SIDEWALK AGREEMENT AND WAIVER (7) .J ~ }. \. .. . - . , -', ,'" _________,___________ _n____ . . . .80202448. 11,/' / TBlS AGREJ:-::MENI- J rnade and entered into this. / ) day of ~v!0&~_ 19 $-'0 J by and beh:-Iccn the CITY OF CLEAR W~ TER, FLORIDA, a munici pc ~A..D. ~ . ft f'd ." d t1 M Ii ~ 'j ration hcrcll1a er re erre to as "CIty; an if' IM.../I. - "'~c/r/~_ corpo '. .' - i-=. . bereJ.J.J.a.fter referred to aB "OvTnerll; WITNESSETH: C.R'- 5 1 23'PAGE" 38 WHEREJ\5, the ()Y;'iler owns the follOwing described real property 5ituated In the City of Clearw---ater, Pinellas County, Florida, to w-it: [0 f 9 J L3 /o<:-K LJu Hljl h~ f1t;J?.5 S iA-.b (iJtf rJ (,--F I!/.J-/'--y C lelJ/Zc.(/It1-,.,-/l / r 14> >> WflliREAS, Section 7 _ 6 of the C ode of Ordi::.:l.ances of the City r eqmTe s that a..l~. ;:, e ~d that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to hdve new- construction on it, either ~ ~ !;lg,r re sidential, cOHlmercial, industrial or othe r purp06 e s, shall ha. ve sidewalks ~!, ~ ~nstructed by the Ow--ner on, across or adjacent thereto; and cj :>, i=Q c<:i p~~ ~ ~:; U 0 CIl ,~ .., .:S p~' ~~ P-t J..( .. 0" ~l. ver ~; ;.j ~ ~ ...l')+-J .... +; ~-) CIl ~ ~; p:~ ~)5 W-.r'::::EREAS, the City Manager pursU2.TIt to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) has ie' CIl f.:~ <21Cfpovnng conditions e:x:ist, as set out in his fin~gs attached hereto as _:0. U 01l - . ~J ~ ~~ch as v.a=~aI!.t the granti.=1g of a temporary WC-l.ver; and '~'...,... 0 U '" "'" :>, ~ ~ 5 WE:ER.EAS, the owner of the property desc:ribed herein understLnds thLt tbe H wc..iver granted herein is only temporary in character and.that this agreement must provide a reasonable period of time for the waiver to be effective; 2Ild' 57. /) 33c)/';-d ,,- ~q I~ ,~\~HEt.~;: ;~.KF~:r::!;:' 'ti; _....,....,. . '. l~t-.t. CLER~ GIRCiJIT G.IJUM 6" ~ ~d(/ DEe 17 357 PH ~ftO WE:EREAS, the affected properly o';:"JJ.cr :has appealed requesting a. teTI:lpora:;:-y of the side-".'al.k.: DstdJlation requireme:1t; and found t~e Exhibit A, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration bet-ween. the parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: L The City in light of the facts found as 5 et forth in Exhibit A attached hereto aIld made a pa.rl herein as if fully rewritten, g:i""ants to the Owner a tempo::::-dry -;:;rai ver of the sidew-alk instillation requirement i.Inposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code of Or Ciinanc e s of the City of Clearwater. 2. The terr:porary waiver granted, shall COIT1il1.CnCe on ~. g . '? go, and TL:.Il until the cancition or reason for gra::J.ting t:!J.e ~iver as set out in Exhibit A is removed or otherw-1.se changed. ~ 4lIll .-I! ~ 3. -:::'he O=-ner understALids and agrees th.at tbe ~alver granted herein is O~ ~porary in character 2..::J.d that it does not excuse the ~er or successors in i-o ~ ~c:rc:st from the 6-:do-wa.Dc requirements iInposed by Section 7 -6 of the Codo of ~c3~etdiI:..a-.llces of Clearwater. The o--.-ncr.fu.....---tber agree3 that should the condition :J >- ~4:t aut in :Sxhibit A "Q"hich presently c:xists an the ~roperty and w-illch "'W2.S 5ufficic=-~ ti E ,?~;=arr:a.::J.t gra:c.ting the -=<Liver be cor::-ccted C.~i-=:l6 tbe perioo. of this v:;--ai-.rer, tben " ~~ G-=-nc: r -will L'TL."'TIcdiatcly co=?ly "'--: tb the r equir cmeLtS 01 5 cction 7 - 6 a s it r42.te ~ to ~ide=-Llk rr...stalJ..aEan.. ~ {) ~', Ii tbe O-.;-mc:r or bi~ bci::-s, per~G::lli reprc:~cntat1vcs, succcssorl'l or 2.;5 :d s-n 5 ~ hall fail t 0 h.a vel!: ide =-0.1 k sins b.ll e 2. for the des crib c d rea 1 prop e rty in accorda..:uce ",..-].th City Bpeci.ficOlt=.ODt> ;l-=:ld ~ta=brds -orithb n.bety (90) d.:a.y~ {rom tbe notifiCAtion by t1:.c City, wc:n the City may have 6e 15idc-o:;-al.ks instilled ;;>.nd 2.:515C~:5 2..!ld irnpol!e a lic:n 'ag<Un:5t the C~15cribed real property for the cost of the ""ark. 5. "This agrcement i8 to be regarded :t:s a COVC:::J..Ant T"l'''''T11:1g with the laDe re&~r-dles15of whetber it i5 lS?ecilicaUy me!)tio~t:d in any dcec.s or CODveya:;::~c sub- - scqucLitlyexecuted, <l21d this agreement sh~U be binCL"rJg on all pa.rt~es, the beirs, per 5 0 D a 1 I" cpr c 5 ~ t a ti v c S, 5 U C C c S s 0 r ~ 0 r a. S :5 i ~ s : ("\ " i'A . ,>,: \-" < ( <~/.....,. ~ '.