, I
ZoningOrdinan'ce No. . 283
j\ N OH.DINANCm HEGULATING munlcatlng, doors or whltloWA 01'
ANlJ lU;STHICTINI}. THE USE OF slmllnI' openlng-s; and th~ wOI'd shall
L:\ND AND TH/!; LOCATION AND Include the word "Rtnwture."
'I'll n.1'~S IN TI-n: Cl TY OF CLEAR. DJ.i.}NCm. A building- uSP'll ns a homo
\VATEH, FLOHIDA, ,CREATING" or rcsldence for n single fnmlly In
lJlSTRICTS on, ZONliJS THEREFOR; :: which all living rooms are accessible
HEGlJLATING TUrn INTrnNSITY OF to each other from within tho bulld-
USI'; O!<' LOT AHI<:AS AND THE LO." Ing and In, whIch su(~h living roolllS
CA TION OF nUl LDIIGS AND nre accessIble wIthout usIng nn en-
STHPCTUHli;S THIi.: n.I';ON, mSTAH- trance v!~fltlhulc~. stairway or hall-
1.1 S r lING HIHLDINn LINJ4;S; PHO- way that IA c]PRlg-n('cl as a common
"[DING FOn '1'111'; INTEJH,PRI4JTA- entr'Ance vCRtlhulo or common stall'-
"'ION. APPLICATION AND EN- way or common hall.....ay for' mon~
1"OnCEMI~NT OJi-' ITS PROVISIONS than one fnmlIy, and in which the
,A N D FIXING PFJNALTIES FOR U!'lO and t11f1l1ag-elllent of all sleeping-
VIOLATIONS AND PROVIDING quar'ters, all appliances for cooking-,
FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION, TO ventllatJng, heating', or lighting', oth-
])li;TI'jR1\nNJ~ WHETH:mR OR NOT",," er than a public 8p.rvlce, are under
IT SHALL GO INTO ~ EFFECT. :,' ',":' one control.
In pursuance of authority canter'" ~. (f)' FAMILY. One or more tndl- '"
rl'rl by Section 70, of thE!!. ,Charter of" vlduals living, sleeping-, cooltlng and,
the Cltv of Clearwater as amended" 'eating on thp. premises as a sing-Ie
by special act of the Legislature ap'*1f:; housekeeping unit. '
provecl the 2<lth day of:" June 1031, J'\ (g) GARAG m. A public garllge,
n ncl for' the pUt'pose of prompting the ',0':except aFl otherwise provided by this
health. safety, .morals, pro~peritr and;::.: paragraph, is a build Ing or premIses
general welfare of sald)!Clty, and~~\. arranged. (leslgnecl or Intended to
as a preliminary to a trtore' compre-:'; be usecl for the storage of motor ve-
hemdve zoning and planl1!,J1gScheme'~;' hlcles for hire or reward. or which
for sal(l City: "bdP;k,i:tlh;' '; elt \(does not come within the cleflnltton
B'P; IT ORDAINED, Y~"', e Y,:" .;, of' a prlvatf' ~al'age afl herein !'let., . .
Commlflslon of the Clb,:" t of ( C)~ar~~", forth, A private garag~ Is a butId-
watcl'. Florlcln. as follows" ,,', ."~'ing wIth ground area not In excess
Section 1. This Ordinance shalt ~a~:. of- eight hundred (AOO) square teet
known as "The Zoning Or(lIna~M'J~/ arrang-ed, r1eBlgn~ct or Intended to ~e
SC'ctlon 2. DEFINITIONS.), Cer, Vrnsed for the storRg-e on the ground
taln words in thl~ ordinance are de:,~ tldor of not more thRn four IncH-
flnNl for the purpol'les thereof (un~,},,~ vloually owncll pnsRcngcr automobiles
IpsR thel'C' Is express, ~ro,vlslot1 eX-'lt,;, devoted to the private use of th~,
eluding !'luch construction, or the SUb""t ~,owner, when flnch g-Rrnge Is locntt>d ;
jcct matter or context i~,!repug-nan~i.; on the Rame premlsM wIth and as
thHeto) as follows: ,Ul.,. ,: J;' an auxiliary URC to the resfdnnce or
(a) 'Voros used In }he)Jrel'tent;",~' apartment of the owner of such aut,,-
tense include the ft1ture".~ the slnguci}, mobfles M stored, and where no fuel,
Inr nnmber Includes thEl,,~plural an, lubrlcnnts or accessorIes are MM.
