AGREEMENT WITH BLACKBURN BROTHER LAND DEVELOPMENT r- ~ 1"',",, r ~ ",_ .~ -r,~' "111 '-~"t ""1i!':";~'~I~' W:4::1n!~' '1"1 '-!;f"-'7.' ":~~',:"~' I;' ~.~':,~'11~."~' :, -l .......... . ,."H' ?""f , ..... ..-.., ~ k"" . ...:l>"'" ':1p,(:;." A Q . S E MEN T THIS AGIlK.EJoaaIT eDteru Into the f'./;t.y of ~.D..1969 by and between ta. CITY OF CLEARWATER. FLOllIDA. a municipal corporation, hereb1afterrewrred to as "City", and WILLIAM G. BLACKBURN AND WALLACE W. BLACKBURN, d/b/a BLACKBURN BROTHERS LAHD.DSVAlLOPWJ:NT. a partner.blp, herelD.after referred to as "Blackburn." WHEREAS~ Blackburn is the owner in We of that certain parcel of land described InB~"lt .a.tta~h.d hereto, and is desirol,l8 of avail- ing themselvcu of certain cO;DlIntUlity .ervices offered by the City of Clearwa.ter. and W H J: RII: AS. tilt. lu.1d is adjacent to the mun ic ipal Ilm it ef the City of Clearwater and the City of Clearwater i. dedroU8 of extending its services and jurisdiction into t1l111 area. and , W H E Jl E AS, it i. mutually aireed between Blac:kbu~ and the City that this lancl .houl4be developed in keeping with the City's master plan for community development; WIT N E SSE T H: NOW. T H J; RJ: .. 0& E, in con.lderation of the mutual coven- ants and promi.e. hereba.after set forth and tbe mutual bene fib and obligations runnlnl "tween the partie. hereto a. herelD.after .et forth, and for other goo4 and valuable COD.ld.eratlonll, the partie. hereto enter into the following &1 reemenh : / 1. Blackbura ....,ib herewLth,al1 tho.e certain exhibits required by the City of Clearwater, f9"r.,~nn~:xatlon and zonina of the subject tract: a. J:s:Ilu.lt A ._"-IT ....., b. --'tWt 1 - A.JplJ.caat'. Wt&er requel8tml &DJleD.tlon c. Exhiblt4tc; Lltplcle.4;rWtI.oa for area. to be zoaed "B" Buelne.. d. ExhibltA/Ji) Leplifh.crlptloa for areas to be zoned "R-M" e. Esalbit H - a..e~bi.paad EnclD1lbrance Report '~ ~/ O\-~5-ro (,) . ,JII..,. !; ~ . i"''': t:, I'"~ .~ ~:7'~' "'" .> , t. AGRE1U4UT - :a.t.Cltyo{~~rw..t8r & Blackburn :pros . Land Development " Z. Attached hereto are Exhibitll F It G Master Plan for 5 E V ILL E , a community ofapa.rtuuPlt hom.. and Master Plan for CLEARWATER MALL. Tlut.e m&8ter p,na have beeD reviewed by the appropriate City agencies and are .ub.ta.ntlally approved by the City upoa the execu- tion of thelle pre.uta for pr~po..d lau.d ~e, ZOJiL~g. general street and utility layout 3. Concurreat to e~cutlOD of thelle presents Blackburn hereby / re4lluests amt.ezatloB of aJI..'0..; lhiP.t certain property described, in Exhibit E which is attache" hereto. 4. Blackburn hereby agrees to annex to the City over the period of the next six (') calendar year. from the execution of the.e presents, all of that certain property de.cribed in Exhibit B and a. IIhown on the Master Plana for the above meut:loDed projects. 5.. In order that t.... City ~y provide proper fire protection in accordance with specLflcatioDs acceptable te the City, the Clty hereby agrees to constrllct an adequately alzed water main to a point approxbn- ately 1100 feet .a.t.rl"ii,..~lt~ easterly rlshtof way line of U. S. Highway 19, tog.the r with a11.PJUlrt~nanc. 8 and required fittings. 6. Blackb.rn may dAlar and dillpo.e of by burning any portion of the tract a. 18 warra.ntedon land. pre.eRtIy lying within the Clty limitll of the c;:;lty Gf C1a&rwliter after approval by the Fire Chief. Blackburn sbaU. durlnl the cour.. of said operations exerci.e normal care and shall do aaid bQ.rDln.a uader proper lIupervi.ion and with proper equipment in attendance during the operation. ; . 