ii ....... .i:(~). . PrQyided.however. that the GnlntorofGrantee at any time dUrln9theterp,Y
.... ...........or..FnrihisemavopN\applicabletenns hereof for good . faith renegotiation, except that:. . . .
,. .. .... .~~to1h4lfr8nchiI9JeeShallbe govemedbY Section 6(A).'fheparty seeki09t.
'~itp~....~Of1:be Franchi$esl1all.providewritten..notice of intent to dosoto~e:"""
" "~~.US>>onre,c:eiptof~ .tQreopen, the party. recelvingsuchnoticeshan~~\ ."
.............~~....tCtliMilet..,tbeotherpilrty. tQ.. reviewthe.terrnsrequested'.and negotiate~ni ......... ...
.~~:Qft SUd'tterms.NegotiationS onallreopenedtenns shall be concluded wittj,,; ...
'./: ....'..;~.~P8riOdOftime.but inanyeventstiaU beconduded withinninety(9()) daY~.i ......
......~.Neithetparty isexcusedfrorn ~with tbe Franchise during) .'
'. .iltny.~c.r.~Of' foIIolNing such 18haQOtiations in the event thatthepartles~~;;....'qJj.........1f partie&f8iI to achieve a mutuaUyagreeable ~olution, ~y1>
f' ..:......~.1Mr'rigtdstD pursue.any and all femediesavailable. at law, except as provided !irt!......
:i:..~.5(8l orin~6(A).. Wlth. resped to modifiCations"hereto.... .~eitf\ert~ei!...
......t!.__fIC:!...Gr~lIt.e~ be deemed to have waived any rights or remedies at taw b}tj
:.~~.~.Agniement.' ..,
,,: , ~,' '.
-j,'':'' :;
" ::.(..,
,,,,, -, .., .-".'-" . -. .
,; .i:U').:..:.......~'Gnlnt8etA1alllNlytOihe Grantor~ as. a ,"-"chisefeeUndert~is:
.;',;,;f'~uw..eUrniOf...CIW.....p.RlInt (14)(,) of1hetross ..(8C8ipwof. the .Fran~lsee~nt >
'.~!~~'Revenues far 181vices.1MQVided. wid1in the corporate Umitsoftt't~i
. .',~'lW~~I. . To....exllntthalt any'. changes 'in State Iaw.'pennita hlgKctrJ
,';;""".tawer~'" or......broIIder or narrower baseofselV~i........
'!'i''''~~~fnIIId'' ......percentage orbalespeclfied in thisFr.nchlseSh81l~r . .
,~rnOdiled tD1he1evei pennIIIed bylaw. '. .
:,:;,:-,,:, .'
. -,',: " - ~"", '" -'. " . . ,<...':
....<.;/(IIli>..,~sha......totheGrantor for each month no later than t~~;
....................~....~.Cl8Yoftt1efollowin9month.The ~paymentlhallbe made by. wirer
..... .\~fOl'anymonthly .~tbat.xceeds 52.000.00. My monthly plymentoran~i
. .~theteOf.....ttirty(3(J)day$c:M'm0(8 after the due date shall besUbject!t~I.'..
i....1hd....of12l1ftpercentper--..m or the maximum amountaUowed by law until!
....~..paidlnful. .... . . . .
:. ,. '".:"
~:".'..-::':'" ....~,).._.
':,,':, : :':",:::.< '~'.-,
.,'"','"'''',''' >
. ""':",",."'-i"
<....).<' . (Cl... ....TheGrantlle wl8ttaChto eac:hpaymenta statement of its. gross receipts pn
...... .....................~locaItI8rvice ........ for the period onwhtch such payment is based. signedjby"
').;~n~repnI'aldative of the GranIee. in SUCh fonn and detail as the Grantor's:
....~_reason8bIy may from time to time prescribe. suffiQent to show the source and'
..............~ofcomputlltiOnof.said gross ~. . The acceptance of any statement or.
....'paaymentshalnatstoptheGrantor from asserting that the amount paid is not the amount.
