THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the -1!!- day of April, 2002, by and
between Pinellas Cares, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and the City of
Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City", hereby
incorporates by reference the City of Clearwater's "Standard Requirements for
Requests for Proposals"; Exhibit A - Insurance Requirements; and Exhibit B - Scope of
WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a grant from the U. S. Department of
Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance for a Neighborhood Policing Initiative for the
Homeless; and
WHEREAS, the Contractor has agreed to provide a Homeless Shelter Bed
Hotline in cooperation with the Pinellas County Coalition for the Homeless and
homeless shelters in north and south Pinellas County;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants
contained in the Agreement, the Contractor and City hereby agree as follows:
1. TERM.
This Agreement shall commence on the 19th day of April, 2002, and shall terminate on
the 18th day of April, 2004, unless earlier terminated by either party hereto. Either
party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice.
Contractor will be responsible for:
1. Maintaining daily record of available shelter beds
2. Monitoring reporting from cooperating homeless shelters
3. Informing police officers, homeless individuals, and shelter staff of available
bed space
4. Patching phone calls from law enforcement officers to available shelters
5. Attending meetings of the Pinellas County Coalition for the Homeless and
other stakeholders
6. Preparing monthly reports for distribution to cooperating partners
(See Exhibit B - Scope of Services for comprehensive description of services to be
performed. )
Upon execution of this Agreement by all parties, the City will pay Contractor for costs
associated with the implementation of the Neighborhood Policing Initiative for the
Homeless. Beginning the 19th day of April, 2002, the City will pay the Contractor a
quarterly fee in the amount of $3,300 for each quarter through April 18, 2004. The
City's maximum liability under this contract shall not exceed $26,400.
Failure to invoke any right, condition, or covenant in this Agreement by either party shall
not be deemed to imply or constitute a waiver of any rights, condition, or covenant and
neither party may rely on such failure.
Any notice or communication permitted or required by the Agreement shall be deemed
effective when personally delivered or deposited, postage prepaid, in the first class mail
of the United States properly addressed to the appropriate party at the address set forth
Cynthia Fox
Executive Director
Pinellas Cares, Inc.
P.O. Box 5164
Largo, FL 33779
Mail to:
Sid Klein, Chief of Police
Clearwater Police Department
645 Pierce Street
Clearwater, FL 33756
With a copy to:
City Attorney's Office
City of Clearwater
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758
If any provision of the Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and
shall in no way be impaired.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with regard to the
subject matter hereof, and replaces and supersedes all other agreements of
understandings, whether written or oral. No amendment or extension of the Agreement
shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties.
This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Contractor
and the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to permit the assignment by
the Contractor of any of its rights or obligations hereunder, as such assignment is
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the City.
In the performance of the Agreement, each party shall comply with .all applicable
federal, state and local laws, rules, ordinances and regulations. This Agreement shall
be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. The invalidity or unenforceability of any
provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date first
above written.
William B. Horne II, City Manager
TII. bidder wt11 procan aad mailltaiD .... folknriq......... cowenp:
I. Works' Campenuda. ead ElDployen' UabITd)'-dae bidder ....n procare aad maiaWD for
tb.llf. oftJail ptlrdIae order, Workers' CoIapeaadoa .......ce coyen.. all employeawitb
nmils llleedDC aU appUabllltate ud fedenllaWL 'DII COYUlp sJWI iadade Employen'
UabiUty witIa I...its..... ad .ppUallll state.... ''''''' laws.
2. Geaeral UabUllJ-ne bidder sIaaII plvan ad........ for.... are oftbis pvcbue order.
Ceaent UabUItJ I...... tIaIs coyenp..... be _ .. ~t buillad dad IDclade:
Premises aad Opendoas; ladepeacl" CoaIr'adDrII Prod'" .... eo_pi.. Opentloa lad
CoacnctUllJabOllJ. Connp..... be DO.... .....ukd-... diu dae latat edItIoa oldie
Commercial GllllnI UlhIBty ~ ofllle ....... Senica Omce.
nus ptUC1~ ~ c:annp far datil, bodIIJ laJ1IIT. penoaIlajllr)' or propert)' damlCt
--tbatcoald arise dlncdJor badlnc:dJ IrcnD tile perfo.....ce of tIab parclwe order.
The ..ia_Ul ...111 01 CGftI'qe slaallbe ssoo.ooo per Occ:arnace COIDbbaed SlqIt LImit for
BodDy IDjary UabiUtJ ... Propet1)' Damap LlabUltJ.
n. CltJ .baD be.bachaded ad lei_tilled _.. Add1IloaalIDRnd uder die poUcy cerdflcalt
of laI1arUCe-
3. Bastaca A.CO...... LIabIIItr-"" BIdder.... proean .... ......U1.. for tile Ilfe of Ib
parcbate order, ~i ... AIICo.... a..w.D)'........
TIle mini.........eI _..JlIp.... be..... pwOcarnDa. eo.bIDed SbIcIt Umtt
for BocIiIJ I.jury LII"""'''' r.v....., OIl.. U....-.,. TIdI COftI'III..... be.. · Art
AuCO" type poIIq. a.~-..... be _ __ ....u~..... die ..- edJdoII oldie
Busiaas AatolDoblll PoIIdeI of.... ....... SIIItaI.OIIIce.
