GAS . .:. I COMMISSIONE1S MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM TREASURER L. H. ZINSSER D. M. PIPKIN. SR. W. L. HACKNEY . GEO. H. SMITH HOMER RIGSBY < ' , H. E. P,EDIGO, CITY MANAGER 10HN C. BLOCKER, CITY ATTORNEY .:. Qrifg of ~a:bty lta:rhnr .:. & d, SAFETY HARBOR, FLORI DA ' U' '~"-c./r'''''''_e_ >:/'0 .:. t I. ~ ~ COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZED JUNE, 1917 HOfo,1E OF ESPIRITU SANTO SPRINGS HUG&DEVELOPMENTS IN PROGRESS GOOD CHURCHES,i\ND SCHOOLS BATHING, BOAl'ING;'FISHING ON OLD TAMPA BAY AN ALL YEAR RESORT TOWN { The only city in Pinellas County on the water front that is within Party Minutes' auto drive to Tampa or St. Petersburg or any of the many points of interest in Pine lias county. Visitors are cordially welcomed at all times. Good hotels and Tooming houses. .:. .:. .:. February 18th 1930 State of Florida 0"',lJr\t~' of p.>:..11~~.S:: City of Saf~ty Harbor. To the Honorable Mayor and the Board of City Commiss1oners:- We the undersigned InspeGtors and Clerk of Special Election of the 01 ty of Saf ety Harbor, Florida, held on th,is the 18th Day of February A.D. ~ 1930, do hereby certify that w.e;..har-e conduoted said Election aooording to Law, and upon counting the r~allots, we find the results of said Election asfollows:- Total number of ballots cast...... " . . . . .'. .51 Total number of ballets cast for ratification of franchise................. .50 Total number of ballots cast against ratification of franchise.................. 0 Total number of ballots not marked......... r Given under our hands on this the ~3th day of February, A.D. ~" ".,. :"", ^, J..';:;"::>U fJ 81 gne d~.l\. RiEsby_"_,,~_~._,,T'., ,"'J' eat or , I S i sn e d ....9~.~~~_..19Q.Y!lj;_QP:"'.._.._,,_,_ln sp ect or i 8i gn ed~ E1.92..9.Ell ect.~_"__., In 8P ect or Signed2: E .]?ho'N~~_~_,____Clerk ; OIW:.tE/lliCE 1161 .. I I JOBJDjJ~.';i.]im~ If}P}~ I TrJy"ID . tt }~J OR>> IlifAN Cfl~ (n~llNIJrl]'tG t.f!f! (J~,T"f CUaAI'I,1fiAZ,R. MlJl~IOIPAL OOHPC)ltA~I<:iU (JW:i:HI:lZ OQ1DfTY OF 32' IERtiaAS .lUfJ) l':;r~~1. T]! OJ?.b' L01UDA. I T~) STJ aCB~) ,i O1iS ;\Un ASS lG!lS t , A FRAilCHISE :POS THE l~?OSE O~, FURNISHING GJ'S WI:~HIN '([IF; CITY ()P~:.i\]'l~TY H.AP.BOB. FJJOlUDA, ADD TO ITS .nUtAI3!:rAlf2.'S; AND TO :PRESCRIBE THE Il,~r~AT:rO]':l8. TElUJe. .AND Omrn!TI01JS OF SAIl) J~\BAnOHISEn . BE: IT 01'UNED BY TIlE OlleY OF SAnTY HARBOR. FLORIllA I SECTION t- That tbe 11t:r of Olearwater. e. mun1011lul Cftpor- !lt10a. eXi$~lng under the lf~"f.l of the State of ;Rilorlda.of the ''I. t ..0 "'Ii"" 1 conn '71 QI ~',ne,ll?cS Sin lie of Florida_ ita snocts aorsHl1.d iH:Jl21igna. h.ereintl,flEU,' dGa1g1ltrted as the ~:rHnte8, be and 1. t 1B be:r:eby giV$f1 ~<uld granted a franchise. J>:d:vilefle and oonaeaelon I ot hrnla hlxlg gal o{)uta1n1ngnQt le~fi lhe.n 525 :81"1 t1eb ~h,e~l l1n1tlll pe'" o~. ft. wi thill tbe GUy of llaflt1y lfarbor. Florida. i and to the fnhtlbltnntB the.'tof., together tv:1.th the rlgbt1iG use 'jhu wt:rafJt~l. aVGllum:;:. alls;{s. squaJ.4ee _ f-sx'ks. br idEen. V1ttOllC;:S~; OJ.' ot i~er public highways nnd gro\llldc of 8111 d City.. as noVl laid out or f:l.ij he:rea:f'tar may be extent!. ea. Dnd laid out. fol' tbEl 1'113:- })t)f3eef layln{~.~ni1 rrnintalning :pipes tim/or mloh Oth(1:r npJ)~8tus 11eeeaaarr tio I3n:;i)"lly g5,~ to the auld 01 t~r (),nd tb the inb':lbltrlJlta th~mrt'eof t~,nd to dO a11 1Hl:tnga neoeesu.r3' or e:::~pedient fUf th. pU.l".... POSfi():f t3U:RPlying 88i11d tb.11l the f3~ id City and tol tu 1rlhab1 t~~.l'rts -;;)1"0\1':11'1..,4 tt~at he l!IllFUne shall not be in co:nf:l1ct with any 01 the ~e:r'!!le talld dond1tit)11;~ 0:1:: thi.~! :erandiisEt o:r X'eaaonabl~ c)7r.diMnoee of ne e1~ Of Safety Hs.:rbol.". and provided that the 1lle.1ns In- ~,. ~,_'~led an4 use"" d for t h~ :p~p,~,oee, of. :U, pplying said gas be laid ;.,,~ vhE! IWlJJer ):)rovlded ~n tLle frnn'H,J.se" !' S,EOTIOIU~. Tile fl"anQ.iJ1se. rights. mHl ;prlvl1agea hfU,'eb:ir g~:CintGd 8hfll O())r~1rltU~~ Bful be in fo~c. fo~ t he full statutory period o:r ihirt~". YEllU"1lI ~:romthe date tbe frunohlse granted he:t's'; beoomes effective. ;' SEOTION $. Tbat::.L~ s:.,1d grf'illtee. 1ta 81100t0801'S o:r aQS1~ shall furn1th 24 hours of oont:lnuous service each and eve1'Y dn) ot ,..1d 'teJf~ to Bny perscnwlthln the 01t;v of 5afet;v Ha:rbo1' d$~1*",1,~,' '" tbt a,tune snit :fa.tlUI trpon thepi1!U"t of the Sttld g:rantee lta BtlOCeS$~;a;'s or a.~~Ellgnil. to furn1$h g~,e at~ herein provided for B.ilY Cause "Wi thin the oontrol Qf the s:C1.1d gritnle... 1 t8 SUOOEHH10TS o;r ;r:issi~~s. for a period of 72 hot11'fJ. shall aotas a forfeiture of this franQhis(tj bowe"V'er, at th$ option of the 01t7 of Safety Harbor. , :2'D 1YI:DED 'lm\;~S~'J~R t ha. t th~~ ~~Z'unt(j (II herein, its SUco ffaeor~ and i assigns, Shi:b..l not be raqu1:red to lay additIonal maUls beyond I $uOh point tiS 1. t detern11U'$ to be j~3N':ti t!LbJi,.. ullles$ the reVEt.ntu'f f:rmn au.ch G.tldltl0:l1ul 1111$$ ;iiw~llwnno.nt teelI' i.uatallatioll 01'1 I I I ,~ 'baa1a. a,f ;xtoaa Q ,ul~:jatiorl. In the eventthi:i.t a .'>lU"tlOll l~ dasil'B ,It :i~tl; g,t'eater distanoe from the existing mains illS gX1L.lt.710 ltfi:t'liJin,. 