NUISANCE & EXOTIC VEGETATION CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE '01/04/2008 15:21 7275624755 ENG PAGE 02 CONTRACT This CONTRACT made and entered into this 4lh day of January, 2008 by and between the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated as the "City", and Biologjcal Research & Associates, of the City of Riverview, County of HilIsborough and State of Florida, hereinafter designated as the "Contractorl'. WITNESSETH: That the parties to this contract each inconsideration of the undertakings, promises and agreements on the part of the other herein contained, do hereby undertake, promise and agree as follows: lnacfordancewith such prop.osal and teclmical supplemental specifications and such other special provisioi)sand drawings, if anY, which will be submitted by the City, together . with any ad\ferti~ement, instructions to bidders, general conditions, proposal and bond, Which maybeheret9 attached, and any drawings if any, which may be herein referred to, are hereby made apart of this contract~ andaHof saidwork to be performed and completed by the contra9torandits successors and assigns~hall beIully completed in a good and workmanlike manner to the satisfactionoftheCity. IftreContractor should.. fail to comply with any of the tenns, conditions, provisions or stipulations as containedhereinwithinthetil1l~specified for completion of the work tobe performed by the COntractor~then the City, may at its option, avail itselfofallyor all remediesprovidedon its behalf an(jshaUhave therighu9 proceed to complete such work as Contractor is obligated to)?erform in accordance with the provisions as contained herein. Tl-lji; CONTRACTQR.ANl) HIS OR ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS nOES HEREBY AGREE TOAS~UMETHEDEFENSE OF ANY LEGAL ACTIONWHICHJ\1AV6E BROUGHT AGAINST TI-IE CITY AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTORtSACTIVITIES ARJSINGOUTPFTHIS CONTRACT AND FURTHER1V[ORE, INCONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS, STIPULATIONS AND CONDITIONS AS CONTAINED HEREIN,AGREES TO HOLD THE CITY FREE AND HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES, COSTS OF SUITS, JUDGMENTS OR DECREES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS MADE UNDER THIS CONTRACT AGAINST THE CITY OR. THE CONTRACTOR OR THE CONTRACTORtS SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES RESULTING FROM ACTIVITIES BY THE AFOREMENTIONED CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR, AGENT SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. contra(;tr 1.I.lIoc Pagl! I Rcvi5ed: 5/09/2007 01/04/2008 15:21 7275624755 ENG PAGE 03 CONTRACT (2) In addition to the foregoing provisionst the Contractor agrees to conform to the following requirements: In connection with the performance of work under this contractt the Contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment becal~se of race, sex, religion, color, or national orib~n. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; lay-off or terrnjnation; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post hereafter in conspicuous places, available for employees or applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the non-discrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all contracts hereunder, including contracts .or agreements with labor unions and/or worker's representatives, except sub-contractors for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. E.Eb It is furthermutually agreed between the City and the Contractor that if, any time after the execution of thiscoptract and thesuretybond which is attached hereto.. far the faithful perfannance of the terms and conditions as cantain~d herein by.the Contractar. that the Cityshall at any time deem the surety or sutetiesupon suchperforrnance bond to beunsatisfactary or if, for any reason, the said bond ceases to be adequate in amO\lnt to cover the perfarmance of the work the Contractor shall, at his or its own expense, within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice from the City to do so, furnish an additional bond or bonds in sllch term and amounts and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactor,y to.. the City. Ifsuch an event occurs, no furtherpayment shall be made to the Contractor undertbetennsand provisions of this contract until such new or additional security bond guaranteeing the faithful perfomlance pfthe work. under thetenns hereof shall be completed and fumjsh~d to the City in a form satisfactol'Y to it. c(Jtllr~ct[ I ).d(u:; rage 2 Revised: M I lil2 0 (17 "01/04/2008 15:21 7275624755 ENG PAGE 04 CONTRACT (3) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to the agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals and have executed this Agreement, in duplicate, the day and year first above written. B)" ~~~ Will~m B. Home. IT , ,_ _.' '.___,' ___...."n_ _ '_.__ . -.-' - - _.. City Manager Attest: CITY OF CLEARWATER IN PINELLASCOUNTY, FLORIDA Countersigned: By' __2!~ Jl/dfw! F~ibbard, ! Mayor.,Councilmember Approved as to f<:>rm: Leslie Dougall~Si es Assistant.City Attorney (Contractor must indicate whether Corporation, Partnership, Company or Individual.) (The person slgnmg shall, in his own handwriting, sign the Principal's name, his own name, and his title~ where the person is signing for a Corporation, he must, by Affidavit, show his authority to bind the Corporation). Biological Research & Associates (Contractor) By: ..~ (SEALl V'IUL~ cOl1tract( I J.doc Puge 3 Revised: 6/111/1007