SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (314) ~ " oJ .ll~~\} \\ t\ ~t) I fll~~~~~$ 0.0.; HQ!lIM " \ . .' .' l(r) '.' L_ \.....'. .......,.... .....A4..'....!L... 'U....'\'\ ,"\i."~~._""",.,..."".......,_",.y.,~,,,.,,,, ~'\1t,~",'- . . O~l!ig~ elp,ctHT CQVR.1 'Q(Q 11 ~@@ rM ~1 \, '11112154 I <I. r ,...f ~--~".~-~ t ~ TH.IS AClU~njENT, made by and betlJcen the CI'j'Y OF he'~'cinaftcl) rr~i'errcd to as hereinafter referred to as AGEEE!'1ENT and entered into this 24th day of November , ~ CLEhl<.\}ATE]~, FLORIDf\, a-j;unlc'ipzll corporat ion, "Citv"; and B H es Inc -LOWl.L-.OIll___L::__--L__________..._____ II () ...m c y' II ; \VITNESSETH: the \vHEf{EAS ~ the 01.mer m.ms he folloHinv described real property situated City of Cl carHa tel' ,Pin(;lJa~; County, Flo:r'ida: Lots 62 and 63, also thE~East 10.0 feet of Lot 61 and the West 15.0 feet of Lot 64 DelOra Groves 3310 San Jose St., Clearwater Florida and \'lHEREAS, Ordinance No. 121 ~l of the City requ ires that all land tJ1Cl t ab a public right of Hay, which is to have new construction on it, eitllcr for residential, commercial, iJldustrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and HHERE/\S, the O\-lner is e:r'ecting certain nevI conf3truction on said proper' and has requested the City 2t this time not '[:0 reCluire the immediate jnstal: tion and construction of sidc':JcJ.lks in connection tllcre1.-1ith; and \'JBEREAS ~ the (h.mer has 2r;r'(-~ed trlat if in tl)e future the Ci tv, l.n its se discretion, determines that it is advisable and neccessary to have sue}l sidewalks installed~ tl1at the Owner will, upon notification by the City, ha\ side\'lalks immediately installed at his expense, and J:f he should fail to do then the City may ha,ve said installation rnacle and impose a lien again~;t the described real property for the cost thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and otJler gc and valuable conjidcration between the parties, recci~t of which 18 Jlereby ac Jcr~o :'~"' 1 [-=:!.c :~: e (J ~ -L-.-he f.J.=ct i c: s l: c r'C' t () C0 '.J e 11 ~ riot: ~1 r; d ~i {:)-1"' ;.:-~-c r~t ~3 f 01 J i_oj pJ c~ : 1. The City Hill not at tl1is time ~eq0ire the installation and construction of side\-lalks as part of the erection of tne building and improvements by the Owner,on the above described real property. 2. The City may at any time in the future notify the OHner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewa installed in connection with said described real property. 3. The OHner or his heirs, personal represenatives, successors or'assi shall at his expcm:~ithin ninety (90) davs from the notification by the Ci have sideHalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established." - . 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal rep~esentatives, successors or assirns shilll fail to have sidcI-!alks installed for the described real proper-' in accordilnce with City specificatioJls and standards within ninetv (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City F',ay llave the side\'1C11ks installed and assess and impose a lien against the described rea] prop~rty rr the cost of the work. 5. This agreement lS to be refT,arded as a covenant running 1.vi th the lane regardless of whetller it is specifically mentioned in any deeds O:r' conveyance ~ subsequently executed, and this agreement S11illl be binding on all pilrties, tt ;.:, ~ ~ heirs, personal representCltives, successors or assirrns. . ~~~ I> o~ 'TI ~. 