1ts SUOalh,q30:r~J ttt c:.kiisid'l'ls.al1;\:i,11 ,:t(,t~~:rm':" t:~all i ;.:1$ '0 be .l)~O'flta.1:)16. ,;bCUl ti16 person eo tieail'1ng gas aOnJ;l~'H:rtions (~!1 ,11 "p~),y ,fir Ruoa add1t1ooo1 main, tn oa.sb., bete!'. lna"ballat1,on and '.1 1 h€t ~~ilnbu:rf3ed by th.e (,;:run1;$. i:u~Nin. 1 is m.tooe~$ors OX'H3Si811S. :for ollail 1nstall1~tion 'byt.he ptlyment from tho reTQl).'ul!IEJ thB1"'H~)f. a gUr~.:lo:; excue..li:u,g 50;~ O:f!ihe monthly J:OYEtllUeS until 'tne QQ~t tb.'!~60= hU.~3 bean :repa1<1. i:~ndprovid.ed i''lU.'tb~:.;;'t li:~J,l li;rl$~ so .b:l,~t;:i,:tled. sl~:"ll oeooltl,(t ~;lle,;!l1o'l;.rerty 01 tb(f g:t;';>.~:r.rbla, Ita i~ g()1'$~i~t14i;t1~ ~31g11$., a b$Qlute. ;,4 t t i'!(,6n:L oJ.? fi VB ;Y~~~~:"EJf:t"cu:n the ill1:3tt';;,11rttio:"1 'bb,@.l:,tot. (;I.XQ.()l)t hO'?~It:I'Vel'. G.llo. in th6 i~ve:nt that I tills :f~anchlse be te:rnt1.11(1i.ti&d prio:r to t be 12l.xE}xa:tioll at 8,1;::14 five 3-"Oc:.t.~: terc. .'is h~re1:n previdad tox, tl'Cuh lines shall be tile p:rO]~'" I $.'$;.1 .of SU<l~ :person. 'th(1 g:r:'9,ntee. i "!is GUoeO(;.l!i;;o.r~) aud a.aa:i~'le It fU)',,'il'GV(iX'II hl1.~i:nE t;fll;) :right to ::eimbll:n1€ suoh person the ooat due him. and thereby aoquire ubsolute title 0 ouoh line. SE;JTrO:'J 4. ,It 1a further provided thi::.t d:.& said gralltfH~ sb.aJ.l j,nstall thaueoessar.1 In.alnt~ e.t its otm cost and $X]~nae HuE!' that sl;;;,id. mains ~h.a.ll 'be n.nd remain the l1I'Opel.'ty of t; he f:laid grn.~!tee; \::;~iat tilt;} t::U,id Il.1H,ins nnd other phYSioal p,roperties used in 1-.. '!'JQmleo'liiQll with tl:1e furnisl11Ufg at gQ.fi under 'thlllJ fl8liChlse sball bEitr$t from~ulJl" ad 'Valorem t~. oj?t ile ;,?i ty of Safo1;;,y l'blrbo:r so lOtl,~1i ~;l.S t~iH.une rel:'lt;?1,:nathe P:rOI>e):,t;~r n.r t; he C:iiy of Q1fua.:r\vuter. :Said.mfi;lJ..m:-t bQ 1 ~3.i4. under groand nnrl 'the fVlld gr;lut9(} shall :tG"'p~i-..,e 0.( ;re"l<~~il. ~lB ):t'<,mptly ~,B .o\':ri:>,olhlo. t'l.:Ll $t):'e$tf~. In.nea. t'~ ..1..1.",..<,',.""" L'" ,,\ ,.'~:t"'\'~:"1 'I,"'" - <, Y'~. IQ. . ""1"""" '. '~"'''''' S'l1't:"\.rf)~~ In :rm:blio 1)1~v;,r>s dlJgO:,t' dlst.~bad h~r it the 1nf~,tnllaticm uf. aaid mt'l.lnB I)!' for atl;r othfJ:t" :p\u.-pose .S {;' 'jJ, Q, l~',':~, r:':~.: (; L. :,:';/f) or 1~ t it aha-.ll :rap,,,!!:!, alldrfH1to:re $1Hlh ;:,rt"'?jC:lta , l;'],1ll",';;; t n,lle'iirn ald.G'!Jt\.lkn, Mdpt'b'.1 Cl J)laO(l'i:! to their :form~r B t$t'~:fGQollditliol~.~nd ":' th the Bame 'ltu:ll ty ~,,;f mate:r1al 03:' ~,tu 4)q;u.i'l'~~!"lent: s "!",'1 existing h::l"fore fU11.