EQUIPPING 10 POLICE VEHICLES WITH IN-CAR VIDEO SYSTEMS TO ENHANCE THE DUI EFFORTS .~ , Florida Department of Transportation JEB BUSH GOVERNOR 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 THOMAS F. BARRY, JR. SECRETARY January 7,2003 :fED Mr. William B. Harne, II City Manager City af Clearwater 100 S. Osceala Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33756 . :. c.~' I. 'l..tu~03" ~.'~;"'. E ") CITY ivlANAGER'S OFfICE RE: Clearwater DUI Enforcement Praject Project Na,: AL-03-05-05 D.O.T. Cantract Na.: AM668 Dear Mr. Harne: Yaur applicatian to. the Flarida Department afTranspartatian far highway safety funds has been approved. We are pleased to. make this award in the amaunt af $36,000 to. yaur agency for the purpase af equipping 10 palice vehicles with in-car videa systems to. enhance the Clearwater Palice Department's DUI effarts. A capy afthe approved project agreement with the referenced praject number and title is enclased for yaur file. All carrespandence with the Department shauld always refer to. the p~oject number and title. Please direct yaur attentian to. Part V af the subgrant entitled "Acceptance and Agreement". These canditians shauld be reviewed carefully by thase persans respansible far praject administratian to. avaid delays in project campletian and cast reimbursements, The effective date afthe agreement is January 6,2003 and anly thase casts incurred an or after that date and before Octaber 1,2003 are eligible for reimbursement. As a reminder, Part V requires that all reimbursement claims must be submitted manthly, as casts are incurred. Claims nat submitted as required may be grounds far terminatian af yaur subgrant. If yaur sub grant cantains persannel, yau must pravide this affice with the name af the individual whase salary is cavered under the grant. If natification is nat provided to. this affice, salary will nat be reimbursed. In additian, if personnel changes accurduring the grant periad, this affice must be natified immediately. We laok forward to. working with yau an this project. If you have any questions or need assistance, please cantact Jim Spires at (850) 488-5455, who. will be caardinating this activity. Sincerely, ~~~ George E. Rice, Jr. State Safety Engineer GER: njl Enclasures cc: Chief Sid Klein Lt. Steven Burch Clrristine Keenan Jasephine Janes Cannie Hand Troy Ayers www.dot.state.fl.us * RECYCLED PAPER .1. Prework Conference Checklist Project Number: Project Title: neAr WMP.1' 01 IT F.nfnr~p.mp.nt ~A 17Al'M";M Prnjp.~t Subgrantee Agency:. . C '"7 ,-f- c~ .. tv~-< Implementing Agency: (' k4A. ........,Ic,( f?'/I<<- ~"&#t' r 03 Date: OR!l i\/O? 1,. The effective date of this Subgrant Agreement is This Subgrant Agreement ends on September 30. 20m 2. Jim Spires has been assigned to monitor this highway safety project He/she can be reached at (850) 488-5455. Correspondence should be sentto one of the addresses below: Mail (U.S. Postal Service) Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Mail Station 17 Tallahassee. FL 32399-0450 " ... Overnight (U.P.S.. Federal Express. etc..) State Safetv ~S~ .< . /) \ I ~ I 7 c, b ....,..c..... 6/'-" If:!S ~ ..., v Magnolia Centre II Building Room 300 Tallahassee. Florida 32301 The Project Number listed above must appear on all correspondence related to this Subgrant Agreement 3. Copies of the approved Subgrant Agreement for Highway Safety Funds for the above referenced project were mailed to the Project Director and the Authorized Representatives of the Subgrantee and Implementing Agencies. The following parts of the Subgrant Agreement were reviewed during the Prework Conference as indicated by the Project Director's initials 6116 Part I: General Administrative Information ~ Part IV: Reports €5'f6 Part II: Project Planand Supporting Data ~ Part V: Acceptance and Agreement f:J1f6 Part III: Project Detail Budget 4; Federal and state documents related to subgrant activities were discussed with the Project Director or the. Representative of the Chief Financial Officer during this meeting. Copies of the following documents relevant to the subgrant were received by the person who has initialed below: ~ Uniform Administrative Requirements.. . Local Governments -- 49 CFR. Part 18 fY,<-. Uniform Administrative Requirements.. . Non-profit Organizations -- 49 CFR. Part 19 ~Cost Principles for Educational Institutions -- Circular A-21 ()L. Cost Principles for State and Local Governments -- Circular A-87 J.l!::..... Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations -- Circular A-122 C$-, Audits of State. Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations -- Circular A-133 B- Highway Traffic Safety Program .-' Chapter 14-98. FAC. JlL Disbursement Operations Manual: Chapter 3: Travel-- Topic 350-030-400 ~PerDiem and Travel Expenses... - Chapter 112.061 F.S. ~ 1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF lRANSPORTATION SUBGRANT APPUCATlON FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY FUNDS 500.065-01 SAFETY 05102 ForD.O.T. Use Only Project Number: AL-03-05-05 DOT Contract Number: AM668 Subgrant Period: January 6 , 2003 to September 30, 2003 Date Revised: Federal Funds Allocated: $36,000.00 Date Approved: 01/06/03 Suilgrant History: (1) (2) Partl: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION (See Instructions for Highway Safety Subgrant Applications) (3) 1. Project Title: Clearwater DUl Enforcement Project Type of Application: () Initial o Continuation Requested Subgrant Period: lO/Ol/02 to 9/30Q01lljBx 2 0 0 3 : 4. Support I. Matching Sought: $ 36 , 000 . 00 Share: 5. Applicant Agency (Subgrantee): City of Clearwater 100 S. Osceola Avenue Clearwater, FL 33756 Bill Horne City "Manager Total $ 4, 00 0 Budget: ~ 40 rOO 0 6. Implementing Agency: Clearwater Police Department 645 pierce Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Sid Klein Chief of Police Telephone: ( 7 2 7 ) 56 2 - 4 0 4 0 7. FederallD Number: _ o3'f I,Chlef Financial Officer: Christine Keenan Administrative Support Manager Planning and Fiscal unit Clearwater Police Department 645 Pierce Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Telephone: (727) 562~4343 8. State SAMAS Number (State Agencies) 10. Project Director: Lt. Steven Burch Traffic Section Commander Clearwater Police Department 645 Pierce Street Clearwater,FL 33756 (7 , 7 ) - E;~ ? - 4 1 QR Telephone Number: (7 ., 7) 562 41il Fax Number: ( 727 ) 56 2 - 415 6 Telephone Number: Fax Number: (727) 562-4192 E-Mail Address: ckeenan@clearwateroolice ~IIAddress: ghllr~'h(a('" ~;:!rw;:l+~rrn' ; ("'co n g Subgrant funds provided by the U.S.. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number - 20.60 f) ,State and Community Highway Safety Program, throug the Florida Department of Transporatation. - 1 500-065-01 SAFETY 05/02 Part n: PROJECT PLAN AND SUPPORTING DATA State clearly and in detail the aims of the project. precisely what will be done, who will be involved, and what is expected to result. Use the following major headings: 1. Statement of the Problem 2. Proposed Solution 3. Objectives 4. Evaluation 5. Milemones (Use form provided) Start below and use continuation pages as necessary. Statement of the Problem: Since our firstDUI grant in 1996, DUI arrests in Clearwater have steadily increased. Despite these increases we realized a significant increase in alcohol-related fatalities and crashes. In the year 2000 our alcohol-related crash rate hit a ~n-year high of 13.38 percent with an alcohol-related fatality rate of 40.4 percent. In addition. in the year 2002, we have noticed that oW' DUIarrest rate has not increased over 2001. This is first time in the last five years when the arrest rate bas remained constant. While our DUI Team's arrests have been steadily climbing the number of arrests made by our patrol officers has failed to increase. 