t he plural the slng,~lar, the words) (h), La,.. A parcel of lnnd or
"use" and occupy In, either, the,>< premIses occuplocl hy onn bul1dln,~
pnl'lt or present tense Shall fnotuoe with Its lll'lunf nmclllnrv bul1cllngs or
the worels "arranged, desfgned orin.. llf1f'S cust.omarlIy Inclrlent to it, In-
tended to be. orcapable,.<ot" betn'f: cluclfng- fluch open flpaeCfl as Rre re-
used or occupied" ~ the W<1td , otheroufrecl by this orrllnance and snch
shall not be lImtted, to~Jhings , of onen spaces as are -arranged ann de-
fllml1ar character. '~1. ' '; 'A. flllrne(l to he uSNl In connection with
(b) A PA RTMENT ,'fTOlTSFJ, ' such bul1dln~. shaH be rleP.meo n lot
buflding which is used or Intended to for the purposes of thlfl Or(lInnnCle
he used as a home or residence for, except aR herein specifically provld-
two or more famfltes Itvl~g In sep- ' ed,
ar~\e 1~\7..~1\~..y USE:\ J.. 'use cus. '. (I) NON-CONFORMING USE. A
tomarfly incidental to and ncceSl:lOry non.conformlng use Is a' use which
to thf:' principal use of a bUilding or does not comply with the reg-ulatlons
premises Rn(l locnted on the same of the \tse district in which it is
'premise!'! with such principal Use. situated.
(d) BUILDINn. A butl(}fng Is a (j) NOTI~E. 'Vhcl'c notice Is re-
structure entirely separa.teo from quired hy thlR orcllnll nee to bn given
anv other structure by space or by It may hf' given actually or by cle-
walls in which' there a.re no com- posit of written' notice In the mall
II) the la::lt known address of the per-
:;on n::(!llin:d to b~ notified or' by ad-
Vel.t!::llmlent in any daily newspaper
reg'lllady published lin i;th~ City of
Clua1'\vater for two consecutive pub-
lica tlon daY::l.
(1<) Pl~HSON. Shall include cor-
]llll'utc lllld other leg-al entities. their
offlcel's, I'llprCSen tati ves and agen ts.
(I) STl<.l~I~'r. As actually laid out
01' projected to, he laid out or ex-
Section 3. USI'~ DIS'rHIC'l'S. (a)
},'or' the plll'/>OSO of l.'1asl-llfyin!4', rogu-
lating and restr'lctIng the location
of tl'udes. industr'ics und other' U::le::l,
a ntl the Ioclldon of buildings used
fOl' specific pUl'poses, the CI ty of
Clear'wuter 1::1 hereby dlvldl~d into thl:
following chl::lses of zones .or dis-
Hesltlence dlstl'ictl:3.
BUSIrlcsS districts.
Manufacturing districts.
Public dlctl'ictl:3.
llS shown in tll 0 map, consisting ot
II n Index shee t and sheets. said
Rl1el:ts (latl:d J\ pl't1 14th, 1932, and
signed by the City A u<lltor and Clerk.
a lid which accompanies and Is made
a IHU.t of this Onllnance; and which
lIIap is herehy deslg-nated, ancl shall
be Imown as, the "Zonlng Map of
the City of CI{\lll'watel'." The use
IlJstrlets dcveloped on said map. are
11f~I',~hy established,
\Vherever pract leal bounflfll'les of
the sevel'al tlistllcts herein establish-
ed shall follow l:(~ntel' lines of blocks,
st"eets OJ' alleys, II nd If mflr~lnal
alon~ a stl'eet 01' Illg'hway. shall J'un
to the I't~llr8 of till' marginal lots,
anll if ,'lparIHll Rlla.l) Incluc1e the
ahutting" In nd undel' water.
(l>) No pl'emlSI~H or' building- shAll
l)(~ used or' occnpll'd or any bulllllng-
el'l~df~d. altered or extenlle,l to be
uHPll or' ON'U pi cd for a ny use or pu 1'-
pmw oth(\r thun flint pel'mlttel~ In
the cllstrlC't In whkh RIWh bullrllng-
iH. or Tll'('mt~I'R nr'~ lopntf\l1.
St~~tlon .1. H.I'ifHD1'~NCF. D1S-
'I'HTCTS. (a) Tn a Residence (l!R-
tr'lct no hlJlllllng- or pl'pmiscR Rhall
be used or occupied; or any builrl-
ing el'eeterl, nlt(~rAll or enlunred to
h(~- IIsell or occupft~tl, f\xcept for R.
WW<l cxeluslvely as hereinafter de-
(b) POI' the purposes of this
orllinanee. R uses lire hel'eby dr!flnr'(l
as uses (leslg'nc(l ff)!' and pennitted
In Hesldence Ilistl'lctl:l and confo1'lll-
illg to the pl'ovlHlnnH relating' tll such
d Is t det s ,'ospectl vel)'; Il nd all n,
11:-;"S Hre c1a.ssit'letl l.\nd defllll~d as
H-l lJse--An H-l ul:le Hhall Include
C\'I~ ry UHe as a d we 111 ng ho IIse.