7. 11,_.j..,:_jl..l.....r'..~__Ular wLtb the p1aDa for tile pro-- polled developlD:eat of the.......r... laud area. wlthin the .ubJect tract. The.e pau.ll wlU iN r.....etI by tbe required City agencies a.nd a formal "'" report ackDowl...... approT&l an4/gr recommended modification lIub- mitted to the owners. Tb.eCity alre.. to work conlltructively a.ad barmon- lously with the above&l_c~. _.I'd. the prepaxoatlon of & Dredge, ----' - Z - FiU J.{J ~. f~€ . '. ' . c" ~ ' _ ~ .1i! " , ") c,~ ',' "I""" ~ . ..." .." ,. . . -~ AGUEMENT - ,Bet .CiIr qtli.l....nvat.r. Blackburn B r08 . Land. DevebpmCllt and Seawall Applic:atlcmby the owaers to the Plnellas County Water and Naviption Control Authority and to the Trulltees of the Internal hnprove- ment Fund.. See E~ib.it .,. 8. Blackburn alr.ell hereby to design and cause to be constructed, a sanitary ....1"_,. ~1ib~ the .ubjec:t land to C~Il"ATJ;R MALL. The City hereby a.grees to pay one-half of the cOllt of the first 2000 lineal feet:otf (t.i~ lnch.a&Jllta..J:'Y ..war line from the existing Clearwater East 'lIil.i* . . ' i Sanitary Sewer Iaterc._r.\.~.1tary Sewerage Collection to the OLEARWATEll MALL. B~urn, shall obtain bidll from at least four (4) qualified pipeline contractors and award to the lowest and best bidder. The City reserves.the right for the City Engineer to be included in re- viewing and tabul.a.tlng of bids; and he must concur in the selection of the lowest and best bidder before a c:ontract is executed for the proposed sewer line. 9. No By......ss W.ter8 shall be installed in the project for fire protection. However, the City agrees to permit installation of water meters on private property, .to serve individual apartment buUdings. providing they are lOO&~ to. provide easy a.ccesll for meter readers. 10. Blackbum. agreell to furBish to the Clty and/or dedicate all necessary easements. ind.u."g but not limited to. water. sanitary sewers, storm drainage and gas mains. IIN WITNESS W'HERZOF. the parties hereto bave executed thlBAfq- t;'; and year ahove Bet out. . . CQ I. .ii~.~; CIT App;/e~ a. ;0 fG~ ' y~. City Attorney reGtDe. s: By;, . .~.'-, ~- . "",~ ... '.... . .. . A~e:.~. ~,._- - ./. . .€lty Clerk BLACKB l1JitN BR~II"" LAND DEVELOPMENT. a Partnership Witnesses: . .J1:2 ~ . ~~ . · ~~c. ~ .f/f_,- ':. :.- . K~':,7"v. .~ As to ~ 1~f:v.~. itL;;:z:- · B - J. ~ ~_ y. . .~ . ~.- _.4r,. ..._ By1f~~ti.Il~~. . . - 3 - 'I.. tP" - "'." -"' v -...; A T T A C H ME. T LIST OF EXHIBITS TO AGREEMr CITY OF CLEARWATSK A:'\O BL LAND DEVl!::LOPME!\1 COMPAI\ EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C-I EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G EXHIBIT H EXHIBIT I EXHIBIT J EXHIBIT K - ~1 BETWEE!\ THE CKBURN BROTHERS DATED ?-.1:\~CH l'1V~ Boundary S.ln-L:\' and \10::.::--:-le:::<.t::u:, of Pea:-cc> T:-a.ct rULs('d to Decerr.'-)e:- :. l~H:.S:o :ir.>>;\\ tr:ose ccrtd.:':: prope!"~i.es now CJ\'."aed :-)~.. )!rtC;::J~~:, dt:s:~:-aated as S E V ILL E ii nap.J. :- t !-:~ (: ::: b.::) rr.. e c 0 ~ :il ~: : : :' C LEA rt SAT E:{ .\ 1 ..; L L ,::- '.: !l ::J :1 a 1 s r, ~ ? 0 :. :: ~ c e n t (' r. (J A 0:'\ '" 7 ~ .; C - ~ = ~ 00 r) A I ~ 0 5 h 0 ,\ S r ,> q : '-' s t (' c zoning by ar<-as deli:,'-'dtcd:t: color, P('rimcter descripLJr. 