.....-' l ,:
October 10, 1977
Mr.R. W. B_kirk, Ana Dlnct:or
Department of Houataa .. vn- Dewl.,..t
Area Office, pan'J.....J.aJ: Pl_
661 Riwnlde Awn_
Jadtaon"s,'11. . Florida 32204
lubj ect: . eo"..,n'lty DewlAJpl Jut 110ck Graut pror-
Metropo11ta Z1ltltl_t J'uada- I'Y 7
Grant Ro. B-77...1IC-12-0002
Dear Mr. _.kirk:
"l'he origtaa1. and one copy of the standard contraet prov1.toaa
(HOO Fon 7082). toaethet' with request for rele... of funda
(HUD Fona 7015.15) pertaf.a1ng to the subject Irat have b.en
executed _d are attaChed.
All requlncl ennr'OllrCll!lRtal ......ment. have been completed,
and eopi.. of the public D.otlc.. required by 24CFR. part
'70.16 (b) _d 24CF1l. part 570.30. are attache. for your
record. .
If there ~ au)" quaattAu pertaillu.a to this application,
pl.... ccmtaet DeDaltl V. J.... our eo-m.ity 'De....l~nt
Pl~.r at (813) 442-6111.
Sbcarel,. .
AathODY L. S1aMwu1rer
City If__r
tl-oc~;-t(; (/j I
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