October 14, 1996
Present: Reverend William Graham Chair
MacArthur Boykins Team Member
Mayme Hodges Team Member
Mary Samuel Team Member
David Grice Team Member
Michael Holmes Assistant Economic Development Director
Kathy S. Rice Deputy City Manager
Lt. Jeff Kronschnabl Special Assistant to the City
Manager/Community Response Team
Scott Shuford Director of Central Permitting
Alan Ferri Economic Development Director
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
Absent: Dennis Golden Team Member
Samuel Collie Team Member
Tal Rutledge Team Member
Bertha Kelley Team Member
Joe Marshall Team Member
Beverly Bryant Team Member
Reverend Lucius Pitts, Jr. Team Member
The meeting was called to order by Reverend William Graham at 6:33 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Center, 1201 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, Clearwater, Florida. To provide continuity,
the items listed were not necessarily discussed in that order.
David Grice moved to approve the minutes of September 9, 1996, September 16, 1996 and September 30, 1996 as submitted in writing to each member. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Commissioner Hooper was in attendance. Ms. Rice reviewed the list of issues which were tentatively prioritized at the last meeting. Similar items were grouped into five categories,
but in no particular order of importance:
Economic Development
1. View resources to encourage new businesses to move into the area
2. View the recommendations made in the USF Economic Development Study and develop plan for implementation
3. Tie the North Greenwood area into the overall City economic development strategy (connection with major events, baseball, etc.)
4. Develop job training programs for the youth and adults of the area
5. Develop community service/job service bank program
6. Expand the Community Redevelopment agency boundary to include all of the North Greenwood area
7. Seek additional dollars for the North Greenwood area
1. Implement plan to review Stevenson’s Creek water flow and environmental concerns
2. Reclaimed water tank
3. Involve the North Greenwood Community on all Stevenson’s Creek decisions
4. Conduct feasibility study for Stevenson’s Creek application permit
5. Involve the North Greenwood Community on environmental justice programs
6. Institute a community-wide Brazilian Pepper removal program
Public Facilities and Improvements
1. Develop additional parking for the North Greenwood Panthers
2. Review reclaimed water rates
3. Develop streetscape program for North Greenwood Avenue
4. City to provide maintenance for public facilities along North Greenwood Avenue (trash cans along North Greenwood Avenue)
Public Safety
1. Develop programs to address crime in the neighborhood
2. Develop plan for traffic control
3. Develop plan to eradicate drugs from the neighborhood
4. Operate the North Greenwood substation 24 hours a day (if not possible, operate during peak hours)
5. Create a program to address truancy
6. Increase better communications between the neighborhood and the Police Department
a. Review the need for a City-wide curfew program
b. Increase community policing efforts (placing a police officer on the beat)
c. Develop and implement crime prevention programs
d. Create a police hotline for citizen complaints
e. Establish a Civilian Review Board
Recreational - Leisure Services
1. Create additional parking for the Greenwood Panthers
2. Stadium issues
3. Build a new recreational/community center
4. Renovate Holt Street Pool
5. Develop a passive park along the North Greenwood business district
Members reviewed each item within each category. The following changes were made:
1. Item #1 in the Economic Development category is to read “identify and publicize specific tools and encourage new businesses to move into the area”
2. Item #3 in the Economic Development category is to read “ as we develop a total economic strategy for the City, make sure North Greenwood is tied into the overall plan”
3. Item #7 in Economic Development will read “grant funding” in place of “dollars”
4. Item #2 in the Environmental category is to read “address a strategy to minimize the impact of the reclaimed water tank”
5. In the Environmental category “for silt removal” will be added to the end of item #4
6. In the Public Facilities and Improvements category add Item #5 to read “CIP monies to be budgeted for improvements in the area”
7. In the Public Facilities and Improvements category add item #6 to read “The City will take the lead in addressing the street light problem with Florida Power”
8. In the Recreational - Leisure Services category item #3 and item #4 should be eliminated and become one issue to read “plan to build new recreational community center with
City staff will develop action plans for these issues to be discussed at the next meeting.
Economic Development Director Alan Ferri discussed environmental justice programs for the City. He explained brownfield areas are areas which may contain contaminates harmful to the
environment. He cited various areas which were included in the brownfield area. Clearwater is one of 39 sites designated as a brownfield community by the Environmental Protection Agency.
All of North Greenwood is within the brownfield designation. Contaminates are considered a detriment to redevelopment by financial institutions due to the potential hazards and costs
associated with clean up efforts. The theory behind brownfields is not just to deal with issues, but to educate communities about what those issues are. The environmental justice movement
is striving to address high concentrations of contaminates in minority and low income areas. Enabling citizens to participate in decisions being made regarding land use is underway.
Requirements regarding environmental clean up was discussed. The City is looking at limited liability legislation on a state and national level related to economic development. Mr.
Ferri noted the City is working with Career Options of Pinellas County Incorporated for job creation in the area.
Ms. Rice noted that Chief Klein would like to implement a program for police officer mediation training in conjunction with residents from North Greenwood. Mr. Grice said he felt the
North Greenwood substation should be operational 24 hours a day because that area is a very high crime area. Ms. Rice said this issue is one which will be addressed under the Public
Safety category.
It was noted that change requires careful planning. In-depth projects require more time and funds to complete. There are short term projects which can be accomplished to give an immediate
desired effect. Priorities will be identified as action plans are completed.
It was noted this committee has been influential with the city-wide banner program and the odor control problem at the AWT facility. Everyone’s input has been appreciated.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 13, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Center, 1201 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, Clearwater, Florida.
The meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.