H-:! Use-An H-~ UHe shllll Include
eVI~ry Ilse as a hotel. /.l.ptlrtllwnt
hOllse, hoarding }\lJUHf:, lodging
11l)\IHl~. ChllI'l:;h, hospital. private:
:-Whol,l Huh:s::; Ollt:l'il tet! so as to 1>1'1111,';'
it within the ddlnition of a H U::ll.:,
a pl'ivate club excepting one the
chief a<:ti vity of whleh is a ::lcrvicc
<:ustomal'ily canied ou as a bu:siness
and a. community ceuter.
(c) In all areu::! a.llocated on said
map to H-l use::!, no premises shall
lJe u::Ied 01' UllY bUlldiug' occupied. I.Ir'
any bUilding be erected, alter'cd 01'
extended to be u::!ed 01' occuvied ex-
cept for H.-I uses exclusively.
(d) In all areas allocated on said
map to R-2 uses, no premises shall
be used or any bUilding occupied. 01'
uny buildIng- be erected. alter'ed or
extended to be used 01' occupieu ex-
cept for' H.-I or H-~ Uses.
Section 5.1 AUXILIAHY LJSli~S IN
IU~SIDlt~NCltJ DIS'l'H.IC'l'S. Auxiliar'Y
UHes which do not al tel' the cha radlH'
of the premisel:l in respect to their
use for residential purposes shall be
}lel'lllltted In Hesltlence districts.
Auxiliary uses shall Include the fol-
lowing-, but the enumeration of ::luch
ul:3es shall not be dtlomed to Ill'even t
propel' auxiliary uses that are not
refened to;
Signl:l not exceedi ng six (II) feet In
area. ad vel'Uslng the premises for
sale U1' for rent, and signs not ex-
ceedln'~ twelve feet in area, stating
the name of the building, If HIl
apar.tnHJlI ~ house or hotel; provided
that neither he prohibited by any
valid ordinance.
'rhe offlcc of a surg-eon, physicla n
or' dentist or' other' simllar pr'ofes-
slonal, locatftd In the dwelling or
apartment used as the private resl-
dencc of such person and the usual
Inconspicuous signs.
Customary home occupation lo-
cated in a dwelling 01' apal'tnll'nt,
and calTled l>l1 only by the rnemhel'S
of the household of the person OCCll-
pylng such dwelling or apartment H1-l
his pl'ivate residence, provided no
window OJ' other display or sign hI'
uSf~d to udvprtIse Hlwh occupation.
'I'he renting of one or more room:'!,
OJ' t1w IH'uvllllng of table hoard In a
tlwl'llIng 01' apartment house ClCl'll-
ple(l as Lt privntl~ residence in an
R-2 area, anll the lIS\Htl InCOnRplf'lI-
OUB window sign be used to nllvel'tbw
flueh use;
A pllhllc rllning rOlllll 01' l't,:::lta urant
located In an hotel.
Such facilities as are reC(l1il't~d for
the ope/'atlor' of an hotd 01' apnl't~
ment hO\lI:l(~, or 1'01' the \1:';0 01' (~lltPI'-
ta.lnment of' g"uestl:l 01' tenants of' tllp
hotel or a pal'tment house. whp.1l eon-
dllcted, and entered only from within
tl1(> hllllrllng: pJ'ovldetl no Ht I'r.(.t,
window or othtH' ent(~rtlllnllWlll dis-
play, 01' nther f'xtol'iur sign be u:wd
to a(] vertlse such use.
A prlva to ga.rage, wi th 01' w It bout
servants qUltrtnrs abo\'t~, III (~(J l\1H~e-
t10n with an It-I \lse, Iilllit"l\ In
ground H.l'l':l to tr'n pel' (;t'lIt of the
area of tlro lot, bllt lhlt in t:xcess of
the ground area. prescribed for, or
in excess of, the capacity limits of a
p!'i vale garage. provided, however,
that a vrivate garage ill connection
with an H-l use shall 110t be located
on the same lot with another private
A private garage 01' garage apart-
Illent in connection with an H-:! use
lilllitcll ill ground area to fifteen
(15(/n) pel' cent of the area of the
(1)) Auxiliary uses shall not in-
A garage or stable in connection
with a. non-conforming lise, a drive-
way 01' walk lIsed for egress frolll
,,1' Ingl'ess to a B 01' M use, a blll-
hoard, postel' 01' othel' advertising
sign or stl'uctUl'e, a store, trade,
business, garage 01' stable; except
such as arc hereinbefore spedficalIy
(a) In a Business district no building
or JH'emlst~s shall be used or any
bUildings bl~ erected, altered, or en-
la.rged to be used except for R or
Buses exc1mli vdy as J)ereinaftel' de-
(b) ]<'01' the purposes of th is
ordinance. B uses a I'e lwreby deflnell
as USel:l other than n, 1\1 and P nses,
designed fOl' and permitted in Busi-
ness (listrictl:> and confol'ming' to the
Jl}'ovislonl:l rplating to such districts.
