WORK ORDER SUPPLEMENT #1 FOR CLEVELAND STREETSCAPE-STATION SQUARE PARK Work Order Supplement No. I Bellomo Herbert And Conmanv. Inc. WORK ORDER SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER AND THE FIRM OF BELLOMO-HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. OF 100 EAST PINE STREET, SUITE 204, ORLANDO, FL 32801 PROJECT: CLEVELAND STREET STREETSCAPE & STATION SQUARE PARK PROJECT NO. 3.112 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA I. PURPOSE This is an attachment to the Work Order InitiationForm dated September 22,2003 (the Prime Agreement), between the City of Clearwater (CITY) and the firm of Bellomo- Herbert and Company, Inc. (LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT), and made a part thereof. The purpose of this Change Order is to specify the required additional services of the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. II. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S SERVICES The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S additional services shall consist of the completion of survey services from Osceola Avenue to Drew Avenue; utility locates Level A and B; utility and roadway design services from Osceola to Drew; and the addition of a potable water main from Myrtle to Drew III. SCOPE OF THE WORK The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S Scope of Work shall include the completion of Survey, Design and Construction Document preparation for the areas as described in Section n, above. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S services shall include the following tasks: A. SURVEYING 1. Topographic and Fixed Improvements - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall prepare topographical surveys of the area lying between the buildings from the end of the survey completed in the Prime Agreement to the east (intersection of Osceola and Cleveland) to the waterfront at Osceola and Drew. In addition to the topographic information, the surveys shall identify all fixed improvements including building fronts, doorways, curbs, gutters, downspouts, ramps, steps, lights, trees, planters and any and all other fixed improvements. Page No. I Clearwater Streetscapes 04/14/04 173"-()() Work Order SuoolementNo. 1 Bellomo Herbert And Comoanv. Inc. 2. Subsurface Utility Engineering: - In addition to the survey information described in III.A.l, above, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall provide Subsurface Utility Engineering services as follows: a. Quality Level B: Utility designation services as a 2 dimensional survey ofthe horizontal position of the gas and water systems within the project area, including MOT. b. Quality Level A: Utility locates to accommodate the replacement of the water and storm drainage systems within the project area, 50 test holes shall be used for resolving potential conflict locations. B. PROJECT EXPANSION / OSCEOLA TO DREW 1. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall complete the design and preparation of Construction Documents for an expanded project area, from the termination of the current project area at Osceola and Cleveland, to the west, ending at Clearwater Bay. Services shall include utility and roadway design and will result in the need for additional plan and profile sheets, roadway design, storm sewer design, two water distribution lines, traffic control plan sheets and pavement marking sheets. C. POTABLE WATER SYSTEM EXPANSION 1. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall complete the design of a second potable water distribution line for the project area from Myrtle to Drew. This shall result in additional construction and design plans, and an additional FDEP permit including as-built plans, FDEP coordination, Bac- T testing and pressure test. VI. SCHEDULES The work described herein shall extend the submittal date for the 60% drawing submittal by two weeks. VII. COMPENSATION In exchange for the services described herein, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall be compensated as indicated below: A. For services related to Item No. 002, Storm Sewer and Special Drainage Design: Page No.2 Clearwater Streetscaoes 04/14/04 Work Order Suoolement No. I 1. Survey: a. Topographic Survey Osceola to Clearwater Bay b. Level B Utility Designation c. Level A Utility Designation . 25 test holes . Survey test holes 2. Proiect Expansion: Subtotal Increase for Storm Sewer and Special Drainage Design: B. For services related to Item No. 003, Water Main Design: 1. Survey: a. Level A Utility Designation . 25 test holes . Survey test holes 2. Potable Water System Expansion: Subtotal Increase for Water Main Design: Additional Services Grand Total: Bellomo Herbert And Conmanv. Inc. $ 5,400.00 $ 7,755.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,725.00 $ 14.500.00 $ 40,380.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,725.00 $ 11.100.00 $ 23,825.00 $ 64,205.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. Bellomo Herbert And Company. Inc. (seal) By: Frank Bellomo, President Date: Attest: Page No.3 Clearwater Streetscaoes 04/14/04 Work Order Suoolement No. I Bellomo Herbert And Comoanv. Inc. City of Clearwater. Florida By: (Title) Date: Attest: Page No.4 Clearwater Streetscaoes 04/14/04 CITY OF CLEARWATER Signature page for Work Order Supplement NO.1 to the Agreement for Professional Services Between the City of Clearwater Of Clearwater and the Firm of Bellomo-Herbert and Company, Inc. Countersigned: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA By~~71 ~7L William B. Horne II City Manager 4 K ,t:I1/~ ,(,- ~an J. Aungst Mayor Approved as to form: ~ff~ ~- Assistant City Attorney Attest: ~.~~- . - .-/.. !k- fcynt a . 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