CATV - CABLE TELEVISION (4) I r \ 'isin]1 ('1111[> Commllnictltions July 28, 1994 Federal Communications Commission Form 1200 P.O. Box 18658 Washington, DC 20036 RE: Submission of FCC Form 1200 Complaint(s): Pinel las/Clearwater FL0492 Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission's Second Order on Reconsideration, FCC 94-38, MM Docket No. 92-266 (reI. March 30, 1994), enclosed please find an original and one copy of FCC Form 1200 for the above noted franchise area. The enclosed Form 1200 was prepared using system-wide information, as the program services, equipment rates, and channel lineups are identical in each franchise area within the System. As required by the FCC's rules, also included with the enclosed Form 1200 are FCC Forms 1205 as of 12/31/92 and 12/31/93, 1215, September 30, 1992, September 1, 1993, and July 1, 1994 rate cards and channel lineups. Also included are a set of assumptions used in preparing the FCC 1200 and 1205. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Joel Reichard Controller at/JR cc: Clearwater (w/o enclosure) RECEIVED AUG 2:3 1994 CITY CLER K DEPT. One Coliseum Centre . ~,\(l() Yorkmonr ROJd . ChJrlotte. \;orrh CJrolinJ ~H~17 1711~1.;~7-h'J(l(l . r"J'.1711~1.;~lJ.7.:;H() (/~) , .'