. '.dueOf' from ftICOV8ring any deficit by any lawful ~ing. including interest to be applleQ
'.atarate equal to that provided by statute for Florida circuit court judgments, .'
.,... ..... .(0) .n.Granteeshall supply aI accounts -and records of the Granteeand/oi all
. .8Uc;b" information that the Grantor or its said representative reasonably may from time to
Jime request or require Which are necessary to detennine the correctness of socti
$tat8menlSaidrecords may be inspected by the Grantor or its duly authori%ed
~ during normal business hours. upon reasonable notice to the Grantee at
the Gramee's Iocaloftice in the Tampa Bay Area. . .
. ' , , ' : - . ,-. - ' " ..' .' - ' ~ '- .
,~i(~) .ThEt.ri$lhtsandPrivilegesgrantedbY this Franchise shall not .~sold,
'.~;~I1Sferfed.Ie.... or pledged in whole or'in partwithouttheexp~ss co~sen~
C)f~City<;~ in.accordance with the City of Clearwater Code of Ordiria,n~s'
""~~.Q3s!whId1SNdnot'be ........SGnablywithheld. No.such ~aleortransfer~hall.
,y..~~", V'8iIlde8.aesignee or~hasfiledV#ith.theGrantor aninst{um~~;"'"".""",,
.; ./:~~.'.~.citingthe fad of suc:h ".assignment or Iease'acceptingthe.J1!l~of.. "
}"'~F:~~andagleflingto perfonnall the conditions thereof. . ':.. .'
:, . :'. '.' :' ',_'-, i"'" .
",- .;..': '. "'" ',' ",'.. . . ,'. ,;"--,,,,,,,,'.--
.','h ' : ....,'.:. i.. ..... ';"" ..... .' ." . . . " ." '.,". .'. '. :','1.'::'
);?"'/i ..:...,..... ,.'.',.....(8)........".~tIle.~oing,ttleGrantor.amoWledgesand ag,.~that
(;}:::,(',:;,';~tn1IY""'OI'~assign... in whoieor in part. its fights.intere.ts,afld
'. :", .":"'~'~".~'~~'to 8f1Y.'ofitsaffili8tea~ any padypl1)vidingfina~ng'.....
;, .......,::tO~.andany suec IIlIlonsanct '.ssigns.of theb'egoingwithoutthe conseotof..!ht.......
.';:"j;.i;;:~~y'~WiI~theGnlntor""ithnotice,ofanY assignment The9..antor '
':~~~........'IOIderOfany~intere$tshaUnofbe pi1tventedor impedecfbvthe
;::,::.~~....doglUChsecurity in..- '..,m shall.nottetminate this . Ag..,..".nt
, :~:. ;" . 'WiIhQut the ~ Written COIlllnt of the assignee. . The Grantor shall not unrea~8blY
1'... ''"~ . '.v.ftIhhakI.COIlllntlto.8.llannntendlGradcnowledgments of any security.interes~ a. are
.' "'"'. "'i,t:equ'M8d"t'~.ID"''''''C:UO the foIegoing..s~acknowlad9mer1tsmayic:qntajn '. '
, ;~'~.~8IIoWthebalderofsuc:h s8curity interest to cure defaults bY<1',.ntee..
. ." .Xi .....:~..~Iland ..c:Gl.-.ltD aIIowthe8SSignment to the successors.in4ntitrest.
Ofthehald8rofSUCheec:uritYiI.... .' .. .
.', ,::
" .'" ',. ..'~,.ub8tanti.lvIoIation by'" Grantee. itsvendee,lesseeor success~rQft~'..
. ,', :~of...Franc:hise01 any rnatllrialportiOns.thereof. may cause theFran~il~e.tln~
. ..' ,< ........ ......... ,,'lIIII'~'"""ld andIor penalties lobe imposed in accordar)Ce With'.
. . .....: ....,...: ..........Cityof CIeaf' Code of 0dI__ Sectic)n 32.038.... After written notice to (;r~~t~
..~.vioI8tionand failure .tJyGrantee to rectify the violation within a reasonableitlme,
.....'i .' 'Granl'arrnay 1lIrmi- theFranchi&e andIor assess a penatty. A reasonable period Oftlrne<
.- :.'.:iSddMlCf-theJMldod oftimerequiled to rectify a violation assuming that theGrant~e'
i,'has ~'11lMC8d a good failheffort to rectify such violation but under noeireumatanCEtS
WI be IDngerthSn thirly (30) days unless the. faiture to cure the violation is due ,tp
c:,ircumstanceSbeyondGrant8e'S. control (such as an' act of God). or an fnabilityto cure
notwithStanding Grantee'sdifigent. good failheffort to do so. " .
:,.:..:,::.;:)-;:,:t>:<< ;,:", "
",,-'_: ,",:,
''',.'', :-,',>_., ,-'-
>; "';0_":.
" .
'.'1 :.
. . "
:', ~ ":-,_,, i.' , , . "j
,.;. ......... ...(4)" '..~.a1I8IIobtainpermitsfrOmGrantorprior tothetrimming.~ljt ·
; .,.I1II1'tOV8I'oftrees~ .'... . .' ....
" .,J.....". . :;":',
>",;:.}~ :;:.... >" -" .
i:';",; .',
......... ,.;!'..).>.(iji,:.,...,~sh8II..enforce' the'.fofeg~p~.,..ions with. reSpect to.:.ti'1.
'.' ':;.;.; .:."l!i~of~inaccardance wilhthe Florida .~ministratiYeProeedureA~, ".
".':',:/,,:'-::"-:,':',::,,',:",""'-.'.,':,' ,,--,-,,', .".
.", .:>. ~:'-": ,-,.:,' ,
," " .
, ,...., .....'~8.~RiahtBinFranchiIe.
.'.:i.:-:_.,:J,,"::':,-,,"~::: ~':"':':"."_.,';(<, ,:':: :',"'''~:' ::, ':':" "c-" ',"i: -':.
..//\.....~f..~wIth~ Law. the right ls.herebyreserved to the GrantQr
.toad& ..pnwisIoM hentin .contaIned andexistingappJicable ordinan~..
. ......., .necJeU8ty in the exercise of its police power; I
..: . ",""'-'!::'-"'-,'
,'.:i;;'~(Bj. . .The.... illIereIJy.1eIerIed tohtGrantortopun:hase, in accordance ..With.
, .. .' . aII.~tariIf...... ~ tenns. Telecanmunications Services offered by Grant..
~tlMtFI1II1ChiIe AnNI, II>> "extent dlat each 'aeMclaotdered is alreadyaYalla~I"
.....:.tIl8JNjrtbJ1&rl8ClDraftheFranchise AleaJor which the Grantor seekstoobtain.th4! .,,'
~~d_InO.I1cIrein"" be deemed to 1hecontrary, .
>:. ~ :-'::: ' - : ': ": :~,' : . . \
,~- .", , '-"".:," .
" . "(e) . Attheexplrationofthetenn for which this Franchise is granted, or upon ft$' .... .
'~.lI8providedforherein~ the City shaH have the right to require Grantee to
\ftII'nCM!.8tftsownexper18eandwithdispatch, aU portions of its TelecommunicatiQn,
:.Fec:Uie6framtheCitystreets: I)nMded, however, the Franchise may be renewed upo~
;....tion.. so long as Grantee is insubstantial cornpllancewith its provisions.
.' -. ' . -' . - , .
(0) ". ',' IUheCitywishes. after the expiration of this Franchise, to purchase all or..-ny
'. . part Of the property of Grantee.s TeIeconununicati Facifitiesoperated within the City's .
imunicipal boundary hereunder. at fair market value asa gOingconcem, but with no value
.....aIIocatedto. the Franchise itself. it may give written notice of its election .tothe Gtante..