1'. For the past seven years the Department has established the practice of patrol officers calling for a DUll Traffic officer to take over the investigation of a suspected DUI driver. The primary reasons for this policy were these officers had specialized training and equipment to processDUI offenders more efficiently then patrol officers. Asa result patrol officers became dependent on DUIfI'raftic officers to handle these cases.' This became a problem when a DUIfI'raffic officer was not available. While many patrol officers would continue with the investigation some would not, and even those who did were taking longer then a DUIlfraffic officer would, due to the lack of equipment. Proposed Solution: The Clearwater Police Department is proposing to increase the number DUI drivers arrested by patrol officers by adopting four courses of action. 1. The Departmentis seeking ftmdstoequip ten assigned and take home croisers with in-car video systems. 2. The DePartment will conduct an 8-hour DUI refresher training for all patrol officers and supervisors. 3. The ten officers receiving the in-car video systems will, (if they haven't already) attend the:full three-day IPTM. SFST course. 4. The Department will host one:full size DUI checkpoint and three other DUI wolfpacks and/or DUI mini or hybrid checkpoints. 5. The Department will pay the cost of installation and supply the required video tapes. ObjectiveS: 1. To installl 0 in car video units in assigned patrol vehicles 2. To train all patrol officers and supervisors in DUI detection and arrest (either 8-hour refresher or 24-hour full course). 3. Conduct four DUI enforcement operations 4. Increase DUI arrests made by patrol officers by 3 percent over the 2002 total. S. Increase overall DUI arrests by 5 percent over 2002 totals. Evaluation: The Department will use its automated reporting system to track and monitor DUI arrests by non-traffic section patrol officers. We will compare DUI arrests for each quarter in 2003 with those in the same time period in 2002. 2 500.065-01 SAFETY 05/02 MILESTONES Timetable for Milestones 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter OCT NOV DEe JAN FEB MA APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SI R x x x x Purchaseeguipment x x x Install equipment Train officers x x x x Conduct DUl operations /. x x x x Evaluation x x x 3 Part III: PROJECT DETAIL BUDGET Project Title: Clearwater Dm Enforcement Project Project Number: AL -03-05-05 Contract Number: AM668 FEDERAL BUDGET CATEGORY TOTAL A. Personal Senrices $00.00 $00.00 None $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 500.00 Sub-total B. Contractual Services $00.00 $00.00 None /. $00.00 $00.00 Sub-total $00.00 $00.00 C. Expenses Installation of video units ($250.00 per unit) $2,500.00 $00.00 60. videotapes per officer . (600x2.50per 1ape) $ 1,500.00 $00.00 Sub-total 54,000.00 $00.00 D. Opera~g Capital Outlay ". 10 In-car video systems $3,600 a unit $36,000.00 $36,000.00 Sub-total $36,000.00 536,000.00 $00.00 $00.00 None $00.00 $00.00 Sub-total $00.00 $00.00 $40,000.00 $36,000.00 Total Cost of Project A 500-065-01 SAFETY 05/02 NON-FEDERAL STATE LOCAL $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 500.00 $00.00 $00.00 $2,500.00 $00.00 $ 1,500.00 $00.00 54,000.00 $00.00 $00.00 500.00 500.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 $00.00 500.00 500.00 54,000.00 Budget Modification Number: Effective Date: 500-065-01 SAFETY 05/02 . BUDGET NARRATIVE Project Title: Clearwater Dill Enforcement Project Project Number: AL-03-05-05 Contract Number: AM668 The following is a narrative description of the project budget by line item by category, detailing the item and anticipated cost. Each category must be sufficiently defined to show cost relationship to project objectives. Attach additional sheets as needed Federal Local Personal Services: None Contractual Services: None Expenses: Installati()n of ten in-car video systems in existing assigned and take-home patrol vehicles. Estimated cost $250.00 per vehicle. $00.00 $2,500.00 Purchase of 2-hour videotapes for each of the' identified officers. Estimated cost of $2.50 each for 60 tapes. $00.00 $1,500.00 Operating Capital Outlay: PurchaseoflO in-car video systems with a service life of5 years or greater. $36,000.00 To be installed ten permanently assigned or take-home Patrol Division vehicles. $00.000 " '. Budget Modification Number: Effective Date: - 5 500-065-01 SAFETY 05/02. Part IV: REPORTS Quarterly Progress Report Narrative for the quarter. Project Title:. Clearwater Dill Enforcement Project Project Number: Implementing Agency: Clearwater Police Department Project Director: Lieutenant Steven Burch AL-03-05-05 Desmbe thesubgrant activities that took place during the quarter. Attaeh newspaper clippings, press releases, photos and other items that document activities. Use additional sheets, if necessary. The Qruu1er1y Progress Report of Perfornumce Indicators should be sent to the DOT Safety Office along with this narrative within in 30 days of the end of each quarter. t', 6 Quarterly Progress Report of Performance Indicators for the quarter Project Title: Clearwater DUI Enforcement Project Project Number: AL-03-05-05 Implementing Agency: Clearwater Police Department Project Director Lieutenant Steven Burch Performance Indicaton EDIIIag 31 Video systems ordered Video systems purchased DUISpecial Enforcement Operations Number ofDUI arrests made during Clearwaterbosted DUI Checkpoint$ \ '. Number afDUI arrests made by selected (lO)video officers NumberofDUI arrests made by other non traffic patrol officers Number afDUI arrests made by Traffic Section Officers Number of seat belt citations issued Number of child restraint violations. Milestones Accomplished EmIIDc 31 500-065-01 SAFETY as/oz. undine Projed Totals 7 500-065-01 SAFETY 05/02 . Final Narrative Report Project Title: Clearwater Dill Enforcement Project Project Number: AL-03-05-05 Implementing .Agency: Clearwater Police Department Project Director: Lieutenant Steven Burch The following is a chronological narrative history of the above listed project in accordance with Part V: Acceptance and Agreement, . Conditions of Agreement, 1. ReporJs. It is an accurate accounting of the project performance and accomplishments. ..Attach additional sheets as needed. r. 8 Part V: Acceptance And Agreement 5OO-Q85.C1 SAFETY 05102 Conditions of Agreement. Upon approval of this Subgrant Application for Highway Safety Funds, the following terms and conditions shall become binding. Noncompliance will result in loss of, or delays in, reimbursement of costs as set forth herein. 1. Reports. The implementing agency shall submit the Quarterly Progress Report Narrative and Quarterly Progress Report of Performance Indicators forms to the State Safety Office by January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31 if there was subgrant activity during the quarter prior to the deadline. The implementing agency shall submit a Final Narrative Report, giving a chronological history of the subgrant activities, problems ~ encountered, and major accomplishments by October 31. Requests for reimbursement will be returned to the subgrantee or implementing agency unpaid if the required reports are past due, following notification. 