3EC~' 1011 1. thAt the 01 t7 ot Cl.,.zea-te:r t a mun1el'p~11 oOl",pol'a-
I t10a, existing \UI4.~ the laws ot tl~e StRte ot Flor1da, of the
Coant, ot Finella. and state ot Florida, its ..008e80rs and
A8eigne t h.r.1Mt'.... 4..1pat.4 fl. ~h. a:rantee, 'be nnd it 18
1l.~.b1 glY,n ~ ~,t4 the f.anOhlae, )~lvll06. anA eon..eslon
/ c:'o ,,,'
g .~~ "'8 ........,.. .not le.. than IU lkltlaA Tbe~
UIl~~ the Clt;ro:t Dlme4in. Florldn,' nxld. to the inhabitant.
th....of. together with the right to \lse the streets, RVem.lee,
al1eJS. .,,,,,,.,,,..kH, .:llp~. .1a4u"8, or other ,publlo
hlp.,. ad poWJ4t ot 8.1d 01'll. anI~O. lald otlt. 0' a..
b....att.." -1' Il, e:denAed and laid o.t, tor the pV1KH.te at
la;{lng 8l1C1 JDI11at.I!\!waJng )1>>'. a'ZIiJ./or fluGh other F.lp'pa~RtuJ:j no..s.
IU, to aup>>l, ps ,. the sRld C1ty and to the 1nM.blt~nts thel'eot
and to do all th1r.l.O_ neOfU1I8p.:t,t7 or expedient tOl!' the .,;urpone of
h'p>>11~; gn9 within the aaid City And to its iabRbl1iftIlta,
_,~___~,~"~_""^..gJMt<\,,jW~~"""".,!'~J~ lM1ilio..~;J.I,*J~tJ.ic,t,,,.w.ti.h-@l!Y'-"o>ft.ft.::~:_.. ,
r;'~";;ir';k, J:: :~
'teaa aU ~t.I._ ot\b&ia 'J._thbe .1' ...ona'ble 0r4,1IlPM'..
't': ,
\' ..
. ~
QIlDWBCE BO.J, " j~'-()F--T.'LI CiTY ,.) J}Ul~~~l)l~, .'P.L.\.h:1.DA." ,.,.~..,"'...-,_::~--=
I fn U I
":'::''':''''~'''''''''''''''''--: ~-
':t~"h ,. ,.~tl~~iT;>'l;lH::t.",,;;P~~ t ,,_ .,,'- . -r,~,~~1!lI
' " .-, 't"'~l"_"p~?~;_~.~_ " "
!:7; ORDIN..l\Nal'~ l~r;TITLJFJ) "M; OIWIN.AI:CE Q&AN:iI~{;' TO 'i'S CIT':(
, \-
FRf;NCIISE FOn tqJVB.... OF WMlZ,J{ING GA=~ 'r-lrrnm THj~ CITY 0'
----"-"-fitf.ttI)m.'nJ1UDP, ,""11m 1:0' ,l'1il!f':D1mBft._tn..,JlllJll'J;v,"J(~_vA"ii;UJ;,
in. "'-""'~-"C'--"
BE IT ORIUm!DJY 'um OITY CODI::;,IOJl Olio Tin: CI~{r opt
ot the Clt,of D1m~t.n. and p1'O"f14ed th.'l1; the ma1na 1Il81.alle4
and used tor the .Pll!~O! 8u;pply1ng pld FS shall be laid
in the manneI' Jl'o\,.f.ded In th1s tra;nobla..
SF:C!l' IOf~ 2.:- ~he,-,fl'fltn'ohi$e. :rlgh'. t nnd ,P1'1vl1eses hereby
',I \ \
\ horein HOO..' .tt.."i....
