GAS (7) I I ., ORDIN1\NCE 91-21 AN ORDINANCE OF 'rIfE CITY OF S1\FETY HARBOR, FLORIDA GRANTING TO THE CITY OF CLEhRW1\TER, FLORIDA, ITS SUCCESSORS AND 1\SSIGNS, 1\ FRANCHISE FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING NATURAL GAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SAFE:TY H1\RBOR, AtlD TO ITS INHABITANTS; PROVIDING THE LIMITATIONS, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF SAID FRM1CHISE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN 1\CCORDANCE WITH LAW; AND PROVIDING AN EJ:'~'ECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAFETY HARBOR, FLORIDA: section 1. \'Jhenever in this ordinance the words or phrases hereafter in this section defined are used, they shall have the meanings assigned to them in the following definitions, unless the context wherein they are used shall clearly import a different meaning: (a) "Grant,ee" means the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, to which the franchise is granted by this ordinance, and its lawful successors or assigns. (b) "Grantor" means the City of Florida municipal corporation, and properties therein. Safety llnd all Harbor, a intli)bitants (c) "Streetll means the public streets, lanes, alleys, courts, bridges (excluding the area above deck of said bridges), or other public places in the Grantor's corporate limits as they now exist, or as they may be established at any time du~ing the term oft his f r ZI n chi::; e . (d) "Industrial" shaJ.l mean se::-vic(~ to .) customer at a single location where such consumer is engaged in an industrial enterprise in which such service is used primarily in .:;,,~ .~:,';r3tion involving the extraction rror:~ ()~. tdln-L-..;,,,llCi. 0[ some material or product. [I Ctly 0' :'.'.'Y H.rt>>OI I 7""....'" 51,... s.'ofy H.",,,,. r;"lId. 3'895 . I I I I II OFHCE OF THf C'TY ATTORNEY (e) "Gas" medns natur.al eFIS and/or- commingled gas manufactured qas \.;hich is distributed in It shall not me;,n bottlL'd q;iS 01- any other and/or pipes. fuel. I I (f) "Facil i ties or equipment" means pipe, pipal ine, tube, ma in, serv ice, trap, vent, vaul t, manhole, meter, gauge, regulator, valve conduit, appliance attachment, appurtenances, and any other personal property located or to be located in, upon, along, across, under or over the Grantor's streets used or useful in the distribution of gas. ~ection~. Grantee 1S hereby granted a non-exclusive tranchise, privilege: and concession to furnish gas within Grantor's municipal limits, together with the rigl1t to use Grantor's streets, avenues, alleys, squares, bridges, viaducts, or other public highways and/or easements for the purpose of laying and maintaining pipes, and/or such other apparatus necessary to supply gas to Grantor's inhabitants, and to do all things reasonably necessary to supply ga~ to Grantor, not otherwise in conflict with any of the terms and conditions of this franchise or reasonable ordinances of Grantor. Grantee shall locate all facilities and equipment so that such will not interfere with Grantor's use of its streets, and shall not cause a hazard to the public health, safety, welfare, and aesthetics of Grantor, or inconvenience any of the property owners contiguous thereto. The Grantee shall obtain \o/ritten approval of the Grantor as to any proposed route or location of proposed facilities prior to installation. Grantee may do things necessary for the purpose of supplying gas within the said City and to its inhabitants, provided that the same shall not be in conflict with any of the terms and conditions of this franchise or reasonable ordinances, policies or directions of Grantor, and providei that the mains installed and used for the purpose of supplying said gas shall be laid in the manner provided in this franchise and in accordance with the written approval issued by Grantor. At the time of execution of this franch1se, the Grantee shall furnish to the Gr<3ntor .:l current and uccurate map showing ill detail the location of each gas facility owned by the Grantee, and thereafter shall keep such map in current condition with informati0': ':LUlL! ,-;!:,.- ~o time to show changes. Grantee shall locate all facilitle~ ctnd cyulpment so that such \,/ill not interfere \.Jith Grantor's use of i~s streets, and shall not cause a hazard to the public health, safety, ".:elfare and aesthetic~ of Grantor, or inconvenience any of the property o\omers contiyuous tlwn!to. OFF ICE OF THE crrv A !TORNEY C,ll' o~ n".... Herbal ,~ Mun $',... s..re'Y HAf1)Of'. ''Ouch J46U Should tli,e Grantee sell its f;)cilitic~, to Zlny ether person, fit-m or' cOt-por-ation during the life of thi~ franchise, the Gr:antor may, <'It. its option, c.)ncel thi:..; tt'anchi::;c unless it shall hi:\'I.