2. Responsibility of Subgrantee. The subgrantee and its Implementing agency shall establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that assure proper disbursement and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All monies spent on this project shall be disbursed in accordance with provisions of the Project Detail Budget as approved by the State Safety Office. All expenditures and cost accounting of funds shall conform to 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments; 49 CFR, Part 19, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations; OMB Circular A-102, Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments; OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Ho~pltals, and Other Non.proflt Organizations; OMB Circular A-21 , Cost Principles for Educational Institutions; OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments; and/or OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations, hereby Incorporated by reference, (hereinafter referred to as Applicable Federal Law). 3. Compliance with Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. The subgrantee and Implementing agency agree to comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. The following provisions are stated In this agreement pursuant to sections 287.133(3)(a) and 287.134(3)(b), Florida Statutes. (a) Section 287.133 (2}(a), F.S. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity In excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list (b) Section 287.134 (2}(a), F.S. An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the dlsalmlnatory vendor list may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity. 4. Approval of Consultant and Contractor Agreements. The State Safety Office shall review and approve in writing all consultant and contractor agreements prior to the actual employment of the consultant or the contractor by the subgrantee or implementing agency. Approval of the subgrant does not constitute approval of a consultant or contractor agreement. 5. Allowable Costs. The allowabillty of costs Incurred under any subgrant shall be determined in accordance with the general principles of allowabDity and standards for selected cost items set forth In the Applicable Federal Law and state law, to be eligible for reimbursement All funds not spent In accordance with the Applicable Federal Law will be subject to repayment by the subgrantee. . I. 9 5QG.065.01 SAFETY 05102 6. Travel. Travel costs for approved travel shall be reimbursed in accordance the State of Florida, Department of Transportation's (Department's) Disbursement Operations Manual, Chapter 3 Travel, hereby incorporated by reference, but not In excess of provisions in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. All travel for out-of-state or out-of-grant-specified work area shall require written approval of the State Safety Office prior to the commencement of actual travel as being within the travel budget of the project and relevant to the project. Out-of-state travel shall not be approved unless the specific trip Is In the approved subgrant budget or the head of the Implementing Agency provides sufficient justification to prove that the travel will have significant benefits to the outcome of the subgrant activities. In addition, prior written approval shall be obtained from the State Safety _ Office for hotel rooms with rates exceeding $100 per day that are to be reimbursed. Rates exceeding $100 per day shall not be approved unless the hotel is the host facility for an approved conference or the average rate for all hotels in the area exceeds $100. 7. Written Approval of Changes. The subgrantee or Implementing agency shall obtain prior written approval from the State Safety Office for changes to the agreement. Changes to the agreement will be allowed which achieve or improve upon the outcome of the subgrant work, or where factors beyond the control of the subgrantee require the change. For example: (a) Changes In project activities, milestones, or performance Indicators set fortl1ln the approved application. (b) Changes in budget Items and amounts set forth In the approved application. 8. Reimbursement Obligation. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to reimburse thesubgrantee shall be subject to the availability of Federal highway safety funds and an annual appropriation by the Legislature. As detailed in 49 CFR, Part 29, Governmentwlde Debarment and Suspension (Non procurement} and Governmentwlde Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants), hereby Incorporated by reference, the subgrantee shall not be reimbursed for the cost of goods or selVlces received from contractors, consultants, vendors. or Individuals suspended, debarred, or otherwise excluded from doing business with the Federal government. The subgranteeor its Implementing agency shall submit the required certification by consultants with awards in excess of the small purchase threshold fIXed at 1DU.S.C. 2304(g} and 41U.S.C. 253(g} (currently $25,000). 9. Commencement of Projects. If a project has not commenced within 30 days after the acceptance of the subgrant award, the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency shall report by letter the steps taken to Initiate the project, the reasons for delay, and the expected starting date. If, after 60 days from the acceptance of the award, project activity as described herein has not begun, a further statement of implementation delay will be submitted by the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency to the State Safety Office. The subgrantee agrees that if the letter is not received in the 60 days, the State Safety OffIce will cancel the project and reobllgate the funds to other program areas. The State Safety Office, where warranted by excusable delay, will extend the implementation date of the project past the 60-day period, but only by fonnal written approval from the State Safety Office. .10. Excusable Delays. (a) Except with respect to the defaults of subgrantee's or Implementing agency's consultants and contractors which shall be atbibuted to the subgrantee, the subgrantee and Its Implementing agency shall not be In default by reason of any failure in performance of this agreement In accordance with Its terms If such failure arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the subgrantee or Its implementing agency. Such causes are acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government In either Its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, sbikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather, but In every case the failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the subgrantee.1f the failure to perfonn Is caused by the failure of the subgrantee's or Its Implementing agency's consultant or contractor to perform or make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control of the subgrantee, Its Implementing agency and Its consultant or contractor, and without the fault or negligence of allY of them, the subgrantee shall not be deemed to be In default, unless (1) the supplies or services to be furnished by the consultant or contractor were obtainable from other sources, (2) the State Safety Office shall have ordered the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency In writing to procure such supplies or selVices from other sources, and (3) the subgrantee or Its implementing agency shall have failed to comply reasonably with such order. 