CATV - CABLE TELEVISION (40) -r \ kz~Y5 Vs. M~Jt tTv~ . . . . '::",..~ ''''.r-",~ r1 . . ,,' --.. }~~1.'('" .. I H50'1.rsea,.(iffW, ," --;'./1" ;/t..+~ W,'-!t<-tO. . The Research Network Survey Research Methodology, Public Opinion Polling, Data Analysis ,. I _The . ItesearcIl . .'.' Network I ". . , PaIdiI a.-- Po.... D.- MIbIh 1113 Bast Tennessee St., Suite 302 TallahuSI.!e, FL 32308 (904) 681-9955 Fax: (904) 681-9949 SOO Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 (201) 379-9S95 Fax: (201) 379..()446 IIBIIOR.ABDUH -~- FR:: ;_.~!~~~;~~.t~... '.. ---, w ."." ..-". _......'h., .10". _..'.... ". .-.. i:';.....~!'./?tDA!rB I' "i71me 1~;1994 I. --:.~- . ~.-: SUBJECT I Resea=h Methodologr for cable survey conducted in :reMuary. ----..... 01....-.... Theaeaearah Network coDducted telepboDe interviews wJ..th 400 V~.ion Cable lNbllOrJ.be~.. .t.a I'fpUa. COUD'ty, J110ricla between :&'bbruary 1, 1994 find l'ebruuy.3, 1994. Indi.riduala were randoaly Hleated. fram a list of cable .m.cribera. ~he random selection sequence is based UpoD oallpUter geuerated number. utilizing SP8SPC+ Versi.oD 5.0. ~e following.. llapling error es'tUaates for tbe =;~_8Urv.y . . :e'or example, 45' of the V18ioa 8Ub8cr1bers iDtervi.ewed iu 1994 say Gable televisioD baa stayed the .... over ~ pae~ two years. Osing the 50' - 50' 8ampliDg er=r factor, plus OJ: Jd.Das 4.9', this figure could be as high a. 50' for all of the subscriber., or it could be &8 law a., 40_ wi'th 45. being the .at likely number tha't 'TU1d reocour if the aurvey 1MJ:W cImle again. , .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I SUMMARY: A COMPARISON OF VISION IN PINELLAS WITH CABLE SUBSCRIBERS NATIONWIDE The National Cable Television Association conducted a nationwide survey of cable subscribers. It is possible to compare the opinions of Vision in Pinellas to the results of the national survey on several indices of perfor.mance. Vision subscribers were asked two questions dealing with the overall performance of the cable system. Individuals were asked to rate the performance of their cable company on a scale from one to five, where five indicates the company is doing an excellent job and one indicates the company is doing a poor job. In addition, customers were asked if they were satisfied with their cable service and would keep the same company, satisfied but would make some changes or if they preferred to replace their present company. These two questions are combined to create an index of overall performance, on a scale from 0 to 100, which can be compared to the resul ts of the national survey. Vision's overall performance rating in Pinellas, at 80, is twenty-one points above the national average making it significantly higher than the national trend. Vision subscribers were asked how much they get in return for their money from basic cable service, premium channels such as DBO or Showtime, and pay-per-View. Each of these services can be compared to the national average. Vision in Pinellas, at 73, is twenty points above the national average when it comes to basic cable service. This difference is considered statistically significant. Vision, at 51, is significantly fourteen points above the national average when it comes to premium channels. When it comes to Pay-Per-View, Vision at 50, is significantly sixteen points above the national trend. Individuals were asked, given any changes in programming and service, if any rate increases during the past year are fair and reasonable or unfair and unreasonable. This issue, when framed into a one hundred point scale, can be compared to the national index on rate increases. Vision, at 70, is twelve points above the national average on fair and reasonable rate increases making Vision subscribers significantly higher than subscribers nationwide. The 1994 survey of Vision subscribers in pinellas contained a series of questions on how well the cable company serves its customers. Vision subscribers were asked about answering the telephone promptly, keeping appointments, and responding to transmission problems. It is possible to compare the overall customer service rating for Vision to the results of the national survey conducted for the National Cable Television Association. The customer service index treats each of the three service areas equally and is translated into a one hundred point scale so that all of the comparative indices have the same frame of reference. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -i- II, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I vision's customer service rating in Pinellas, at 82, is thirteen points above the national average, making Vision subscribers significantly higher than subscribers nationwide. Vision subscribers in pinellas were asked two questions dealing with the programming of the cable system. Individuals were asked their opinion of the cable company when it comes to offering more variety and better programming. In addition, customers were asked to rate on a scale from one (does not describe the local cable company) to five (describes the local cable company) whether or not giving a wide range of viewing choices to its customers describes their local cable company. Vision is eighteen points above the national average when it comes to programming making it significantly higher than the national trend. Finally, the survey of Vision subscribers in pinellas contained a series of questions to determine the image of the cable company in the area of community service. Individuals were asked if being committed to improving education through the use of cable television in the schools is a quality which describes the local cable company or not. Individuals were also asked if the local cable company, when compared to other businesses in the area seems to do more, less, or about as much in terms of community and civic activities. Vision's community service rating, at 59, is nine points above the national average, making Vision subscribers significantly higher than subscribers nationwide. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -ii- .~ . . . I I The National Cable Television Association conducted a nationwide survey of cable subscribers. It is possible to compare the opinions of Vision in Pinellas to the results of the national survey on several indices of performance. OVERVIEW OF C!ART.'R SERVICE Vision subscribers in Pinellas, Florida were asked two questions dealing with the overall performance of the cable system. Individuals were asked to rate the performance of their cable company on a scale from one to five, where five indicates the company is doing an excellent job and one indicates the company is doing a poor job. In addition, customers were asked if they were satisfied with their cable service and would keep the same company, satisfied but would make some changes or if they preferred to replace their present company. TABLE 1: OVERALL PERFORMANCE SCALE FOR VISION DI PnmLLAS Poor 1 2 3 4 5 6 19% 39% 33% 2% 3% 5% Excellent Don't Know SWITCH TO ABOTBBR CABLE COMPANY Satisfied, Keep Same Company 75% Keep But Make Some Changes 21% Prefer to Replace Present Company 3% Don't Know 1% Almost three-quarters of the respondents (72%) give Vision in Pinellas a four or a five [excellent] rating and only 8% give the system a two or a one [poor] grade. Seventy-five percent are satisfied with their cable company as it is presently performing while only 3% of the subscribers prefer to replace their present cable company. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -1- II, II II II II . . . . I I These two questions are combined to create an index of overall performance on a scale from 0 to 100, which can be compared to the results of the national survey. TABLE 2: VISION IN PINELLAS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE ON OVERALL PERFORMANCE VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE 1994 1993 1992 80 85 79 59 62 64 Vision's overall performance rating in pinellas is twenty-one points above the national average, making it significantly higher than the national trend. Thirty-one percent of the subscribers surveyed gave Vision in Pinellas a perfect grade of 100. pinellas' performance over the past three years has fluctuated from 79 to 85 with the 1994 score of 80 reflecting an average of the past three years' ratings. THE VALUE OP ~R1j~ ~"ICE Vision subscribers in Pinellas were asked how much they get in return for their money from basic cable service, premium channels such as HBO or Showtime, and pay-per-View. TABLE 3: RETORR FOR HOllEY OR SERVICES Above Below Good Average Average Average Bad Hot Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Sure Basic Cable Television 45% 9% 38% 4% 3% 2% Premium Channels 11% 6% 18% 9% 8% 50% pay-per-View 6% 3% 11% 3% 6% 72% Over one-half of all respondents say their basic cable service is a good or above average buy. Premium services such as BBO or Showtime, and the pay-per-View channel receive lower ratings on how much subscribers get in return for their money. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -2- .' . . . . . . . . . . . . '.. I I Each of these services can be compared to the national average. TABLE 4: VISION m PINELLAS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE OR TBB VALUE OF CABLE SERVICE VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE BASIC CABLE SERVICE 1994 1993 1992 73 53 74 68 57 59 PREMIUM CHANNELS 1994 1993 37 43 43 51 48 1992 48 PAY-PER-VIEW 1994 1993 1992 50 43 54 34 36 40 Vision in pinellas is twenty points above the national average when it comes to basic cable service. Forty-six percent give basic cable value a perfect score of 100. Vision is fourteen points above the national trend when it comes to premium channels. When it comes to pay-per-View, Vision is sixteen points above the national trend. Vision is significantly higher than the national average on all aspects of cable service. The 1994 average for the value of basic cable is down one point since 1993 but is still five points above the level in 1992. Assessments of premium channels have remained relatively constant over the past three years. pay-per-View services have increased seven points since 1993, almost returning them to the 1992 baseline. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -3- .' . . . . . I I Individuals were asked, given any' changes in programming and service, if any rate increases during the past year are fair and reasonable or unfair and unreasonable. TABLE 5: INCREASE IN MOft'l.'dLY RATE FOR BASIC CABLE SERVICE Fair and reasonable 58% 25% 5% 8% 4% 2% Unfair and unreasonable Depends/some of both (VOLUNTEERED) Not sure Does not apply Rates have gone down Subscribers are more likely to rate any monthly rate increase for basic cable as fair and reasonable than unfair and unreasonable. This issue, when framed into a one hundred point scale, can be compared to the national index on rate increases. TABLE 6: VISION ABD DB RATIONAL AVERAGE ON THE FAIRBBSS OF RATE INCREASES VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE 1994 70 59 66 60 64 58 1993 1992 Vision in pinellas is twelve points above the national average on fair and reasonable rate increases making Vision subscribers significantly higher than subscribers nationwide. Seventy percent give Vision in Pinellas a perfect score of 100. There has been a eleven point increase since 1993, this increase is statistically significant. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -4- .. . . . I I CUSTOMER SERVICE RATINGS The 1994 survey of Vision subscribers in pinellas contained a series of questions on how well the cable company serves its customers. TABLE 7: VISION IN PINELLAS CUSTOMER SERVICE RATINGS Doing Very Falling Falling well/Have Doing some- Very No Fairly what Far Not Complaints well short short Sure Answering the telephone promptly during normal business hours 49% 20% 4% 3% 25% Keeping appointments for installation, change of service or repairs 66% 16\ 3% 1% 14% Responding to disruptions or other problems in transmission within 24 hours 62% 18\ 5\ 2% 13% Vision subscribers give their cable company high grades on answering the telephone promptly, keeping appointments, and responding to transmission problems. Over two-thirds of the individuals interviewed feel Vision in Pine lIas is doing fairly well or very well on these three specific aspects of customer service. It is possible to compare the overall customer service rating for Vision to the results of the national survey conducted for the National Cable Television Association. The customer service index treats each of the three service areas equally and is translated into a one hundred point scale so that all of the comparative indices have the same frame of reference. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -5- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . III It III III II I I TABLE 8: VISION :m PINBLLAS AND THE RATIONAL AVERAGE ON CUSTOMER SERVICE VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE 1994 1993 1992 82 77 82 69 74 73 vision's customer service rating is thirteen points above the national average making Vision subscribers significantly higher than cable subscribers nationwide. Forty percent of those surveyed gave Vision in pinellas a perfect score of 100. There has been a five point increase since 1993 on the customer service index, this returns Pinellas to its 1992 level. It is also possible to reconstruct each of the three customer service questions to resemble the one hundred point national scale to determine the approximate impact of the three components. TABLE 9: SPECIFIC CUS'l'OMER SERVICE COMPONENTS Answering The Telephone Promptly During Normal Business Hours Keeping Appointments For Installation, Change of Service, or Repairs Responding to Disruptions or Other Problems in Transmission Within 24 Hours 77 86 83 This presentation indicates that Vision in Pinellas performs well in all three areas of customer service with the averages of all three components being significantly higher than the national norm. If there is any area of concern it would be in responding to service disruptions. PROGRAMMDlG ASPECTS OF VISION :m PINFf.T.