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Amendments to the Coastal Construction Code as passed by the Pinellas
County Construction licensing Board at Publ ic Hearing September 19. 1978.
The entire code will be published in final form after its effective date.
Contact the Pinellas County Construction licensing Board for copies.
Chapter XXXIX - The Coastal Construction Code
Change the "FINAl DRAFT" (June 27. 1978) of Chapter XXXIX in the
following respects:
Section 3903.5. page 3
After "all foundations in Zone 3" insert "if not of normal design."
Section 3903.5. page 3
Strike the words "experienced in coastal design."
Section 3903.5, page 3
Add at the beginning of the final sentence, "lf the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that an
architect or professional engineer certify the plans and specifications
for a particular structure, then..."
Section 3906.2(b}(3}, page 8
Change "25 feet" to "18 feeLl1
Section 3906.2(h}. page I I
Change "140" to "110"
Create Section 3907.1 to read:
This code shall become effective upon the date the coastal construc-
tion control line is set by the Governor and Cabinet of the State of
Florida. but not prior to 60 days after September 19. 1978. All proper
permit applications submitted to the applicable building department prior
to the effective date shall not be required to comply with this code."
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This draft incorporates all previous drafts and changes through June 27, 197e.
3901.1 - TITLE
The provisions herein contained shall constitute the Coastal Construction
Code for the barrier islands of Pinellas County and its municipalities and herein-
after will be referred to as the "Coastal code."
3902.1 - GENERAL
The purpose of this Coastal Code is to provide minimum standards for the
design and construction of residential structures, enclosed commercial structures
or other substantial structures of a semi-permanent nature. These standards are
intended to specifically address design features which affect the structural
stability under design storm conditions and which affect the stability of the
beach, dunes, and topography of the adjacent property. The Coastal Code is site
specific to designated zones of Coastal pinellas County and its municipalities and
is not applicable to other coastal locations. In the event of a conflict between
this.chapter and other chapters of the Standard Building code, or other state or
federal laws or regulations, the requirements resulting in the more restrictive
design shall apply. No provisions in this chapter shall be construed to permit
any construction in any area prohibited by local city or county zoning regulation.
Upon adoption, the requirements of this Coastal Code shall apply to the
following types of construction in the designated coastal zones of Pinellas County
and its municipalities.
(a) New construction of, or substantial tmprovement to, residential
(b). New construction of, or substantial tmprovement to, other enclosed
structures with a design life similar to that of residential structures.
(e) Mobile homes.
(d) Construction which would change or alter the character of the shoreline
of pinellas County or its municipalities (e.g., excavation, grading, paving).
The Coastal Code does not apply to minor work in the nature of normal beach clean-
ing or debris removal.
The requirements of this chapter shall not apply to existing structures or
structures under construction or for which a valid Pinellas County or municipal
building permit ~as issued prior to the adoption of the Coastal Code and remains
in effect.
For structures located 1n more than one zone, the. requirements of the more
restrictive design shall apply to the entire structure.
Structures or construction extending seaward of mean high water line and
regulated by section 16l.04l, Florida Statutes (e.g., groins, jetties, moles,
breakwaters, seawalls, revetments, beach nourishment, inlet dredging, etc.), are
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specifically exempt from the provisions of this chapter. In addition, the Coastal
Code does not apply to piers, pipelines, or outfalls which are regulated pursuant
to the provisions of section l6l.053, Florida Statutes.
Applications for building permits for all construction in Zone 1 and Zone 2,
and all foundations in Zone 3, shall be certified by a professional engineer or
architect experienced in coastal design. and registered in the State of Florida,
certifying that the design plans and specifications for the construction are in
compliance with the criteria established by this Coastal Code. It shall be required
that the responsible professional perform periodic inspections of foundations and
building support structure and certify that the structure was built substantially
in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. to the best of his
knowledge and belief, before a certificate of occupancy may be issued.
3904.1 - GENERAL
The following terms are defined for general use in this Coastal Code; speci-
fied definitions appear in individual sections.
