SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (231) 1111""'" l'~\~L"~~--~ l~~~"\ ji::i ,,~.~/ ~ ~ ~!; ,=~- ~~ ~~ ,~:-- ~~ ,P"--- ~s \~-==- ~I ~~ TE\\~;'~~ """'11111 I ~ I CITY OF CI...EARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR I D A 3 4 6 1 8 " 4 74 8 City Manager January 9, 1989 Ms. Althea Davi s 1176 Queens Street Clearwater, Florida 34616 Reference: 907 Jurgens Street CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Ms. Davis: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since the above-referenced property is not part of a school walk route, there are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property and the waiving of the sidewalk requirement will not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above- referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly yours, ~~ ., ~~ . IS Ron H. Rabun City Manager ~N ! ~ .'~:'~: cc: Charles A. Hunsicker, Assistant City Manager Victor Chodora, Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau. City Clerk . .,1 1 oS v ",'7 ,;~ b" 0('" "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" c DlOOq Q-{) {~ UJCBT 1 Gr-\I : .. :~3 T F'Er;;:t'lrJ,~,,[\IUI'iB!::r:~;: 8812"-1'0 =( . ~~:~~;~~&Xt\1'~:'~';:;i(~;_;: ~:-:,":':~:',~~' ~:~~~~~~. ...,-;".-:.,.-.-:..~.":,;',;"~:.;..:-;.;,:::;-..-_:'" i:J .::.' ,-,:::. L'r'l ; .._~.. 1 "': .... ..:.. j ...:.:. ',~I / GUILD\NG uSE~ REM/RES1! i;:'LC!JL) ;:~,Ur-'i~: :_,j~"r..-:~:':'.-:",:.:, ,,~:<',--:". -': -:-?:~~~:~; ~-: ~: ,,_."'-:,.,,'-,.....,. /~~ . i'.IATUF..:E C::;' . WI]Rf<: F'F,f]JECi" m::sc: \i(~F\:l (.iJ\:C~:: "400.'. TH I S i='EI~\r1 IT. WHEN PROPERLY .SIGNED~ GRANTS PERMISSION TO: -. ." ,-.- ;".: .,...-" :_~:'~;"'" OWNER: DAVIS. ALTHEA '~_' ... 1176 QUEENS 8T ;~~ii~~f~:~!i,~~I~~~~~ff'-i1i;;~::~~:::'1";:i:~~'/::: :.6~<;;~:i;~~~~ ~:t1~~~i~Btj~?7l-~~,~;j;;i:!8S;'~~ifT~? ..,,: '::c:-c.: .'- VALl DlT\_DF', PERI'1 ITS; _ _ ,.;:~';.,~_'.-;;~:.~:,M'r1~..;..-", ',. '_" ,;_'C_'.": >-' ~-,'-, , -":c' ''- ....... _ '~- -- .~-;;.,~~~:j~~-:j:.~i,;;.'::~~i};~V~~;!~::'~~~~';~:~~::.t.it.'::,~fZ-~~~'~:~':.;._ ".: . ,- ll>If:AUTKORIIEDijGRK IS imlCOi'!ME~iCED \4I1HIN Sl~ MmHH5 ~;: ;'mlIT iSSUE DAlt. i~E PERMIT S~i'LL BECOME IN':AUD. NEH rErum F~ES riUSj~-PA!DB",RE 'OR(C;II RESU~E.- . ... .. .. ~ 2)..-....i.f.TA.UTHi.,..~.URll. ED WUR. K.'... IS. SI.JSPE..t..~[jEJj.1 OR AUAiiOO.NED.-rijj;'c A.-~EK1'b(i DF SD. :>1Di'iT\iS,. ;iFH :iQ SIjCCEs:3~ij'_ i:iSf'ECTr ,,; . ~';r:":' R~iT sr;~LL BEsom: iNVAqD.'~:"EWPERMITFEE5 MUST BE PAW 8EfORE t10RK C.;:4 RESiJtl~. 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'.-/r, ~:~.~ ~~T' n!,'T J.,,~~.~.~.~......ll ,r'~,...Dl~. .u,l ,u..,."c, "...~....J~"'-".:'.12 '.cF "..::; ~,,;.L.,. :, ,-',_ ,,:11 .. "CJ>. ,,,,,,,L "'-J.!'Jv".".t'.. ':..W"~'I ". ....f;1.~_.,.,y "',1' ,;;H ot..,~~U~~~ i~~T::~,.;':~~:::,.;iE!::~~~ D:..:.I":~~~S .~.~:j:~r1.. ,: r;;:.... ~ .', "'." ......... ." I!J '.~.......' . ~:.~L'CJI "l~' ,,'bc't!.! 11..;11, C'..;:,.:lE '"~L:" ~'~";:-'~':'''':. ~., .. ...... -;f.€rl.. . '.. ..' ..... . . /'0t ,~' . . I !:;Su::~D BY ~.__., ,~~/) i<,-.p-._-_:_--,:,_,_,-,,~,- I;. i . h:r~Ci2 I ');::1) E'. './ ~ ~._:\~:;_~!