0: ;'()~e c'~:-tairl p:-operL<:s subiect of a contr-act G('t\" 'eo: B:.ic~::,;ur': a::d :::.-:.: C:.:\ of C'learv"a:er to ~e ar::"!lX"'C :~J ~r-~c C~~\. ~): l.lC'd.:"\,_i:~:-:- in stages. Dcscriptlon for .l.rc:as to) je zo!:ed B 31,<::es:: :21 SEVILLE and CLE...\R.\ATER .\fALL(-r~:-:it annexa: ion) .... Dald.::.ce f a :-t'~ :0 b.., Lor:e i B ;-. "" delineated on Exhi':J:.t .-\ :n Red. Description Of?OrtLOn o~SEV:LLE: :0 b.. zc::(,C ::<-\f ( first a .l~lexation ), Ba .:inc. or :irea :0 be ZG:1e:J ?.r!\: is delineated on Ex:b~t At.: Yello\>.... Description of portion o~ S E V ILL == "nd CC):Y1:r.'C'.:-c,:ii tracts to be an:lexed to Ct" or Clea.:-\\,at....:- Jd.~L;d.:'\ .~")}. Master Plan forSEVILL1=' - a comr;}dnt:\ 0,' apartment honles. f'; A J:):,\ 1 ... - 1 ~ = ~ ) / '""toO.' :::,r },.'1a::;te r Plan fo:- C L E r\ R by F, M u da no, .-\ r chi tee: - ..l. "T" o _. " S~"{ ~,~ A .:.... L , p:-e?a:-ed ( :' = : J:", I I Ownership and Enc~mbrnnce :~epor: by F. !3.~' C. dated December I, 116b. Lettt:'r from ~\'ilLam Black~ urn r,.'C;:lest:ns c::.nexat,-:):~ and zoning. Le tt e r from City Snginee:- c:ar:fy:::..: the .J.ppl:c<i~:;'::; of City Spt>ciLcati()I1.--i as th.y dpply to p:-:-.ate or ::0:-:- subdivi::;ion street.,;. .-\pp1icat:o:~ drav..l'1~ fo:- proposed St.>.:.iv..dll-c:-ed:;_ ing & Fill ;l'. 1 dr:-:pa Ba\' ')\' \L::.a~l-: E3L~k:):...r':. a::c Walla c e BIte k ~J li r 1: ! :' .: 2 c.; i ) ...-. .- '(""""'~ ~"..'o"?""""""-"~t.c' ",,~ JOHNSON & ALBRECHT - DESCRIPTION OF PEARC '~~:~~.{"'~~~~~C't"},, ,",~ "~~F:;~~:':P;'_-~'-:-?: '""!~:'~ _:or: :c:-:t: t' ~:-~o;,w.~_~:---.,...: .... " '. '. . --.. -- . - -.. --,,-, 1:.11'1; :'11 11111 l.~ ;1 .11 ;il,. ,II 'iI ,:11 :! 'Qan d P lallftlng & Engineering 7iJ.J \..ourt )tre.t CLEARWATER, FLA. 335'c ......7512 442-3000 ....- August 22, 1968 JAWO 1l00-250-PCRCON R 6844 BLACKBURN BROTHERS LAND D VELOPMEKT COr-;TRACT PROPERTY FOR From the southwest corner of Section 1 , Township 29 S., Range 16 E.: run S. 880 57' 0211 E. along the section line, 100.00 feet for a Point of Beginning; Thence run N. 010 03' 04" E. al ng the easterly right of ....ay line of U.S. Highway 19,2,538.80 feet; Th nce run N. 45024' 32" E.. continui.ng on said right of way line 143.00 f et; Thence run N. 890 46' 01" E. along the southerly right of 'Nay line f Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard (State Road 60). sa id line be ing 50 feet sot.:the rly of and pa rallel to the 0 east - west centerline of said Section 17, 48 .35 feet; Thence run S. 01 08' 47" W. along that certaln hne descrioed i.n O. R. Book 2171, Page 617, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. 624.72 feet; Thence run S. 89051' 51" E., 699.22 feet; Thence run)/. 50021' 401' E., 33.45 feet; Thence run S. 430 111 54" E.. (See Deed Bo k 1295. Page 207. Puolic Records of Pinellas County. Florida). 1,935.52. feet to a poi.nt on the Gave rnment Meande r Line of Old Tampa Ba); Thence continue S. 430 II' 5411 E. along the northeasterly line of submerged land in Old Tampa Bay conveyed to E. L. Pearce by deed recorded in Deed Book 586 Page 175, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. 