(c) A B use shall include every
use q sa:
Retail' or whnh~sale business, in-
cluding light manufacturing; pr'o-
vidcd that i:;uch busilwss be conducted
wholly in a substantial building
completely enclosed with walls an(l a
J'oof, and providell that the operation
or conduct therBof shall not be of
such a nature as to become offensive
or noxious to the occllpants at
neighboring premises used for R
uses, by reason of the emission of
odors, fumes or g-ases, (lust, smoke,
noise 01' vihl'ations, and provided that
fin un(lue fire hazard be not createrl
thel'eby, and as an office buJ1<llng.
Section 7. MANUF ACrrnRING
DIS'l'HICTS. (a) In a Manufactul'-
Ing dlstJ'ict, any hull(ling' 01' premises
llIay be occupied 01' used or any
building be erected, altered or en-
lalged to be (levoted to any use not
prohibit l~d In the City of Clearwater
hy an y ()tilf~r 0 I'd inance except aR
lwreinafter defint~c1.
(b) M lh,e,F'or the purpose of
thi<.; ol'dinance an 1\1 Ilse is herp})y
definc(l as any Use for an occupa-
tion, hllsint'ss 01' lletivlty other thlln
[In H, B 01' P us(~, that ma.y lawfully
be calTie<l on within the City, Ilncl
shall inelllllt- dtnls 01' oth(~1' p'1cldng
Illants, faf'tol'lt>s, 1I1ll1hel' yal'ds anll
tru('k g'lll'llt>nillg' flS II busln(>ss,
(n) In a Public district no huilding
or pJ'(~mil:'(,;'; slla II be occupied 01'
used, or any building' be el'l~ctl~d, al-
tered 01' enlarged to be devoted to
allY other than a l' u~e exclu:sively,
as hereinaftel' defined.
(b) !i'Ol' the purpUl:le::! of this
ordmance a IJ use is hereby defill,l:u
as a Ul:lC desig-neu fOl' and P(~I'lllittl:d
in Public districts and eOnfOl'lllillg' to
the pruvlsions relating' to :such dis-
trict::!; and all P Ul:lCS are ell1s1:liried
<i::! follows:
P-1 USK A P-l use shall inclt1l1 e
the public streets and highwaYl:l and
every u::!e as a public park, public,
building, publ1c recreation grtlulld::J,
aviation field, golf courst~, ba:owball
fidd 01' training quarters.
P-2 USK A P-2 U::le Slll~l' I IneIude
every USfJ as t\ bathin' JH~llch,
amusen~ent park and l'e :reational
ell terpl'lScs.
P-3 lJSI~. A P-3 use shall include
evel'y use as a railway, other than
a street railway,
P4 LJSli;, A P-4 use shall Illcludn
all places of scenic beauty, caleuill h'd
to attract visi tor::!, toul'ists, and lwr-
manent residents and to build up I he
welfal'e and prosperity of tho Ci ty
of Clearwater.
In such ar'eas no building ClI' prom-
ises shall bb used or occupied, 01' nny
building be erected, altered, cnltu'gt:c!
01' maintained so as to obstruct tlH~
view or to map the scene 0" pros-
pect, or which in any way may mili-
tate against the attractive f(~n tures
of the locality. And in particular',
tho' not in limitation upon the ftirt~-
going, no atl vertising- posters, 1)111-
boards 01' other signs 01' strl1ct Ul'pS
of whatever descl'iptlon shall be
erected or maintained in such areas
or within 500 feet therefrom.
Section 0. rl'r~MPOHAHY lTSr~s.
Nothing herein contained shall lw
construed to preven t t he erection OJ'
maintenance of temporary stl'ueturps
incl(h~ntal to the prosecution of pub-
lic works or to hulltllng- operatlons,--
or, In any other than H('sidcnce dls-
tl'icts. for religious meetings, tJllt'l1
air gatherings, tent shows 01' otIWI'
purely temporu!'y uses or pUl'po.ses;
provided that a permit therefor b(~
first procured from the Building 111-
spector'. Such a permit shall he suh-
ject to revocation hy the City Man-
Section 10. NON -CONl<'OHMIN(.
{JSl~S. The lawful use 01' a building-
existing on the effective date of th 18
ordinance, 01' authorized by a hulld-
ing permit Issued prior tlwl'eto, Illay
he continue(l, althollg-h such UHt\ dm:s
not conform wIth tlw provision:-; of
this ordinance, and suell U~tl lIlay IH~
extended throughout the building. No
nOll-conforming use shall be extl~nd-
ed so as to displace II cunformlng'
residential use. A non-conformillg'
use may be chang-ed to a use 01' the
same ai' hig-hel' classification accol'll-
ing to the provisions 01' this ol'llln-
anee. \\,htmuvel' a lllst.rlet shall
hel'eafter bl~ changed, uny then exlMt-
lllg- lIon-conro/'rHlng USt; III sueh
changl~d 1l1::;tl'lct Illay be' con Unued or
changed to Ii use of a similar or
h ighl~I' clasl.:llflcatlon, pl'ovlded all
othel' reglllatlon~ governing the new
uso 111'0 complied \v!th. Whenever a
non-conforming use of a building hus
hl~en <llscon t1nued or changed to a
higher clusslflcatlo'n or to A. con-
forming use, such use shull not
thert>ufter he changed to a use of a
lowel' classification. No bullt.llng
which has been damaged by fire or
other causes to the extent of more
than sixty-five per centum of Its
vHlue shall blj repaired to rebuilt ex:-
cept In conformIty with the regula.-
tions of thIs ordinance.
