SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (313) ... ~r .~,--,:"~ ~' \~Jl. I 71016140 I o,~ 3484 PAGt651 ....(j A G R E E MEN T TillS AGREFJ.IENT, made and entered into thi.s 14th day of Janua.z::y , 1910, by and bctl-7ccn the CITY OF CLEAI\\.JATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporati.on, hCl'cinaitcr referred to as "City"; and BROWN HOMES,INC. hereinafter referred to as "O'-7ner"; WITNESSETH: \~HEREAS, the o.mer O~.]l1s the follm,ling described real property situated in City of Clcarwater, Pinellas County, Florida: :r ii, 10.... ..-.:t~ :.:.....\..) C%lO ~ (" c; ,...~ f."., ,::;. :z 0 -; c. C' )-J C'n .. IJI :o,-rr: '~ !'lob __ n:U __ f;.o '" :lit ,. -." WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of thc' City requires that all land that abuts ~ public- right of ~"ay, Hhich is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, indus trial or other purposes, shall have sideHallcs cons true ted by the owner on, across 61' adjacenc thereto; and ~ aD The East.. 15 feet of Lot 405 ~nd all of Lots 406,407 and 498 Del Oro,Groves /tIff/if 3~ 7,;6 ~ ~ A and >. .. <l> 00 WHEREAS, the o.yncr is erecting certain neH construction on said property and >'"~~ ~ .Q ~ ~ has requeDted the City at this time not to require the ilmllcdiate installation and .....J """-J' "g :> ><: ~'constr1Jc tion of side\Valks in connec tion there~vi th; and. h ~ 0 lO oc: >,i:Q co : ~ ...,~ O:~ WHEREAS, the Oi.Jncr has agreed that if in the future the City) in its sole dis-:' 2<.'.~r,~cretion, cktermines that it is advisable nnd necessary to have such sidcI.mlks ~';' .,~ ~installcd, that t11e O;-7ner Hill, upon notification by the City, have sidewalks f . ~.~ ;:;:;inn1\(~diDtely installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City "',' ' T~ ~il1ay have said installation made and impose a lien against the described real property ;. ,':." '-'for t11c cost thereof- S '.:',~ ,~;; ~ ) ,... 1'-1 (1) ::: H , .- ::..c 1~ ~::: ~ NOH, TllEIZEFORE, in consideration of the fOl:cgoing premises and other good and .:~ ~ Uvaluable consideration between the parties, recidpt of: ~'lhich is hereby acknO\'lledgcd, :E ~ ~ the parties hereto covenant and agrree as follmys:.. 8'~' ;:r::D of on 1'. The s ic1 C,-7 <11 ks the Clbove City Hill not at this time as part of the erection of described real property. require the ins tallation and cons true tion the building and improvements by the (};,mer 2. The City may at any time in tbe futun~ notify the O,mer) his heirs) personal representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has ,determined that it is advisable and necessary to have sidewalks installed in conncction with said ~es6riLed real property. 3. The O,'lner or his heirs, personal reprcsentntivcs, successors or assigns shall' at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City s~ecifications and, standardo as established. 