899.56 feet; The!"lce run S. 140 03' 39" W. along the easterly line of aid submerged land, 774.62 feet; Thence run N. 890 13' 12" W. along a line parallel to and 600 feet northerly of the southerly li.ne of Governmen Lot 1 of Section 20, Tpwn- ship 29 S.. Range 16 E. and the extension f said line. 1,812.30 feet; Thence run N. 000 52' 25" E. along the east rly line of that property con- veyed to Japanese Ga rden Mobile Estate s, I c. by deed reco rded in O. R. Book 1995 Page 216, Public Records of Pinellas County, Flori.da, 733.92 feet; Thence run N. 880 57' 02" W. along t e south line of said Secti.on 17. 1,300.00 feet to the P. O. B. , .~ ~. Subject to existing easements for City of St. Petersburg 'Nater transmission pipeline (See Deed Book 267, Page 477, and Deed Book 1465. Page 193, Public Records of Pinellas County, Flo!' ida) and for City of Clearwate r sanitary sewage transmission line (See O. R. Book 1704, Pages 674 - 687 inclusive, Public Records of Pinellas Count~ Flor ida); and ...-c,.... Subject to the rights of the Culbreath Cemet ry upon the property; and Subject to other easements of record as may be revealed by a complete title search. EXHIBIT B '")" /' p,.-,i/ vt;' ~:~- Harald R. Johnson Reg. Land Surveyor #742 . - - "!f."-e_ ~~_,!,_~~"'~!:':' '. "'::;r\l~~~'!-,-''''.~'''~:!\''''''?~'';'T;'''':'':''-' -. ',"'.~" U -;.... !"!,,~.~t--'''--'' ~r.._~:~~:!<,_, ~'{'t1,~, ~;::' ~.:.. 1111' \,{ and P ran n i iI g 1:/1' & E n gin e e r i n g '/11 7 0 5 C 0 U , I S I , eel i"1 C lEA R W ATE R. F L A _ _. _ I '.'- ...;-:;, JO.H.NSqf'.J & ALBRECHT Phone 446-7582 442.3000 December 12, :968 JAWO 1100-75G-E R6651 E X H I B I~' C- DESCHIPTIO:\ F n FIR S TAN N E X A T ION TOT H E C I 1 Y 0 F C LEA R \'1 ATE ~ S E V ILL E P HAS E 1 NAN D CO.\.1 ~1 E R C I A L T RAe T 'S" TO BE ZONED B - BusrXESS From the southwest Corner of Sectior: 1 , 1'0\\ nsr,ip 29 S.. rtange 16 E.. rUn S. 880 57' 02" E.. alon' :>'e '0 to Ene of Said Sectioo 17, 100.00 feet for a Point of Begintling; trence em X. 0:0 OJI 04' along the east right of way line of U ,S .High...a: 19 860 feet; tr.ence :-:.:n .'f Ll ~'. .'17. I ~L_ ~ vI. ~~ / Hacald ~1, Johnson Reg. Land Surveyo:- #742 S. 880 57' 02" E., parallel to the south line of Said SecLo:-: 17, 1010 feet; tcence rUn S. 010 03' 04" W.. 100 f et; !C.ence rc~ N. 880 57' 02" W.. 465.65 feet; thence rUn S. 360 29' 07' W,. 421.-16 feet; thence run S. 10 03' 04" W., fl6.61 feet. t!-:ence run N. 880 57' 02" W., 300 feettotheP.O.B. -,.-.:..~- ~,,,,.~:"",.~,,::'C"_,._ . >-"= .-~'-._~ o ~ ii!IJ'~ and P I ann i n g !:I~I & E n gin e e r i n g 'II I 70S Court 5'...... ill/! " , .. :::~. :,'..:0 "iil Ph_ ,,01 December 12, 1968 JAWO 1100-750-R~f R6851 JOHNSON & ALBRECHT EXHIBlT D - 1 DESCRIPTIO:\ FO~ HE C 1'"" OF CLEARWATER FIRST AI\'NEXATION TO T I SEVILLE T 0 B E Z 0 NED R I\~ From the southwest corner of Sectio:1 I, 1 o\.\-nsnip 2.9 S., Range 16 E.. rUn S. 880 57' 02" E.. along the outh Ene of sa id Section 17. 010 031 04" E. 400.00 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence parallel to the ea st right of wa y line of U. s. igr."a" 19 .; 16.61 feet; 7-f-t-~L--- I: ,~~ thence run N. 360 29' 07" E 4' '6 ~ " ~l.~ lee c',er.ce r-Un S. 880 57' 02" E.. -165.65 feet; thence rUn S. 010 0 '0.;" ~... 760 feet; thence rUn N. 880 57' 02' W.. 710 feet. along the 'outh line 0 f Sa id Seclior. 17 to the p.O. 1:3 . Ha:-ald ct. JO~:1sor. ~ e;.: . La n d S u :- '. e y 0:- '" 7 -L~ K' <~~"'7'''''~!!'!'