~ qiven it~; wr'iLtur. ,:on,';0nl". to ,jllch pllrchds0 or t ran s fer . The G ran tor 5 h all 11 a vet h e L- i q h t- t 'J q i v <~ 0 r ~ I I withhoid its consent within its sole discretion and shall have the absolute right to renegotiate this franchise, in whole or in part, as it de~ms appropriate and necessary to protect the public interest. In the event that the Grantor and the new owner of the facility shall be unable to negotiate a satisfactory franchise agreement, the Grantor may cancel and terminate this Franchise Agreement and such termination shall act as an expiration of this franchise in accordance with the terms of section 11 of this Agreement. section 3. The franchise, rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and be in force for the period of ten (10) years from the date the franchise granted herein becomes effective. section 4" In the event Grantee shall hereafter accept a franchise from any other governmental entity with any prov ision mon~ favorable to the governmental entity than ~ontained in this franchise, then Grantee shall notify Grantor and Grantee shall be obligated upon written request of Grantor to amend this franchise to incorporate said provision. Section S. Grantee shall furnish twenty-four (24) hours of cont inuous daily service to each person wi thin Grantor desiring such service. Failure of Grantee to furnish gas to any such person for any cause within its control for a period of seventy-two (72) hours shall act as a default of this franchise at the option of the Grantor. In consideration of the rights granted under this franchise and the duration of this franchise, the Grantee agrees that its facilities within the City of Safety Harbor will be expanded to provide service to new custome:rs on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The Grantee's failure to expand its facilities and services to its customers within the City of Safety Harbor shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement. Such expansion shall. occur on the fol.lowinq terms and conditions, to wit: A. Gas ser'Jicc ~.;hL:l 'c be ... "-=-f'e""'. t-() customers desiring said service based on d reasibi lity tormuluo Such formula shall be the formula currently in effect system-wide as then administered by the Grantee, but as a minil;"um shall be as fo110:'/5: Ii ClI... of 5.,..... ".roo, II 7llO Maw> 5"00' 11 ..,.,." Hamo, 'Iomh 348'U I 'I OFFICI: OF T'iE CITY" TTORNEY . 37 ( EARl. (Construction cost) (100) 25.0Jo .1 yed rs OFF ICE OF [HE CITY .. TTDRNEY City of Safety ....rbQt 1~"""'St'"1 Safety H.tt>>Ot, nom:,. J4ea.$ I I In the event that the system-wide formula provides for a period longer thdn four (4) years, that longer period shall be used. B. The Grantee shall invest not lezs than 4% of its capital investment development funds on the system within the boundaries of the city of Safety Harbor providing that the Safety Harbor market provides enough customers to economically justify such expansion. The stardard used to ~valuate such capital expenditures will be no less generous than that employed in the City of Clearwater or elsewhere in the system. I I II I Section 6. Grantee shall install the necessary facilities or equipment at its own cost dnd expense and the same shall be and remain the property of Grantee, and Grantee's facilities or equipment and other physical properties used in connection with the furnishing of gas under this franchise shall be free from any ad valorem and occupational license tax of Grantor so long as such remains Grantee I s property. All mains and pipel ines shall be laid underground. Grantee shall repave or relay, as promptly as possible, all streets, lanes, alleys, sidewalks, squares, or publ ic places dug or disturbed by Grantee for any reason unless there is a previously-approved schedule. Grantee shall repair and restore such streets, lanes, alleys, sidewalks and public places to their former and safe condition and with the same quantity and ~uality of material, or its equivalent, as was existing prior to the commencement of such work. In all cases the repair work shall be made passable to traffic during conduct of such work as soon as physically possible. Any traffic disruption shall be coordinated with the Grantor and the Sheriff's department. Grantee shall obtain a permit from Grantor, without charge, prior to the construction or installation of any facilities or equipment, and supply Grantor '" i th as-bull t dra'" i n<Js 0 f .'111 such fac il i ties or equipment_ Grantor shall issue such permit vlithin forty-eight (48) hours or such longer t i rr.e as is reasonable under the circumst3.nces from the cieLe ~~, .~~,~. "~i(.'n is received 01' Grantor. Should Grantee neglect or refuse to restore or repa ir vIi thout del.)