Sl'fted 8hal1 oaniiJ:lue and be 1n fOlloe to the full etat\ltol'l
,o:r104 "or~'h1"',J' ,BU._. tllt tate 'he franeh1s; ~anted
e-.j ,
, IJ
r. ~
/r- IarflOJi.. ,., \'....... ......4.&1.... j.t.a...."C?~s.,!?";,,,..~~i''''"'-..
i tlIhall fU>>J.sl1 &6 hoVs 01' ".t1Jm.ous "."loe each 'and every day
......... .~,,_......,
to *111 ,p8:fOC wt1ihia ihe cat; of DUM41n desiring the S81:18 and
ta11u:re \\POll". .JUt .t t.be -.J.d pea:'.o to :tlml1ah p.1 as
heMin )rG'f1de4 to. .., .".8 .lt11111 the 0_\..1 of the ..1d
'\-'jifiiiti.' rijti'~a" RlI~lCM1 or- n!lmr.rw-tillfi1:1---llet ~I!lft 101.f:fe:i.''U.
; I
'\ Of ;h18 tl'anoh!.8 at the ."108 ot the 01'\1' of Du.e41at ,
@ l?ROYIDED ROWEYD 'UtA" tM PNlt.. he..tn. 1 t u .......01:'8 ea4
aa.leU. _.U not 'e ..,u.l~ ~,9.,}'~ ulna _pad sucl1 >>olnt
.. it clnelWin.. to 1M<C~t~~ ~e.. the re.,elJ.ae from suOh
aWtlODRl Un... sball ..r~allt 'Lhell' 1Detl!lllatlo:n 01\ 8 baala
'II. \J.-~r-
ot reasonable CoaJ'Wl4'1~Il~f' In the event that a. person 6!lAll
desire ga8 nt a greate!' diatanoe f:rOOl the existing mains than
the gra,nte. her.ln, lte 8"'00...01'8 01' I1salgrw. 8Ju\11 4etena1ne
",0' ... }llt.,i'alll-. \hU "he p.~.on so deeJ.1P1ng p. cOlUu,eilOM
ea11 Pt\7 rot'" 8:ro!t"'lIlh.S;'E"1~1J1'. In Clll8n-,uerore WBtnllntt:6J1,
and shall be r.1abu:rae" by the gl'fli.ntee herein. ita .Ueo.8'O~8
or .asl... 1:01 BU" w~aJ.la'UIl b1 t.h. pe,.ent :'0. the
'...nu.es thereof. a aWl not u..e41ng 6~ of ,~. _t hJ.l
revenue. 'Qul11 tlle Gost theza80t hlu; 'beea 1'81'814. 8.ru'1 >>rovlded
farthel' thPt all lwa 80 1utellecl 8hall beoome the 'property
of the grant.., 1\8 aUGO'S8al'S and asnlg,rus. abaolute, et tile
end of tlye yeAI'8 tl'CIl the 1nstallll.tlon thereot. 6;)
SECTION 4. It 113 ttathel' provided thp.t the .Ri.: b-'rAntce
shall 1netall the, neceaanrl' mains rd 1 t~; O\'!f11 OOt"t arvl ex.venee
_":'.'0,' ,""-<..~__....~~,,-~:,:j.~~,_~,_.;,,..;.}~~,:~:~~i..-",:<_._,::::_~~:~."'!t~-~~t,~;,~_~~,",~~c~~"';,,-~ :,~.-t'_.':-:kJ_._::-J?"""'~~-~""-;'~_:'~'_-O"':-_-"=---_'. .n ~ -- - _
. Ci.4\a; lIt!.4dl. 86tl.4.(t.. -.....,.~,U,- ....-.111 1,,,,,,,,,,,, of ,ine
_lell pant.., and that tbe 81\14 IIftlna and other phTSlc~l
Rl'o~ertl.s used 111. OOtll\e01i iOn with the fUrllitih1ng ot gaB wider
th1$ f:ranohl.. shall be tree trOll 8J.1.1 ad valorem tax of the
City ot Dune41n)O ~ .e the IlIIVUll r8ma1n8 the property of the
City of Cler:nmter. Sald ma1ns shall be laid under pound Rna
"he said tPantee shall l'..pa.... 01: ..-.1&,. as 1>l'o.p:\ly a8 Jj)0881ble. f{\
611 at.ll'..ts. lane.. aU.,.. 814...lka. .,ua:p.. 01.' .P1llallc >>l'lo..