Section 11. LOCA'flON AHgAS
A PAH'l'MI'~N'l' HOUSI~S. (a) Build-
Ing' LInes. The building lines Inlll-
eatt~tl on the said map ure hert~hy
established as the bullrllng lines In
Hl~sldence districts.
(b) Where u' block Is oe:cupleu 01'
1>lU'tlulIy occupied by, buildings ut
t he lime thIH ol'lllnance becol1le~ ef-
feellvt!, the aVel'ag'e of tho 11l:,itunces
from the street line to the front
street walls of such bulltJlngs shall he
the established building line. Lots
ot;cupieu by bqllc1i11gs designed for
I't~sldence uses perml ttel} III a Resi-
dence l.l1stl'lct, unless the aggregate
fl'onU1Ke of such lots exceeds 50 pel'
cent of the total frontago in the
1> I oel< , shall he considered us thoug'h
vaeunt for' the pUt. pose of establ1sh-
I ng the bul1cllng line where l,ocatel}
- in such n. dll:ltrlct.
(c) Locution of such BuildIngs. No
building shall be occupied or used.
or ereeteel. altered or eJtended. or
any strllct\lre whntevel' he erected or'
llIulntalnetl so as to he neal'eJ' to
the stt'eet line, or, if on a cornel'
lot nen.rer to the street lines, than us
fiO Inlllcu.ted for th(~ given lot nOI'
11Oflrel' than tht'ee (3) fed to eitllt"~r
:-lhle line, 01' t'ear line of allY lot. But
one dwelling or apartment hOllse
shl\lI hi' ol'ectell 01' occupied' on n.
Ring-Ie lot,
(d) No bul1(lIngfol' auxiliary use
in such a 11II:Itl'1ct shull he nearer to
t!w building- line, or If on a eOl'ner
lot IH'Urel' to the' building lines in
(~lther' direction. than one half of the
1'1' 11 lid ndel' of the dopth of the lot,
(0) Ar'ea and Volume, No hulld-
,inA' shall be usec'l or occupleel, or
erocted. attereel or enlargec1 for R
. \lses. on' prQmlaes less in area than
twell ty...flvt) (2fi) feet by one hun-
elrp.cl (100) feet. not: shn II any such
hulltllng- contain ,less than sixteen
hun.lred (11100) cubic feet on tho
gTOllllll floor' 1'01' ench tnd Ivlclual oc-
s,.(.t Inn 12. MTS~I':(.I ,A Nli~OTTS
H 1':S'I'IUCTT< INS. (n) Blllhof\ r(ls.
No billboards, posters or other' ad-
ver'Using signs or stl'uctures shall be
el'ccteu or maintained in a Residence
lllstl'Ict except as hel'eln speciflca] Iy
permitted or In a Public district and
In no case within 500 1'eet of the
City's main approaches and hIghways
inclUding Fort Harrison Avenue,
Nol'th and South, Betty Lane north
of Dr-ew Street, Cleveland Stroot,
North East Clevelanll Street, Drew
Street, Tampa Boulevard, Parle
Street, Druid Rd. west of the At-
lantic Coast Line right of way, Man-
Ilnlay Boulevard, and the rights of
wa.y, stations and yards of the A t-
lantlc Coast Line or the Seaboard
AirLine Railroad, and none along-
the approaches to or on the Cuuse-
No such billboard, poster or other
advertising sign or structure shall
exceed thirty (30) feet In area, be
nearer than six feet from any bullll-
Ing or any sloe lot or In the absence
of a bulllllng line, within fifteen feet
from any street. or shall be nearer
than three feet from the ground, or
higher than sl", feet from the ground.
or shall he of other than fire proof
mater'lal or incapable of wlthstan(l-
lug an effective wind pressure of 80
pounos to the square foot, and It
shall rest upon supports and founda-
tions not subject to rot or rust or
other fot'ms of deterioration affect-
Ing' or tending .to affect the security
thereof, .
No finn-conforming structures of
SHirl claRs shall be Altcrcc'l or' exten(l-
ell except in conformity wIth the pro-
vl8lon~ of this section.
(b) It sha.lI be the outy of the,
Rnlllllng" Inspector to examine fr'olll
,time to time all exlfltln~ hlllboa.rd~,
postel R 01 other aclvertlsIng strue-
tl1l'f~S to (letermine whether or not
they con (ol'm to the requlremen t s .
