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., .. t I · . , , ...", , !be v..s....pf 4'~"'" .......,. .......leda- I'Me1JK of DOtte. d tbe ... M.ilUiul' fJf :Le.. .. ....... ,. the t.... beh1D .._.t... .. i.........ttoa 4ftbe -kiDs .,. '1eDk of . 1... .. 1.... Co .. ._~ .. ~lC CQAft t.._UTl.JOI.J), (b8es.fe_ _..... t. .. 1:" .......") ~, GQQHDtato M1d M~IJ . ..r. ...'.... ChI.',.... -7'. .Jeet to Lee..... appcO"lal. ~. ...cld.l'd ,...:&._ l.athe ... of 4efault .. ......... ...... ... .....- aDd QlWttti.. furta-r with a. Lee....'..... ... "'1..... , " '" . ,,' ,. -;~';'" l...~....... ... .s.feu1t ._.r 8" ...... of ..id indetdl.'. . 2. .18 che ..... .. "'eu1t. bJ' the ..nerve.l. It..or will not t........I:.. f.~ ... Ub .., acc1- to ..,... its oJAla w1th n.p.ee ~..... pvt.. ........ _ ita .a"". at l...t .iay (60) ...,..' pAoZ' --, wtttelt 8Ot10., t...ther willi t.he rf.ll* &0 ... Ni.4dau1t. 3. Ie 1-. .. -Miftna. .. ita aMi.... ba.... eatered illto ,.....*01. &he 1..... ......._ Ie tM ~~ of oper.tt. the w.t,..., i& _II DC* be li.W.. for r.. ... May other o&.l:1.aal1oaOf' ......... _th nepeetto ..tel {"'-.tun, but Bonarin _11 1e'''Iu.6111y 1181. ..f.-l1 -" ob1tS.tioraa. 4. Lea.. ~~... .11 tta 11.. .... Jd.abt8 to 11... .pt..t tM dW. ...........b)pot~.. .. .u..teral to M.t....... 'o. ..~t.... s. It...;_ fuU...... .... ~ty to ....t. ..14 :I.... deaCu. .. .. Aaf~.. 6. ... of die ,Rp'I"~Y em t_ i.." ,....._ which ta pl.._ ~ ~fi.U""""''''. -u.a-tIOD to ...t.... or it. ..elane. caaa&1~. ..ftatuna or ..,. pht of tbe '1'..1 ..tate .... My" ...-- .~... by tMt "rGlllar _ita .'.1pa. =::? Cf 81pecl. ...1.. ..1:...1".. thl.....iLi t ~ of .Jan- uary, 1961. ~ (~-". '-1-) . C. Has'tmgs, ice President 8. , -- -- - , ,,-"': "" _..---~.,,- ./.'. - :.: - AT'.tB&ti::.' ,'- ~ ", :.::--........ ~.:_, ~~~ .fr.' ~,.::-e-~'~.'-"'jr.. . ,,/ - l-,.)ril.::-"". MARAi!l1..E :ASS1.STANT ~~<;1t!!;1A.lfl1 05X8.00(7) . , It . '" fl' ...~ ') ~ti. IIIJ'tlm 11:14,) .LJ4V~~ I her* oenif)- .... . ... . D. C....~ASTINGS-' aad . ... .. ~AWJi-' . u:' ~ co .. _h. aM ~.. -;:J-,r2.~,..~... ..:e., ..~~..~~..... ":.""'-riI4::d~~ cbiI .....'.. ~JUllr~J,_. .. euoh olU... --bld.- ...........u.r. ~. tid.. ., ,....11, ."..... baf.. . ......~l!4l.. that: they __oel tbe .... low ... _"-11 of ..4&aocporatl.__ chat:..i4 t.-__...I,j..tIIIe act. aDd.... of ......rpor.tloa. D -..'...> "WI., .~....-".'. .~...... ___. ._1: ., haIMI awl offtelel;...-li ""~ ..,. of "'....,.. 1967. ~~~~~ ,.----- ~., '. ,It '" <kJ '''1_''u-.. Notary Public, State of Florida It L>:ge My Commis5ion Expires June 20, 191G. II1n.4U k.6mJIiCIIl fill i '-* "* -,' ,.. / - - -...... --- :,.' "~""";-~'.._,.' ~ l~.,... :'-'"_ ,';i:.'.:~:~ft.","", ..,~i,_ .~ ',I1;':.;.!..Mi-..., ,,"'" _i ,,_ .""u__" ,.-.. ~~.._- ~ '("" "'''''i ~... ~n ~r 0 "".,) ti.~ ~ "~ ~,~~t)~__~;t.' {;i