1n ~ll5-O1 SAFETY 05102 (b) Upon request of the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency, the State Safety Office shall ascertain the facts and extent of such failure and, if it shall be determined that any failure to perform was occasioned by anyone or more of the said causes, the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly. 11. Obligation of Subgrant Funds. Subgrant funds may not be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the subgrant period. Only project costs Incurred on or after the effective date and on or prior to the termination date of the subgrant application are eligible for reimbursement. A cost is Incurred when the subgrantee's employee, its implementing agency, or approved contractor or consultant _~ performs the service required or when goods are received by the subgrantee or its implementing agency, notwithstanding the date of order. 12. Perfonnance. In the event of default, noncompliance, or violation of any provision of this agreement by the subgrantee, the Implementing agency,the subgrantee'sconsultant(s) or contractor(s) and supplier(s), the subgrantee agrees that the Department will impose sanctions. Such sanctions Include withholding of payments, cancellation, termination, or suspension of the agreement In whole or In part. In such an event, the Department shall notify the subgrantee and Its implementing agency of such decision 30 days In advance of the effective date of such sanction. The sanctions Imposed by the Department will be based upon the severity of the violation. the ability to remedy, and the effect on the project The subgrantee shall be paid only for those services satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of such sanction. 13. Access to Records and Mo~.ltorlng. . The Department, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Comptroller and Auditor GerJ~ral of the State of Florida, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of au'dit and examination of books, documents, papers, and records of the subgrantee and Its implementing agency, and to relevant books and records of the subgrantee, Its implementing agency, and its consultants and contractors under this agreement, as provided under Applicable Federal Law. In addition to review of audits conducted In accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, hereby incorporated by reference, monitoring procedures will Include, on-site visits by Department staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and status checks of subgrant activity via telephone calls from Safety Office staff to subgrantees. By entering into this agreement, the subgrantee and its Implementing agency agree to comply and cooperate with monitoring procedures. In the event that a limited scope audit of the subgrantee or its implementing agency is performed, the subgrantee agrees to bring the project into compliance with the subgrant agreement. The subgrantee further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, Investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor General. '\ The Department shall unilaterally cancel this subgrant if the subgrantee or its Implementing agency refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, F .5., and made or received by the subgrantee or Its implementing agency In conjunction with the subgrant. 14. Audit. ... This part is applicable if the subgrantee is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133, as revised. In the event that the subgrantee expends $300,000 or more In Federal awards In Its fiscal year, the $ubgrantee must have a single or program-specific audit conducted In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. Page 1 of this agreement Indicates the source of Federal funds awarded through the Florida Department of Transportation by this agreement In determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the subgrantee shall consider all sources of Federal awards, Including Federal funds received from the Department of Transportation. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised. An audit of the subgrantee conducted by the Auditor Generalln accordance with the provisions OMB CircularA-133, as revised, wlU meet the requirements of this part. In connection with the audit requirements addressed above, the subgrantee shall fulfill the requirements relative to audltee responsibilities as provided In Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. 11 5Q0.065.01 SAFETY 05/02 If the subgrantee expends less than $300,000 In Federal awards In Its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, is not required. In the event that the subgrantee expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards In its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal funds. Copies of audit reports for audits conducted In accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and.requlred by this agreement shall be submitted, when required by Section .320 (d), OMB Circular A-133, as revised. by or on - behalf of the subgrantee directly to each of the following: (a) Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, M5-17 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 (b) Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10 Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 (c) Other Federal agencies and pas.through entities In accordance with Sections .320 (e) and (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised., " 15. Retention of Records. The subgrantee shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this agreement for a period of three years from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the Department or Its designee access to such records upon request. Records related to unresolved audit findings, appeals, or litigation shall be retained until the action is completed or the dispute Is resolved. Records shall also be maintained and accessible in accordance with 49 CFR, Section 18.42 or 49 CFR, Section 19.53. 16..Procedures for Reimbursement All requests for reimbursement of subgrant costs must be submitted on forms provided by the Department (FOOT Fonn Numbers SOO..Q65-Q4 through 07). Appropriate documentation supportive of the reported costs must accompany each claim. The subgrantee or its implementing agency shall submit financial reimbursement forms to the Safety Office at least once each quarter as costs are Incurred and payment is made. The only exception is when no costs are Incurred during.a quarter. Reimbursement for subgrants with personnel costs should be made after every two pay periods. Failure to submit reimbursement requests In a timely manner shall result in the subgrant being terminated. All requests for reimbursement of Operating Capital Outlay items having a unit cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of one year or more shall be accompanied by a Non-Expendable Property Accountability Record (FOOT Form No. 500-065-09). Payment of the Operating Capital Outlay costs shall not be made before receipt of this form. A final financial request for reimbursement shall be submitted to the State Safety Office within 30 days after the end of the subgrant period. Such request shall be distinctly identified as Final. Failure to submit the Invoice in a timely manner shall result in denial of payment. The subgrantee agrees to forfeit reimbursement of any amount incurred If the final request Is not received within 30 days of the end of the subgrant period. 17. Ownership of Data and Creative Material. The ownership of material, discoveries, Inventions and results developed, produced, or discovered by the agreement are governed by the terms of 49 CFR, Section 18.34, 49 CFR, Section 19.36, or OMB Circular A-11 0, hereby incorporated by reference. 