ACTIVE BEACH ZONE -- The seaward most area of the shoreline which is particu-
larly responsive to wind. waves. tides, currents and long-range variations in sea
BUILDING SUPPORT STRUCTURE -- Any structure which supports floor, 'Jall or
co1~ loads and transmits them to the foundation (i.e., beams, grade beams, joists,
e tc. ) .
COASTAL --- Of or relating to shoreline features openly exposed to weather
events impinging from the Gulf of Mexico. This definition excludes shoreline fea-
tures on the mainland peninsula of Pinellas County protected by barrier islands.
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below grade at pile caps.
Includes pilings used as columns and those terminating
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PROTECTED SPREAD FOOTING -- A conventional spread footing set at an appro-
priate elevation and protected by adequate concrete, masonry or sheet piling
protective wall.
RESIDENtIAL STRUCTURE Any building or portion thereof which is designed,
built, rented or leased to be occupied a. a home or residence by one or more
persons or families.
SEAWARD -- In a direction toward the sea (Gulf of Mexico).
SITE SPECIFIC -- Of or related to a particular location.
STABLE SOIL ELEVATION -- Min~ elevation of soil resulting from design
STRUCTURE -- Means that which is built or constructed, an edifice or build-
ing of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or compound of parts
joined together in some definite manner.
SUBST~~IAL IMPROVEMENT -- All repairs, additions to, reconstructions or
improvements of a structure, the costs of which in the aggregate equal or exceed
50 per cent of the permit value assessment of the structure either (a> before
the first improvement is started, or (b) if the structure has been damaged and
is being restored, before the damage occurred.
UNDERSTRUCIURES -- Any wall, partition or other solid fabrication not com-
prising a part of the structural supPQrt system and located below the first floor
support structure.
UPLIFT PRESSURE -- The upward water pressure on the base, deck or floor of
the structure.
3905.1 - GENERAL
Minimum design criteria for construction in the designated zones of the coastal
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areas of Pinellas County, Florida, are established by this chapter.. These criteria
are based upon evaluation of storm related condition3, including erosion, rising
water, wave and wind forces. No construction shall be permitted unless in accord-
ance with this chapter.
Coastal construction areas of Pinellas County and its municipalities shall be
divided into three (3) zones as defined below.
(a) Zone l--The active beach zone from existing mean high water line to the
coastal construction control line as adopted by the Governor and Cabinet on
December 19 , 1978 and as filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court,
Pinellas County, Florida.
(b) Zone 2--This zone extends horizontally landward for 300 feet from the
established state coastal construction control line, or to where natural land
elevations reach +l4 feet (NGVD), or where the landward right-af-way line of a
major road occurs closer to the state coastal construction control line than 300
feet. Such event would serve as the landward extent of Zone 2.
(c) Zone 3--All lands lying landward of Zone 2.
(a) Zone l -- Construction and excavation are generally prohibited except
for that work which is authorized by the municipality or county, and the Department
of Natural Resources pursuant to the permit provisions of section l6l.053, Florida
Statutes. Except for maintenance of seawalls, no structures shall be pe~itted in
this zone without properly issued permits from local authorities and the Department
of Natural Resources under Section l6l.053, Florida Statutes.
(b) Zone 2 -- Construction within Zone 2 shall meet the specific requirements
as follow in this chapter.
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(a) seawalls
1. Zone 1 -- Existing seawalls seaward of the DNR coastal construction
control line may be maintained in that location subject to this code without DNR
permits. New seawalls seaward of the DNa coastal construction control line shall
require permi~s from the DNa and local government authorities. Normal and routine
maintenance or repair of existing seawalls in their present location and original
configuration will require no state permit; however, where such maintenance or
repair is the result of erosion or sto~ damage, a permit shall be required from
the DNa and the municipality or county.
2. Zones 2 and 3 - All seawalls in Zones 2 and 3 must be in alignment with
the existing adjoining seawalls, or seawall line, unless specifically authorized
by the municipality or county. No construction shall be permitted within l8 feet
of existing or new seawalls, or the seawall line, in order to allow adequate tie-
backs and tieback maintenance and filter systems. All new seawalls shall have
filter systems.
