ENTITLEMENT FOR 3RD YEAR FUNDING IanIX' .8ay leglanal plcnnlng eo.ell SI511hild Clve. ftollh lull. 540 - II. pele"buI9,fla.SS7IS (815) 811-1811 tanfl' (115) 114-0580 June 1, 1977 . ~~~\'~t~ r, "p'l ' ~ ,ej11. . JlJU ./ J ~ !.\ 0 M~ 111r\~\P', fUv .~' rYCJl1 I Mr. Picot B. Floyd, ICMA City Manager City of Clearwater P.o. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Subject: TBRPC Clearinghouse Review No. 173-77; Conununity Development Block Grant-Entitlement for Third Year Funding, Clearwater Dear Mr. Floyd: We have received the above referenced project for our review and conunents in accordance with OMB Circular A-95 (revised). We will complete our review within thirty days unless an extension is warranted. Please refer to the above Clearinghouse Review Number in any conununications concerning this review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, N\ ~ C'\ ("\ "fd \ · ~ R. 'f<lC; )L.. Michael R. McKinley , Clearinghouse Review C rdi ator MRM/jls ~ oJ :--! ehalrman-a,mand a. bu,ke ulee-ehalrman-,on no,man /Ce,eta,y-hea/u,e, _ jan platt city hall, plnellal pa,k, 'Ia. JJ565 city hall, la,a/ota, S55" city hall, tampa, JJ60t hllllborough paICO manatee plnellal countlel bradenton duncdln dCCllWClte, gulpod Icvgo ........0 plnellal pa,k It. Pcteubu'g beach eMeeutlue dl,ector-/eGet cL ",1I/Oft It. peteubu'g,fla. SSfIS , '~':1<:':-::"_~1~1lI____ It. pcteubU'9~?l-()O.'j?:{"t(;;)