00' . ~ ~ ~ ~ 6. All notJ,ces pUJ'suant to this af';recp.;cnt shall be furnished to the ;;,_(?P=llfspective parties at the follO\linr: addresses, until receipt of '~n'itten ~ U OJJ1structions notifyinr; the other party of Cl diffel'c:nt address: 0. ""1:l C't. - '0 Z P-i .~ J. y, . O\'lIler: :cj~.> .~_~o Hr. !1crrett R. Stierheim . ~ BrownHome s, Inc. .-- 0 a; C . t lJ: . ' - " <'-> I>. ~.. 1 Y . Jalld,_,er 1807 S. Highland Avenue e~ r::~ r.o. Box li71+8 Clearwater, Florida 33516 ~ ~ ~ ~, Clear\.;a te}~, Flol'ida3 3 518 ~ .--1"'; t;E-'iO CIS ~ ~ a> ''-' ril ~ ~. r(J A:l - '~~. :>. ~. ~ E-1 ~ OtJ7 ~.. LY-?Y- - CD i..! () 1- "'-:( o.R;36S5PAGE 83 I '* IN \'nTNr~;S :,,');]:rn:nr-, ft:>c :.;~~=:u te( -- c clay , tIll.' Dar't ire s here to !1 ,-, V c~ - la~>t Clbove: \vl'itten. tn 1,r: FLn:::i S correctness: \h tnesses: .~ '. <h L! '.. cy - .t:;k,~~~:o.t~ ~,.J;~--~' a:li,".:?4~. UA ~~~:~-~ ~cmJj~~ -'0""1, --" - J "'~ .- r :, -' , " " ~,~L4 -~_ ~~ 'Z3-d# ....- ----- As to Clty STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) I HER[BY CERTIfY, that on this_.l2~l.Y of...::..{D~, A. D. 1 ~)7 before me per'sonallv ClppeaJ:'ed l~errett }Z. Stierl:l~/'tn$ IJcl'bel't H. 131'0,,711, R. G. \-Jhi tel)(;ad and B. Evere tt Fiougen, N~ spect i vcly City !-lanagcr, Ci tv Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner 'of the tity of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and W]lO executed the fOl'egoin['; Agl"eement and severally acknO'.'Jledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duJ,y authorized; and that the official seal of said JJll:nicipal corpora_tiop ie.' clulyeffixec t1':2J--'eto~ emu tile said agr-ecrnent is the act c~nd deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County 6f Pinellas and State of ~'lorida, ,thE; day and year last above \Jritten. ~', I. ., , ' . ,~~'/~~ .- ~, ~', _ ~-"-"''"'l_ .. _ ' Nota r'y- PllhJ::l.c, ..... My Commission EXDires: Notary PdIc Sld2 01 r-brica at Large C .. "". 0 t 22 1974 )\\y om~I~~S~t'.Hl .tA~;~les t. , R...n...la....I hv ArnP.rinui Fire ~ ~asuaJty CO. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Before me pel"sonally appeal'ed Franklin o. <:ollinSc~'V~~-.!');i~;~,~,er:~ of ,. '. .3rQ'wlr Homes ,Ine.. ' ":i-. --,.j"-- -, , to me I,.'ell Knolm and knoHn to me to be the' individuals. dC"SiClQ.ibedi:11"and..Hho executed the foregoin0 agreeJ.lent and ackno':Jledged befo~e r.1'iKT,ithClt'''"':'t%'~in';::, e>:ecuted the SC:Hne for the purposes therein expressed. ".."\..." v'>-"~"JolJ - - '.: N v ' .'.,:vy.,:,.:~o.)/~~~~~ ..>~:~: \-HTNESS my hand and official seal this 24t}jay of O. 'C .. A...lb.. ,.19-Q-'fl'>" ~~?'<!~~'; l . Not a.t y . J1l;1 b.,/i1-/lf 11y Commission Expires: "',,/ 't' ~OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA .'ill lARGE >4Y 1'1I~~MI'i'il""l I''lCPIRF''' <;FPT. ", 1975 t3ENERII.1 W'3',;"ANCr: 1]1'1DL{WRlHFlS, Ir-,'C_