LETTER OF LICENSE AGREEMENT AND QUIT CLAIM DEED J I 2873 Thornton Road Clearwater, Florida August 5, 1994 34619 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Deptula, City Manager City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618-4748 RE: Letter of License Agreement Dear Mrs. Deptula: Pursuant to that certain Settlement Stipulation in the case of City of Clearwater. Florida v. Allan J. Stowell (Case Number 91-16681- 20), said Settlement Stipulation dated March 26, 1992, the undersigned does hereby grant unto the City of Clearwater, upon the execution of a letter of understanding incorporating the specifications of the arborist agreed on upon by both parties regarding certain matters before the project is commenced as is otherwise set forth in paragraph 7 of the said Settlement Stipulation, a license for ingress and egress across the undersigned's property for access to the permanent easement, the temporary construction easement and the construction pits as is otherwise set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The actual path of the access route will be staked and delineated by construction ribbon. The term of this license shall be for thirty days beginning as of the date the City's contractor has been mobilized and is ready to enter the premises and commence work, with additional thirty day extensions for good cause outside the City's control. The license granted hereunder is limited to its terms and may not be expanded or enlarged. ,~~ ~) I 2873 Thornton Road Clearwater, Florida 34619 August 5, 1994 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Deptula, City Manager City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618-4748 RE: Selection of Independent Arborist Dear Mrs. Deptula: In accordance with the documents settling the case of Citv_ of Clearwater, Florida v. Allan J. Stowell (Case Number 91-16681-20) and the Agreement and Grant of Construction and Permanent Easement, this is to advise that the selection of Mr. Kyle as the independent arborist for all matters relating to the function of an independent arborist for the project contemplated by these documents is acceptable to me. ~, L I QUIT-CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, Executed this between ~ f day of August, 1994, CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA a Florida Municipal corporation whose post office address is City Clerk's Office, P. o. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 34618-4748 TO Allan J. Stowell, an unremarried mati second party: (\Vherever used herein the tenlls "first party" anll "second party" shall include singular and plural.heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of inllivilluals. and successors and assigns of corvorations. whalever the context so admiLs or requires,) WITNESSETH, that the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, release and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release, and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Pinellas, state of Florida, to wit: A portion of that certain right-of-way easement dated March 4, 1970 conveyed to the city of Clearwater, Florida by CEY-WELL SHORES, INC. as recorded in O. R. Book 3341, Page 207 of the Public Records of Pinellas county, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: The southerly 86.00 feet of the northerly 354.00 feet of the east 10.00 feet of Lot 12, WILLIAM BROWN'S SUBDIVISION OF BAYVIEW FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 13, of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, of which Pinellas County was formerly a part. containing 860.00 square feet, more or less '~ 1 I .) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together will all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. IN WITNESS' WHEREOF the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Cou CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Rita Garvey Mayor-Commissioner By: 6tfrt~ Eliz th . Deptula City Manager Attest: ~ Goudeau STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared Rita Garvey. Elizabeth M. Deptula. Alan S. Zimmet. and Cynthia E. Goudeau, to me well known, and known by me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Mayor-Commissioner. city Manaqer. Interim city Attorney and city Clerk, respectively, of the above- named city and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the city seal of said city and the said instrument is the free act and deed of said city. WITNESS my hand and off icial seal this August, 1994. gd- day of ,--. ~t,.)~ N~biC ;7 Type/P lnt Name. .,~~Itt'" ~if~\ MARY KATHRYN DIANA \ " .~J ~ COMMISSION /I CC 229891 ex"'RES ~ SaPlImber 21 1996 Rt;, I IOHOfD TltIlU l'IlOY FAIN r~u IWICE, I/C. -, .. ~ I ~c. lid 5cCTIO,u /7, TtJlf/1J5111P (q 6"OUTII, R4IJO~ IfJ D15T ... C:-~.l d,c fleerlO!!. /7. 6.89'tf!.J!"1Y'. ..., ~ (~ tit/iF TO 8AY 81. VO.-S.R,'lf:uO (! /UI.OO',-/) . : C. '14 ~O~IJEfI OF CclJTCR OF ~ : 6ECT/OlJ /7- 1"1-/(, 5ccrroIJ (7-lt{-lt ~{ VJ1CATEO ROGERS g()AD"" : ~ . <::.L :~ -- .::,- ---f~----l-~ -1 ~ I I ~ ~IS IS A SKETCH, MOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASEo-rrR THE PINELLAS COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTI1ENT BEARING FOR THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SECTION 17. TOWHSHIg 29 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST. ~IICH IS N.89 -46'-01"E. 3. EXISTING IMPRovnlENTS IIAVE NOT BEEN SHOWN. 4. THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS OF RECORD WHICH ARE HOT SHOWN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY \CERllFL THAT THIS SKETCH. AND ATTACHED LEGAL\tJESCR.I~II6N~'"WERE PREPARED UNDER MY SUPER- VISIOH'ANDIMEET,TH(~I1fTENT OF CHAPTER 21HH-6, :i~~;D)~:11k!>>;)1'~4---- '.r..,.: . - .. . R R . (">-., ,-') ,', FLORIDA LAND SURVEYOR ./;, ...,i.-ilF..... NO. 2043 .....1/. .-!~(.~rj: .. , II . PREPAREO FOR: CITY OF CC6fRWdTBl CtfIG/ IJEE/WJG OEPAllrMtAlr p. (J. ~OX 4'7t1d CLc/ll1If1A Ta, ,cl.,tit/ tJ PI1EPAllcO 8'{: t.UJVEr<A~ 8AUfI ( BrcvEtfJ5 "qf.'l8 u.:J. IIW'(. 19 AI. CCEdRWlrm, Fl. ~d(,'ZI ./.,(J. 'lJ1!! /J4Te: AU(;oST 5, !lif! $KcrCJ.l ( OcSCRIPTIOIJ OF p/1Rr OF LOT It T1J 8E COlflVCVEtJ SY aUf' tl.dU1 ()Ceo FROM rile CfTY OF ttcAI?W4TO? TO 4t.t.dIJ J. STOWEU ":>.. ~ , ~ <:;) I h.. ~ I t:c I ~ I ~ I . I ' ~ ~ 1 ~ I I,' /0' ..~iLlMcjI~ ~1.(qqZ ri~'k~ .lul.~ A ~ fA { 01-0 1~1~~J """.. "'- '::l ~~ ~'" It> .....---= ~, ~:::t ~tci '" ~'" It> ....... 'n h. ~~ ~~ ~ '::ll::) '-.) ~~ [--- N . ~... \) "J ~~ ~~ ,>e;: ~->. ~~ .,.. ~ I:\.: "' "<) ..., B ..., "'C ~ ~ ~ tT) I h. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~'='~ I)' jO' I 100' /' ------ . --....... ~ ~ ~ ,oJ10PcRTYro (!c ro,(jVCVClJ 8Y TH'c C / T'( OF CLEA I? KIA TCfl. ,TO .4 [{ A IJ J. 5TOWeLL B ~ "Cl OESCR I PT ION: The southerly 86.00 feet of the northerly 354.00 feet of the east 10.00 feet of Lot 12, WILLIN1 BROWN'S SUGQIVISION OF OAYVIEW FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 1, page 13 of the Publ Ie Records' of Hl11sborough County, Florldll, of which Plne1las County was fonnerly a part.