SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (318) ~ I ~ " " : : .,; . u, R. 4204 PAGE1:J25 ~~ 7q1.01.o1---- -." TlIJ,'~ '\(;I,Ej':;\iJ';j~.I' lll;ldl' ;lnd I'Jll"I','<1 illlo thi:; 11th (hy uJ . JULY 19~~_ fly ;IJld lJdWITJl fill' CITY OF CLEA1\\VATEH, l':~(-)]UD/\, ;1 Ill\7;~-:-i-j;,~l-"~:~-I~~.'~-~~:, }wl'(~ina{:j('l' rcferred to as IICily'i,; aut! Burl McPeek & Laura S. McPeek hCl'cin:L121cr referred to as ''Owner''; ,~. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the' O\.rncr owns the following described real property situated in the City of Clearwater, P~J1,,"(Das County, Florida, to wit: 3235 San Bernadino -Lots 457,458, & 459, DelOra Groves and WHEREA,S, Section 7 -6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City require s that all 1::.:::: that abuts a pubHc right-of-way, which is to have ne\v constn.lction on it, eithcr for r('~:- deniial, COH1J11erci2cl, industrial 01' other purposes, sJ)all have sidewalks constructed D\- the owner on, aC2:OSS or adjacent thereto; and WHEREA~):. '.ihc Owner is erecting certzil) ne\t;>- conshuction on said prope rty a~c :::c:: reC!~lC sted the City :d; thi s tinle not tD require the inl:G1cdiatc installation and co nstruct: 0:: of [ridewalks in c~'llection therew:.tlrl; and '\VHEREA,;S" the Owner hac, :agreed that 1J in the future the City, in its sole disc:-e::~:: determines that id is advisable o:):ld necessary to bave S1lCh side'.valks installed, that tl:<2 Ovmer will, upon notification by bhc City, have s:idev,ralks in1.D1ediatcly installed at his ex- pense, and if he should fail to dc) iN then:thc City :rnay have said installation made and i:::-::::: a lien against the described rear }.!1!'opcrty for the cost hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, iJ: consideration of the foregoing premises and other goce. c:..._ valuable considc!'ation between 1'1~l,e parties, :receipt of wh1ch is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree 21S follows: 1. The City will not at Ohi,);, tilne require the installation and construction of sid,ewalks as part of the erection o'..T the building and improvements by the Ovmer on t}-Le above described re,:;l property. 2. The Ci~cTlnay at any t-'6:n'f(1 in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, personc.l representatives, successors or 23s3gns that the City in its sole discretion has detern-'.i::~c that it is advisabl~ <lncl necessar:;~ tel have sidewalks installed in connection with said described realpropt:'rty. 3. The Owne:r or his hei:~i'!', personal representatives, successors or aSSIgns "'_"C___ at hi:, expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have side\\'2.lks .- stalled for said described real property in accordance with Ci':y specifications and sta::c?:.:-::::: as es'~ablished. 4. If the O\vner or his heirs, personal representative::;, successors or assigns fail to have sid~walks installed for thl': descri1)ed real propcrt( in accordance with City speciFcations and standards within ninety (90) days from the l'otification by the City, then tbe City n1ay have the sidewalks installed and assess and ilTlpose a lien against tbe descri~ed real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreenlcnt is to be regarded as a covenant ru!:ning 'with the land rcg2rc~.~~ ~::: of whetbcr it is specifi,eally Dlcntioned in any deeds or convcy~ncc subf;equenUy eXCC1.lt(:Cl, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal represcntatiycs, StlCCefiSors or assigns. 