SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (128) 'F'....~ ' --- _... "'2 . , '71041767 ;p. ~o , p~ 3-3,,~?r ~. e c;:R. 3524 PAGE 423, .0 hi!' : A G R E ~ MEN T TillS AGREHll':N'J', made and C'ntered inLo lhis -2.9t.l:L-dny of March by .:-tn(l 1)('1:1"'('11 tl1(' ClTY OF CLEI\lW^TER, FLORIDA, .1 lllLlliic.:ip:11 corporcJtion, rc[eHed to ,1$ "Ci ly"; and Alfred Linn and A.lZllU.~_'L. Hyllie hcrcin<1fl'c!r referred to as ICA.,lner"; , 197~h hCl"cincJftcr WITNESSETH: =r::- ;; :J;- irghc ~ l JI '... z . ' .'lJ l!! . '~.I ;~ N "'''-'1''(') t <'<,8 g . \n -'.....~ g w - ,,' ','" -0 c'<::l~ ~ tl :::.=J:: ~_ 0 ,4 > .. ~. City \{BEREl\S, the ();'.'l1Ct- o\ms the follO\\'inG described real properly situated, 0:[ C 1 e cJ nv cJ t e r, P i 11 e 11 a s COli 11 t y, F lor i d a : Lot"4, Block 39, Sixth Addition to Highland,'Pines Sub., as recorded in P~at Book 48, pages 70' to 72.incl. of Public Records of Pin'ellas County, Florida: " 1405 Flagler Dr., Clearwater, Fla. and 1591 Crown St. and HllEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requIres tllc1t all land that abuts a public right of \v.:JY, Hhieh is to have nc\oJ construction on it, either for residcnti<1l, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidcHnlks constructed by the owner on, ncross 6r adjacen~ thereto; and WHEREAS, the ~:1l1er is ei'ectin8 certain nC\-1 c.onstruction on s~lid property and has reCju('!3tc.d the Cit.y at this time not to requirc lhe immediate installation and construc tion of sideH<11ks in connec tion therc\d tl>; and, \\TJIEREAS, the O.mer has agreed th<'1 t if in the fu tut'e tJlC: City,. in its sole dis-:' cret:i.on, determines that it is adviS3ble ;Jlld necessary to have SUC11 sj,clcHalks .. ~~ inst3l1ed, that'the O..}jwr Hill, upon notificCltion by the City, have sidewalks E n ~ inn1\cdiatcly installed at his ('xpen~;e, and if he shoLild fail to do so, then t:lw City 'd:; ,',00111ay hnve 'saiel installntj,on mode and impose Cl lien again~3t the described rc.aLproperty (i;.. ..<,j, l~';.,.-.t . @< ~~:~ ~~for tIle cost thcreof; p.: . clj f:c)()~ ,.,.. .,~, I .. -. ,', "d NOH, I1:Lrrf.;.'O;~E, Hl cons~c1er<1t~on of tl1C foregoHlg premises and other good and i, '~a1uablc consideration beU.,1cen the parties, reci~'ipt of: \Ihich is lwrcby acknO\'llec1ged, ;;;;:he pDrtics llCrcto COVCl~ant ;md ngree as follO\,}s: ~ -., i~~ <ll >. ,J ~f sj,~'~~Haii:~ ~~t~a~~l~/~l~Ca~r~~~:ol~i:~ '( ,; 63n tllC clbove c1escd,b(:d real propcr ty. .W ~~~ i>, G " . , ~.p:,~:~ 2. 1he Cl.ty 1118Y at any tl.mc HI the futurc notify the Oaner, his heirs, personal ~Nu. .. ' ::r.1 representatlves, SUccc.sson, or aSS].gn~; tl1C\t the City in its sol(~ discretion lws .detel."mined thClt it is Cldvis.1blc and ncccsscl1:Y to l1<1v(: side\.,'al1cs instClllcd in connection with said ~cs~riLcd real property. require the installation mid const.nlct.ion thc building Gnd improvements by the o.;-mer 3. 'J11C O.mer or llis heirs, personal rc~prescnt.1tivC's, successors or. as~;igns shan.' at his c):pcnse \,;ithin ninety (90) clnys from the 110tificat:ion by tllC City havc sidcHDlks installed for said described real property in .:JccOrdancc Hitll City sp,ccifications and. standards <lS established. 4. If: the O,'ll1er or his heirs, personal re1?rcsenl<1tivcs, stlccessors or Clssir,ns shall fail to ,have sidc\'.'Jll~s in~;!:<lllccl fOt" the described rei11 property in acconL:mcc "lith City specifications and sL'IJ1(!;nds \-lithin ninety (90) clays froin the notific2tion by the City, then the City may hClvc the sidclvalks instnlJ.eu .:1nd assess ancl .impose a ~cli-n..