. within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the tenn hereof. If Grantee does not wish.
to convey its Jelecorrmunications Facilities to the City and does not seek renewal of the
....... Frand1ise.Grantee must remove its TeIecorrmunications Facilities within one (1) year"f
" ' ". .':, - , - -.' ',-, . ,., '
. ". ""~'OftheFrand1i$8.orthe City may remove them and Grantee will'reimburse,::' .
,.,> '. <<:S~'for8ll~leanddocum8ntedcostsohemoval. .' ......:
" ,," ,-' '".. -'.
'.'J'.' ".t....~1 "."-' , .' '" "
:r~,:<<':'i:';:'''':''':':,,~:::,,' ',:'
-,'.,,,,,..'. ,- , '.,,'
.........- "-, .., .'. ..... .. .' '.' '. .. .'. . ... '. . ..... ........... .
(f:LI~n.TheGrantorshaUhavetherightto inspect in a reasonable')"
:~,aDconstructionandinstallation work to insure compliancewitb governing: . .'"
....~~. ". . ",
_,/i,>:.".."~',:,>::. '. "
, ....:...'. ""\~)yse. 'yelecPrnrnunicatFacifities erected bytheGranteewithinthei .,... '.',.,
F~,~""'.betlO~ as to causel11inimum intederen~.With.the .proper usei......,'............,..,...,........
~~.,lmCitQC8U18minimumtnterfererlce with the rights of property ownersl:.'.
"Wh.O~~oftflt~~y.1n any location where Grantee is unable,toi' '..:,."",,'
......' ""'~~'~poIefs.grantee"'" placefts fac:fIitie$ underground. .'
. ,
..,' ...., '.' ',;' ,,(C) '. ~..At..,tiineduringtbeperiod of tis franchise. if Grantor lawfully
.'.',.'...... ..,...i'.~~8Iter~.orChangethe9radeofany:Rights-of-Way. oraberor move any.stwcture
",., "",'QC:;~:ofGranfor.itmayrequire ,Grantee. upon reasonable notice by Grantor, to review,
~.al1drefocateitspolea.wires. cables.. underground conduit and other
...el@Con'lmunicatiOnsFaciIitiElsalitown'expense.solongasG,..or,equires.same of all
. 'QItjer..Ui1iIartysituatecfusers of the Righls-of-Way.
'.' . '." . '. (D) ". . Placement of Fixtures. Grantee shan not place pmes or other fixtures where
........wllin8fereWfth anywa,fer hydmnt.water main, or sewage line, reclaimed water
. ,~anct hydnInts.,,*8fgnal (JOles anef facilities. storm drains and facilities, so long as
'<c.:antor'requlressame ofal.other simI8rIy situated. users of the Rights-of-Way. ..All such
......... .... ,Of( __fixtures placed in any Right4~Way shall be placed in such a. manner as not
to.klter1er8 with the USual travel theA!on.
Ordinance 6586-00
.', " ,'.,.' -'::"'.', ;,:' ,: .' . - .
" :'",',::,. '.:':-'::.,:, ", " '>-'" '_:.' ',; :" " , " , . "" .'" ", . - ,': . .: "'-':'--::.':::'-,:.-;
.i",'";(1),,.....~........PIaoe ita FaQities. underground .on. Gutf-To..a~y"'"
. '~andonany Other City streeta8maybesubsequenttyreqUil8dbY,~
<;~~~Clf'~pIan$;DRJVicI8d.' however,thataU.utiUtiesJociIt~
'.In......inVthJch...cay....l8quirefacilities to be plaCed und8ftlroundshaIl8IE1o..
be~"bUIy.. aI.' fiber 'at the, same time and' under. the . same . termsjlnd..
COr1dIliOftL . ,.... .. .' .' . ,., ." .
. >(2). .~pOIee, uncIergIoa&nd. cables or other TeIecommunlcatfops . .., pl8cedblltw8en the property fine and the curbUne of~lls~t'r
.' and 8.V8f1U1e8nd1hallnalbewlhin "roadway recovefYaIU, NewunderglQ,Und .
icatJhNlii... lispracticlbJetD do 10, and requked of all s1milartysltuateduSersQt.
