SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (315) TillS AG}\EHIENT, 1ll;1de ,mcl entered into lld~; by G1H1 bell.Jl'en L1\l' CITY OF CLI:;\lU~i\TER, FLORIDA, refcITeu to as "Ci ty"; Gnu _ ../]jI{v<)1V t./3. hereinaiter referred to [IS "ol...ner"; rp~~7t::f OJ', 3524: PAGE42tr:'~. day of fJ!7f;f(! A , 197 I , a lllunicip;11 OI-porDtj.on, !te1"cinaftcr- 0Jeu \J- /I/}- L. '-(1 t(./ . ~s v(// rG ~ ...) 011 / ~ /{tJ 1.// I.; I t"",1041768 AGREEl-tI:NT WITNESSETl1: \\THERE^S, the ();mer O\.Jl1S the follO\,~inG described renl property situated in the, t City~[ Clean"ater, PinCIL~.' ~O/~l~y, Flpida~~,.. . '~. I ~ :' ' C'i ~~ 0: :E: 00 't"o'--- ~ - . /l.. /J /) . at,. -.- /1 . ) i!~~ f ~ c!'tftV LJ~ Cf - 1-:6 0 - '13 I o&V'- cJ~~ rf1i and ~m\E^S, Ordinance No. 1219 of the. City requires that all land that ahuts a public "-J rigll! of \".1)', Hhich is to have neu construction on it, either for residcnti<1l, conu~rcial, indus trial or other purposes, shall 113ve sidc\,wlks cons tructed by the owner on, across 6r adjacent thereto; and HHEREAS, the ();mcr is ei'cctil18 cert"in nel.] construction on snid property and has reqtlC'~;tcd tlle City <1t this time. not to requirc the ilID11ediate installation and construc tion of side\.~olks in connec tion there\>1i th; ond >> WHEREAS, thc O,.mc~r has ar:recc1 that if in the futm:c the City, in i.ts sole dis-:' ,C)Cf)' ~ >, :; ~ cretion, dctennines that it is advi'sable and necC'sS<1ry to have such ~:;i(leHalks )c~S; , installed, that the O,.mer Hill, upon notification by the City, l}[\ve sicle,....<llks ~ =,2 j~ ~ inmlt~diotely installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then t11e City (_ ": ~~ may lHlve snid installaU,on made and impose a lien against the described real property (", .....) . p, :", /~ for the cost thcreof; ..'. ~.,,, ;'~; NOH, Tl1Er.EfO}n~, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and ,..;vall.lablc consideration bcu.]cen the parties, rcccdpt of uhich is hereby ackno'dlec1ged, ~: ..~ the parties hereto covenant <1nd agree as [0110\.]5:' ~ -.~; t:; -, ::3 ~ r"': cl) :: c:::: oof r..I'.) b',~... j .,~ n,~~ $ on ~. 1,:t:1"-; ~:r.1C) 1". The sicleHalks the .:lbove City will not at this time as part of the erection of dcscribed real property. rcqtd.re the installation ::ll1cl constnlction the building 3nd improvcments by the 0..111<21: 2. 'rhe City mDY at any timc in tl)c future notify the O;mer, hi.s heirs, personal . . rcprcsentDtives, succcsSOJ:s or assi[';n~; that the City in its solc discretion has .detennined th<lt it: is advisable and necess:ll:y to have side,valles installed in connection with said ~cs~riLed real property. 3. The OI'me1~ or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notificntion by the City have sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City s~ecifications and,standards as established. 