~'~?'''''',",""'''''7~R~}/''''"'!''';~''''''""'''''"~'' c J.. ""~1>~ . . (]) .. . .. llill' ':",( an d PI ann i n g , j,~ & E n g i ne e r i n g -nfl 705 COllrl Street :1 C L E II. I W II. TEl, F LA. 0 0 , . ^ I . i:: I ~ I tl JOHNSON Be ALBRECHT PhOM 446.7582 442.3000 December 12, 1968 J A ..v 0 11 0 0 - 2 5 0 - C IV A :\ 1I EXHIBIT ~ DES C RIP T I 0:\ FoO;:{ F I ~ S TAN 0: E X A T ION TOT H E CrT y 0 F C LEA R ~\ ATE R SEVILLE PHASE Ivv A~D COM~ E~CIAL T3.ACT 'S" From the southwest corner of Sect lOr: 17, Townsn~p 29 S., Rar-,ge 16 E., run S. 880 571 02" E., aiong the south llne of sald Section 17, 100.00 feet for a Point of Begirulii:g; thence run ~. 010 03' O-l' E., along the east right of way line of U ,S~ Hi~b.....ay 19 ~60 feet; thence run S. 880 571 02" E., pa rallel to souti: llne of sa id Sectio" 1 7, 10 1 0 feet. thence rUrLS. 010 031 04" W" EsbO feet; thence rUt"; N. 8EP 571 OZ- 'IV.. 1010 feet, along the south li:le of sald Schon 17, to the P.O.B. I .. 1:f1J~- / - /~ (~ , r--u... . ___~~ Harald R. Johnson -- Reg. Land Surveyor #74:2 '- EXHIBIT RENTAL P AN IN FILE '.::'> J~fl P,ki. ~t~~I..1~OF CLE;R--WAT~R . I.. _~t Cornspon4Mnce Sheet City Clerk Cop:es !o COnllT;IS,,"," Thomas A. Bustin, City Attorney Press City Attorney City Clerk . n 1981 Date DEe f ... TO: FROM: COPIES: . SUBJECT: Annexation Agreement, Blackburn Brother Land Developme!Dt DATE: January 4, 197~ This will acknowledge receipt of your memor dum of January 3, 1977, relating to the above captioned land developrne t. .1 assume from your memorandwn that you are referring to an annexation agreement with Blackburn Brothers covering a development known as "Seville". Please be advised that meetings we e held with the developer in that case and with the Pb_nn;ng Department elating to further annexations as pertaining to the agreement, and it appears hat further annexation is at a standstill for the present due to the fact that e are insisting that any annexation fully comply with all current or' ces and not be handled strictly in the manner in which the agreement was draf ed. Therefore, you .hould not consider this a current problem until the d veloper agrees to meet all current annexation and other City code require eats such as would entitle the developer to be brought into the City. TAB:br ~..., ,.~1"l" . ,>if... " :t..'.i.& ~t,'tf. "~.. ~.. .,. ,-.-' 1~q ). , -I ,,.- 'T \- ~-.....' , ~; ..- ,. /,}y -""~ .' .., " "-, ..~ " " , ~- r I L . . PETITION FOR ANNE A TION City Commission City of Clearwater PO Box 1348 Clearwater, Florida. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being all oLthe 0 vners of the described real property, contiguous to the present boun aries of the City of .{ Clearwa ter and situa ted in an unincorporate area of Pinellas County, Florida, do hereby request that said property e all.-'1exed into the Cor- porat e limits of the City of Clearwater, Flori We hereby further request that said pr classified under the zoning laws and ordinance as .set forth below. perty be zoned and_ of th e City of Clearwater, Name and Address of O\vner Des ription of Property Owned Z oni:1g Requested William G. Blackburn & Wallace W. Blackburn Name Parcel 1 -See Exhibit C-1 B 705 Court Street, Clearwater Address Name Parcel 2 - See Exhibit D-1 RM Address Name Parcel 3 I I I r I I I i I I I 1 I I i I 1 I I \ Address Attached hereto is a current survey of th together with a certificate of title from a title co att<:>rney setting forth the names of all persons, ' owning any inter~stin the described property.