12 ': 500-065-01 SAFETY 05102 In addition to the provisions for 49 CFR, Part 18 and 49 CFR, Part 19, the State Safety Office reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or othelWise use, and to authorize others to use: (a) The copyright In any work developed under a subgrant or contract under a subgrant; and (b) Any rights of copyright to which a subgrantee or a contractor purchases ownership with subgrant support. 18. Property Accountability. The subgrantee or its Implementing agency shall establish and administer a - system to control, protect, preserve, use, and maintain and dispose of any property furnished by the Department, or purchased pursuant to this agreement in accordance with Federal Property Management Standards as set forth in 49 CFR, Section 18.32, 49 CFR 19, Section 19.34. or OMB Circular A-11 0, incorporated herein by reference. This obligation continues as long as the property is retained by the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency, notwithstanding the expiration of this agreement. 19. Disputes. Any dispute, disagreement, or question of fact arising under the agreement shall be decided by the State Safety Office In writing and shall be distributed to parties concerned. A written appeal may be made within 30 calendar days to the Governor's Highway Safety Representative at the Florida Department of Transportation, 605 Suwannee Street, MS 57, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450, whose decision Is final. The subgrantee and its implementing agency shall proceed diligently with the performance of the agreement and in accordance with Department's decision. , 20. Conferences, Inspection of Work~ Conferences may be held at the request of any party to this agreement. Representatives of the Department or the U.S. Deparbnent of Transportation (USDOT), or both,shall be privileged to visit the site for the purpose of inspection and assessment of work being performed at any time. 21. Publication and Printing of Observational Surveys and Other Reports. (a) Before publication or printing, the final draft of any report or reports required under the agreement or pertaining to the agreement shall be submitted to the State Safety Office for review and concurrence. (b) Each publication or other printed report covered by Paragraph 21.a. above shall include the following statement on the cover page: '\ '. (1) This report was prepared for the State Safety Office, Department of Transportation, State of Florida, in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation and/or Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, (2) The conclusions and opinions expressed in these reports are those of thesubgrantee and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, State Safety Office, the U.S. Department of Transportation, or any other agency of the State or Federal Government. 22. Equal Employment Opportunity. No person shaU, on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin, be excluded from participation In, be refused the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under thissubgrant, or any project, program, or activity that receives or benefits from this subgrant award. The subgrantee and Its Implementing agency agree to comply with Executive Order (E.O.) 11246, as amended by E.O. 11375, and as supplemented by 41 CFR, Part 60, Incorporated. herein by reference. 23. Responsibility for Claims and Liability. Subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the subgrantee and its Implementing agency shall be required to defend, hold harmless and Indemnify the Department, NHTSA, FHWA, and USDOT,from all claims and liability, or both, due to negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of subgrantee, Implementing agency, and Its contractor, consultant, agents and employees. The subgrantee and Its Implementing agency shall be liable for any loss of, or damage to, any material purchased or developed under this subgrant agreement which Is caused by the subgrantee's or Its Implementing agency's faDure to exercise such care in regard to said material as a reasonable careful owner of similar materials would exercise. 13 500-065-01 SAFETY 0S'02 The parties executing this agreement specifically agree that no provision in this agreement is intended to create in the public or any member thereof, a third party beneficiary, or to authorize anyone not a party to this agreementto maintain a suit for personal injuries or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of this agreement. 24. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DB E). (a) The subgrantee and its implementing agency agree to the following assurance: The subgrantee and its implementing agency shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any USDOT -assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program required by 49 CFR. Part 26, incorporated herein by reference. The subgrantee shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR, Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT -assisted contracts. implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement Upon notification to the subgrantee of Its failure to carry out Its approved program, the USDOT may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, referthe matter for enforcement under18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud CIvD Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.), herein incorporated by reference. (b) The subgrantee and its implementing agency agree to include the following assurance in each contract with a consultant or contractor and to require the consultant or contractor to Include this assurance In all subcontract agreements: ' . The consultant or contractor and subconsultant or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract The consultant or contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR. Part 26 In the award and administration of USDOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the consultant or contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as thesubgrantee, its Implementing agency, or the Department deems appropriate. 25. Restrictions on Lobbying. The subgrantee and its implementing agency agree to comply and require consultants and contractors to comply with 49 CFR. Part 20, New Restrictions on Lobbying, herein Incorporated by reference, for flling of certification. and disclosure forms. No funds granted hereunder shaH be used for the purpose of lobbying the legislature, the judicial branch, or state agencies. Section 216.347, Florida Statutes. 26. How Agreement Is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid. If any provision of this agreement Is held invalid, the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected. In such an instance the remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. 27. Federal Requirement for Public Service Announcements. All public service announcements produced with Federal Highway Safety funds shaH be closed captioned for the hearing Impaired. 28. Public Awareness Materials and Promotional Items. The name of the subgrantee or implementing agency and Its logo can appear on printed materials and promotional items. The names of individuals connected with the subgrantee shall not appear on printed materials and promotional Items paid for with Federal highway safety funds. Before printing public awareness materials or ordering promotional Items. a final draft or drawing ofthe Items shall be submitted to the State Safety Office for review. The Office shall provide written approval for reimbursement If the Items are appropriate for purchase under this agreement. Copies of all public awareness materials purchased with Federal highway safety funds shall be attached to the forms requesting reimbursement for the items. 