'the,~..w.Y.8hallh8ve' consistent alfgnmentparaUet with theedge'of
.,..~a thirty. inCh (38".depth.of cover for the pavedportlonofroadwaYI~
atWerdy..four~(2""to thirty inch (30"') depth of cover in all areasexcepfth,.
,...pQI1ionof~and8hallhave a two (21 foot horizontal dearanee fr'o,.,'
otherUl1defgroUnd utIities and their appurtenance. The towestwire onanvpoles
placed in any Right..of..Way used by vehicle traftic shall not be. less than eighteen
(18") feet from... FJUI1dand. whenever Grantee's wiles and electric powerWjr~
CRJ88 each oIIIer..wift!Is shall aoss and be maintajned in accordance with 'the
NatioriaI EledricaICode.
(3) Within six (6) months of the effective date of thlsFranchise.:the
Sra:ntee shall preSent a fadIities plan. which shaH: (i) include a oonstruelio,",
schedule;(i) be coonlinaled ... the Grantor's construction programs to mini",ize
irnpaCton the motoring public; (Ii) be in. compliance with Section10(Hlof ,thiS
Franc:hiseORfIn8l1C8: and (IV) be acceptable to the City's DJrector of the. Depa~e"'t.
.of Public Works. Such appfOVaI approval shall not beunreasonabfy withheld.'
4 :
\'. :':,' , ~,~~:: -:::: _:.' ..,;;
:":'. ':"::',i',: ';_ ',>;~~:.-:: > .,>>';\>. '-;
. '[~1~.j;i~i'i:;i!,;~;;~~W.t1~'&:h;~;~"'S,;;..'
:."..,', ,
,,-_, '''',~l'l:-:.':~'~'
. -, .. .', " . ,
" ." .' ,
......:..................... ............... ................ .. .-.............. .......... . '. . . . . ...... " ....... .... .'
:~~:tIy.of1he .~..ofPublic wens of the City andtheoostoffli~oval.
.,.,,'..... .............. ,...~bc:JqIe,anct~icI,by\h8Grantee.. . ....'.. ."
..', ' - . -, ' . .
,': ,(f).1~IY~ofWire forBuildina Moving. Grantee. on the req~~t
'i .:c)fany...~:atKd.kfingpennit issued by Grantor. shaUtenlporarilyraise orI9~~r
JIIf;~to,~~rncwJngofbuildings.1O long as same is required of all othersimilatjly
'~u.,..q..~~\Nay.Theexpense of such temporafyremoval.,raisiq9~r
\.. "," , '. ;~'~,"'shallbe"'bythEtpersonl8q~ thesame.andGranteeshall~a~~
:...~tJll~'1o~8uchPaymentinadvance. GranteeshaU be.given notioe of not~Ie$s"......'.;..,.....
....'~..(481houl$ to. set a schedule forsudl temporary wire changes. . . ...
,",i'(Gl,.":r,,,. T~~ . ..(ftntee.shall have th8auttlority ~. trirntfeesupon;~qd..
:.~;~of~1tor80a8toprevennhe branchesofsuehtreesttom....
':~In'9ClIt8t.;tWiththe__andcabtesof Grantee. all trlmmlng to be done purs",a"t:
.' ....".:,~~.'..~attheexpenaeofGrantee.. . ,
:'~. .:,:?'.':."
,. " '. .:', :",~.
;\~::-. : ',',n
. "I,' _ . ',~' '.<
_.::;.:;,,;, "
','" ,-:-",',
(4) Grarttoragfe8Sto be a member oftheone-call toll-free telephon~
notification system prescribed pursuant to Fla. Stat..Ann i556{West 1997). :
""-",,,':'.:'-,,:._-' ,
: ":,,>,, ,'.
I'::'; .'