(b) Excavation and Grading
l. No construction shall be undertaken in Zones 1 and 2 which would resul t
in the destruction of an existing dun~ ridge or the lowering of general existing
ground elevations. At locations within these zones where the grade has been
artificially raised through the placement of fill or dredge spoil, ground eleva-
tions may be lowered but not below elevation +6 feet NGVD. This requirement shall
not preclude temporary excavation for installation of utilities, piles or other
similar activities.
2. No excavation shall be permitted except that which is incidental to the
placement of the foundation or sub-grade utilities. For grading for an expendable
structure located in Zone 2 (e.g., parking slab or shuffleboard court), a one-foot
excavation limitation shall be the maximum allowable.
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3. Excavation for swtmming pools in Zone 2 may be permitted to an eleva-
tion of 6 feet or less below existing grade structure, provided that the pool
excavation is located no closer than 25 feet to any seawall or seawall line, and
no closer than 25 feet to any major structure not constructed on an adequate pile
or mat foundation.
(c) Foundations - All permanent structures other than single-family, resi-
dential structures shall have a soll analysis by a geotechnical engineer regis-
tered in the State of Florida. Temporary structures, as determined by the local
building official, may be exempted from this requirement. Structures subject to
the coastal Code within these zones shall be supported by and anchored to pile
foundations or to mat foundations consistent with the requirements of the zone,
with the following minfm~ specifications:
l. pile Dimensions
(A) Dtmensions and types of piling shall be as required to resist the
loads set forth in this Code.
2. pile Spacing
(A) Not less than 8 feet center to center spacing for individual piles
which are extended to act as columns.
(B) Ratio of pile spacing to pile diameter not less than 8:l for piles
mentioned in 1 (A) .
(C) Spacing requirement does not apply to pile clusters as described in
section 3906.2(d).
3 . pile Embedment
(A) pile tip elevation not to be above .8 .feet NGVD.
(B) pile embedment sball be at least l5 feet below grade level.
(C) pile embedment greater than that specified in (A) or (B) shall be to
the depth required to produce tbe design bearing capacity and shall be determined
by the responsible design engineer.
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4. Pile-General
Pile dimensions, spacing and embedment shall be designed consistent with
the requirements of the site, taking into account all vertical, lateral, erosion
and scour producing forces.
5. pile Forces
(A) Pile foundation systems within Zone 2 shall be designed for appropriate
horizontal loads applied to any single row of piles parallel to the shoreline.
(B) In addition to normal foundation analysis, pile foundation analysis
shall include consideration of piles in column action fraM the bottom of the
structure to the stable soil elevation of the site.
(C) Column action stresses are to be derived from loads resulting from
wind and waves superimposed on normal structure loads. Structures shall be ade-
quately secured to the foundations to insure stability against loads resulting
from wind, wave and wave uplift.
(d) pile Clusters and pile Bracing.
l. In the event that a foundation is to include pile clusters, the maximum
elevation of the top of the pile cap in Zone 2 is to be below the design scour
depth below the design stable soil elevation. The maximum elevation of the top
of the pile cap, shall be not less than 2 feet below existing grade and consistent
with the stable soil elevation of the site.
2. In the event that lateral or diagonal bracing between piles is used,
bracing which would increase the area of the foundation, pile system exposed to
wave attack shall not be constructed between the top of the pile caps and the bot-
tom of the lowest supporting ~tructural member (excluding the piles) above the
design flood elevation.
3. This provision does not apply to lateral or diagonal bracing in the
vertical plane between pile rows perpendicular to the shoreline nor to thin cable
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or rod type tension bracing in any plane.
(e) Mat Foundation
1. Mat foundations may be used if soil conditions permit and if located at
an elevation as to mtn~ize their effect on the beach and adjacent properties.
Due consideration shall be given to vulnerability to erosion.