4. If: the O;vner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to ,have side\'lalks installed for the describe.d real property in accordance "lith City spccifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the side\-7alks installed and assess and impose a lien Dgainst the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This Dgreement is to be regarded as a covenant running \-lith the land, regardless of whetller it is specifically mentioned in any deed~' or conveyances subsequently executed, Dnd this agreement shall be binding on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns. 6. All notices pursuant to this Dgrecmcnt shall be furni[;hec1 to the parties at the folloHing addresses, until receipt of written instructions the oUlcr party of a ,different address: City: Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim City Nanager P.O. Box 4748 Clenrwnter, Florida 33518 " rC' spec ti ve notif.:;:;i.ug"" " ~ c" ,l' -, I I , \ ....: ~, ;: ~ ~ . "<;I ~O\mer:BROWN HOMES'INC~~',',.,.,:::..~~, .".~','.",'. ..,.':;;; ..... '" /' - /""') ,;, 7"'..;h~;' \ .'. ~ "'U~(> ~-/ " , ~: -. ..-~~(:itf ,~\., ~i",';'" Franklin O. Collins, Vf~~P~'~d8D.t i, ;.~..I;' .....~ '0 .- c'. ',./ , . . , ~ ~ it. . I ' (, LJ .'~~ ."..#" "'i"J"oJ) ~ I -1- 07- O.3'fa{~~ ',",!";~::o::1J;:.'"::r::::'-:- ~~,'~", "'" ',', P'~ '_"'~'.:O."'; :',',~"'':'''<;__C",';_,","-''~';;~'''~I:'''"~ . '_,t;~"'",~",",..-",<:,_,",,,:. ,~. .,,':"'~,:l.,-~ I I o,R3484 'PAGE652 IN \HTNESS HIlEREOF, the parties here to have caused these presents to be executed the day and year last above written. . . , , ' y~~S: City Attorney C 1 e ik. . . . ., ' ' ' . ' , I ; ,,~ /' / '. \olitnesses: " ~~~ ifS/~, /(Pd:./~_~) C~ ~' Ast!~ "~-'i.i1 .., ,'.. '-"'iff " ./"'? ' , <jJ" ~".., ~7 /JI'1} 0 .~"'41~';.~' v,.~~~b .A.,.i.,.., ","i~C ~ "~~'~" ,f\, . 1 ; /'~"" :1,/.1." {J ..:~_ ~ , t Jill; ,0 i~e,;vr~r :,;:, ~ ~~' '. :..dA~~~~"...';i"J..,OR IDA ) c'o"oN:.f;Y":'OF.>'pUmLI,AS) ..""1' ' ,q 1/ . ,HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this . q~_day of h A.D. ~ before me personally appeared l'lc.rrett:1-:- 81:io.rhcim, Herbert H. Bra n, R.G.Hhitellcad and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, ity Clerk and Mayor- Commissioner of the City of Clcan-7atcr, a munici.pal corporation existing under the laws of the State bf Florida, to me known to be ~he individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally aclmouledg,ec1 the execution thereof to be their fJ:(~e act and deed as suell officcro; tlWL'cunto duly.authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is clulyaffixecl thereto, and the said ngrecmcnt is the act 'and deed of said corpora tion. BROli\1J'I HOt1E-S .,:uk~. ~1&,0:'t1~ OIl7ner '\'. \ \ :;, '",' . " Vice President' . "<-, ,: \HTNESS my signature and official seal at Clean:Hlter in the County of Pinella::; anA.:Jltl1te Qf Florida) thc day <lnd year 1ast above ~v)'itten. <,,~ >~, '..' ~~. z;r~ Notary Public My. COrw.l\~S~ort ,f':.oKI>'i.rf'.!'lI' 'lto\arf, 10-\ .~~j~.. .~_.: (2" r:~ _7fn'T~U!~ uL1J:ge "'~yCpl1l;r,;~;i~J~:(pin:.s J.l. 2.1, 19'i4 '.....ded by, ^~"C'YI fil'! ,!. ~"'IY ~~ 'STATE':OF'FLOR IDA-) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Before me pcrsonally appeared Franklin O. Collins, Vice President of Brown Homes,~nc. to mC Hell knoHn and kI10\;'n to J:1C to be tlw inclivic1u21s dc~;cribC'c1 in :1l1d \-7ho cxccl.tcd the foregoing agreement and <lcknowledged before me that tlley executed the same for th~ purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and oHic.ial seal this 14th day of January A.D. 197b. ','-, \ '..''.,;': ~,i)~~~"v ,,-- ;(;W~ ,,4& ~~ ~ ", r! iy"'~otary Public ~. .'; <I ~ ~..,,;; '.'" fl- By COlluni.ssion Expires: c' In:, :ClII IU LA., .i. 8.1971 ,irELHOIl.~