4. If the (}.mer or his heirs, personal representatives, succeSS01:S or <lssigns shall fail to ,have sidel,,'3lks installed for the c1escribc.d' real property in accordance ,.,1th City specifications and sUl11c!:1J:C1s \,]itbin ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci ty, then the City Day havc the sidci,,'alks ins talled and as sess and impose a lien ag~inst ll.1c; describecl real propc:--ty fOl" the cost of the ,york. 5. This ngrcement is to' he regarded as a covenant nmnin~ \-lith the lanel, regardless of \'.'hether it is specifically mentioned in .1ny ,deeds' or conveyances suTlsegucntly exccutec1, and tl1i~; agrccTilcnt 811<11.1 be hi.nc]jnG on all parties, their heirs, person31 represcntntives, succ~ss6rs or assigns. 6. All notices pursu<1nt to tbis ::J~rc('mcnt shall be furnidwc1 to the rc'spectivc parties at tIle following addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different aclclrc~ss: CHy: 1-11'. 1'1errett n. Stierhcim Ci ty 1'1nl1agl'r 1'.0. Box l~748 Clc iln....l Ler J Flod,c1.1 ., (h-mcr: !l1 (J /l / J,( ~ ~ " 6/Z (11/l/! -6.' ~/J~ Lo W l- ;{; ~L, /() c; - /0 !.-} dve. 6,'0,. i/7;f~O/~. L/9-.. .1((p) 0'7- ()~"1-~O " 33513 RECORDER'S MEr..~O: Legibi.Iit~ of Writing, Typing or Pnntmg unsatisfactory in this document .when l',!!f~ived. .. .. - '-~ I I O.R. 3524 PAGE 426 IN \HTNESS Hll1~J~EOF, the p;ll:'tie~i here to h<1VC c3.u:,ed these pre:>1cllt" to be executed the d.3)' nnd year l.:lst nbovc \.Jritten. Clcrk ~~ City Attorney Hitnesscs: ,'7 ~ ,0. (0 I' J ,:l--:r;:l('./l--v/ iJj, Jj?;l~ .. /rl ~~iu '. '~A_J , ~ Owner ~~~~ /~~~C.~~ i~.;OC..~~_.~. .$!f .:/ ' r-~ .4J~~ As to, (};,JIlcr , , WITNESS my signnt1l1:'e and official seal at C1can:,'Cltcr in. tIle County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day <lnd ycnr last above Hritlen. Hv. C OJl~)'1. i..c' s.i on .Fr..rn-i.r B,Q . 1'Iot~ry I'lj!jt:f, ~l:aleOOrTllJJ1(J11" CI1"L8rge ','" C~ "1';" ;",) Er.",;rC5 Ott. 22, 1974 h'~r L.'.! -.,,'.-.. J' r Bonded by American FJ(~ .& .Ca~u~hy' ~.Q.; . ~\~_i':" '. .,...,.....~ hotary Pub:l~C/A'<,';/i~' "", '. ,"', ',.-il.:, ' "~-' ~:~" " ' , ~? ~~~ORDER'S ME'MO~ . LegzbllIty of Writing T " ihitJip.ting unsatisfa'cto~H;~ ocument when received. J;.:' _n_ '. '_"_n__ . _ __ .--,,_._.__ STATEOFFLOj~TI)A ) COUNTY OF PINELL^S) Before me personally appeared /) -f -1 '1 - , .' '~ /) ~UJ /,;;, j(;}tui~ ~ ltizz ,X IJa~0 to me \-1el1 bl0\o111 and J<nO\m to 1:1e to be t1)(~ indivic1u[~L; d('~;cribcd in ;lIld \1110 c>:cctlted the foregoing agreement nnc1 ac:knol'.'lcdged before me tha t they execu tcd the saJll~ fOl: the purposes therein expressed. d. do -- dny of ;JJz~ A.D. 197/ -, WITNESS my hand ..311.d oHic.ial seal this ,,-" ~_,~ ~~ ~"i"~J(:.-. -:,h ~ '<';,j" . """.U'.w' ",1',1". o ~ :".- .'. ~."....:I/ ";;.. - """__01" ~ ,<,( .,c) -~I.b~' ",;. -J Cr;: (.3 - "'. _/ 00 _;f ~<(::: ~ . , :~"~\'\~-:~.~ ~ )'1y COllllrlj..t.1/i!"il r:>:l'trc;s: .4'1'\', ,,' ,,~j ~ . B!!:!-tY ;~/ 9 73___._ Lgif LJ d.:u,LL',- NO(:[l1:y Public )J'Q ~23) 197.3