6. All notices pUl'.';uant to tbis agreement s}lall be fur,dshcd to the respective p2.:-::-:::= at the following addresses, until receipt of written instruction~:; notifying the other party of a diffvrcnt address: City;: City'Managcr PO Box t17-1H Clca:T\Vatc)., Florid;). 3j~)lR ThiA instrument was prepared by: REHHERT IvL B~O V/N, C::y Altl))"ney City of Clearwater, p, 0, Box '1748 !]learwater, Florida 33518 kt.:~\Jfll'! 0 .'HILUS CO,HOHi'A ,J.... 1" ...Jr~..J.h4 OLE"" CIR\~UH COURf Owne:-: Burl & Laura S. McPeek 3164 San Bernadino Clearwater, Florida .. I~ 2 161 ," '7~ .1- RETURN TO: CITY ctE1Ht r. O. BOX 4748 ;'\ CLEAR\t'A TER, FLA. 3351 ~ (~7) O'103Y E):J - . .'_' JL'l WITj;!-:.l;:; \"'l'I':J~I'I)l', Ill.' p~lrtil: lll'rd(l 11,1\'1' C:.II";('II tll(';;,> JJl"":,,'lIl,,! III I", !'~'xccu{\'d t il\~ d,l)' and )'(':1 r 1;: ,;[ ;\ll\lv\, writ t '>\1. , I / U. R. 4204 PAGE1326 CITY OF/C ...EAIlWA'fER, FL lUnA , , ii, "~i ., ~ .."' . ':;;-; , '- ./' .. -). By' y oncy Approvcd as to fonk!& correctnc ss: '-j~{l~ City Attorney , ., ~ .", ....'~' City Clerk - ok.! ~ I, .~"j' 01dF u L JA,r-w ) ,- - x AdAlu qf~t<-- j. /t{QAdtsEALl . " , x 1JJ~-7rl (l~ .~~ Owner .' S TAT E OF F lL-!G3.1DA ) COUNTY OFPiN'ELLAS ) I J:1E::RE:E,Y CER TIP:? tha:t on th:iis 13 da y of All gll!::: 1- , 19 74 before l'Oeper:3"onalJy appc-:alred PiC".ot B. Floyd, Herbert M. Brown~R. G. Whitehead and H _ F.w~rett Hougeh . r.espectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and lvlayor,.,Corrn:nissionci: of. the City of. Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing unde:;- the l2.1VSn51rllf;' Z'..Jate of Fl-!i21ida, '.:0 rne h"nown to be the individ,.als and officers described i:1 a'nd \vho execl::ted: the foregoing AgreelT:rcnt and severally ar:knowledged the execution thc:,:cc: to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the officio"l seal of saiel municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreernent is the 'act and deed of said corporation. "MY C ornmi l, 8i on Expi res: ..... <.-lrj r '"it::.,. St~:..re (,.. r rr,.., . . My Commis...".. f' '- I,,,,, ,,' l<Jrg" 8o~ b Arne' Alme. Sept. 2\1, 1>.'7 Y neon Fire "'.SI> II 'W 1 '\..0. I<!~ ,<2- Notary Public Countyqt ;12inella s : ",It'.";." !: " . ," \ ~ ' ...' \ oj .....:"". ~ "-;) .. ,1'......... ~,,' > .' WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the and State o~ 1"lorida,the day and year last above written. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OJ:' PINELLAS Before me personally appeared 8.JR.L !~CIiEk d;. j~V~/J.:;;~?..gIl-Ef to me well known and known to me to be the In(hvlC3uals desGj'becl 1n ancl:..~"itl:A;<ex~c2"ytcd tne foregoing agrccrnent and ac]~no\Vlec1ged hefore l1l.e that they e::-:<:cutec1 ~~t'~~~~{';.~}h9 purposes therein expressed. ' , .:r,...,:"/" t:">:'",::;. g ;.</ .,~_' ~ ~'. ~..L-~ ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal this '/6 day 'of ~~~~_;. _' ~;: ,lijj~~ .%~fj,:~;, ::,;': ;::~:~ \:i; "~,~',,<~t 1/, . j r'.1..... ,.>\ 1i,I \\1\\\\\ ,- :: .. ..... . 't.o -; r.: \ r' t r, \ '~ ~ , . .... ~ ..... ~j "~?;;'>:~';..,.,.., " "'!;,\.~ '0, . "1 i'j'j .i.\-'. My Cornn1is sian Expire s: R'/ PUBLIC STATE OF FtORID~ Al tAlG! ~O~ coMMISSION EXPIRES JA~/;I~~~~IUl'ERS &eNDED tHkU GeNeRAL \N5UKAN City of (;k:JI",\';lvr. J', U, " :<,:, I:) Clearw<twr, Flo~'ld:~ ;) fJ:6 -2- RETURN TO: CITY CLER K P. O. B.bx 4748 Cl.EAHvV A TER, FLA. 3:::; 18 'fllii'l instrUDl'!lt ,,::1:; Tll'I'p:jl'rd by: I-II~j(l n~ r~]~ ~,:~. [;-:: c' \'/ >:. C>: _:\; : ~: j ,,;:, Y"