1\I~l'eof anll If not. he shall cau~e tiledI'
(c) 'Filling' Stations. Rl~pair Shops
find Pllhllc> (1Flrag-es. No bulldln~ 01'
pl'mnlSeR shRIl bfl occllpIed or IIflell.
01' RllV hullrltng- he AI'f)ctcll, altl'l'c<l
or eniarg-ell to he use,l or OCCUllll'cl.
riB n g'flRollne a.nd 011 filling or Herv-
leA ~tntlon, reTiAlr sl10p 01' public ~ar-
ag-e in n. Resl(lpnce fllstrlet olHl In A
Hwdness or Manuflleturlngo 11lAtrlct
only with the wr'ltten conAent of the
owners or lessors of the propertv on
hoth sllles 01' the street Alljucent to
the salcl blocl< first procured anll flkel
with th~ Building Inspector:
(c1) Offensive Business or Manu-
facturing" Uses. No use othel'wIRe
permltteo by this ordinance shall bo
utlll7.flll or' availed ot' for purposl's
ca.lcnla tell to creAte a puhllc nul~-
nnce, un(luly to InCl'elUHl fire hazarll
or traffic conjestloJ1, OJ' to endanger
thf' sllfl~ty. health. 111M'flls or ge"I~l'fll
wplfal'e of thf> City of (~lr'arwlltl"'.
(c) Airports anll A vlat1\lTl Fit~hl~,
No Smol{e stuek, flagpole, elevated
tank, radio masts or station build-
ing or other structure 01' obstruction
to the operation of aircraft of a
height of mOI'C than fifty (GO) feet
shull be placed within one thousand
(WUO) feet from the exterior boun-
t!ill'ies of the l\lunlcipal Aviation
l.'jdd In ::luiu City,
(f) Multiple Garages. Multiple
gurag'es shall not be el'eeted, main-
tained or occupied 01' used in any of
tHe areas classified by this ordinance,
except such as may be incidental or
auxiliary to 1\1 uses and within the
districts allocated on said llIap to
such uses.
(g) Tourists Camps, etc. None of
the uses classified In this ordinance
shall be deemed to include a ceme-
tery 01' a tourist camp, or cottage
system having (~ommon facilities.
(a) 'l'he admlnl:,;trution and enforce-
ment of ,this ordinance shull de\'oh'e
upon the Building- Inspector of the
City of Clearwater; or, in his ab-
senc:e or disability, upon such other
officer 01 )!l{e quullficatlons as may
bt~ appointed according to law.
(b). Such Building lnspedor Is
hel'eby eIllPowl~I'cd, and It shull be
his duty, to adminlstel' this ol'dln-
nnce in conjunction with the udmin-
istratlon of the Building Code of the
City or Clearwatel' In such a manner
a~ to facilitate theil' joint ulhnlnls-
tratton F'or the J.Hll'p08e of enforc-
ing this ordinance the authority vest-
ed In him unclel' the said Building
Code is hereby c1(~clared to be vested
In him under this onllnunce.
(c) In case of a conflict between
any of the provisions of this ordin-
ance and those of the Building Code
in a g-I ven instance, the more re-
l:ltrictl \'e ot tlre two shall govern.
Section H. CI~HTIFICA 'l'ES Oli'
shall bo unlawful to u::;e 01' permit
the use ot any lJullding- 01' premises
01' part thereof, herafter created,
el eded, chang-ell 01' converted wholly
or purtly in its use 01' structure, un tll
a certificate of occupancy, to the ef-
fect that the building- 01' premises 01'
tho (Jurt thereof, conr~'m to the pl'O-
vlsiolls of this ordinance, shall have
been Issued by the Building Inspec-
tor. No peI'lult fLH' excavation for, 01'
erection of, any building- 01' IJart of
a bulltllng, or fOl' repairs to, or al-
ation of, a bull\1fng, shall be issue\l
until after a statemcllt of Its intend-
ell use hus been filed wi th the appli-
cation. No chung'e 01' exten::;lon of
llse anll no alterations shall be made
in a non-conforming use 01' pl'emises
without a cCI.tlfieate of occupancy
having flr:'.!t been ISI')ll(:d by the Builu-
ing- Inspector that such change, ex-
U:nslon 01' altend.lon il:! In conformity
with the provisions of this ol'dinance.
(b) CertifieR tel1 of qccuvancy shall
be applied fOl' at the same time that
the lmlldlng permit Is applied for nnll
shall be Issued within 10 clu)'s after
the erection 01' alterutlon of the
bufltling shall have been completed.