(1 '11C:I"1': cOTjfnanoed. $,hrmlti tlH~ !:~a.:t(1 ir.fr1utf.'-,' neG'leet Qr :t'&:fU8f1 to r(:o~;t(}l'fl o!'t'9:pttlt' lir~thout , ;J~l~~,~' r):f"~\3::,i JJ.f)tioe, r1rJY f!'!:trf:tetr., .1;J1.~~"'$l t l~~!1P~. eql~.!l:reet f!l:!de'lfmlb'J ot 10 'C\I'hiehmt':!~t bc'1,.,~ bean flo:(oa":'.t~Hi. d.l1g.. or ai~3t'~:rbed it. i ():t' r1.8e,n~f'~. t hen ~,'l1e ~~t:'ld 01 ty of ::3fJ.faty ,q~:.rbo:! stl.,l]l h~v(l sllQ'n :repa1ra f?..."ld r:$$3to::r~1,tjl')ndone L',nd , ('!:::'::tJn~e 1:401dsTrt tha:rsto alts;ll b$ IHi,1d. by t.he :mld f.~.r9,!xteQ. :'U~(~I'1:Jl1 5. Th:'J't nothing herein aontainfJd shHll be so. construed ~c "~ 0 :tel1do~ t La Ci t;T o:~ bafGty Sarto x tUJ.y'JlsH 11nl::1e to O:.l~ for i~:i:r;J' f;).(lI~' ofol!l1ssirm, Qr o~!llmni~Hl1on o:t' e~lid grunt&$. ltll~ Offic(frSf or e:lr~i;jl(')YfUlla i.n, the .::~4'llCutlq,n, Q~f C(Jl1d'ttot ofl;h(~ , ,h;1~utho,l"1:t~a ,~!;~J\ld 'Hte 2:':1.1(1 {;:rantee ahrrl.1 rr"; a.lJ. tiEiea11Vl:f'lrm:l1.fy .', "1(1 {i " '<,.,.. h, ~I", 1''!'i"l,'.1l> ~H~ .'.-...r.-- .'" ~~.-......' ......l.~~a: l;u.L\i,r;~w.~r '1' , .,.. ,.'" 4ul~ PI'" ,.,...,..." d"" n", ...0,... "".,,'.' ;. '~" ", .""!l",, ,",...~ ',',~. +. i~",' iii", '"',,. i'_,'!,, """'_' -.',.>l.....",..~,r, ,', ',;,..., .1"..., ,...".". ',",<, 'Il' ,~,',',',',',^','" "'"i<~.','''',''''' ,'" ,.,.;',"1.:;'15',"0 '-? .1 :u.l":> ..~:...~ '\I," . ... "".... "'", ....hJ' _. < , ,..,.~ t..... "'H~..""" '....""~ W'le' bG ;t"G- ~. '" .n ,',.' " t ",' 1 (;:;L .'rtiJO.:t: i,,;,Pi/(I '~! i.ilI.:t. lor to thG saii) City of Safety Harbor :f'~m:u ;fvry 'to pe:raQllS or "O~;,oP$rt~j Onb~le(l 'by the oarele2sne~a 0:,;, nefrll10t 111 tho $~eu.toton o;t'; ()()nduot IOf t,ho w'ork he:re'inunda:r ~uthori~ed ot' by the :f'fj.1J,ure ()t tile f):11.<1 g:r'{l,.nt~et its off'1('H~ra. n.{rflln'ta or er1ployel:t ($cm}:)ly- ';fi.th an~v :t'0~$J()nn,bla ordlnr1.nQ$. rnle or. rer::uln,tlon relat1v~ to I ~"';:rae'~;ac:'l,tldsid~\~1.ll'a O:t' other pUblic plaoes nOt? 1n foroe or I he~\ij,:na:f'tr~:r erlaoted. SEOTIO!{ 6. ~hat the ~s to b4t furn!e bed by t beaa1d IZTatltee. 1 ts I 9UO()6S801'S 'and 8EUllg)We sball ln no oa8e be of lesl quality tlsn 525 British Thermal Unlts.,p,fll' QU. ft.. I .~ I :3 end shall be oonduoted throuGh t; ;:3 :i1pes at u P1'eS$u,re suffioient to insur. i~~tisfaQt()q op~a"f),tion. '.l!he ~:c.id g)t,;ul1i~e ~hl,Jll hU,ye too' l~l"lV;ilGlge and O;9't ofchat'ging '12'(~~~l.k',()1'l-,~!,r>1e p4"1uet'fthE~rtftjot };)rcrv!d$d. t~OWGTe:rt, thn.t in no ($fi,:U~ Hb~il.:tl 'the ew~rgQ t.h,e:refo" ! .gr e-~lt er t 11ELIl b.:tmo:re t~ln;n 't'.ven.by....fiVG C 25%) / the oharge mud. 