12/12/1991 Maas Brothers Task Force Meeting
December 12, 1991
Members present:
Ed Mazur, Chairperson
John B. Johnson
Phoebe Moss
Hal Ebersole
Jim Graham
Stephen Saliga
Joshua Magidson
Robert Kennedy
Debra Weible
Wray Register (arrived 4:10 p.m.)
Nancy Simmons (arrived 4:10 p.m.)
Bob Bickerstaffe (arrived 4:25 p.m.)
Members absent:
Jackie Tobin
Joanne Faruggia
Jim Stewart
Also Present:
Michael J. Wright, City Manager
Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Director
Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk
ITEM #1 - Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at the Memorial Civic Center.
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes of November 14, 1991
Joshua Magidson moved to approve the minutes of November 14, 1991. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - Update on recent City Commission Action
Michael Wright, City Manager, stated the intent of the Commission's Action assigning the contract to the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was to give the Task Force time and flexibility
to develop a recommendation. He stated the City has closed on and taken possession of the building. For now, the building is being kept pretty much as it is with the alarm system and
utilities on. He stated he wished to re-emphasize that staff is here, not to influence, but to assist the task force as the task force requests. He stated staff has no pre-conceived
ideas and is looking to the task force for recommendations. The Commission has set a six month timeframe for the recommendation.
Regarding an item that was on the Commission agenda regarding the downtown plan, Mr. Wright indicated this was an update to the CRA plan and a synopsis is being prepared and will be
provided to the task force.
In response to questions, the City Manager and Economic Development Director, indicated the change in the downtown plan will not place any restrictions on the task force and allows
greater flexibility than currently
exists in the zone.
Mr. Mazur stated that within six months the Commission needs to either act regarding the task force recommendation or put the item on hold. He questioned how much time the Commission
needed to evaluate the task force's recommendation. Mr. Wright indicated that if the report were submitted by the end of May, that should be sufficient time.
It was requested the City Manager seek direction from the Commission regarding what type of report the Commission is expecting from the task force.
ITEM #4 - Establish Criteria for January Public Hearings
Mr. Mazur indicated the task force needed to decide whether or not they wished to define time limits and, if so, what the limits would be.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to establish different timeframes for individual and group presentations.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not to set time limits, whether or not to request information be in writing, and how to conduct the public hearings and whether or not to invite
specific groups to attend.
Discussion also ensued regarding whether or not the task force should react to the ideas during these public hearings.
Discussion ensued regarding what sort of ads should be placed in the paper to notify the public of the meetings which are scheduled for January 9, 1992 and January 23, 1992.
Wray Register moved to set the meetings for 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. allowing ten minutes for group presentations and five minutes for individuals. The motion was duly seconded.
A concern was expressed that if no one shows up, the task force would have to stay until the 7:00 p.m. It was stated this was just to set parameters for the conduct of the meetings.
Upon the vote being taken; members Ebersole, Simmons, Graham, Saliga, Weible, Johnson, Kennedy, Moss and Register and Chairperson Mazur voted "Aye", member Magidson voted "Nay". Motion
Further discussion ensued regarding the ad for the hearings and how they would be conducted. Consensus of the task force was both meetings would be advertised at one time with it being
indicated the task force would like to get written proposals. The deadline for submission of same to the City Clerk is January 3, 1992 for the January 9th meeting and January 17, 1992
for the January 23rd meeting. It was also stated the timeframes allowed for presentations be included in the ad. Consensus of the task force was that those individuals signing up with
the City Clerk and submitting written material would be given priority in speaking, those signing up but submitting nothing in writing would be given second priority and those requesting
to speak upon attendance at the meeting would be given third priority.
It was stated the St. Petersburg Times had run an article requesting input and it was requested they be contacted and copies of any proposals submitted be requested.
Discussion ensued regarding the location as the Memorial Civic Center was not felt to be appropriate. Staff is to come up with a different location.
It was the consensus of the task force that the next two meetings would be recorded. It was stated that after presentations are made, the task force will have up to five minutes to
ask questions of that particular presentation. It was stated individuals would not be allowed to ask random questions from the audience.
ITEM #5 - Develop List of Organizations/Individuals to be Notified of January Public Hearings
It was the consensus of the task force that there should be no specific invitations.
The City Clerk reported the ads for the public hearings would be quarter page ads in the regular run of the paper.
ITEM #6 - Vice-Chairperson
Joshua Magidson moved to nominate Jim Graham as Vice-Chairperson of the task force. The motion was duly seconded.
Mr. Magidson moved to close the nominations. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Upon the vote being taken to elect Mr. Graham as Vice-Chairperson, the motion carried unanimously.
ITEM #7 - Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:49 p.m.