4. 1odeaaaltJ-n. .......... ..et--'IIIIdt..I~.Iaft..... IIoJd * C1I)' IIanIIIIa rro. ...y IIId
al1..t-I~ ...... JlI4V...... ".hIIItJ-..... ~ p"., 18pry, bocIIIJ IIIj1ll7 or property
..... uisIq ....., 01'''''''''''' a.. ...... A 1II1 01 dill pIII"daUt...... .., 1IIdder,
Ib ..,..,.....11 J lira 144. 01' __',.. ........ .... r... cout cadle ." adatr ....
n, I"" ,....................It II..., ,.p a I ala far C01aplylq wtcIa * tenDI
of tile ,....aa......
50 Sunem..taI ,...........
a) n. iasaruce _..npt1lllCl eoedllthm ....... bJ .... poUqr .baD DOl be saspeaded,
wldld. __..lid 01' IDOdlDed ... dIr ddrtJ (31) ..,. prior wrtIIaa Dodce br
ceJ"tiW aaaiI ne.n nceipt I ~lI.tabll"" ..... pea CO dae CIty'. RIsk Maaq....ea.
b) CerdfJca" allasaruce -eedIIc dIe.,.me nI:lIIuh-aI w1Iraace pro, IsIODllpedned
nqaind Ian,." pravtsloas ~ wtdda .... pIII'dIue order....U be forwarded to the
City', RIsk MauIe...t Ollke ad .",.... prior to start olall1 work. After review. lb.
Ccrtlnat. wiD be ft1ed wit.. die .....~ 0IIlce as apart of tbe oricia" pardaase ordrr.
Esblblt A (coat.ald)
c) Receipt aad acccptaace ola bidder', CenUIc:ate of ..race. or odaer _liar docamnc.
dOd Dot COD.citllce acceptaace or approwal ol"01UIII or lJpeI 01 conralCl wbldl.ay be
leu dIaD reqaiml bf die p.rd&aH ord.r.
d) n. CIty ..y at ttI opttoa nqain a copy of tIae bIdder'IIDS1InDce poUda.
e) AIIlaaruce poIIcitI nqaiml witII .... pwdaue order sIaaII proYtda rau connce
In. tile ftnt dollar of ft1'OI1Ire .... otUrwbe 1tIpa1a.... No dedad" will be
JeCCPted witboat prior "plJo,aa from ... en,.
6. Sarft! aad Hnlda RIq1IlnlDeaD
.) Safe aad Healtlaf1ll Work EDYin.m_-It .. die ........., lOIe dllq CO pl"Cl\'id. ..r. aad
_ _~___ ~.._..- ..- _Ithtul WortdaI coadltIoa 10 itleaaplaJta'" .... oItIae CtJ - ad aboat tile
project site. TIae Otr aalllDel DO daty for saptnbloa 01 tU blddw.
Slop Work Orden- TIle CIty ...., order W. tile work IIOp II.~ of immediate
_apt' CO City eaaplot I u. eqaipmeat or pnperty cia... aiItI. 1'IdI praYisIoa sJaaJl
_ sb1R rapulllibWty or risk 011011 Cor faj.,. or ~,-. ..p~hNwIlrua .... bW.....
. the oq, .... ... bidder sluaU mula solely I'IIpaari"l.for compIIaa witIa aD ....cty
ftCl1dreID.... ... for ..,.., of aD ra.u ... flJ va- CJ at 1M project ilia.
c) eo.pUaace wWa hI.., ..... HaD ItIpIadNI :na bidder........, .....
Occapadaal W'8t7 ad ReaIdI AdID~ (OSIIA). 1M fIerida ~ ~oI
....... .... Ea....,.... ~ irJ .... ........ .............ledenI. ......1oaI npIatiou
<<en, salltJ ucI baItIa .........
Pinellas Cares, Inc. will operate a Homeless Shelter Bed Hotline in cooperation with the
Pinellas County Coalition for the Homeless, homeless shelters in north and south county,
and other interested parties. The purpose of the hotline will be to:
. Keep a dally record of available shelter beds
. Monitor reporting from cooperating homeless shelters
. Infonn police officers, shelter staff, and homeless individuals of available bed
. Prepare monthly reports for distribution to cooperating partners.
~. -_ Pinellas Cares, Inc. will set aside the back line telephone number for the use of police
officers and shelters so there will be no waiting in dialing 2-1-1.
In order to coordinate the Homeless Shelter Bed Hotline, we are requesting two part-
time staff to work a maximum of 40 hours per week at $12.00 per hour. The weekly
schedule would consist of 1 person @ 20 hours and another @ 15 hours, ~hich totals 35
hours. We are building an extra 5 hours per week for holiday and overtime coverage.
The respoASiblllties of the telephone counselors are to:
. Answer and record information from homeless shelters on bed availability within
designated call-in time
. Log information into data base
. Monitor reporting from shelters and make follow up phone calls
. Provide monthly reports to cooperating agencies and partners
. Keep master bed board in call center