ :v) n }-~) c1 u 1 Y ,d: t l x C: cl t II c):" c t 0 ~ i:H1 ' .the said agrcemcnt is the act and deed, of said co:cpO):,ation. . \'HTNESS my signatu)...e and official seal at Clc.cH'I.!ater' in the County ,of Pj,ne11as cind State of F101:,:i.da, the day and yecH' l,ast above ,;]ritteh. ~ ' , ---, , ' ' -;-zj--kP--c . t, / ' " ,~~~~~,,',~~,::,:;:~ . 1~,o:1:1~n:; y~, F \.i' h~- J. c , . "'i' "'" -,..' '-- --- )1y Com.mis~ion Exnirec' _ J .t. ~. ~, ~. ...:-~ I : -,' Netllr, Publi~,Sl~,c' of Finn!" ?~ J,2~~~ My' Com;;!lssion EX"lrcs S',,,, 1-' 1"::' . Ar... . - r. '0.:...'_ ;, ., J j ~"""-l\d!lq~ ~m.,i<;all ~~ ~ Casually Co, ~ ~~ . . .., .. ,",' '" " '. ' i'l. - ,.::;' ,-' : ,.., " . , .-L l..I "'~.t<~"': .; ~,': ... . ~ -'.'.'L: ,\;:'" , . /, , , ~ ST/\TE or fLOP-IDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLASt -, ;: ~~- ,Ber-ore ln~' pepsonC111y appearc~':?I)/b~kJ.; ,to me \.lc11 blo\.m and J:-no'.m to J::C to be the 'ind,iviclual;~ clCSC1"lil)ccl in <:lJlc\ \/11 cxccu t ed the f ore; ~~o in 0 (1 g'cec;.~c n t and <:1~; }:J:O',J 1. C;(] i~ e cl be f 0 1"c I~.S,\,\~:1,\'4t".thc y executed the saii1e for the purpo~;cs thCr"'ClJl e:qwcsscd ..:,",';. <:.~,' . . . . ~..-...,)....~ ~c,,;~.'" ~.~':'~-' HITll[SS Tny h(lnd ilJ1d official seal thiSI2'~lay of ::.?,/\i^:(fJ(j:,C:C;.~:a-. /~~~~:~~ r . ~ilt~Y.);~7, ,ny COll\mi:';~d,on,>:pn'c~; :<,;,-:::p'~' ',; t~'/3 -,; ; co.. This instru~ent was prepared by' RERBERT M BRO'vN ("t . . ,.~ ,,1. jl Y Attorney CIty of Clealwater, p, 0, Box 47/18 Clearwater, Florida 33518