- described proper~y, pany or a pr acticing irms or corporations We, the undersigned. hereby certify that we have read and examined all of the statements and allegations in the foreg ing Petition and aiter bebg duly sworn, depose and say that said statements are correct and true a.."1d were freely and .voluntarily made with full knowl dge thereof. ~- ~/ STA TE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) ._~-~- .:: Subscribed and sworn to before me this December , 1968 12th day of My Commission Expires: August 9, 1971 EXHIB IT I ~ ':'~'~.'.: 1- ~~F~';Jf~';i]<~ ~~~ . . . ~ ,of, .~ ~,~ ...~;.~;..~-;. ~ , (" t' .. .... ,~ -- FLORIDA BONDFD TITLE COM~ NY A SubsiJitJTy 0 MfTAOf'OlfTAN 'UU.Ol~G "8 SOUTH ~ A~ P,O. BOX iOI7 CUARWATER. FlOflIOA_" TUEPHONI "~" -, , Dec~r 2, 1968 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We have been requested to including to the following described County, Florida, to-wit: search our records from January 1, 1912 to and to determine ownershi and encumbrances pertaining real estate situate, 1 ing aDd being in Pinellas .. . ~, From the Southwest corner of Section 17, Township 29S, Range 161, run S. 88-S7'02a E. along the section line, 100.00 feet for a Poin of Beginning; thence run ~. 01.03'04" E. along the Easterly right of way line of U.S. Highway 19, 2,538.80 feet; thence ruu N. 45024'32" E., continuiag on s id right of way line 143.00 feet; thence run N. .89-46'01" E. along the Southerly ri ht of way line of Gulf-to-Bay Boul~vard (State Road 60), said line being 50 fee Southerly of and parallel to the East-West ceQte~-line of said Section 17, 487 35 feet; thence run S. 01008'47" W. along th.t certain line described in O.R. Book 2171, Page 617, Public Records of Pinellas Count.y, Florida, 624.72 feet; thence un S. 89051'51" B., 699.22 feet; thence run M. 50e:21'40" E., 33.45 feet; thence S. 43011'54" E., (See Deed Book 1295. Page 207, Public Records of Pinell.. County Florida,) 1,935.52 feet to a point on the Gover~t Meander Line of Old Tampa Bay; thence continue S. 43-11' 54" E. along the Northeas terly line of submerged and in Old Taapa Bay conveyed to E. L. learce by- deed recorcted in Deed Book 586 Page 175, Public: Iecords of Pinellas County, Florida, 899.56 feet; thence run S. 14-03'39" W.. along the Easterly line of 8aid submerged land 714.62 feet; thence run M. 89-13'12" W. along ~ line parallel to and 600 feet Northerly of the_ outherly line of Govero.ent Lot I of Section 20, Township 299. Rallle 168 and the xtension of said line, 1,812.30 feet; thence run-H. 00.52' 25" E. "long the Euter y line of that property conveyed to Japaae.~ GArden Mobile ESt3teS, Ioc. by deed r orded in O.R. Book 1995, Page . 216, Public Records of Pinella. County. Florida, 33.92 feet; thence run N. 88-57' 02" W. along the South line of said Section 17, 1 300.00 feet to the P.O.B. ;~,..: '-' We hereby certi~ that as of October 31, 1968 fee simple title to said real estate , 'is vested in WILLIAM G. BLACKBuRN and WALLAC8 W. LACKBtJRN d/b/a BLACKBURN BR.OOlIER.S LAND DEVELOPMENT CO., 8ubJact to the fol owing: 1; Taxes for the year 1969 and thereafter. 