2. In the event that a mat foundation is used in Zone 2. the maximum
elevation of the top of the mat is to be below the design scour depth below the
design stable soil elevation (see Chapter 5.28, Shore protection Manual, u.s. Army
Corps of Engineers).
3. Protected spread footings shall not be permitted in Zone 2.
(f) Understructures
No substantial walls or partitions shall be constructed below the level
of the first finished floor. This does not preclude the construction of:
1. Stairways.
2. shearwalls essentially perpendicular to breaking waves.
3. shearwalls essentially parallel to breaking waves shall be limited to
a max~um of 207. of the building length.
4. Wind/Sand screens constructed of fabric or wire mesh.
5. Light open lattice partitions with individual wooden lattice strips
not greater than 3/4" thick and 3" wide.
6. Elevator shafts.
(g) Building and Floor Elevations -- Zone 2
. 1. The minimum elevation for the underside of the building support struc-
ture (excluding foundation) shall be the lowest flocd elevation for the site per-
mitted by the Federal Insurance Administration flood program, and structures shall.
be adequately secured to the foundation to withstand the loads specified in this
Coastal Code.
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2. All structures shall be designed for the horizontal pressures generated
by wave loads between elevation 3.0 feet above Federal Insurance Administration
flood level minimum requirement for the site and the stable soil elevation of the
3. The underside of any solid structural deck or floor which is lower than
elevation 3.0 feet above Federal Insurance Administration flood level minimum
requirement shall be designed to withstand. or relieve uplift pressures, which are
vertical forces acting on the underside of the lowest solid structural deck or floor
and which are to be considered to act in a moving horizontal plane as wide as the
4. For Zone 2, in addition to loadings required herein, structural design
shall be adequate for wave forces which would occur during lOO-year storm conditions.
Calculations for wave forces on the pile foundation and superstructure may be based
on criteria and methods given in the Department of the Navy Design Manual NAVFAC
D~1-26 or the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Shore Protection Manual
Vol. II. Breaking and nonbreaking wave~ likelihood shall be determined and consid-
ered. Any other design method may be used if Fhe resulting design is compatible
with the aforementioned methods. For wave force calculations, use the following
mintmum criteria:
Current Federal Insurance Administration lOO-year storm surge elevation,
wave height of 6 feet and wave period not greater than 12 seconds.
Calculations for wave forces and structural design for these forces shall
be sent to the Building Official for record purposes if requested.
(h) Windloads--Zone 2
All non-expendable structu~es in this zone shall b~ designed to withstand
140 mph hurricane intensity windloads.
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(a) Excavation and Grading
No restriction.
(b) Foundations
Structures within this zone may utilize any foundation system consistent
with protection of the foundation against the effects of flooding and erosion.
(c) Understructures
Walls and partitions for this zone may be designed as either expendable
or flood-proofed depending on the building design. Flood-proofing must be accom-
plished with appropriate consideration of effects on adjacent properties such that
its inclusion will not increase the water surface elevation more than one foot.
(d) Building and Floor Elevations
The min~um finished floor elevations within this zone shall be the base
flood elevation as established by the Federal Insurance Administration.
(a) Exceptions to the provisions of this Code may be authorized under the
ordinances of the county or municipal governmental unit where the property is
located, without formal permit application, for the construction or substantial
improvement, within the landward SO feet of Zone 2 and all of Zone 3, of special
non-re3ident commercial structures which, because of this intended use, must be
constructed on grade. Examples of such special non-resident commercial structures
would.include service stations, warehouses, and shopping centers. Structures
included under such exception shall confo~ to the following standards:
1. The minimum elevation of first floor shall not be less than one foot
above crown or centerline of street, or a minimum of 8 feet NGVD, whichever is
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2. Foundations shall be designed under the requirements of the zone in
which the structure will be built.
3. Structures shall be flood-proofed to or above elevation as outlined for
the various zones and be in accordance with the standards of the u.s. Army Corps
of Engineers' publication entitled Flood-proofing Regulations, June 1972. the
degree of floo~-proofing shall be determined by the contents of the structure as
outlined in chapter 4 of that publication.
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