CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT & BOND I I AGJEE~mNT AND BOND THIS AGl1.EEHE~[ , by and between the CITY OF CLEAJ::iATE3., FLOdIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "CITY", and A.iNOLD J.. I.~ILLEJ., Contractor, a sole proprietor- ship, hereinafter called "CONrLiACTO...i."; ~'lITNESSETH: That in consideration of the mutual cov- enants and agreements herein contained and in further con- sideration of the permit s and privileges granted hereu.nde.c, and the bond given for the faithful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The City hereby grants to the Contractor the per- mit, right and privilege to install and construct the fo110v.,- ing for the Peninsular Telephone Company, as follows: Construct an underground telephone conduit from a point of beginning 460' East of the center line of the proposed access to Island Estates, ~'1esterly 600.' alonE" Clearwate:c I";emor::iaJ_ Ga"u.se- way, 15' North of and paraJlel to the North edge of the existing paving, at a depth not to be less than 30.". 2. Contractor agrees to submit the plans for the aforesaid work to the office of the Gity Engineer and re- ceive approval from said City Engineer before proceeditig with the aforesaid work. 3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an order which shall be satisfacto_cy to the City EngineE3r. 4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation incidental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no machinery or power-driven tools ;/Jill 8e l'sed in the / )" {!)j- (}:3 7)-C ..~ accomplishment of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated by the City Engineer. The Contractor further agrees to water-compact all trenches durins back- filling. ':. I I 5. Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the repair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the accomplishment of the work as aforesaid and Contractor further hereby covenants and agrees to :eplace paving removed or damaged by or because of the accomplish- ment of the aforesaid work, said paving; to be of a typeC3.rl'~"- quality equal to the paving so removed or damaged, and per- formed in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer, of the City of ClearTtfater. 6. Contractor hereunto binds himself, his success- ors and assigns to the faithful performance of this Agree- ment; and fU" ther binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeiture of the sum of FIVE THOU SAND DOLLAJS (':;'5,000.00) to City in the event of Contractor's breach or default of any of Contractor's covenants, agreements or obligations of Con- tractor hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations of Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contractor, then this bond Shall be null and void and of no effect. 7. The aforesaid work shall be accomplished within thirty (JO)days; provided, however, that this time for COITl- pletion shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrictions, or natural calamity. T,lITNESS the hands and seal s of the parties hereto, this~~ay of August, 1957: /' Approved as to form and ~~;~~ ul y Attorney In the presence of: