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/ 'c , , J I ~ *-', AS':'!,'" '_'"-."!",, '!'JUS taI4'. .......... eJl'.~d'''P.to th1.O:Y J da,. of I; 110....0.1', .A..D. 1M'. '" aD4 bftJf88D the CIft,,!~p' D1DJD')IB, n.oaIDA, · Jfun181pel Cel"JOl"atlon 1"..__ in Pla8na. Cout,., J'lorlcla, heft1Dan.. hter:ret '- aa Uut LeallOr, and the 0It.r 01" OLEAR- lfA'r.IR, 7LOftlDA, a Jtui,ipal.OorporaUOD 1oea'... 11l ",-11aa CO_~t PlCQ'l4a, ,,1Da~,!..t.hi4 to a. ~1.,iiRf-.." !......~"._,._, .:;,.~ "~"'!...;.,_, . :~:, -''-''';'', ,r,t~1 '--;:.. _.. ' ;".,"!"\:-: ~" "J "':::;.~"':" : :' ,,-: :'~.'" , ., ", WI'l'BEsswm, that tflr and in_Bald..."... o~ \1'1.' oov__,. h._tun. PJ'oY14el, x.por does h..by 1.... ~ Lesa.. the to~. "uertHc1. laDle, a1 \u.i. 1.D Ps.n.Uae COWlt,., JIlorS-ta, ~\1d.'1 ! A ....a tn. ., ~'..'" 18 Gr.., ne14. Du.ne41n, norldlll, ancllHtlq 1a 1irbe KIt of the SIt of See"1M 34" i'owaatllp 28 8....., It.... 18 lIa.'. .... )JUtiOUlarl,. a...lb_ .. tolle... ~ql"l at a 10''-' 011 the 8cM&t.I1 11ne of ..14 Oraa' 11'14114 100 1""' .., ot the .., -1Uld.aI7 of DeNdy A....... hIUl1.lll t.... ..at lOt..... 'Ul... NGr'Ul 50 t...,UII... 11_ :.0 t.. ., "eD08 South to Po1nt of Bes1_IIt8, ...... 1I1th.. ...... .vip.of" 1... 10 t..t 1n w1IUl 1!\UIa~". ~....-' !.IIo.~.,ot...14 traot a.D4aloq ~"~:._;lt'~1_tf.l_. :--lIeJCltio. ani.......... with. DOllglaa A......' all accordl.r;ag to .. atlrV8J'M4. ot '"P""7 aIll -ftal17 ap'" .pon _y the parti.., . aa. at walea1. .1;taGh.4 hereto a.a par~ hereot. 'fOb" AJl)tO SID the ... trom the 4a'. tirst an out aboM, U IUl4 lH.bItlQg the 15th 4ay ot lanuary. A. D., lHO, 811ltJ.., '&0 'he toUowtag terae aD4 eoadltloAs, towl" "- 1. 1't&1a'~.. 1. ....'ecl 80 "hat Be.., Party _,. anall oe1;a18 ... ...... t.ft~ aa4 o'Uter neea.aery equlpaeD:' 0Jl 4-.18. ,..__ ... ,18 In'tenc1e4 k nD GO-Iunar_tll' wi tb the s-. ..................,........ ..t-.1;lY8 48'. of ;r.u- ary 15, 1930. '. ;t..!lt~.nIWIL ~1J~_fim. tI\..I.......~!~.~h.~~rJ,~..tI\i~.. Dollars Pel' aoath 8. ran' tor 8&14 landa, beg1nn1ng Deoember 1, -1- lK'1. .."a.. ".UI1118 tQr '. 1;va of 'hi;_ Ja... '", ,.~. 3. ~8~S 8ha1l _t a..... nor OOU80' any tax, Oharg. or !IIpo81..... .ot anT k1a4 .J:Ia~IJOeY.r asainat the propert7 hereiD cl8al.... aoJ:...iaat aA7 pe.raroaal PGPft'ty aow or nere- att.. 1008M4'..""", ... apt"., aar nee, protlt OJ' b_Cl1:; derlTe4 tbehr.roa 411'''tlJ' or 1D41r...1T \)7 Le...... .. 1.8.... ab.11l DOt pea!' 8Il7 11ea. oJ1orge or 1a- })081tlon 1Ib1Oh mlgbt It. ...~ bJ' &.a,. o"t~ '.'ring authorlt,. J""I'f~1!1I"~"""'I'f~,4,~ ,'p.:r;;.~,~_"",":""'i:t"h'''''I'' a It. or Oharge against de- lliseel 18.D.48. 5. All Qat.. ,1,... evuotv... t1xt.U88. equlpaent .... laproT_". ot ....-7 kall DOW or heJleaf'ter lD8talled or er"'eel in, 011., oTer, t__ or Wld.r sa14 18.1148 or 8J11' part 'hereot by x..e_ allan be uI r_1n the 8101. propeny at 14.... an<< ..,. be r_.... '" "-e upon '.abatlon ot ihlll teaa.. I. Lessor shall 111 no WIlT hlDC1er or int err... with L...... its -__or _p1.o,... 1Jl the tul1 use 8n4 eaJo1JD.ent ot the premia.e, a4 penS......l,. J;.uaar8 Bhall not by Or41JUuloe. ReculatlCMS CW --.titW_. reatZ'1n .. llqll. in 8Il7 a,. ~"..'. leJltul a.'1nt-i.. GAO%" about 4_1e84 prem1.... ,. -'le ~MaU. lare t. _4 be b1n41Dc upon tb.. r..p..'!.. .-"NOra all<< .-icna ot 1;he par1;18.. e. !h1a x.... -, b. 'e~,'" pri.. 1;0 Its ttlblina- 'tloA clate, prort4e4 ......., by ..tQ81 OOllS.t aM IIball be au_- ..'108117 tendDa-te4 1a ".n_t; th. proper'1 ab.all not ,. t'lI1'thft requll'M tor tbe __ ,ronde4 tor La. tlb1t P8h8rQ1l ebo.".. D W1HISS,JIUI..,. ,he Pant... ao'1as by aad throup theu 4uly ....~ .~ft.... .._ h....... ... tH1r luuaU and sea18 t~e day and year tIret set out above. '.......'\,.,~, ," -8- ..-~ I ' '. J I .....,... .."r';", A'1'!JISIl's ~~ ~ ~IB.. 'a~all ,. . pr -~J-/' , ,(-r...tA ~ Appro... a. to rcma .1, ~tap~ cJ'.. t tor..y, Dun C01Ult._1peclt ~ (Seal) a. ." "lfH",~,"1I;.T~""jl..~,.;~ '-"!i1~;";;,,\IIi"Hi~... j ': < ,r,,!W>~r~""'t ,~! hjj. ':j..:~;.... ";\,t~~~.~, ;1!lll'~~ ' u.. ..~.aLl..IARWAt..... ............nA. ~. .' . ,. . :l=:(Sea1) , ,.,. ..;8r (Beal) ,'., ',~' ~ ,l I , j-t"':" "4;..' .~- ~: J " .'-Il;',.I. " ........... p... f ,-_ ~ }r i! " J." ~, ~