SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (311) J .~, ~,'j ..~ \aYb . ~ ",,~. t-\'-\q ~ 'ltl, A G II E E II E N 'I' I oj, 3534 PAGE460 I iJ mI~ AGIU:EllENT, m,lde and entered inlO Lid" I%day of . 197L, \j by a 11<1 b('l\.J(~cn lh(' CITY OF q,EI\I\h'I\'J.'ER, FLORIDA, a 111L1llicip.11 corpol~' li.on, hCl"L'ilw[lcr r(![cn:cd lo as "Cily" i and An elo M. Zuc colillo' and Doroth R. Zuc colillo hisvli hcrcinafU~r referred to <IS I. wife WITNESSETl1: Si~atfn~ N '~.5~i '~':.'f. .~ ::J:: ,a I .. -.. . ........ ~, '~HERE^S, the O...'ner mms the follm..'inp, descrihed real property City of Clearwater, Pincllu5 County, Florida: Lot 4, Del Oro BElt at es, a~ ;Te cor'd'ed in p1 at :'book 46, page 29, of the. public recor ds of Pinellas County, }i'1orida. &JiS)/J 3/76 ..s11/V' '.0-;;56 the 0 -t. CX'J N W fU. and HlIERE^S, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a publi~ right of \,'a)', \'lhic.h is to have no-\-] construction on it, either fOl: resiclcnti:ll, ~oImnercial, indus trial. or other purposes, shall have sidcHalks cons tructed by thc Ol.mcr on, across or adjacent: ther.eto; and ~ '~lEREAS, the nlncr is c~ccting certain ncW construction on said property and has rcqu(>~;t('c1 the City at this time not to require the i1m11ec1iatc installation and construction of side\'lalks in connection therc\.Jit:h; and, WHEREAS, the O,mc~r has agrced t11at if in thc futurc the Cii:)T, in i.ts sol(~ dis",:' creU,on, cktcrf:1incs that it i.s advisable :Ind necessary to have such :>i,c1cvlnlks installed, that tllC O,.mer \'lill, upon notificC1tion by the City, bave sic1c'\Valks iromedi<:ttely insta11cd at his cxpense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City 111~y haVe!, snid installatj,on madc and impose a lic:.n at,ainst the described real property .for the cost thcreof; NOH, T1JEf',EFO;\!;:, in coi'lsic1cration of the for,egoing prcmises and other gooel emd valuable consic1craLion beU.lcen thc pm:tics, recidpt of: uhich is hereby acknO\Il.cc1ged, the parties hereto covenant and agrec as follm'ls:' >. 0)00 ~"<l' .... t'" .B"<l' ..-' 0ID1 -< ~ .-4; ':>, P=I ~, ;<;:: . , 0':1; c:o ~ 2. '1'he City nwyat any timc in th'e ftlturc notify the O;.mer, his heirs, personal >7 ,"0 t' ' I 1 C' " 1 d' '1 ~~'~ reprcsenta'lves, successors Or nss~8ns tla1: tIe lty 1n lts so c lscretlon las .~ r-..,g,~determincc.l that it is ac1visnble and nCCCSS~l:y to have sidc\,1aJ.ks installed in \..) 0)..... " ,.' , r~ ~~ .. connectJ,on \nth sald dcscrl.bed real property. ~ p; ~. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l 3. '111c O,.mel: or his heirs, personal repl-escmtatives} successors or assigns "~5 ~" shall" at his expense \....ithin ninety (90) days from the 'notification by the City have E;J 'B 61 sidci,'all,s installed for said described real properly in acc6nlancc \-lith City .~.:E . spccific3tions and. standarc1~ as established. :~o ' f. rrhe of sidcHalks on the abovc City will not at this time AS part of thc erection of dcscribed real property. require the installation and c'onst.r\Jction the building 3nd improvcll:ents by the O;-ll1C1: ..