29. Term of Agreement. Each subgrant shaY begin on the date of the last party to sign the agreement and shall end on September 30, following, unless otherwise stipulated by the State Safety OffIce on the first page of the respective agreement. The subgrant period shall not exceed 12 months. 14 fiOO.ll6lHl1 SAFETY 05102 30. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. For subgrant awards In excess of $100,000 the subgrantee and its implementing agency agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), herein incorporated by reference. The subgrantee shall include this provision in all subcontract awards in excess of $100,000. 31. Personnel Hired Under Agreement The head of any Implementing agency receiving fIrSt year funding for a new poslt/on(s) -through a subgrant shaD provide written notification within 30 days of the agreement being awarded to the State Safety Office that a new positlon(s) has been created in the agency as a result of the ~ subgrant being awarded. Any and all employees olthe subgrantee or Implementing agency whose positions are funded, in whole or In part through a subgrant, shall be the employee of the subgrantee or Implementing agency only, and any and all daims that may arise from said employment relationship shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the subgrantee or its implementing agency. 32. Repossession of Equipment. Ownership of all equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds rests with the subgranteeand its Implementing agency; however, the USDOT maintains an interest in the equipment for three fiscal years following the end of the subgrant period. Any equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds that is not being used by the subgrantee or Its Implementing agency for the purposes described in the subgrant shall be repossessed by the State Safety Office, on behalf of the USDOT. Items that are repossessed shall be disbursed to agencies that agree to use the equipment for the activity described in this subgrant. ", 33. Replacement or Repair of Equipment. The subgrantee and its implementing agency are responsible, at their own cost, for replacing or repairing any equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds thatis damaged, stolen, or lost, or that wears out as a result of use. Federal regulations prohibit funding equipment replacement. 34. Ineligibility for Future Funding. The subgrantee and Its implementing agency agree that the Department shall find the subgrantee or Its implementing agency Ineligible for future funding for any of the foUowing reasons: . " (a) Failure to provide the required audits, (b) Failure to continue funding positions created with highway safety funds after the Federal funding cycle ends, (c) Failure to provide required quarterly and final reports in the required time frame, (d) Failure to perform work described in Part II of the subgrant agreement, (e) Providing fraudulent quarterly reports or reimbursement requests, (f) Misuse of equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds. 35. Safety Belt Policy. Each subgrantee and Implementing agency shall have a written safety belt policy, which Is enforced for all employees. A copy of the policy shaD be attached to the subgrant application. 36. Safety Belt Enforcement. All law enforcement agencies receiving subgrant funds shall have a standard operating procedure regarding enforcement of safety belt and child safety seat violations. A copy of the procedure shall be attached to the subgrant application. 37. Certification for Equipment Costing More than $500 per Item. The head of any Implementing agency purchasing equipmentcosting more than $500 per Item shall send a letter to the Safety Office upon award of the subgrant certifying that none of the items being purchased with federal highway safety funds Is replacing previously purchased equipment, whether the equipment was purchased with federal, state, or local funds. 38. Checkpoint Reporting. Any law enforcement agency that conducts DUI checkpoints shall attach a copy of the After Action Report for each checkpoint operation conducted during a quarter to its Quarterly Progress Report of Performance Indicators. 15 ,\ 500-06~1 SAFElY 05lIl2 39.Chlld Safety Seats. Any implementing agency that receives funds to purchase child safety seats must have at least one staff member certified by the American Automobile Association (AM) as a CertifledChild Passenger Safety Technician. Failure to comply with this provision shall result In the termination of this agreement. 40. Special Conditions. a. The subgrantee will use the following standard language in all press materials: "Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation. II b. The subgranteewill submit print clips to the FDOT State Safety Office via e-mail or fax at 850-487-4224. All clips will include publication name and date the article was published. c. The subgrantee will fax a short description of any new traffic safety event or program to FDOT at 850-487-4224 at least two weeks in advance. 1'. 16 ,.J PROJECT NUMBER: AL-03-05-05 500-065-01 SAFETY 05102 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties affirm that they have each read and agree to the conditions set forth in Part V of this Agreement, that each have read and understand the Agreement in its entirety. Now, therefore. in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein have executed this Agreement by their undersigned officials on the day, month, and year set out below. (For DO T Use Only) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: ~~x7- Title: State Safety Engineer ~/&/o3 ~-12/..,~~ Date: " FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOCATED $36,000.00 Reviewed for the Department of Transportation: By: ~ -- _-4'/ Attory - DfJ" /2- -I') --I.~ , -. SUBGRANTEE City of Clearwater , Name of Applicant Agency Typed By: ~~6- ~>-U Signature of Authorized Representative william B. Horne, II Authorized Representative's Name Typed Title: City Manaqer Date: q 14MoL / I Attest: fJJYlMV(}lt )JmiJ - Signature of Witness ADMINISTRATOR OF IMPLEMENTING AGENCY By: ~//Cb': Signature of Administrator sid Klein Administrator's Name Typed Title: Chief of Police NOTE: No whlteout or erasures accepted on this signature page. 17 224.001 224.10 224.20 February 9, 1998 CROSS REFERENCE: 224.001 Policy -The Clearwater Police Department recognizes the value of safety belts in avoiding and mitigating injury to department personnel and others as a result of service-connected automobile accidents. Therefore, it is the policy of the Clearwater.Police Department that all department employees wear safety belts, whenever available, while operating or riding as a passenger in any city-owned or leased vehicle, or any vehicle used by a department employee while the employee is on department business. Supervisors may grant exceptions to this policy for specific situations in which they deem efficiency of operations outweighs the safety benefit. 224.10 Procedure - All department employees, while operating or occupying a city-owned or leased vehicle, or any other vehicle while conducting department or official business, will wear the safety belts provided in such vehicle. 