, I
,~, A
", -:.
41lC 01' 41e'i\IWW " i\ ;La ,. SUtalla'U.onot eal.. 8l&1na 01' fo~
IlI11 otheJl PUZiO" a'tenc1~ aueil woek. tU1d it sl1all repair and
r...... .uoh .ot1l"'''.. laJl.., &11e79, ala..walke and. ,pu'11o >>1....
to their tQrme~aIUl aate ~l'loa ~d with the &&Me quality
01 mat..ll.1 QI' 1'. I,w..al.t ... wea ex1atlna "to... Mi4 wOl'k
"'~'''''''''"~'-'''t,..,~...~...,;;,.. ~~~. ,~_v".""~" 'P--....mtP"'GO!l'~_~IiI. 'f,V .~"\v"
or repair without delal after notioe &nl etreeta, a11e19, lane.,
at_res f . s14ewalka or plt110 p18M. _hiGh -.r hav. been .x...,.4,
dt\6 or dietubed b7 1'. 1". .,1o,..ls or agents. then the 8a14
01t7 ot Dl.net.la .hall have .uoh l'e,p&IZ'G and l'eato8tlon done
And the e:;:pense Incident thel".to ahall be pa14 by the s.aid grant.. ~L,-..'
mOOT 101 I. Tlat nothing herein oontelned ahl\11 be ao oon..
.tzu.daG to rel~e~ the said Oitl of Dune41~ Hll1W1sc 11ab.c ~-
lUly 8.01, of 0II1S810a 01" eolll'41so1on ot &ald p.n:tee, 1"8 oftiaers.
I , .
lI..4PI1li. O~ .,plo,.,.. sa ,tAt ...'1. o;r epUaQi of the wor)t
...,....fI!lI..... ~"+....o...!....e, A ';....... .~",. -_.t.~.ac ~-,..:....;.;.,-lc ---':~ }1.-""
\";'...~--- --.-., - '.... '""... - ............,., -........... > .........~ .............. .-;'Ij" ~..... v ..q~.....
lndeanlty ttnd aave Ml'mllUUJ 'the 88.1d. City of Dunedin 8.gr:tinst mll
4amaae.. JUi~en'.. 4....... a%ld ..". whiGh ., .~18. or accru.
to the ..ld 01t.1 ot JRmt4.1n thlll l~w:y to ,P4ltraOn& or 'p:rope:r~y
08uoed b3 tile oar'l..m.sa Qr necleot in the ex.notion 01'
c:Jnd.uct ot the W'or~"t nere1.nuJlder au.t.ilor1zed or by tIlE! ta.l1Ul'e
Oi' l.J:.e aa1d grantee, ita ott:1oe3r8. agente or .Dl,plolees to 00..\)11'
w1th any l'easCl1&ble o1'd1....e. rule or replntlol1. relll't1ve 1;0
st:r..t. an,: o14ew.r.:'lks or otller public .pl~' OctS now 1a tOl'G8 or
:lerolnattel' GMoted.
- '-
,. ~~,.~- t"~","",~,,,,,,,,,*,.....~~"t,'~'~-'rCi.7..1jjli~' Ill' ''lie .sid..........,. i
"-- -C'.'-;-" ',.,--;"'": :;;~";-~"-~ -.-- - --- ~ ~.-'i>m- >..;"'''''' .~~;..,. ..~.
ita $Uo....ors and ...lana.hall 1n DO oaaebe ;;t lees qualIty
/. ,.~O ~ ~ ~-1Jf'ifi .