'bo leckl OOUI!tUners in t~"H}Oity of Cleurw<:ter. and tho said ~al'ltee ohall liave t he further right ~ln.d :Q:rlvl1eg'1 of cwa.rgl:ng und oollecting r:, 30tm8ctiop cba~ge f()r oon.'lGlJotion servioe, suoh Oh6~€:re 1;o'bf,i not greatel" th,i:tll f<)1* slm11ur servioG in the 6ity of Olearw'f"ter. DI':C:r:r)N 'l.'2bu:t up1m ;:1.1$ e;q'J1ration of the f1.-at ten ;real"S of 'this f:ranoh1ae rmd/or at tho $:1Cplru.tion of $ucb five 1e~ 111tG~1.1 theJ.'Gaitar. tile C1t;v o~ Sufety liarbo;o berebN ~eael"Ves I the xlght,px1vl:Lege und opt<lon of 1;)u~OhfJ,fJ1ng the equiJlmf~nt in- ! I s'i.ialle4 b~/ Ithe sa gxnn.ttl e at H. fair and rea.soll8l~le priiJe. tQ 1:6:.l.G1;eed t:H,1011 the auid 01t~.,. of Safety Harbor and the sa1,ti g:r;:.ultal~t itl~ Il:ilUQO$;;:.HilO1'e aud e.;,:~sigll$. In t;J:1h event nQ pricE: QSJl be j,;.,3roedti;IJon b~l the naid l:>lU"tiea. 'then the f.m1! p::t10$ ntJ!l v,,;;lue ~hall be dJte:rrained by n board ot arb:1.txlJ.tion oonl.ljtln~()f tl~%'ee I JJ1/f1uibE;.t~S. on~ t(, be l.ieslg1'lated 1))" t!1~ d g;Cc"1il't$e.. i t2 S'l10C~~l1f,.,:re ! or as 2 igne . one to bo seleoted by too 01 ty oi Sa.fety Harbor fmd tt~() t.;;o tnus ~(jlectod ehu..~l clEHrt the tLird. tcl.lld the aurard of SCd.iJ. bo&rd .il.C to 1fhe priee r.o bf} })t:..i(), the:rcfQX' shall be i'l:nal. $VG1!t the w;..Ld fJ1t;{ of Sa:f(ltyiia~'bo~ shall 110t OJ:re:r;'ei as ;vt~:~ olrClon ita :~mrcIl~~e !iHJ.id eqr:ipt!(;lnt ,the t3~id g:t'~:i.J~t'$e. ita s"e ell" a or B lor !)" ~ i,,~ ill. ,! It' II hI> "" t hE "J,F h t . )'4" i vae gll '\l1d 0 pill on of reIOO~ill.i; 8ilid equipIDellt and ill euch event the si:1.id pl!utee. :i.:Cf,! S'l;'(;Ce~so:rH 01' a.saig'DS. uhall in .:rerooviilg tih.. E.HtIOOt ~eJll'tl:t' €;l.ll Ht:reGt~. v.:leyo. avenues. eld(r.JI111~a l.;\.llIl !::n.1t11e p:J;e.C~l1J: In.,. oidell't to suoh removal and p:'aoe the L~une in the $s.rne:oondltlon ! He the~.to~ore exlsteCl.. I t1J:~CTIOB I~Tbe aaid grantee, 1 ts SUC06Esors or assigns. shall n.t 0....1 .t1mJSOOL:;'lY \Nith all reasoy:w.ble ol'dinuno6s. l"u:J,.ea Hnd rGgulatlons anaoted or pa.ssed by the Oity of Safety Hf.1:rhor not I In Qo:,:flio'ti :11th the te2:'mB of this fl'9.11ohine nnd the EH:~id I i J " _"i .< I " ~ J. /. i 1 .~ grantee Sball'have tt.t-:l right to %ll!:?Jt(~. c-st'lblisb ,!~.nd rnaintrdn and enforoe s'UQh rea.sol1.t-;b 16 J:'eguln.t ianl:'! for t hr': ope:re.t ton 01' i1;. d.1atr1'butil1g syetcm ai:lLlay be l'fJb;;V'I'.::hly nO~eDfJf~-TY :proper net j),ooI1~dS!t(7nt w':Lt h t; ('i t~11',FIG' in ~r~H\Chlf:'1e rJ:io. the oJ'.'di.r..anoes oi:' f',;(-, Cit~r of ~"~afi:'?'t~! Y"ll'1 to proteot It:,)(,:lf :f rrnn :frf;~;; d or ~ osi J~lion undo HlI.l:;Y", Jt ;" (( L:.