224.11'; Civilian and other non-employee passengers, while in.a vehicle operated by a member of the department, shall also wear the safety belts provided. Although the driver of the vehicle has a responsibility under the law to ensure compliance, for the purposes of this policy the senior.ranking department member operating or occupying the vehicle shall be responsible to ensure compliance by all occupants. 224.12 Officers transporting prisoners in a department vehicle shall ensure that the prisoner(s) being transported is secured in the safety belt provided, in addition to complying with other department procedures concerning the restraint of prisoners. 224.13 Children three (3) years of age or younger who require special child restraint devices should not be transported in department TITLE: SAFETY BELTS vehicles unless they are in a car seat. Each district has a car seat available and there is an additional car seat in the Criminal Investigations Division. Children four (4) years of age or older should be secured in safety belts. 224.20 Safety Belt Equipment - It is. the responsibility of each member of the department operating a motor vehicle to inspect the safety belt assemblies prior to operating the vehicle. Inoperable safety belts will be reported to a supervisor as soon as possible. 224.21 Departmental vehicles with inoperable safety belt assemblies will not be used if other vehicles with properly working safety belts are available. 224.22 Safety belt assemblies in departmental vehicles shall not be modified or altered in any manner. END. 1 ~ i" .. 453.001 453.20 453.30 45~.40 453.001 453.002 July 27, 2000 CROSS REFERENCE: Policy Written Warning Citation Physical Arrest Policy - The enforcement of traffic laws is a basic responsibility of the police department. Uniform enforcement policies and procedures support the ultimate goal of traffic law enforcement, which is to achieve voluntary compliance with the laws by all motorists and pedestrians, consequently reducing accidents. The responsibility for ;" enforcing traffic laws and regulations is shared by all uniformed patrol personnel. The role of the patrol officer is to observe, detect, and prevent violations of traffic laws and to take appropriate enforcement action when violations are observed. Patrol zone and sector officers are responsible for responding to traffic complaints within their zone or sectors, in addition to enforcing violations which they may observe. Enforcement policies cannotand should not supplant the individual officer's discretion. Enforcement actions should be based upon a combination of professional judgment, training, and experience in addition to written policy and procedure. All on-duty patrol officers shall take the appropriate enforcement action for each violation of traffic law witnessed or reported to them. All enforcement actions shall be accomplished in a firm, fair, impartial, and courteous. manner using one of the following three methods: (1) Written Warning (" Computer Warning II or hand written) (2) Citation (3) Physical Arrest #453 TRAFFIC LAw ENFORCEMENT 453.50 453.60 453.70 453.80 453.90 453.20 453.21 453.30 1 TITLE: TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT Traffic Enforcement Tolerance and Latitude Special Cases Driver License Re-Examination Referral Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Seat Belt and Child Restraint The Clearwater Police Department does not recognize traffic quotas as a traffic enforcement incentive. The goal of traffic enforcement activities should be the reduction of accident and hazardous violators. All patrol officers are held to a standard to be proactive. in traffic enforcement activities. Written Warning - A Computer generated or hand written warning is an appropriate alternative in response to minor infractions committed in those areas where traffic accident experience is minimal. Written warnings are also appropriate for those violations which occur within the tolerances generally allowed by the department. An example would be speeding in excess of the legal limit, but less than that for which a citation would be appropriate. Written warnings may be computer generated or hand written as governed by Patrol Standard Operating Procedure 458, Citation - The traffic citation should be issued to those violators who jeopardize the safe and efficient flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including hazardous moving violations, parking violations, and operating unsafe and/or improperly equipped vehicles. Work sheets must be completed and attached to the citation on all accident citations, citations requiring a mandatory court appearance, in cases where another officer witnessed the violation or cases with witnesses other than the issuing officer. 453.40 -. f"': , Physical Arrest - Persons charged with criminal traffic offenses should generally be released on a citation, as opposed to being taken into custody, unless one or more of the following conditions exist, in which case the violator may be taken into custody: (1) The offense charged is D.U.!.; (2) The violator's license is suspended or revoked for a D.U.I. conviction, failure to submit to chemical test for intoxication, or as a habitual traffic violator. (3) The violator refuses to sign the citation; (4) The violator refuses or fails to sufficiently identify himself or supply required information; "', (5) The violator has no community ties to reasonably insure a court appearance, or there is a substantial belief that the violator will fail to respond to the citation; (6) There is a reasonable suspicion that the violator is wanted in another jurisdiction; (7) The.violator has previously failed to respond to a citation., Discretion should be used when dealing with a violator who has failed to pay a single civil infraction penalty or for suspension for financial responsibility . 453.50 Traffic Enforcement Tolerance and Latitude - Unifonn enforcement is a critical element of an effective traffic law enforcement program. Strict enforcement should be impartially administered and guidelines are provided to encourage all officers to enforce the same laws in the same manner. 453.51 D.U.!. -All persons for which probable cause. exists to charge with driving while #453 TRAFFIC LAw ENFORCEMENT under the influence should be arrested and charged according to the procedures of general order 146, "D.UJ. Arrest Procedures. " 453.511 Speed Violations - Per state statute, warnings must be issued for speed violations up to and including 5 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. However, this does not preclude an officer from stopping such a violator for the purpose of issuing a warning due to special circumstances which may exist (i.e. traffic or environmental conditions, school zones, unsecured vehicle occupants, etc.) and justify a traffic stop. Speed violations 7 or more miles per hour over the posted limit in.a residential neighborhoods and 10 miles per hour or more over in non residential areas should be stopped and warned or cited at the discretion of the officer. When deciding to issue citation/warnings for speeding violations, officers should consider the conditions listed below. These conditions, while not all inclusive, are designed to give some guidance. to officers when determining what type of enforcement action should be taken. (1) Weather Conditions; (2) Traffic Conditions.;. (3) Traffic Accident Data.;. (4) Traffic Volume Reports; (5) Roadway Conditions.;. (6) Citizen or Other Types of Complaints. 