SOUTH CLEARWATER CITIZENS FOR PROGRESSVE ACTION NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT OR COMMUNITY-BUILDING PROJECT J I City of Clearwater Weed & Seed CAN-DO Mini-Grant Program AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CLEARWATER AND SOUTH CLEARWATER CITIZENS FOR PROGRESSIVE ACTION THIS AGREEMENT is made as by and between the City of Clearwater (the CITY) and Peggy Roche (the GRANTEE). WHEREAS, the CITY has allocated grant funds from the US. Department of Justice - Executive Office for Weed & Seed for the purpose of revitalizing low- and moderate-income neighborhoods through the Weed & Seed CAN-DO Mini-Grant Program, and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE has submitted a proposal for a neighborhood improvement or community-building project (the Project); NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and the GRANTEE, agree as follows: RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GRANTEE 1. The GRANTEE shall: A) Carry out all aspects ofthe approved Grant Application (the Application) as submitted and approved by the CITY including: 1) Obtaining and providing a RECEIPT to the CITY, in the form attached hereto for only those materials and supplies identified and submitted with the Application and as further identified in the CITY'S purchase order for the purchase of such materials and supplies from vendors selected by GRANTEE; 2) Obtaining such materials and supplies from the identified vendor as submitted in the Application; 3) Obtaining all required permits for the project including building permits from the City of Clearwater Planning & Development Services and Public Works Administration; 4) Be responsible for obtaining, receiving and transporting all materials for the purpose of the project; 5) Providing security for the project materials and supplies at the project site; 6) Being legally responsible for any unpaid labor performed or unauthorized materials and supplies purchased and used in the performance of the project; 7) maintaining time and attendance records for all volunteers who participate in the project and deliver those records to the CITY'S COORDINATOR, Tom Mudano, within one week of completion of the project; 8) place a "SUNSHINE" CALL TO 1-800-432-4770 at least 48 hours before engaging in any digging in the ground for the purpose of having any underground utility lines marked as required by Florida law (be prepared to provide the company name & address, the contract person's name, telephone number, and call-back hours, the county and city, the location address, the type of machinery or digging tools to be used, whether any permit is needed, the work to be done, and the type of work to be performed); Page 1 of 3 ) ?! _. /1 - /, ") : , / .' ~_.~ ~< r,' ~2 .M B) Notify the CITY of any !terials and/or supplies that are not requited for the project and return such items to the vendor within one week of completion of the project; C) Notify the CITY of any changes in scope of the project in writing four weeks prior to the start; D) Notify the CITY ofthe date the project will begin and the anticipated end date three weeks prior to commencement of the project; and E) Complete all aspects ofthe approved project by September 15, 1999 and have all unused materials returned to the original vendor no later then September 22, 1999. 2. The CITY shall: A) Contact the vendors identified in the approved Application within two weeks of execution of this Agreement to establish accounts in the name of the CITY for the purchase by the CITY of the materials and supplies to be used by GRANTEE in the performance ofthe project; B) Authorize the Purchasing Coordinators of GRANTEE identified in the Application to pick up and receipt for the materials identified in the Application from the vendors; C) Pay all costs of materials identified in the approved Application directly to the vendors for goods and services utilized in the project; D) Pay all CITY Permit fees associated with the project (if applicable); E) Withhold from the grant funds of any specific project approved by the City all sums necessary to pay sales taxes, use taxes, and any other taxes that may be due and owing that arise out of or as a result of performance of the project. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 1. This Agreement shall end on September 30, 1999. This time limit may be extended at the City's discretion if requested in writing. 2. The City may at any time terminate this Agreement if it decides that it is in the public interest to do so. 3. Either party may terminate this Agreement prior to commencement of the project upon ten days prior written notice. OTHER CONDITIONS 1. The GRANTEE undertakes that no person shall, on the ground ofrace, color, sex, national origin, or disability, be excluded from employment or participation in, or benefits ofthe Project. 