~ Vision subscribers were asked two questions dealing wi th the programming of the cable system. Individuals were asked their opinion of the cable company when it comes to offering more variety and better programming. In addition, customers were asked to rate on a scale from one (does not describe the local cable company) to five (describes the local cable company) whether or not giving a wide range of viewing choices to its customers describes their local cable company. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -6- .' . . . . ~ . ~ ~ II . I I TABLE 10: HORE VARIETY AND BETTER PROGRAMMING Doing Very Well/ Have No Complaints 51% Doing Fairly Well Falling Somewhat Short Falling Very Far Short No Opinion/Not Sure 27% 10% 7% 6% WJ:DE RANGE OF V:IEWDlG CHOICES Does Not Describe Describes Don't Very Well Know 1 4% 2 8% 5 39% 6 4 33% 3 15% 2% Seventy-eight percent of subscribers feel the cable company is doing well when it comes to offering more variety and better programming while 17% find it is not. Seventy-two percent of the individuals say their cable company gives a wide range of viewing choices to its customers while 12% say it does not. These two questions are combined to create a programming index on a scale from 0 to 100, which can be compared to the results of the national survey. TABLE 11: V:ISION IB P:INELLAS AND THE HATIOHAL AVERAGE ON PROGRAMK:ING VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE 1994 1993 1992 76 79 73 58 60 64 Vision in pinellas is eighteen points above the national average when it comes to programming making it significantly higher than the national trend. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -7- ~ .. . II . II II II . II . . . II II . . . . . '~......~ ,-""-....... ..-".- --- ....._._-'-'.~'..4 I I CABLE AND COMMUNITY SERVICE Finally, the survey of Vision subscribers in pinellas contained a series of questions to determine the image of the cable company in the area of community service. Individuals were asked if being committed to improving education through the use of cable television in the schools is a quality which describes the local cable company or not. Individuals were also asked if the local cable company, when compared to other businesses in the area seems to do more, less, or about as much in terms of community and civic activities. TABLE 12: COMMITTED TO IMPROVING EDUCATION THROUGH USE OF CABLE TV IN SCHOOLS Does Not Describe 3% 2 1% 3 10% 4 19% Describes Very Well 29% Not Sure 32% RATIRG OF CABLE COMPANY IN TERMS OF COHllONITY AND CIVIC AC'J:'.Lv.LTIES Does more 8% Does less 6% About as much 39% Not sure 41% Thirty-two percent of the subscribers cannot rate the local cable company on whether they are committed to improving education through the use of cable television in schools or not. Forty-eight percent feel that being committed to improving education through the use of cable television in schools is a quality which describes the cable company while 10% feel it does not. Vision is seen as being about as much involved in community and civic affairs as other businesses in the area, but 41% of the subscribers are not capable of making a judgment about this issue. These two questions are combined to create a community service index on a scale from 0 to 100, which can be compared to the results of the national survey. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -8- III~ i ~ I I 'l'ARLE 13: VISION :m PIHELl.AS AND THE N&TIOHAL AVERAGE ON COMMUllJITY SERVICE VISION NATIONAL AVERAGE 1994 1993 199t-- 59 56 50 54 49 57 vision's community service rating in pinellas is nine points above the national average, making Vision subscribers significantly higher than cable subscribers nationwide. THE RESEARCH NETWORK -9- rr -.' ,. '. " NCTA COMPARISONS VISION 100 80 ....................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................. o PERFORMANCE BASIC PREMIUM PAY-PER- RATE CUSTO"'ER PROGRA"'- CO......UNITY CABLE CHANNELS VIEW CHANGE SERVICE MING SERVICE - 60 .................................................................................... 40 20 - D VISION ~ NCTA PINELLAS. 1994 ................-.-.-.- . J '&_~ NCTA COMPARISONS PINELLAS, 1992-1994 100 80 .. - ..............................................................................................w................................................... 60 40 20 ~ o PERFORMANCE BASIC PREMIUM PAY-PER- RATE CUSTOMER PROGRAM- COMMUNITY CABLE CHANNELS VIEW CHANOE SERVICE MINO SERVICE c:J1884 ~1893 V.;.;'11982 VISION