A record of all certificates shall hl3
kept on file in the office of th~
Building (nspector and copies shall he
furni::;hed IIpon request to any IJf:l'-
sons having a proprietary 01' tl~nHllcy
intel'est in the building- affedt~IL
(c) lGuch application for a bulld-
lllg permit shall be accompankd by
a plat In duplicate, drawn to Henle
and in such form as may be pn:-
scrlbell by the Bulltling Inspedol',
showing the actual dimensions of tl\t~
lot to be built upon, the size of the
buil(lIng to be erected, llnd 811ch otll-
01' information as may be neceBBlilT
to provide for the enforcement of tll(~
regulations contained In this ol'llln-
llllce. A careful rccorll of such ap-
plications and plats shall be kept In
the office of the Bulltling Inspector,
(d) Pending the Issuance of a reg-
ular certificate, a tempol'u I'Y cl:rtlfi-
cate of occupancy may be issued fill'
a perloel not exceeding six rnolltllH.
during the completion of altel'atlolls
or during partiai occupancy of n.
building pending the complet Ion.
Such temporary certificates shull Il(lt
he construed as In any way altering
the respective rights, duties OJ' oh-
ligations of the owners 01' of Lho
cfty relating to the use or occupa-
tion of the premlseli4 01' any othnl'
matter covered by this ol'dlnl1nCfl,
and such temporary certlflca to sha 11
not be issued except unde-r SHch I'tl-
str1ctlons and provisions as will ade-
quately Insure the sarety of thn oc-
cupants. No temporary cel'Lificl1 t 0
shall be issued if prior to its com-
pletion the buflding should rnll to
conform to the provisions of the
Building Code or of th Is ordinance to
such a degree as to render it unsu fe
for the occupancy proposed.
(e) Completion and H~stOl'atlon of
Existing Buildings. Nothing her~i n
contained shall require any dHlIlgl~
In the plans, construction aI' iIltf'nd-
ed use of a bundlng for which a
bUilding permit has been her\~toforl~
IRRUe(l and the construction of whi(~h
shall have been dllfgently proseclItl'd
within one yea.r of the (late of Hlleh
permit and diligently prosecuted to
Section 15. ADJUS'rMfi~NTS AND
RELIEJi'. (a) \Vhere, In a particu-
lar Instance, there are pl'actleal \lIf-
ficultles, unnecessary hardship, 01' an
injust~ce In carrying out the strict
letter or application of any of t1)(~
provisions or regulations of Lhls
ordinance; or where It be found thllt
the safety, health. rnorals HnLl gl:n-
eral welfare of the City of Clpnr-
water would not he subservetl hy 11
strict interpretation 01' nppllcntlon
thereof: or where a reasonable llollht
I 1
I f
I ~
I r;
I },!
I t
!!lay fulrly llrise as to the interpre-
tation or appllcatiun thereof; or
where an Illegality would or might
j'c::!lIlt; the el:llahlll:lhed Z.oning and
Planning Board of the Ci ty of Clear-
water shall have !Jowor, and it shall
be the duly uf ::la.hl JJOtlt'll, lo de-
termine the pro!Jer intent, Inter1)rc-
tu lion 01 a!Jplication of any of such
l)l'uvlslon. or regulation:;, litH.! to
grunt relief itl the preml::!es; HO that
the I:lpirit of this ordinance I:lhalI be
oh:,;e veil; publil' safety, health, mor-
als and genel'al welfaru secured, suh-
::ltantial justice done and litigation
a voided.
to) ./\ ppeal. Huhh'ct to HI.H;h ruleH
n lid regulations u:; the City Com-
ml::l:::lJOlI nm)' adopt from time to
time, u review of the dderllllnatlon
of the Board hy tile City CUllIml::l-
:iion Illll)' he hurl al the In:itanee of
an agrleve,J pll rty ; provided that
written apllllcatlon t111~I'efor, Hettlng
forth the grounds for the llppt~al and
signed by I:lllch p!ll.ty ot" hil:l lluly aU-
thorized agent, he filed with the City
A.lhlltol' and Clerk within ten (lO)
day:; after I:luch detenllination,
Sl~l~tlon 111. [i'(JNCTIONS 0(" rl'lU~
(3) The Zoning and Planning- Board
shall :wlect from It ::I IlH~llIbers, a vice-
chairman, who shall act In the ab-
sence 01' dll:lablllty of the Chairman.
The City Auditor and CIeri, shall be
the Secl'f~tan. whose dllty It shall be
to attend all meeting's unll take and
l(etlJj, subjPct to tho call of :;ald
Board. the minutes of its proceed-
ing-s. Such minutes, or a copy there-
of or of allY portloll thereof at-
testell by the said Secrdary, shall
be eviden tla ry of the nHl.tters and
things therrlln recorded. It shall pro-
vide for reg-ular', and s}leclul meet-
ings. Special meetings shall ho call-
ed upon the roque:;t of not less than
thrf~e members, and upon not les::!
than forty-eig-ht hOllrs notice. I,'our
reg"ular members of tile Hoard sllall
con:;tltute a quorum and a. majority \:
of thol:le pJ'esent shall con trol its of- .