2. The GRANTEE shall indemnify and hold the CITY harmless from all claims, damage, expense, costs and liabilities, including workers' compensation claims, personal injuries, death, and property damages, due to activities of the GRANTEE in carrying out the project. 3. The CITY may at any time inspect the progress of work on the project. 4. The provision of time records by Grantee, as provided for above in Responsibilities of the Grantee, paragraph 7., shall not be construed to render Grantee or others performing work on the project volunteers for workers' compensation purposes, nor shall Grantee or others performing work on the proj ect be considered employees of CITY for any purpose. 5. Exhibit A., Grant Application, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 6. Cost principles to be used in implementing the Project are as set forth in DOJ Manuals and CITY purchasing policies. 7. The dollar limitation for the Project is $2500.00 [required by DOJ Manual]. Page 2 of 3 "d' , I I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this agreement on the day and year first written above: Countersigned: Approved as to form: &t.1L~.&z Leslie K. Dougafl-Sl Assistant City Attorney CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA By:k Michael J. Roberto, City Manager Attest: 'a E. Goudl~au"City Clerk, ' (South Clearwater Citizens for Progressive Action) ~ /:;J By: l~.fIa!f 1) o~ (Peggy R6c ) ~ ~ Witness Tom Mudano - Neighborhood Services Manager Page 3 of 3 ,J:X> I City of Cleatwatet I Weed & ~eed CAN-DO Matching Gtant~ Ptogtam A~~lication J:otm J:Y 1999 The applicant(~) ~hould btiefly explain the ptopo~ed ptOlect indicating the benefiR expected and include a budget cleatly ~howing cod-shating iterns. Cod-shate can be in-kind setvic~ a~ well a~ fund~ ~et aside s~ecifically fot the ptOlect. The succ~~ful applicant will supply the infotrnation tequ~ted by using the ~pace ptovided on the application fotrn~. ~ubrni~~ion Deadline: All application~ rnud be teceived by July 2, 1999, NO LAT~R THAN 4:00 p.rn. Application~ ate to be deliveted to: PutCha~ing Depattrnent - 100~. Myttle Ave. - g'" ~loot. ~ubrnit (1) unbound otiginal and (5) copias of the application fotm~. Type Ot ptint cleatly aMwe~ to the following quastion~ in the ~~ac~ ptOvided. 1. NeighbOthood/Otganization:JtJ.-~ {~~k.. / 2. Narne, addt~~ ~e nurnbe~ of ptolect cootdinatot: A) Narne: l /.J2-11A-1 If/;. 0 c-~ -;r ?TV B) Mailing AddtC!.Ss: 9/0 lf~ J / C) City: (l~~ ~&~ae& t/ D) Phone (Horne): 135- tJ ~ g-1 Zip: 33 7;~ ~~D 10#: II/i - f (Wotk): cr..,.:!J - 'So Lf (~ax): I/~S- - /f J' ? g. PutChasing Cootdinatot~: (Note: Thase ate people who will be dasignated to handle putChasing of equiprnent and/ot supplias fot the ptOlect and dasignated a~ authotized putCha~e~ with local neighbo hood vendo~ fot the ptolect): .'J A. PutCha~ing Cootdinatot #1 Narne: / J2..-z:i tJ Phone: 13 5-() () f' 7 , / ' B. PutCha~ingCootdinatot#2 Narne:~t/./, %J~~ Phone: #:;2. -31 f ..3 / t/ 4-. Matching ~und~ Requast 11.. A. Arnount of rnoney tequasted ftorn City: ~tJ () ( tv Total PtOlect cod $ f/..LJcJ tJ ~ A 1/.5"D ;. fb ~Jl..5"d j- /b-tJ A.le~7S~J'f-- L.v I. t - Pfft~7 ,,~ Ie' UI", .i> ./IV' ...!;,,,,2- B. Arnount of rnatch $ :3, ). S- f2 PtOlected # of volunteet hou~ C/( LC d..';L<! '11 J //1/U ~0v ~y"J l{/'itI? . l 1/~lILAYt..R-~~v"tt-. ,~~ / /S() /JC !u~ I {f.ft..dW ~ ~ .3 C; 1<.cJC' )' f 0 /~ Cl, G,w ~ (3"6 l_. .P::? ~Lw~ 3 -tiUuL- 7;~ 5. ~hott ptOlect dasctiption: Complete this page front & back, remove from packet and submit with all application . .' . " 6. What i~su~ will the ptolect addtas~'? theck ON~ categoty that bast dasctibas the i~~~ yout ~tOlect will addtC!.S~. ' ~uth 0 Ctime &. Dtugs 0 Beautification 0 ~kill~ Developrnent 0 Othet 7. How rnany neighbothood t~ident~ will be involved in canying out the ptOlect'? cd ~vd- / cJ ~. What ta.k< willthay ""h1~I.t.'? ~ l{^tLL ~ h;/.>.L, ,P-U{., '~ I .", /(/ rldl..i -0 -ii.fA, '" -rk ~ 7 d&.;y~~-! u.;7./ 9. ' What I. the banefit of you, ~rol.ct to the ""don" of the neighbo,hood'? I1AA"1~~" /L! ~ gnf~ trttA"'J. ui~ II~ t~~kd~~ l~uL / I 10. D..ctib. how the funding will b..~ont J::G1. d:ty. -!..vv ~ ~ 6'" +- LJe..~ . - / !/ I / I~~~j . 11. What vendots have you contacted that ~tOvided cod astirnatas fot the ~tOlect (Attach additional pagas if tequited)'? A) Narne of Vendot III U lhvcl- Contact Pet!:on: ~,(.,/. /!3.e/')~L Mailing Addtass: :;z -3 It (:; 7J... ..J City: ~/ B) Narne of Vendot K" )77 ~d- MailingAddt~~: l()tJ()!f)~ ~ City, ,.:/d- It /9 ~t~ 33 716 I Phone: 1~ ~/-7711 Zip: Contact Pet!:on: ZiP: 337; 0 Phone: 12. Attach co~t astirnate vetifying putChasas tequited fat ptOlect: 1 g. Attach photos, dtawing~, Ot othet typ~ Ji,suppOtting rnatetial if needed. oj) I(; _ ;I 14. ~ubrnitted By: \. / .~ ~ ~ APPUCATION CH~CKU~T Date: ~. 3c.1f o Dna (1) unbound otiginal and fiva (5) bound eo~ias o -S:ignatutas of ownat~ adjaeant to ~to~osad ~tojaet (If taquitad) o Cost astimatas ftom vandot~ o Com~latad A~~lieation J:otm &. all attaehmant~ (i.a. ~hotos, ma~~, ~Ians, ate.)