2. Reservation in Deed Book ''F'', Page 339, dated Mareh 23, 1881, Public Records of Hil1sborough Co County was formerly a part, froa Matilda Culbrea to D. J. Williams, Jr. which recites as follows: liS a burial ground, situated OIl the East side of cedar tree on said land; together with all and s1 ments and appurtenances, etc." Karch 23, 1881 and recorded ty. Florida, of which Pinellas and H. C. Culbreath. heT husband, "Reserving fifty (50 feet square aid lot, under and around a large gular the tenements, beredita- 3. Reservation io Deed R.ecord 586, Page 175. November 15, 1928, Public: R.ecords of Pin.ll.. July 3, 1926 and filed ty, Florida,fr~ the Internal , \ , EXHIBIT H THE ~ PAUL '''$\1_ ...c I 1:0.,.......( S. ~~y ......,------ .~-_..... ~.'~? '." >" .. ,..,. ~ ~~,. ;f~' .. ~.... ..t.~--!';t . Improvement Fund of the ,State of Florida to E. L. "Saving and reserving unto the Trustees of the In ...nd their successors, an undivided three-fourths undivided three-fourth interest in all the phosph or may be in, on or under the said above describ all the petroleum that is or may be in or under t the privilege to mine and develop ~he same. 4. Possible rights of the United States Governme of navigable waters in the interest. of navigation reserved to the United States Government under pe and to that portion of property described in the comprises submerged lands. 5. Easement and assignment of Easement from Euge Company dated February.22, 1930 and filed Februa at Page 193, Public Records of Pinellas County, F Water Comp~ny to the City of St. Petersburg, Flor Deed Book 1465, Page 198 of the Public Records of 6. Ensement from Eugene Lovick Pe~rce, Jr. et a1 May 29, 1963 and filed for record June 21, 1963 i the Public Record, of Pinellas County, Florida. Eugene L. Pe~rce, Jr., a/k/a Eugene Lovick Pearce W. Pearce, to William G. Blackburn and Wallace W. Brothers Land Dev.lopment Co. by Assignment reco of the Public Recdrd. of Pinella. County, Florida , Page 2 Pearce which recites as follows: ernal Improvement Fund of Florida, nterest in and title in and to an te, .iner~ls and metal. that are lands and one-half interea~ in e said above described land, with t ar161ng by reason of its control and commerce, and also rights 'lS for filling of auch laud. in oregoing legal description that " e L. Pearce to Pinellas Water 3, 1954 in Deed Record 1465 orid3, and assigned by Pinella. da, by Assignment recorded in Pinellas County, Florida. to the City of Clearwater.dated O.R. Book 1704 at Page 674 of i. easement was assigned by Jr., joined by his wife, Anne Blackburn, d/b/a Blackburn ed in O.R. Book 2952, Page 327 7. Contract for land lease fro. Eugene L. Pearce Jr. to Adco Neon Sign dated September 1, 1967 and recorded August 14. 1967 in O.R. Book 2655 at Page 191 of the Public Recorda of Pinell.. County, Florida. 8. Mortgage Deed frea William G. Blackburn and W and d/b/a Blac~burn Brothers Land Development Co. being joined by hi. wife, Hyldred L. Blackburn so quishing her inchoate r1aht of dover in the lands Eugene L. Pearce, Jr., dated and ,filed for record as Clerk' .tn8trument-No.68093520 and recorded i ,the Public Recorda of Pinell.. County, Florida, g note in tbe' principal -.ount of $892.886.50. Respectfully s .c; llace w. Black~urn, indi.lduaUy,,"'- the .aid Willi.. G. Blackburn ely for the purpose of reI in- hereinafter d..cribed, to October 31. 1968 at 12:08 p... O. R. Book 2940, Page 409 of ven to secure their'pr~ssory ~ 0' FUIlIDA B(A\'DED TI TLE COMPM'Y A \..-.-.......,.. /{lL -~"./' / ~;t.