-:c:.'}c.niri.s~.tbc aCSCF i hr>d rc-.n.l-proppx'.t.y ..[1:u:.~tbc.~cQ};;Lofth~\wxJ<c,~_c_._.. S. 'l1ds agreement is to be regi1l'ded M; a covenant nmnin~ \'lith the Lmc1, regClrdless of \,.'hether it is specific.:111y li1(~ntioncd in :my dceds' or convcy,:mu's suhr;cqu(ll~!:J>' c:,:C'clIlc,d, .:1nd t11i.:: :':',;'C'C':'::'nt ':1,,11 LC' bj:1(1jl1~~ on ;11] pJrticr;, their h(~ir::, pc,' ::cl.::1 1'1"1'" C ::c~ll:1 ti \".::', "i.le (l':: :,C': ,:;. ;i:::; ,~', '. 6. All.notice~; pllrSU<lnt to this a~rc(,l1;cnt sl1<':ll be fllrni::;hc:d to the rC'~;rcclive parties at the follo','ling .:1cltlre!;sc!;, until recei.pt of 'vlritten instructions noti.fying the oth(:r party of a different adtlrc~~s: City: l-h-. l-le net t It. S tie r h (.' im City l'l,lIlaf,C'r P.O. Boy. l.7/.8 C 1 C <I n" .:l t C'r, r1 0 rj d <1 3 3 5 1 [3 " ~vne r : Alfr~d Linn And Anne. L. Wyllie RECORDER'S MEMOa Legib~litr of Writing, Typing or, Prmtmg unsatisfactory in this document when received. ..)- () "/. (I) ~"\ I '"". I"Y"\ \ ", .'-\...A....' 4 --'-' ::;, "! I " G.R. 3524 PAGE 424 . ...;. IN \H'J'W:SS \'1I11-J~EOF, the p;lrties h('rcto klVe caused thcse prcr.cntn to be executed the (1.:1y .ltld ycnr In:.t nbovc \.Jritten. . FLORIDA City Attorney Hitnesscs: ~.ALItL) ~~ P'L- 7{41h}7Ue, ~ As .to City 0 : ~~p;P~ 7Ak~J '!)~~1l. , As to. O.mer STATE OF FLW, IDA, ) COUNTY OF Pl~ELL!\S) 1'f1/. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ~1?:d;d[lY" of _.!1"L?.Ju/./ _, A. D. ],woCJ, beforc me personDl1y i1ppeared 1.!en:ctt R. Sticrhl"im, HC'~-~i:--li;;oi'Jn, lLG.h11iiteheac! ond II. ,Everett llougcn) respcctivel~ City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor- COilllnissioner of the City of Clcor\"ater, a li,unicipal corpcn:ation exi~;ting under the 1m"s of the State of ~lori<l2., to me 1mo~m to be the individuals and officers described in and \"]10 e>:cclltcd tile foregoing P.grccmcnt and ~;cvcr<111y acknO\ylcc1g(>~l thC'- execution ther(~of to be their frcc~ net ilncl deed as such officers tlwrcunl:o cluly 1 311tllOri2cd; and that the officiol senl of f;aicl municipal corporation is clulyaffi>:cd thereto,' and the said ngrccnc.nt is the act and deed 0:E saidcorpor<ltion. \HTNESS my signntll1"c nnd official se,nl <1t Clean;"Clter in the Coul1ty of Pincllas and Statc of Florida, the day [Inti year last abov12 \,rritLe,n. Nv C6nUllission F,:),Di1:~S: ~r,tary Public, State of Flonlla at Large l..i Commis:icn Expires Oct. 22, 1974 Anftd.d by American fire. & Casualty ~ , , ,~ ,.',,'!:f1#~~ ~c.,r. " ',j' -" ,"J '''. ' .-' J RECORDER~S MEMO: ,Legibility o~ Writing, Typing or. Printing unsatisfactory 'in thIS document when received. STATE OF FLOIUDA ) COUNTY OF Pr:~ELL^S) 13CfOl'C 1:1C' pcr!;on:111y ;lPPC;l]"Cr] .-.!lfr_EEJ:l.Linn. 'lJyJ,l,Je and ~--1....._~____. the [on~going .,,~n'l.:I:l('nt and (lcl~llOi'"lcd0l~tl before 1.1C that Liley c):eculcd the tllc ,J)~.pO!;CS ,there in cxpn's!;cd. . ',,',:"'~_? <~'rf;' ' " . .,crY' ./ .....--......I"l",~~~~Wi):l{gss illY hand, .1nd oHic,i31 seal this ~t~:'J~':,",:J (;; ." ,:f ~"lillt.z-L)W\;,;. .' y1I-. .. .".........; ':~>,:;,>, ",' \' " < ,. [:L0 I., 29th, day of ?vlarch A. D. 1976tJ.. Hy CPII1l1l1~;!;IOIl . ' ,QRm~ all"~C,\" .. .... ; ;,(},rARt,~t1C;;1;Tr.lE pI 1'~,()C~. 2, \91.4- ., . M'tf'lC6~,~'\SSIOl'l, EJ{PJ~~,,;D\ESfl::LHOfl::;1 ',., 1.>; p 1 rc'!; : "...-:J\..ONo:tp.rHHOll(j\-l"f~/i 'f'ir>" ' 1,-~1,~':'>~' "-~; - ., -- ,