~ '" . "t \'".."\',, ( (J I .,....,0. _ 1 _ "",," Dl c.:03 0\ ~) . . . . I ill ...: I I o.R.5 1 23PAGE 39 6. All notices pur::iuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties 'at the following addres ses, .until receipt of written in3tructiG~< notifying the other party of a diffe~ent address: 7:J So/,- y..I' YL 7r7~ oJ-2/ A It. f LA- 11- PIA -,ewE II d,.. J-J--o U.- S. ( f ;V; 1'1/.3.5 C !/C/)/W/A- {;C;'\ / Foil) :3 3JrJ 5" 'IN WITNESS WIiEREOF I the parties herdo hve caused these pres ents to be exeCuted the day and 7ear List above w:citten. CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearw-c.ter I Florida OWNER: 33518 'I' ,._' correctness: Attest:,' cf. t.;}::' [., ~~ . Gity~lerk '. /' / ,. ). ~ ~ WITNESSES: j~/~ ~M/~ 'As to City CITY ~t~ (SEA L) ~..?. ~LA , -- ~ ~~~~--~ As to -Owner (SE..~L) OWNER - STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PTh"ELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 9th dayof December ,1980 before me personally appeared Anthony L. Shoemaker, Thomas A. Bustin, LucillE W'illiams and Charles F. LeCher , respectively City Ma::J.ager, City Attorney, CitJ'- Clerk aDd Mayor-CoITI..L-::::ussianer of the City of Clea~--ater, a municipal corpora:::: eJisting under the 1a--;::;5 of the State of Florida, to me know--n to be the individu?_ls a:::ld officers described in and -.;:;rho executed ~e foregoing Agreement and ~everall~ aCY--:=1o'rlledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed a-'5 such officers thercu:J.to duly a"-J.thorized; and that the oHic:al seal of said mumcipal corpo:.at-ic::. ~ duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement is the act and deed of said cor?or;:-=-~ W1TNwS my signature and official sca1 at CleaIW"'"ater in._.th~e'~E;~nt)': of PineUas and State of Florida, b.e uy 2.:J.d ye r last above -.;:;r:ritt,.:~:n;..-,~' J -- ~",,"' .:r' .... My Corru:ni~sion Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at large Ml Commission Expires Aug. 28, 1982 ondQd ~y American l=i... B- (41&1:1-11, C...."...any ... . . -- ,: ',- ,~ '- . - ......;; .... : ~ '- \- -2- ,. " . ..:-~ , ~ J . . . . I - - I O.R. 5 1 2 3 PAGE 40 . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) "Before ~e persana..lly appeared ." flfZT)lQII1.-~ 'Ir' n 4,Kwl:.--c.L to me weJ! known ~d known to me to be the individuals dC3cribed in and who e-.--cecuted the foregoing agreement and acknowledged before me that they execut'cd the same for the purposes therein expressed. 19 WITNESS my ~"'"1d C'....ild official 5 eal this cfv. " "/7 d.a. Y of NOU My COII1I!:lis sian Expil"'cs: ~otarv P;;::!(. State of Florida My. Commisston Expires Nov. 17. 1984 ~~9.4 ~~ ~1C!'Y. .~~l~ .: ~_l}J.U.(.~~..,. j,,-c;~ Notary r5rut~. -"~. Public ..:-.: -, .~. - ~, ';', ~i~/ .........: '';:: .~ -- - --. ::: :: tll1'fi 43 ~:~ =n:r,.;=;p \. '. ~ . I I o.R.5 1 23 PAGE 4 1 MEMO TO FILE C--'-" ~" /itJ I! fl' A. L. Shoemaker, City Managetr~,~-tL Arthur H. Maxwe11,2220 U.S .19 N 11133 33515 Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Roy Ayres ,Building Director ./ Lucille Williams, City Clerk November 26, 1980 FROM: COPIES TO: SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - Waiver of Sidewalk Installation Arthur H. Maxwell Lot 9, Block 40, HIGHLAND PINES SUBDIVISION 6th ADDITION 1542 Gentry Street 33515 In response to a request from ArthurH. Maxwell for a waiver of requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the subject property in conjunction with new construction as required by City of Clearwater Code, I have examined this property and the following are my findings: 1) There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property, and this is the last lot to be developed in this area. 2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a route leading to a school; and 3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedestrian hazard. In my judgment, the above finding; meet the conditions prescribed in the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, Section 7-6 and therefore a waiver of installation of a sidewalk at this ti~i~~~c1. " "Exhibit A"