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Attachment ItA"
State Aquatic Plant Control Funding Program
Fiscal Year 1983-84
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October 1, 1983
thru September 30, 1984
Grantee City of Clearwater
A. Department Approvals
Greg Jubinsky
, Biologist SUfervisor II
or successor is hereby designated as the Department's Contract
Manager for the purpose of this contract and shall be responsible
for insuring performance of contract terms and conditions and
shall serve as a liaison with the contractor and shall approve
all invoices prior to payment.
B. Attachment A-I (Work Plan) as approved by the Department of
Natural Resources, outlining in detail the area covered and
method of control is incorporated and made a part of this
At.tachment It A". All work conducted under this proj ect
Agreement shall be in accordance with the approved work plan,
which may be modified by mutual consent of both parties in
C. A.ttachment A-2 (Total Budget) outlines the total detailed
anticipated expenditures including both local and anticipated
state funds, which are within the categories designated eli-
gible under the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement.
D. Attac?ment A-3 (Resolution) designates by the Grantee a
Project Administrator to serve as a liatson agent in routine
matters and provide direct project supervision and administra-
tion, and a Project Financial Officer who is primarily respon-
sible for maintaining the financial and accounting records of
the Grantee.
E. Attachment A-4 (Reporting Forms) for the purpose of maintaining
adequate supporting documentation and determination of
payment(s) due to the Grantee. Costs snall be reported in
accordance with the rules of Chapter 16C-50, F.A.C. and the
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terms and conditions of this Project Agreement.
!' . F. Attachment A-5 (Rental) a list of rental rates provided by the
Department to be utilized by the Grantee for Grantee owned
equipment used to perform aquatic plant c.'Ontrol.
.G. The Department shall reimburse 22% of the allowable reported
expenditures as provided in the rules of Chapter l6C-50,
F.A.C. of the Grantess cumulative total of reported monthly
expenditures, up to the maximum state funds allocation.
H. The execution of this Attachment "A" shall constitute the
aquatic plant control permit to conduct aquatic plant control
activities as specified in the approved FY 1983-84 work plan
made part of this document.
I. Although the Work Plan (Attachment A-l), Total Budget
(Attachment A-2), Resolution (Attachment A-3) and Equipment
Rental Rates (Attachment A-5) changes are incorporated herein
by reference in this Attachment "A", modifications to the Work.
Plan, Total Budget (not to exceed total amount budgeted),
Resolution and Equipment Rental Rates for different projects
approved pursuant to this project agreement can be
accomplished by written approval by the Department's Executive
Director or his designee and such approval shall constitute an
amendment to the Attachment "A" then in effect and to this
1. witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this
Attach).;pent "A" and agree that it shall continue in effect until
su~sequent Attachments are approved 0: until the project Agreement
witness .
Ream Wilson, Dlrector
Parks & Recreation Dept.
Exe ive Director
3. /123
date date
September 27. 1983
Anthony L. Shoemaker. City Manager
Title and ~osition
September 27, 1983
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