than 885 :Bl'1~lsh 111._.1 Unlta" an! .ball la. oQDduoted throu.gh
the ,pi>>es ai a pre88UI'8 suft1.lent to 1n.sure Dsti..n:taotory o'pcl'a-
t.i.oa. ~!le .814 paaft.. .ball haye i11.e vl'l'Yl1ege 8...4 option of
GhRr.lug reneonable pioes thel'etor _ l>1"O"lded;(2~~~;"ef.~,;:(.~~-?-~~/
no ORee alyillthe o:l1nrg'.~JllU"~.Oz.,be mo_~", tlW1 !~~ pel' thousand
.l,. ,1".-:,<,.., ,,~ /1',r" ,./ ."--c "'!. ' , ../,f"'.,(,'~-~. 011 I"
,/ _\lQ.y tee' lU1d 8bAll haY. '~1. turib.. :tight' And' i1r1.;11ege ot
"" """-""F.'~''''~,,,
1. . ,
III '::,,(
(toll..tbc II' It.....'l. .....1.. Ghft1!'ge. .uoh OMl'ge to be
not P(~.\.. '.ban fol' au.Ua. ......1.. in the 01101 ot Cle~rwp.t....
SEO!IOJ' f. 'fb.rt ..;pon the ,~r'puatlon ot this franeh1se undel'
the l11d.'at1ona h....in pl'oY1484 for, we.e the 'ftme be .xt.n4....
;h... Clt,~, o:f 'nn.ned1.n h~l'eb'J' r...etJvfIls the rlrht. ~ttl..11e~ And
'-"'--"'1"'"-,...,= .;"'...._......-~....,-~,,-,;~ '~~. ..~+ _.t . "".......' A ,,=~-,'~O!""~_,~, .>>, .
option of .."uro]l.Iull~ tl:w equ1,pme.ut lnatalJ..ed. by the 8Aid. gx-nutee
n:' a tall' an4 1'1&&-...10' )1'108. to be ape84 Ulloa )1' tlle sa.Id
City of Dwledln and the 8814 petee. ita .\lo....ore ()t" ,uIEll-...
. In the .",€m.t uo p1.. .n be .peed. upon by 8f'id pan1ee, then
'the &Aid ,prIne And ypllae shA.ll bf; (:eternlned O.V ft b:)~l'd of
arbitration cons1at1ng of 'three mer:Jbere.. one t.o be d'Csignated
by the said grantee, 1ta au.oee.ore or A8~lgn.. ODI to be
..lce'ted by in. Oit.y of Dunedin and the two thu.e seleoted ahall
.leot the tld.rd, and. 'he ..wazd of aaid 1)0.114 as to tne 'P1!loe
'0 be pala \b.e.:fo.,,_1i1 lite tl:BA11 In the e..nltJ:~ 8814 01l,.
h '-'""'~.'::~..;. ,. ",";:~'__t.-.~~~,,~,,~ ___,~" _,__",_,____ .'_
of' DJ.ned1n ahnll not exeraise its o>>tlon to ,Pul'ohsee the anid
eq1l1pr<tent. the laid pant... ltB aUOO,a8QI'8 or A8~~16%i.a. ellltll
J;).8,ve tbe 2!lf;ht. ptr1yl1... and o,Jtlon of remlJvl116 8llid. . ,u.lpnent
e..nd in au.oh '.0;;:0.' tIle 8a14 pant eo. it s 8'U40'.8t.)ra 01' A.signa,
8hall in :removing the 8ame, re.P812! all Sll'eElt., &lle19. avt!li.u.ee.
oid..nlks and pu1tllo plltoea luldent. to 8u.h re':lQvel. IlW. plaoe
the .~;ne in the aak3. caoMitlon as t~leretotol'. e:,:'18\04. )
SECT lOll a.
!he &aid granlee. lts .uoo...o~. or ~.slguB.
ehftll at all tlmos 001.111'11 wIth Roll l"d\f, Cllfl.ble ol'dlrulloes, rulea
and regUa~1 o;q.S"~.I~,, b~..,.,~~,,~~~1.if ~f~cl)~~:2i 11~}~(:t: 1!l'_-
_._ - __;_.,_, ,__,_____ ____,_,_,_ _. "_, ---,--_-._0'0- _ ______ _._ _ _. _ _ _~
c0J1:t'11O't .1 th 'he t ea. of this fl'mush1ae and the 8ftld €;r~n.t ee
shall have the:r1ght to uk.. establish and lIR1ntnu.l. and e:u.foJ:lOl
suoh reasOnAble regal~'lonm for the o,pel'a1ilon ot 1ta dlst:rlbu.t1.ng
l",.tern Rf. mal be rM80nao17 neM8eary and )ro,per :not 1nOI3tle1*'ent
tilth the 'terms ot this .trnnch1:;. and t;lfJ ordinAnoeE of t:\o City
vI. Dun.4111 and to .vrcHeot 1 tael! ..4:1'0111 .fraud or ia>>oel t ion nnd m"',.