<ox'e f "on 11 re1lu.ti.\o 1:, ,) I :ta:rll1sb WaS f~J~{l ~~<) c\.,t (Jlf~he Sl12'i:1;: fr.:~:; tiJ\/ FustO(OO!' 'Jl eustomers 'I1bo a::..e in d.efault of paYl:'l\c:llt of <.<.2W bill reudt'):'f,ld ::~():r 'f()I' rmch fUlxvice. 1'!:>J'~):; 9. "l '.le .. . , :t: r (-JJ'l(~lll. ::lC ,'J..u.n t;{j d r)(' rn in ! -.... ai1-:'.l..c.:... , i hot ht.lo.)]te e:fff?ct- i TO 1;(1 ;i:li'! (;1' i.n~.Jl't until t.Hun~ lEI l'ti.tifio<l b~~ tho fll&{.)t;(, 0'$ t'lf; City (If :; toty Ib.rbor, aCQo::L"i'.L;.(tl,\ If'.w ;:::nd an tall 01 ty ot Cleo.rvin~Gl". '~bo gri.wiee i,a:re :in, sh,c,t.l "bit [:, i~lf~y I!D,:':~lJed ;J.110 ftl,do}')1;ed by i tis (;}i tiT CO,:li}JEHil1on ;.>.OC iiG l:X"tiJ:l",," ol21He,"l!"lviJ.O{1'f! '-'Jl11 om:lc(wJaj.ou he:t'e.i.:n ;::rt;;..ntad b:tld .1:(1, !. ,i.L ;i::'fl'... $Q 1 ut 1 0 n "GTO. to "' m,.,1:\, \v!. t h t he and M + i t1 0"" 0;' "0 a~1.1 d. :frhnlJhi S6 ,:and ~(:' ia :ce::; olut :Lon .~c' OO.itl1 in '!~': ~Lf'Tffior::"':1: t;c G(H:l)ly wit!; fl.],1 :J"'EWBOYlull1'" ord1nHnooc ~)lH>8edb;T Ithf-1,'Cit:r (~()~;rnl " I l':If he City of Su:f'etit HurtmX' not.in cnnfJiot '~r:ltl!~1Jf> +eri(~ a101'L alil.id :f'ranobiae. f~ C6:r1if1ed cop;r t,f1"E'Oi' to Ye :'11"11vfI!:r'<&i1 01 t~,. Clerk of t L1fi' 01 ty of i:d.iff,ti! n":I:,ho:r. (JP011 h~ ::t'tlO!:' O€;'xt iflad oopy o:f the ~filf.1l{fl'Qt;1on t,d:c)X' ~ I t or~;Ln'ncn;: t,ne frtulO ,.:1e8 tL.~ertii:rl prOT1ds,d s com~ efloetfv( f"-,'" ~P1U'1?O~JtH3 th&reinrro'l/ld.ei:1 fOol'. 10 r,'"f,',,'h' ,;'..,.,.i'""t .!"~.,-J,1,,. O,''V,.'l~Ti".,.,'i,"!::,',,',,'::',i. ;:',' ,',. '" p'" ')""!'~1"'r-,' "11'" o ... ',.._ .........._.__ _. "'.,,',' ,,... ,~"_..!....,.I('".,, r::{,. :- :tlict 'lith tee :;;rovisions of t his ordin'n~c'" bE> mU 'hE ~;;iF't ere hereb:l r6pe(~lcd. GI T-l v' 'J. J. 9~30, (H" ..:.. ~ ,'~T ' t <:Ul thh. lZ.th lL: of 'E'lm:r(~,r;' lfirst -.read ing Sellond reading :Vh;i:r d :read ing Attest: /~~~:- ~~-~ ~~y 0 .1isioner I , I, H.M,Kindred, City Clerk for the City of Safety Hatbor~ and Custodian of the City Records for the said City, do tereby certify that the above 1a a true and correct copy of ordinance flSl passed by the Board of C1 t Y Comrr.issioner s on the l~,th day of February, ..~. D. 1930, and ratified by the majority vote of qua11f1edvoters of the Oity of Safety Harbor; at Election held for that purpose at the Oity Hall in the Oity of Safety Harbor 1 on the 18th dayof February, 1930, and in wjtness thereof 1 I have set my hand and have ~aU8ed the Seal