}' a tter completion 0 f inst.:lllation and after ten (10) days' written notice to Grantee, any streets, alleys, lanes, squat-es, side\-Ji.l1ks or publ ic places ..,hich may have been excavated, dug or disturbed by it, then the Grantor may have such repairs and restoration done, and the expenses incident thereto shall be paid by Gt-ant"'8. Grantee shall secure and othen'/ise make sate the arca so Q;-:c,lvot:ed, dug or disturbed by i't and ~;h,tll hold ,:-;r,dn\:ol,- 11"r:::1v~.;::; trom ,Iny loss or dumages dl-is Lng from LllJllt-y ~:o p'.,t-:_;,'[1:; oj;' pcnp<:!!-ty j!1 such area. , ., I I I II II II II II ,.,.,.,. H.f'bO'. 'Iotld& J.eg, I ,I Ii , OFF;CE CF THe CIT'!' .. TTOANfY City or s.t.ry H.roOt r50 Ualft St1..' I I In the event that the relocation of Grantee's property is subsequently required by Grantor because of its need to use utilities, easements, rights-oE-way, or other public places, or for any reason, the Grantee shall pay for the relocation of all installations or facilities contained in such rights-of- way or easement. Should, in connection with the doing of any publ ic improvement or other exercise of the powers of Grantor, it become necessary or desirable to relocate installed facilities of the Grantee, then the Grantee covenants and agrees to promptly, at its expense, relocate said facilities. Should it become necessary in the installation of gas lines or facilities to relocate water or sewer lines of Grantor, or to otherwise modify the location, design or other attributes or characteristics of any infrastructure of Grantor, now or hereinafter installed, then such work sh311 be done at the expense of the Grantee and not the Grantor. It is understood that in all instances the facilities of Grantor shall have the right-of-way and preference over that of the Grantee herein. Section 7. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to render the Grantor in any way liable for any act of omission or commission of said Grantee, its officers, agents or employees, in the execution or conduct of the work herein authc,rized. Grantee shaJ 1 at all times indemnify, defend and save Grantor harmless against all damages, judgments, decrees, costs, and attorney's fees which may arise or accrue to Grantor from injury to persons or property in any way arising out of this franchise, caused by the carelessness or neglect in the execution or performance of the work hereunder authorized or by the failure of Grantee, its officers, agents or employees, to comply with any reasonable ordinance, rule or regulation relative to streets and sidewalks or other public places now in force or hereinafter enacted. In no event shall Grantor, ics employees nr agents, be construed as the agent af the Grantee or its employees or agents. Provided, however, that in no event shall the limits of liability imposed hereunder exceed those limitations contained in Section 786.:':'::'. >:'l0rida Statutes. This hold harmless provision shall incluo..., clllY ~,_"'J.II, j.lalie by an employee of Grantee against Gr~ntor ~nless said claim is founded upon the active negligence of Grantee, or its employees or agents. N0thing contained herein shall b~ construed as a ~aiver of any immunity trom or limitation at liability Grantor and Grantee may have under the doctt-inlC: of so'/ereign iml,Hlni ty or ~ 768.28, Fla. St3tS. ~~,Q~ tQ n__,J! . T tJ" 'J d ~; t: <.) successors and dS~; j qn:j ~h,1 ~ I hi.! t I: t" n i : ~}, t . :-i 1) ~-/ I,~ :." ~l t1 t t_~ t~ lit s . :: j ~ :,) L' ; 1 . :...-. ~ \. (-) ~- T l..:~ ~-~ .s q 11.:\ i i t '/ 1\ II I I i I OFFICE OF II THE CITY ATTORNEY I, Cltt 0' aarely ....,bo' 11 710 M8w. ..,... I ....'V H.,..ot. 'lONd.. 34C'U II II I I than 1000 British Thermal units per cubic foot, and shall be conducted through the pipes at a pressure sufficient to insure satisfactory operation. The Grantee shall have the privilege and option of charging reasonable prices therefore, provided, however, that in no .case shall the charge therefore exceed more than the retail price of Grantee's consumers in the City of Clearwater, plus franchise fees as shown in Section 10 of this agreement. The Grantee shall have the further right and privilege of collecting reasonable service charges and connection fees, provided, however, such charges and fees are no greater than for similar services, charges and fees to any of Grantee I s other consumers, plus travel expenses to be agreed to between the parties from time to time. Section 9. The Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall at all times comply with all reasonable ordinances, rules and regulations enacted or p~5sed by the Grantor and the provisions of this franchise shall be modified accordingly. The