SIGNAGE/WAYFINDING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ~ . Bellomo Herbert And Comoanv. Inc. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER AND THE FIRM OF BELLOMO-HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. OF 100 EAST PINE STREET, SUITE 204, ORLANDO, FL 32801 PROJECT: SIGNAGE/W A YFINDING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CLEARVVATER,FLORIDA I. PURPOSE This is a Contract for Professional Services between the City of Clearwater (CITY) and the firm of Bellomo-Herbert and Company, Inc. (LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT). The purpose ofthis Agreement is to specify the required services ofthe LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT to provide Signage and VV ayfinding Design and Contract Document preparation for various locations throughout the City of Clearwater Redevelopment Area. II.. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S SERVICES The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S services shall consist of the completion of Contract Documents (construction drawings, specifications, bid documents) for various signage types to be placed throughout the City of Clearwater Redevelopment Area. Additionally, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall assist during the bidding phase ofthe work and shall also provide fabrication and construction phase services. III. SCOPE OF THE WORK The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S Scope ofVVork shall include the completion of Contract Documents for various sign types previously developed under a separate Agreement. More specifically, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S services shall include the following tasks: A. DESIGN 1. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall review the designs previously prepared, and shall make any additions or modifications to these plans as may be deemed necessary by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT or the CITY. 2. Such additional designs shall be presented to the City of Clearwater Project Manager and any other City staff deemed necessary and appropriate by the CITY for comment and possible modification. 3. Cost Estimates - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall prepare estimates of project cost for each sign type designed. B. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Page No. 1 Clearwater Silmage and Wavfinding 5/15/03 O,J // ,}")3 _(").."1 C~) Bellomo Herbert And Comoanv. Inc. 1. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall prepared complete construction drawings for the proper and accurate fabrication of the signs designed. The plans shall indicate all materials, connections, graphics, colors, and installation methods. Such signs shall include the following: a. Gateway sign at Highland and Gulf-To-Bay (to be mounted on exiting FDOT overhead directional sign structure) b. Gateway Signs c. Directional Signage d. Parking Signs e. District Identification Signs f. Pedestrian Kiosks g. Icons and Glyphs 2. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall complete a Signage Location plan indicating the proper placement of each sign within the Redevelopment Area. 3. Approvals - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall present the completed design drawings to the Florida Department of Transportation to receive approval for the installation of the aforementioned signs which may occur adjacent to or within FDOT rights-of-way. Any required permits for installation and construction shall be the responsibility of the project fabricator and/or installer. 4. Technical Specifications/Proiect Manual- The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall prepare technical specifications for all items identified under this contract. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall coordinate and prepare the technical specifications, design a Project Manual cover sheet and prepare an itemized bid form to be used during the bidding process. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall coordinate with the CITY Purchasing Department or other department identified by the CITY to assure that all required bid documents (General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Bonding Requirements, etc.) along with the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S documents are assembled as a complete bid package. 5. Maintenance of Traffic Plan - A Maintenance of Traffic Plan shall be completed as a part of this Task Assignment for the completion of the installation of the Gateway Sign at Highland and Gulf- To-Bay only. It is assumed that no other M.O.T. plans will be required by FDOT. Should other M.O.T. plans be required by FDOT of by the CITY, they shall be considered an additional service to this agreement and fees for such work will be determined at that time. c. BIDDING 1. Pre-Bid Meeting - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall attend and manage a pre-bid meeting at a time and a place determined by the CITY, and shall present Page No.2 Clearwater Sil!11al!e and Wavfindinl! 5/15/03 ". . . Bellomo Herbert And Company. Inc. the intent ofthe project, as well as answer any questions that may arise during the meeting. 2. Addenda - If necessary, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall issue any Addenda which may be required during the bidding process. 3. Bid Opening and Bid Review - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall attend the project bid opening and shall assist the CITY in the review ofthe bids to assure compliance with the bid documents and procedures. D. CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 1. Fabrication - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall visit the location of the project sign fabricator three (3) times during the course of the fabrication ofthe project signs to assure that they are constructed per plans and specifications. 2. Installation - The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall visit the project site a maximum of five times during the installation of the aforementioned signs in order to assure compliance with the Contract Documents. IV. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED 1. Geotechnical Services 2. Any other item or service not expressly outlined or described within this Agreement. VI. SCHEDULES Within ten (10) days after receiving the Notice to Proceed, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall provide a proposed work schedule and an anticipated payment schedule. VII. COMPENSATION 1. Compensation - In exchange for the services described herein, the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall be compensated as indicated below: Part A Part B Part C Part D Design Construction Documents Bidding Construction Observation Reimbursable Expenses (Not To Exceed) $ 2,300.00 $ 13,280.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 1,400.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 27,380.00 Page No.3 Clearwater Signage and Wavfinding 5/15/03 ~ Bellomo Herbert And Comoanv. Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. Date: Attest: ~d~ (seal) ,~ 6D~~ Countersigned: &Pr Mayor-Commissioner Approved as to form: ~~4 Pamela K. Akin City Attorney Page No.4 By: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ~~'fW:!~~ "II William B. Home II City Manager Attest: '.::. .;..- ~-. ~1C~~ ~rkIL f)A1l y hia E. Goudeau ~ f. fT City Clerk Clearwater Signage and Wavfindill! 5/I 5/03