\'::...:. ~ _._.~!_..__....__.._..~:::.. ~'~::5 . 1.) () TD,!AL DUE: ~~ At10l.:'t:-lT PA I l.!: $' BAI3~1\l~E:-o I2~E: ~ 'f. . '-~. ':_';~;;J~' {~;~~..:~.-~:~ --~#~;~.?.f~ ~.:. ~ P' ~2:;~,,, (:1I ~l '2:5 II .::'; c~ (r';: J.)( ~ C _T "'.... v 0;;' C-:.-;:' :.;:<'.,' :.~J. ~~ '.:J J. ... __..u.. _'" ~-2;:s}'?:' ;.:-. Z>t"l /.,....t.. '-/ (? '-7 *' .) APPLI1TION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER. I ~tr~trd - f'f :~~!(tf;r~~~1i4iib;;~tiO~)~'9'O;7~~~~~*f:fiti~:~'~i~:,~i~, ,:'J,'ilii~1~~"Wf~? V'i'!i' . '" . e. ~f~~~,f<;'l>'\~~;'~W,,~~:'i:~j;~'1:#~j';~;'':J,;';~~,--1~/;;::;~i\~.~%;;6;:d;':":";':1;:;;$?;.;~;':~:::j..:.~:~iYqg:lfl)l;i~;j~~~11;~A~i~;:~2i;:~,;;,<;'ii;..'" .......,;"...~: :~Eg!U!tl),E:~,c:~:I}~~~C?~~~(S.id,~~~lk~Locat~c:>n) (LotTi Block t,Subdiv~~.i.c:>}}r';;Lot;' fli~~:' (5) ~':;:'~~.~"';'f~~~::~'.~~'t'1;i ~~::~",:;,,'~-';~'''''<l''~/~'''-' '~'~',_,,:_,":"_ _ _".~:,~, "" :. ~,<~~, .; ~;'~,,~~~~:~\.,.. :: _:.:, ".:-"'" ,J, :~' ',:' _ ::> -, " ; "'~J ',' ~,,;,...' ~.. .'\ ~\~,. "'1' 'I ,. '.:' - t ;--.?". .:/' ':'_ - _ _"-4 ~;i ~';..... ~~' -/}..". -,,, ~~, , - ';:Blo"clc;~uBn,.,'.~ p-alm."parJt"Replat' in' SectJ.o'n -ten'" '.To\~nsl.fi-''';"t. -" '-South Range (15)" Ea s t OWNER'S NAME Althea Davis PHONE 4'11-9286 "',. ':':':~.-,,",-,,,';'-:,," ,:.'.;.':', . - '-, ,...,\,...;~::;~:;.:,:;.~'~" - ADDRESS Temporary address: 1176 Queens Street, 3'1616 ',-:-: '~'-:,;It~~}~~&'.'.:-.:;\;,:'\: .:'. .. :-:<~~-.ti~:'~',~i-:~ '~->~~:;~.~'" REPRESENTJ..TIVE (If any) -------_.--_..~-.--------.-~----'- ADDRESS" .. REASON FOR REQUEST . The reason Ms. Da'vis have reau'ested this sidewalk vlaiver get one would be unfair. If Ms. Daivs was~~e'uired to have a sidewa was because there are no sidewalks on Jur ens Street stalled, It, it wouldncreate 'a financial hardship 'T'hp ]1()lll:;Pl:; nn .Tll'r'Jpnc; Street\vill probablY not' support sidewalks i'ln~'Wi'l~r bPr.i'l11SP rhpy i'l'rP nll; It- toili c16se to the'street. A similar sidewalk waive homeowne~ onJur~ens Street in the recent past. ~..' -, . .-.." ...'-.,.. -- : -. :1-.-' _,:-. - '.-'-y-." - -/":,'__ :~: . -,._-' '; ,:;. . . -;.; .... . .> "':~-':"; '~, ',t:.~': ~;, : -.~~:, ; .' _' ... "",'_' '__d'_'" s~ct:i.~ilJ;-38.09-6f the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land . .... . ~ \... , that abuts a public, right-of-way, which is to have new construction on .- - . . residential, commercial,. industrial or other p\lrposes, shall sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of have said sidewalks. A~~' Owner or Owner1s Representative ~. . . !u/tJc1UI Date IC? 1 f _ .._ 1'- Subscribed and sworn to before me this;{(J dav of -' - ..'" -', .... ..-.J"...'.......' 19 %1. .:;t........ :~, ~4J.< My Commission Ex?ires: _Notary Publi~ State of nGrider My Commission Expires Nov. 5, 199% _ . _ __ _ _ ___ Nnded 1 hrv I r01 tOln . Inlouroncelnc. :" : 'r " .' <>-' ,,". p'-L - '-' . . 0 N , .: ':::, >"-'---"~' \,~...~ '-'.-,_) '-")' '-i \ '.' oJ;.,..:~ ." . .'.' /"3 .....J,:~j.f,~.d..~-~ev. 6 U '1 ~ ~ .~. /(1 -,.,.' /? ". '""'~' 0-- : 1910-62