in Its di.er."l_. ...rue io tu.miah gA.S and. to Qut oft' the
8UJiply trom anI' OU8tO.'1' or o\UJtomcra who 81". in de.tAu.l tJ
'L '4'
ot pAJ'ment of flD,. hill 1! mAud f01" such .'1'''1...
SECTION 9. The .....eh1.. panted herein Shall not beoome
.fteoti.. in whole O~ 1apuli utl1 the City ot ClenrwateJ1, the
....t.. h.._b. _~1 ..,. JIl..olutioa, 4.\ll7 p....d IW4 adopt,..
--b.,:",t.:..::. !:: {t,;~,_ ~r'm~! ';~;;.~''''ll..~~t_lllf _..f!:.r:!"','~:f!H! l,P1'~\"11..e~ flnd
cono.salon bel'.ln panted and 1a l!!Riel 1"e801~ltlo. agJ!ee to
00.>>1,. wi. t11 tbe ,.~_ and o0D41111011S 01: the said ;fPIlohlae end
aald ;roaolu'tloa tooon"ain an ape.men' to ooa,pJ.1 with all
..I\$ona.ble oJl4t.uuea ,...'4 111 the City Commls~l{)n of the
0111 of Du.ne41n 110\ 1n Q:;)ntllct wlt!l the terms of In1d franchi..,
a certifled copy thel'eo! to be delivered to the Citl Clerk
ot 'he Oity of Du.ne4uh U,POD the :r.o.l~A of 8 oert.i.fied Oi)J)Y
of t:"Et l'eaolu1.10Il &tor..ald, this osiJUUloe nnd ti18 tll~nohi..
t~~r.1n >>~ovlt.4 8ball -'00" .freatlve tQ~ all Juwp08e8
1.11...ln _0"1&.' t.....
_.,'__.....-.;~.......":',...'7.c~~ -,......._."_.-.-~ ..,~.....<;~~,.~-
,~t ECTIOll 10. !.l:ua1i all ord1nanoes O~ partE; 01' ordl:uanaes
in oantliot w1th t.he pJlloy1alOA1t of thla ol'41nanoe be and the
...me are 11.~e'b7 :re>>_lel. ~. ) L~f'~~.f,-
"ASft'l'lD ,"",'r t~' .m, C '""'Y C ^"""Ie""'" 10. t)P 1"'-"T.'" !"'! c' ,:"y (,..... ""","I'!1lft"l"Wf "T I\n, 1"'4
.' IltJA .,.i;;JI J..~,::..i.I..........1 ~ I.,u~'~',: D \o~~ ...._..L, ....J}.'.;'-. 'u'fi JJl1....,.cAII'... J..'MVA ,iii
on tHis ~d..,. of 1ar.nt.U'1. }.. D. 1910.
.. ~ lom6 ';t r:' T,
'$Or '0 .. I~el'
ft IfTJ i,.J k.'-
~!tl""te"i.' R 1 r I
_ ~Ul!t~.,;,_:!~ _ [1'_Y:';:~"i~~~~ti~~:~ 'tl~:~~~~~.:-~G;"'",":"~.
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~~ I..r,fl ~. ,. r L "':~-~"~"""_."""T""~'r~..--.-.,. .,..,,,.. .
State of Florida_
County of Pinellas_
City of Dunedin.
I, R. N. Turner_ City Clerk and
Auditor of the City of Dunedin, hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true and correct copy
of Ordinance #-!3~_.. of the City of Dunedin_
- '"
", /'
--- --~-~
City Clerk & Auditor.
, '.
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Poor Original