flelal action'. It shall adopt from
time to time, sucll I'lllel:l and regula-
tlonl:l as it. may dl~elll JH:cessary or
deBlt'ahle for the perfol'lna nee of Its
duties anll for the conduct of Its af-
(b) E:xerclse of any of tho powers
for relief under tlw pJ't~cedlng- seetlon
may he initiated by WI'IttlHl applica-
tion by an intere8t.'d penwn, 01' by
tht> City 1\lanag"er, 01' on motion of
thA l~oanl Itsel f, !lnd shodl he hllll on-
1y after u. puhilc heal'lng-; at which
per:;ons In tCl'estcIl shall he affol'df~ll
an opportunity to hl~ heard. Publk
notice of sueh medlng', :::ltatlng- the
time, pla,cc an(l purpose, shall be
g'i\'f'n hy publication thel'l:of In a
dally newspu per regularly pllhll:;hnd
III the <;ity of <;lea 1'\\'11 tt~I', I'llI' at
least two C()IlHe(;uti\'l~ pUblication
daYI:l. l!~xce1Jt where the UOHl'd }>ro-
ceed~ at the lli~tance of the City
Managel' or on its own Illotion, the
CO:3t of such pUblication I:lltall be
oOl'ne b.v the applicant.
(c) The Board :3hall also have the
power to review the, action of the
Building lnl:lpector to detel'minn
whether or not it Is in acconlunce
with this ordinance, and to take ap-
prupriate action,
(d) 'I'he Bl.anl 8hall propose to
the City Comllli:3sion In ()I'di nance
fU1'1ll such amendmen ts of this ord-
inance, as it may, from time to time,
deelll adwil:lable. Acting thl'ough Its
Chairman, the Uoard shall ha.ve pow-
er to appeal' before the City Com-
mil:l:::liun and shall be heard in ::;up-
port thereot 01' for 01' ag'ainst any
anlendmen L, however proposeu, to
this ordlnaJlce.
Section 17. Pl'~NALTIES AND
H.l~MI~DH~S. (a) Any pel'l:lun whdh-
er UI:l pl'inc!tJul, agent or E::mployee,
violating any of the provi~ions 01'
regulations of this ordinance shall,
upon conviction thereof in the 1wlu-
nicipal Court of the City of Clear-
water, be punished by a fine not ex-
ceeding $~OO.O(), 01" imprll:lolllnent not
exceeuing sixty uays; such fine' or'
impl'lsonment, at the discretion of
thp. Municipal Judge and each day
of duration of such vlola~ions may
be considered as a separate offense.
(b) In case any building or struc-
ture I~ erected, constructed, recon-
I:ltructeu, altered, repaired, convertell
01' maintained, or any huilding,
structure OT' land is used, in viola-
tion of this onllnance or of any otlt-
er ot"dinance 01' lawful regulation.
the proper authorities of the City of
Clearwater, in addition to the reme-
dies herein pl'ovi(led for or which by
law may be available to It, lllay I n-
stltute any appropriate action or pro-
ceeding to prevent or restrain ::IUch
threateneu violation or to impose a
penalty for snell violation, or to re-
strain, correct 01' abate such viola-
tion, in order to prevent the occu-
pancy or use of Halll building, or land
contrary to the PI'0\'i810ns hereof, 01'
to prevent any illegal act, conduct,
business OJ' ule In 01' about such
Seetlon lS, V A LIDI'fY 011' OHD-
INANCI~ If Hny section, paragraph,
:;ubd I vision cla n~e, sen te nee, pro-
vision 01' OtlH~I' part of this ordinance
shall be filially adjudg-ell by any
cO\lrt of COlllpl~lt~nt jurisdiction to be
Invalid 1:l\H:h judgment shall not af.
feet, impair, Invalidate or nullify
the remainder of this ordinance, bllt
the effed thereof Hhall he confincll
to the purt lrl1llledintely anll necc;,;-
sadly involved in tltl' final detel'ml-
nn tion of sueh court.
S(~ction HI. IN'1'I'~HI'IH~T:\TION,
'I'lw headings or captions to thl' SI~V-
eral seetions uf the ol'dinan(~e d(~sign-
I. .
ed more particularly fOl' con\'enience
shall not be construed in allY way to
limit or qualify the sections to which
they respectively apply except where
incorporated by reference or ncces-
Ha ry implication.
It is not intended by this ordinance
in any way to abridge or to sup~r'-
sede any existing and enforcible
covenantial restl'letions running with
the land with respect to the charac-
ter, use or location of buildings.
Section 20. \VHIDN Eli'FECTIVEl.
This ordinance shall take effect from
ancI after Its passage and its ap-
pr'oval by a majority of the qualified
.. '
eleelors of the City of Clearwater
who are freeholders within said City,
voting' at a special election to be
called and held at such time and in
such manner as the City Commis-
sion may prescribe for the purpose of
determining whether or not this ord-
inance sha.1l go into effect.
Passed and adopted by the City
Commission of the City of Clear-
water', li'lorida. this Hth day of
April, A. D. 1032.
':\"l'TEST: H. H. Basldn,
J. g. SATTT<jH.FIf~LD,
City A uditor and Ch~rk.