453.512 Officers using radar, Laser, or VASCAR must be certified operators by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. 453.513 Officers using the speedometer to establish probable cause to issue speed violation citations must pace the violator for a sufficient distance (minimum of 2/1Oths of a mile) to insure an accurate speed detennination. The cruiser speedometer 2 .. l ~ ,. must have been calibrated within the past six months. 453.52 Other Hazardous/Non-Hazardous Violations - Traffic citations shall be issued based upon probable cause, which satisfies the elements of the specific violation. Discretion should be used by officers in enforcing hazardous versus non-hazardous violations. Hazardous violations may justify a citation in many cases while a warning may be more appropriate for many non-hazardous violations. 453.521 Hazardous violations. are violations that expose a person or property to risk, loss or damage. Examples could include running a red light or stop sign, careless driving, speeding violations, child restraint violations, seat belt violations, and reckless driving. 453.522 Non-hazardous violations are violations that are not likely to involve or expose persons or property to risk, loss, or damage. 453.523 Equipment Violations - Officers may cite or warn for equipment violations. inoperative lamps, etc.). In most cases violators should be cited under Florida Statute 316.610 which requires the defect to be repaired and carries a reduced fme. 453.53 Public . Carriers and Commercial Vehicles - \ Public carriers and commercial vehicles, " including buses, taxis, limos, commercial trucks, etc., are subject to various laws and regulations not applicable to private vehicles. Officers. should maintain a working knowledge of these specific laws and regulations. No special considerations should be given to public carriers and commercial vehicles in the enforcement of traffic laws. 453.54 Multiple Violations - Officers should exercise discretion when dealing with multiple violations, generally "ticket stacking" is not appropriate. However, officers should be aware of the need to take proactive enforcement action for certain secondary citations. Citations issued for seat belt, driver's license, and insurance violations are 3 #453 TRAFFIC LAw ENFORCEMENT not considered excessive and do not constitute "ticket stacking." Officers are encouraged to take the time to issue these "secondary" citations. 453.55 Newly Enacted Laws and Regulations- Officers should consider issuing warnings for violations for any newly created statute or regulation when the violator appears unaware of the law or regulation. Generally, warnings should be issued during the first 30 days after the enactment of a new traffic statute or regulation. 453.56 Suspended or Revoked Drivers License- Current Florida law requires prior knowledge of a suspension to constitute a criminal charge. IT the driver has prior knowledge (admission, prior arrest/citations for current suspension, or the suspension was court ordered) then the appropriate criminal charge should be made. 453.561 Officers should consider that infonnation on suspended or revoked driver's licenses is obtained from automated computer files and may be subject to entry or cancellation errors. In circumstances where there is a question as to the actual status of the motorist's driving privilege, the violator should be released on a citation. . Officers should compare the date of the suspension to the date of issue on the license to insure that the suspension date is after the issue date. A suspension date which is before the issue date of the license may indicate that the suspension has been cleared, but not removed from the computer. 453.60 Special Cases - Non-residents, legislators, and military personnel committing violations of Florida traffic laws shall not be afforded special consideration and shall be warned, cited, or arrested as any other violator. Military personnel on active duty may be exempt from certain driver license regulations according to Florida law. 453.61 The arrest andlor citing of foreign diplomats and consular officials shall be in accordance with the procedures established in general order 105.55. ....., ;... ~ 453.62 Juveniles. charged with any violation of traffic laws except felonies are handled by county traffic court as any other traffic case. Juveniles charged with a felony traffic offense will be under the jurisdiction of the circuit court. Specific juvenile traffic procedures are contained in general order 106, "Juvenile Procedures. " 453.10 Driver License Re-bamination Referral - Routine enforcement, accident reporting, and investigating activities may lead to the discovery of drivers who have suspected incompetence, physical or mental disability, disease, or other conditions that might prevent the person from exercising reasonable and ordinary care over a motor vehicle. A recommendation for re-examination must be based on an observed, obvious physical ormentaI condition. A person I s age or lack .of knowledge of traffic laws alone is insufficient grounds to justify re-examination. An officer who comes into contact with a person who should be re-examined should: (1) In accident cases, mark the appropriate block on the face of the accident report and provide a sufficiently detailed explanation in the narrative citing those factors which indicate the necessity for re-examination. '. , (2) When a traffic citation requiring a mandatory court appearance is issued, the request for re-examination should be made on the citation work sheet, citing the reasons for the recommendation. (3) In other cases (including payable citations), the request may be made by completing a "Reexamination Investigation" form (HSMV 72419) which is forwarded to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. 453.80 Off-Road Recreational Vehicles - As off-road recreational vehicles (i.e. dirt bikes, #453 TRAFFIC LAw ENFORCEMENT minibikes, A.T.V.'s, go-carts, and go-peds) have become more popular, an increasingly large number of them are being used unlawfully on the traffic ways. Officers should be aware of all applicable.laws and take the necessary enforcement action. The following options should be considered when dealing with off-road recreational vehicles: (1) Removal of unlicensed vehicles from the traffic way; (2) Using the least coercive among' reasonable alternatives when dealing with juvenile offenders; (3) Preventing the misuse of public areas, parks, and trails; (4) Preventing the improper use of street and highway crossings; (5) Dealing attentively with citizen complaints of excessive noise, trespassing, andlorproperty damage. 453.90 Seat Belt and Child Restraint Violations _ Recognizing the important role seat belts and child restraint devices play in saving lives and reducing injuries, the Clearwater Police Department has a preferred citation policy for these types of violations. Further, citations for this offense are not considered as stacking. 453.91 Seat Belts - The current Florida seat belt statute, is a secondary violation.. An Officer must have stopped the violator for a suspected violation other then the nonuse of seat belts, to cite for this offense. Enforcement action for the primary violation may result in either a warning or citation at the discretion of the officer. 453.92 Child Restraint - A violation of the Child Restraint statute is a primary violation, thus . an officer may stop a vehicle for the observed violation of this statute. END. 4