.:'....-:...,:',:.:,'.-.',,:"'.::-... '::" :," :" --_:
.\C,'i.(jr . PeI'n1Hs. No' work st.alJ 'beperformed by Grantee, its. subf.X)ntra~ol!S;
....~~,.~:f)I"a.~ representativesto.install,locate, relocate or mal~t~n
'C,~""":r...~~Faci6tiesin. upon, aIong,across. above, oVC9for under me
"'~-~:~"itout.ordedPJted.and alextenSionstllereof, withoutfirstobtalni"9'
i,~;:~?,~if9r ~'\VOIk .110111 Grenlor. which'. permit .st.all not be .... witil~d .
~or....d~manner..To,the extent required bylaw; Granteei:8qd , .
.,. ;::.~pt;,,agents orauth~ ~presel'ltativesmU~'ge.".:"." .'
,:,~,~:'~,"",senpk:esin the Franci1iseArea. 'Grantee,assum~"lI..
:"~for~permiI(s). their reasonable and.nondiscriminatoJyrequiren'l8I1$...,....
".;~TC)the4tXtlilntalkJwed by law, aU licensing _are applicable toGra~teta.
" '." .... . . ,
.c' ':" '" ',..,', -,', ,'.-'., -, ' _ _ ", ,-' ; ,~ :.
:",:'"',:.:',:'.:'-' ',:> ":':"_.':':,:',::" ::," _.-' - . -, , ,'" - ",' ,-',",,':Y"':,
..,......,..",r'_i{(~),',iRia~-vv.YNqJ ~nted. .Grantor does. not warrant ,any right,.ti~epJ"'"
,.,.. "",:.,~of.~~w.yin",nce orhere8fteracqt,lired. used by Gran\eEt'qr,"
""~mai..:~~.qrilnteein,~future.' i"'"
-~"- ""\ ':'" ~.
. :: . ~ .
, "":i:,.]k).",I~.1l1eGrantorah" havetherighttoin$pectauconstructio~i~nd. .
inItaIlatiGri'\VOjkitoinsunt compliance with. 'ri1ing ordin8nCes. .' .
'" ,...,. ". ,. ',' ... '. . ...... .... ...... ....gove.... .
.' '.' "'''''.'':'.''.
;" ." ':": .< :. ;'>' ~~
,",- '-' "" '- " ,
. . "C," , '," , " .
'>":: ", ",~'" , -, '_ "_:", _c.".. ;:' --_, '_ , . " _ -' -, ,'_ " _, __,.' , ': .
................i....~...>iiW'.; tirMs during the.'llfeof1h~ subject to..~m
· .'. '.""" ..........,..I8WfuI.........OfthepolicepowerbyGrantor..
.'i::,-:",-.'",.,;: .- ' ':..,
i,',cF):'(ElJihrighls Mdprivleges granted toGnlntee by this Franc:hiseshalt$t~II:' .'
..::,.......~iI....nd..inferior lob rights. of the .publ~in and. to .the ordinaryu$&.()f......., '......
.... ../....~~~.~noIhing.fn..Franchise.shaI be considered as.asurrefldtr ........
, ." .., ... .~,~O("'.rtghtandpowerto use and relocate its Rights-of-Way. .
'i',;.;(C). .1'heFI'lII'IChistt. and rights henIin graflled are subject to the provjsio~~'9f '.
.'.~.... '
"" ........, ",/"X:(I)).' .: Venue... Jntheeventthatanylega1proceeding is brought to .enforc$the ..' ','
~of this FlIIIIChile in accut of law. the same shall be brought in the State court In .'
,., c' ,..' ..~eour.ty.FIorida or 1h8 UnIed Stales District Court for the Middle District of Florkf..
(A) . TheGral1tee shalindemnify. defend (With counsel reasonabfyacceptabteto
thetity) ilndholdthe GrantGrand.iIs officers,directors. agents. servants,employ~~.
..suqoessor8r1dassigns hannlessof and from any and forpersonalinjury,deat" '
'.orpl'Opertydalnage.any other losses. damages,eharges or expensesfjnclu'cli~g.