-("'O/. J l-~'--- Dori. H. Donof e, V~e President dhd/ecs . . ~'" ... It r Mr. Wallace W. Elackburn, and Mr. William G. :=lackburn 532 South Missouri Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33516 Re; SEVILLE and CLEARWATER MALL - S ecifications and standarcs for Site Improvements Gentlemen: This will confirm our recent conversation re specifications and standards for various land projects kno'ovn as SEVILLE and CLEARWAT a:rding City requirerr.ents, ses proposed within t1:e R ?vIALL. It is my understanding that the above projects will not include the dedi- cation of public streets, but rather that it is your plan, as the owners and developers of the property, to construct nd maintain streets and other improvements within the developments 5 part of the principle land use, the cost thereof being borne by the Lessee through manage:ne:1t contracts. Based upon this understanding, please be advised that the only specific requirement as to specifications and standard for pavements and other utilities not installed in dedicated rights -of-'\\' y andlor easements will be as follows: Streets and curb radius shall be so de igned as to provide for free movement of City refuse and ire truc~s. Our present equiprnent requires a twenty-fi -e foot back of curb radius on all streets and parking lots n cul-de- sacs, to- gether with an adequate turn-arour.d fa ility of forty foot radius back of curb cul-de-sacs. Park ng Lots must be designed and sealed by an Engineer re istered in the State of Florida and must comply with City ode Section 26-llA. At this time the City has no other requireme ts, specifications or standards for development of streets a!ld parking lots 0 private property. It is my opinion that your projects are starting under the specifications ar:c. standar"ds in effect now.and if any revision is made to these specificatio:1s in the future, they would not affect your proj cts as covered in this agree- rnent" It is recommended that you consider constructing the streets and utilities to standards equal to .those required by the Ci y of Clearwater in dedicated rights-of-way and/or easements in that these tandards have proven adeauate for economic maintenance. If the streets and utilities are constructed in and adequate documentation (te sting laboratory way could be dedicated in the future and the p mC'.inte:1?nce if your pla::1s s~o'..:ld c~ange. ccordance with these standarcs reports, etc. " the rig::.ts-c:- vement accepted for City Very truly yours, ~1u;Sztzk City Engineer EXHIBIT J --- h_ ~ . ~ ~ ... ., . 1I GULF 'rO N , >' 3 J: II! :) 7 10 :t (Jp.. ...tI- iIt.I 1"r I'l. T o , . I I o V 4- 0 !500 >000 2000 YAROS use b 05 CI-lA.R"'~lt57 . C>O UXl 7- c IJ E 3 l7 W to. ='2.00' .l lJ 3 fI (/] PrtOPOSED .-\ REA FI L L -c.\ ,-c. t ;t.. " .!7 ,1- ^ !~ .Jill ;., .., '" il S '"~ -- l( (:) ;~ V ! ~ ,... t "- ,... c 3 Q o '-J o o p- 0'" \ \ " \' I'!> c. ., ..' ,e ,\ .1 ., .\ 'l ~ '<~<> "'<)~ ,~ - <1J ,0 ~ -" II) II; t} 0 0 , " ,'" '" ,'" "0 ~ I< 10 ... -:. JAPA ESE N 890 \3' \'2." W, GARDENS . PRO POSE D SEA W ALL - DR ED G I:\' G & F = L "_ -=:;. ::-: p a E a y_ Clearwater, Pinellas C(\unty, Florida by William Bl'c,,-bl.::-c; .J.':::: \\allc..Le Blackburn, 705 Court Street, Clean\ater , Flor:da . P:-e?a:-c>G :n- :OH.:\SO.:\ & ALBRECHT, Land Planning &: Engineerinb 107'9,08' -1~ Si::_~ ,'. _~4.!..-L JE C -: : O~--: . o s Harald R, Johnsor: R,~::;, Ll:ld Surveyor:i732 He .. En ineer #3700 JAIVO 1100 ll050 -AEP JAD.:\" 51 10 .. ?- EXHIBiT K