Grantee shall h3ve the right to make, establish and maintain and enforce such reasonable regulations for the operation of its distributing system as may be reasonably necessary and proper, not inconsistent with the terms of this franchi5e and the ordinances of the Grantor, and to protect itself from fraud or imposition and may, in its discretion, refuse to furnish gas anc. to cut off the supply from any customer or customers who are in default of any 'bill rendered for such service or for other reasonable grounds, according to the same procedure as Grantee provides for its own consumers in the City of Clearwater. Grantee agrees that all documents relating to this francnise shall be and remain public records. Grantee agrees to furnish G::antor il 1 ist of a 11 franchise customers upon demand. Section 10. In consideration for the granting of this franchise, Grantee shall pay to Grantor six percent (6%) of the gross receipts from sa~e of gas within the limits of the Grantor. In computing the gross r0ceipt~ t~~rn ~he sale of gas, revenues received from gilS delivereu _~ ~ ~~ns~m~d industrial gas customers shall be excl~dcj" Grantee shall ~:C8p pt-oper boo~:s ,)[ account. showing monthly gross ~eceipts trom the sdle ot g~s within the corporate limits of Grantor, and ~:;hall make a stZltement in writing showing such receipts for t~Clch ~J:lch Quartet-ly period of this franchise, and bdsed upon such scatcments shall make payment to Gl'antor fl:r th\:' d:nullllt: ,It:",. [n ttlC e\'~nt that Grantor srl<.111 dnn'~X d G'.1::;l:.O'l\t..:I' ,jlll'in'J t!l'" I:'''I1.:11i:;'J, Gr.1ntot" shall notify (';r"i.,ntec of s:l'~h .;t~lr:t.>;-::\tiull. ;-;I':I:,::oe shall " all by .... OFFICE OF THE CITY "HORNEY Cfty (.If S.~.ft Harbor 750 Mait'l $tr..' S.fety H,rt)or F'<mdl J<&15a~ I I immediately include the gross receipts of such customers in the franchise fea payments. Such otherwise or other Grantee's franchise fee' shall not be deemed to preempt or exclude the Grdntor from levying additional utility taxes which Grantor may lawfully impose upon cust,omers. section 11. Upon expiration of this franchise, said franchise shall automatically be renewed on a month-to-month basis until such time as the Grantor refuses renewal. Upon notification of non-renewal Grantee shall, after thirty (30) days have the right, privilege and option of removi.ng all franchise piping and equipment. In such event, Grantee shall repair all of the Grantor's property to the same condition as theretofore existed. section _12. As a further consideration of this franchise, Grantor agrees not to engage in the business of distributing and selling gas during the life of this franchise or any exten~ion thereof in competition with the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Grantee herein shall reimburse and pay to Grantor all reasonable expenses incurred by Grantor in the conducting of any special elections which might be required by the charter of the Grantor in connection with this franchise. I I ~ If II section 13. The franchise granted herein shall not become effective in whole or in part until the Grantee shall, by resolution duly passed and adopted by its commission, accept the franchise, privileges and concessions herein granted and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the franchise and all reasonable ordinances passed by the city Commission of Safety Harbor not in conflict \.Jith the terms of the franchise, a certified copy thereof to be delivered to the City of Safety Harbor. Upon the receipt of a certified copy of the resolution, this o::di..-.<lnc<l and the franch ise shall be:::ome effective as of August 1, :':10.1.. sectio!L...L1.. All ordinances or par-ts of ordinances in conflict ~.Jith the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. If any section or sections of this ordinance are declared invalid for any [-edSOn, such invdliciity shall not affect the remaining se:::tions thereof. The parties further acknowledqe that each term and provision uf this ordinance is material 1:.0 the frZlncl1i~j",. "nil deLl!llt in :.hc p.~:-tG['m.:lnce of I I any such provision shall be grounds for the teL~ination of this franchise. section 15. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage and adoption. section 16. This Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the requirements of law. PASSED ON , 1993.. PASSED ON FIRST RE~DING, , 1991. ,I ~ I I AT/X _ ( ;~ /' b XL--(.- -i)-;(.-L-IYl ~ cIty Clerk ~ I, Bonita Haynes, City Clerk of the City of Safety Harbor, do hereby certify the attached to be a true copy of the :)riginal as it appears in the files of the City of Safety Harbor. "> L .) ......... \ I J ' , , ~I ,I( t'~'/ ":~'~.>' '/L~_ 'O;te ~ /bh Attachm(,n t