"'re8sonabIeattamey'sfees. wilnessfees, court costs and the reasonabtevalue o(al1lY
.......~rerIdered by any ofIiceror empbyee of the Grantor. and any orders, judgments
or cleeree. which may be enIefed.which arise or are alleged to have arisen out ol.~n
(X)tInectionWith. or attributable to. the Grantee's activities under this Franchise and the
ptacement. repair. relocation or removal by the Grantee of any portion of: the
"",": ""~ -,': "', . ~ , i' ,,- .. '", '-.
, .' '::','... '<',':,: .,'.-' , :
$500,000 fOr bodily injurY ordealh to a person, wlthln the limit.
$1~OOOiOQO for bodily injUfy ordeattuesultingfrom anyone
acCkIent.' . .
, , .' '" . -" '
'-'",', -,," , " ,'..'
:."::,"',,''', .- -" :',',.
: ',-".;'-,:":':_';-'::':',.-"'>'...::\: -"- .- - :,''::':,'., - ,',:"'.. - -' .' ' ." '.' - ' " ': " ". ' ,"":,.,-.'::'
T~ Fa~.excepttothe . extent any losses arise from thewillfJI';
~~;hegUgentaclsoromissions of the City, its officers, directors,agentS'i)
;:.~.~..~and8$$igns. GranteeshallUndertake.atits'ownexpens$j
i~;~'qt8rlV~ '~'. maybe bmughtagainsttheGrantorfordamage~,r
'i~.~f;H'fQr~Y<d,berc:aQSeofactionarising or alleged to have arisen out of,hli
."~..~'.()r~to,ttaefor8going; and.. in the: eVent anyfinaljuqgmenl:)
,~'~~;~.~;~1heGrantor resulting from the foregoing, tl1e. Grant.,,!,
.... .. ~,~~.'tI1efii1aljudgrnenttogetherwith all costs relating thereto; theGran~:i '....,
) ,'.. .' ............ .....d...~.anappealor the appropriate court or cpurtsfrom thei):........ ". ,,'
,.'~~in...,suchaWtor ....."PO"tbefilingofs~supersEKJ~.bonda~......! .'..
"i.,'~~teqUlRtclfQ'~ IfwyQrjudgn1entagainsttheG~ntor durings~ch appeal o.r'l ..'
'<.~~'.'~"'.~Grantee's'AtPf8S8I1ta~,.'inCitywithin. terl.(1())days.8ft~<!
"i!"'.~lIiltatiOriofany~:ordemand.dher by suit or otheMise.made againstGrantoron:.!.
i....;'..;,. ":~j'f9f8nybrea,d.,_~onth8,partofGran"', "," ." .... '. . "",
'.,:,\i'(Cl"'~J~'.. ..Grant....... maintain. aridby.atJ acceptance of this ,Frenchla.,'.' "
.i,.;:!~i""'th8t,it will.......... ttuoughout .thetenns. of. thls'.FranChise, . liabilItY i'.
~/.'~~'" Grante8wi11regard tQ aI damages &elfcmfi in Paragraph 12(A) i"
..tbe~8tnt:Mlntsof: . .. . .' '. ."
.,..:{I)) ..n.Certiicate of Insurancerefteding the above coverages and limits of .
.1i81JitilY.With GrBnIornamed as an additional insuIed. shall be filechYith and approved by
. ................ .........City. ~.'and ..,ch' proof of insurance filed . and maintained .with the
'~Clertcduring..tennofthis Franchise. :
.' -. - . ,'. - '
; , : -- ,: '.-:: ~' '" - ~" ',". . .' - :
. .... '$hc:ijJklaWWsectiO'"or ptovisionof thiS Franchise or any portion thereof be declared by '.~""
'CxQtQfcampetentjuri$didion tc)be invalid. such decision shalf notaffecUhevaJidityofthe
.'~. 81 a whole or any part thereof, oIherthan thepartdedared to be invalid. In the.
event of anj such partial invaIidity,the Grantor and Grantee shaH meet and negotiate in
gOOd faith in aCcordance With Section 5(8) to obtain a replacement provision that is in"
......QOrrIpliance With the judicial authoritYs decision; Drovided, however, that to the extentth,e'
dedarationretatesto franchise fees, the provisions in Section 6(A) shall apply.