- . It. If the o-.mer or his heirs, pcrsonnl reprcsc~U)tivcs, succeSSOl~S or nssi~ns shall fnil to ,havc' side\'l.:lll~s installed fOr" lhe dcscribC'.d' real property in ncconlancc ",ith City specific:Jtioi1s and st;1nd:1)~ds uithin ninety (90) days from thc notificD.tion by the City, then thc City nay have the sicle..'nlks installed and tiSSCSS and imposc a licn~g~_inst tl,lC described real prope::ty for tI1C cost of the \wrk. 5. This agreement is to'l>e re:;nrded as acovcnnnt nmnin!j \'lith the land, regardless of \-..hethcr it is specifically l;\cntionc:d in any ,deedi.;' or conveYi:lnccs sut>sequcnt:ly c;.:c.'culcd, 3nd thi~; agrcc:;.;ent ;,11;111 be binclin0 Oll n11 parties, their llcir~) per~jonal reprc~;cl~t:~ltive!'j) ~;UCC(~S~~61.~~ or 4l5~;ign[;. 6. All noticc:~; pursunnt 1:0 tbis a~rcc'mc:nt ::;hall be furni;,h(~cl to the re:;pccti\'c parties at tIle followinB nddrcssc:s, until reccipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a diffcrent <lddrc:ss: Ci.ty: '. '. Hr. Herrett R. Stierhd,m City }'lal1<1g('r I'.C>. Box /.7/.8 Clcill"wltcr) Florida 33518 , ' o-."I'\(;r: rt( I~ ~ {.f. ~ I 7D 'Or} tV t lu/T /<.f VdSE ~ t-~ _ ..1. ~ 01-- 0 3~.OO(~i . . .. ... ' I I . I o.R.3534 IPAt;E 461 I 04 .' , I IN \HTNESS Hlln~EOF, the P:1r.ti,cs heT.'(.to k1VC caused ther.e pref;cllts to be executed the d:lY nnd yeilr last nbovc ",ritten. l~itnesses : ~~ --2'( ~1r'" L. r'--' As '0 Ci ty (j., , ~ (J~ '. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) '. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on tl1is '.,30--;a::;day of ~', A.D. 197L, 'before me persol1:l1ly appeared l.Jcrre tt R. St:i.crhcim, lIcr~Oi....n, R. G. Hhi 1:011eo.c and n. ,Everett llou~cn, respectively City Han:lger, City Attorney, City Clerk and l-1~,yor- COimnissioncr of the City of Clcor\vater, a munici,pal co'[poration exi sting under the Im....s of the State 'of Florida, to me l<nown to be the individuals and officers described in and '....ho executed the foregoing A~recmcnt and severally ac1mo",ledgc~1 the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as SUC]l officers thereunto duly. authorized; and :.. that: tbe official seal of said municipal corporation is duly ',affi.xed thereto; and the ~said agreement is ~)e ~ct 'and deed of said corporation. "t C l- e, ~ ~and ~ WITNESS my signatl1rc and official senl at Clean:..ater in the County of Pinellas State of Florida, the day and year last above Hritwn. " . '. ,'"0 ,. 1 , .x:~ ;tS~ Notary Public t1y ConID1ission Expires: .:; Notary Public, State of Florida at large '. ' ' My COffi.;~i>:.i:m ExiJires Od. 22, 1974 ..;. AcndAd . bv Amcri<,,;!ln FirA P.. C;l~IJ;:lllv Co i ~~ .':;~"r:g' . ~~~~~yO~1~F~-~~~~;~~A~'~0~C~~C---~- Befor6 me personally appearcd to me \-1el1 kncl\o/n anu 1\110\,.'11 to l:lC to bC'.! the i. divi.c1u~l!> dc~;cd.bcd in :lI1cl \, 10 C'xcC\.tc:d the: fore.gp~.,i,)?~ ng)-C'C:lIlent ond <Ic:kno\-11edgecl bC'f.ore mc tlwt they executed the s~JIle for the purp,oGes ,)therein cxprc!sscd. >,1""'''';..: ' ,W~'Ft'lp~Ji;\Ji~y hond ond offic.ial seal this , "~_ ~~/ l .:' I " v".....; -,./ , ( -) \C\ . doy of ~ A.D. 197 ~ -' II,' ~- Nol.m:y Public '. Hy ('_~~. ~ll~rirfcl{f m:rQ My CommissloO Expires Nov. 8, 1972