January 20, 1998
Present: Margaret Kiehl Chair
David Berry Member
Cookie Gilreath Member
Ric Ortega Member
Jean Stuart Member
Don McCarty Senior Planner, Central Permitting
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kiehl at 1:06 p.m. at the historic Plumb House, 1350 South Greenwood Avenue, Clearwater. In order to provide continuity for research, the items
will be listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
1. Approval of November 18, 1998, Meeting Minutes
Chair Kiehl asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Since there were none, she said the minutes will stand approved as submitted in writing to each member.
2. Status Report of Historic Buildings Survey
Central Permitting Senior Planner Don McCarty said Senior Planner Lou Hilton has received the preliminary historic building survey report from consultants. The survey encompasses the
downtown district and old Clearwater Bay neighborhoods. Total project costs were $30,000, which included a State grant, matching funds, and inkind City services. All the building surveys
have been completed and tabulated. The report is being reviewed to ensure it is in conformance with State requirements. Mr. McCarty will request that Mr. Hilton present the final document
to the HPB (Historic Preservation Board) at the February or March meeting.
3. Discussion of Historic Preservation Matters
Mr. McCarty said in response to the HPB’s request last month, he researched the status of the Magnolia Street dock reconstruction at Harbor Oaks. Construction on the dock is nearly
complete. He was not sure how closely the dock matches the original design. It appears to be substantial enough to last many years. Discussion ensued regarding if it should be called
a dock or a pier. With handrails and no roof, it looks similar to an observation deck. A member said a resident has been asked to collect money for construction of a locking steel
gate to discourage transients on the dock after dark. Mr. McCarty will report if a roof or canopy will be constructed.
Mr. McCarty said he had been told the HPB could review the overlay district for historic preservation recommendations, but was recently asked to temporarily delay the issue due to other
pending projects and reorganizational changes.
4. Other Business will Include Discussion of Current Clearwater Projects
Mr. McCarty reviewed recent administration changes in the City. The new City Manager is interested in beautification efforts throughout the City. He feels strongly about aesthetics,
better signage, and the need for more landscaping. He wants redevelopment to occur within the new guidelines he is establishing. Director of Engineering Rich Baier is now the Public
Works Administrator. The Public Works Department will include public services, utilities, environmental, and engineering functions. The City is hiring a licensed landscape architect
to work on City projects, provide advice, and help new private development with recommendations for landscaping.
Civil Engineer Mahshid Arasteh has been promoted to Director of Engineering. Ms. Arasteh is a registered civil engineer, and a former employee at the FDOT (Florida State Department
of Transportation).
Mr. McCarty anticipates reorganizational changes will occur within the Central Permitting Department. Heavier emphasis will be placed on long range planning, transportation planning,
and improved attention to zoning. Former Director of Central Permitting Scott Shuford is now Special Projects Administrator. He will focus on redevelopment concepts for: 1) Clearwater
beach; 2) downtown; 3) North Greenwood; and 4) beautification of the Gulf-to-Bay corridor, from Tampa Bay to the Gulf. Mr. Shuford may address the HPB in February to review those projects.
Interim Central Permitting Director Tony Shoemaker has resigned to accept a position in Gainesville, Florida. Lt. Jeff Kronschnabl has been appointed as Central Permitting Interim
It was questioned if the City will address flooding problems and put a moratorium on new construction. Mr. McCarty said laws require that new projects address drainage issues before
permits can be issued. Drainage problems generally occur due to unusually heavy rainfall. There are some interim “bandaids” in place but more aggressive measures need to be implemented.
He is not aware of any discussions regarding a development or building moratorium.
Discussion ensued regarding the 14-acre City-owned property at Missouri Avenue and Cleveland Street. The City has received a proposal from a private company to purchase the property.
Conflicting opinions were expressed regarding a possible sale of the property. Mr. Berry said the Library Site Selection Task Force had recommended constructing the new Main Clearwater
Library at the Missouri Avenue site.
Mr. McCarty said the Development Code Adjustment Board will consider a variance for open space for Lowe’s redevelopment of the shopping center on the west side of U.S. 19, across from
Countryside Mall.
It was questioned if the City Commission would consider an ordinance limiting the number of properties a non-tax entity can own. Mr. McCarty said he is unaware of such a proposal.
The City Manager met with the Church of Scientology regarding their long range development plans and has attempted to identify the types of activities that would occur in various downtown
Discussion ensued regarding the sale of the Sunshine Mall to construct townhouses. Mr. McCarty said the property is in a drainage basin. If the mall is razed, the site will accommodate
housing, landscaping, commercial uses, and proper water retention.
Discussion ensued regarding redevelopment. The Pinellas Trail has been constructed and the painting of murals is underway. County Courthouse restoration has been completed. In response
to questions, Mr. McCarty said he would attempt to arrange a tour of the County Courthouse in connection with a future HPB meeting. It was questioned if historic buildings located in
the development area would be destroyed. Mr. McCarty will respond after he reviews the historic buildings survey report. It was noted the City Manager will present a redevelopment
concept to the City Commission on Friday.
Mr. McCarty distributed copies of the HPB’s 1998 meeting schedule. He noted meetings may be changed as necessary.
The meeting adjourned at 2:14 p.m.