01/30/1989CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD January 30, 1989 Members present: Tom Thompson, Chairman Charles Finegan, Vice-Chairman Mary Vaughn, Member C. David Carley, Member John Homer, Member Terry Flowers, Member Members absent: Tyler Grady Also present: Michael Wright, Assistant City Manager Elizabeth Deptula, Director of Administrative Services Paula Harvey, Acting Planning & Development Director Kenneth Feldhausen, Secretary to the Board Guests: Paul Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Arlos Ogg Rose Phifer Jon Silverman on behalf of John Gallant Theresa Bierney, St. Petersburg Times Mike Copeland, Tampa Tribune Nick Karay, Florida Power Corporation Bob Ropiati, Jiffy Reproductions Mike Miller, Clearwater Chamber of Commerce Glenn Edward Best, GEB Incorporated The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. He welcomed all the new members and thanked them for their participation. Item I - Approval of the Minutes of the November 28, 1988 Meeting. John Homer indicated the minutes should be amended to reflect that he abstained on the vote regarding the Pinellas County Utilities Building. Mr. Finegan moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 28, 1988 as amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Item II - Financial Statements and Fund Balances. The Chairman introduced Elizabeth Deptula, Director of Administrative Services of the City. Ms. Deptula stated she will be handling the accounting for the Downtown Development Board. She distributed copies of a financial statement to all members and reviewed it in detail. In response to a question, Ms. Deptula stated the account is interest-bearing. Mr. Carley moved to approve the financial statement. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Item III - Point of Contact with City Staff. The Chairman introduced Mike Wright, Clearwater's Assistant City Manager for Community Services. Mr. Wright stated he will be working in the areas of planning and development, economic development, downtown redevelopment, parks and recreation, etc. In response to a question regarding the downtown streetscape project, he indicated the City has received all the permits from the Department of Transportation (DOT) with the exception of the Maintenance of Traffic Plan, a local permit regarding placement and tasks of flagmen. Work on this project should begin by the end of the month. Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Wright's involvement with a streetscape project during his employment elsewhere. He indicated this project was finished shortly before he left and its impact on traffic and merchants had not been determined. A concern was raised regarding Clearwater's project, that starting in the 400 block would adversely impact businesses, at this time, more than starting at the 700 block. Mr. Wright stated he thought this was necessary due to the location of utility services which have to be reconnected to maintain service. He stated he would verifty this. He stated the contractor, COUCH, was on another job, which was delaying the start of this project. ITEM IV - Transition Items. Mr. Thompson stated all the furniture has been moved to Clearwater City Hall; the accounts receivable and payable are being handled by Ms. Deptula and her staff; the lease for the office space and ancillary services have been terminated. It is recommended that the bookkeeping be changed from a manual checkbook accounting system to a special designated fund supported by the City. This will also save the $1,000 audit fee as the City will produce the annual audit. Mr. Carley moved to approve the change to the automated accounting system. The motion was duly seconded. Concerns were expressed that the Board maintain its autonomy and the checks clearly indicated they are from the DDB. The Chairman reported that the City Clerk's Department would be handling the agendas, minutes, and notices, and that the Assistant City Manager would be the principal contact person for DDB matters. ITEM V - Presentation of FY '87/88 Audit. The Chairman reported he asked Ms. Deptula and her staff to examine the audit and recommended acceptance. Ms. Vaughn moved to accept the audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Upon the vote being taken, the motion carried unanimously. ITEM VI - Update on Streetscape (Discussed under Item III). ITEM VII - City Progress in Hiring an Economic Development Director. Mr. Wright stated he is working closely with the City Manager concerning the selection of an Economic Development Director. The field has been narrowed down and the person should be hired soon. Mr. Flowers asked for discussion on Item IV(f) - Use of CRA Funds for Staff Support. Mr. Wright stated the Mayor asked that a record of personnel time that directly pertains to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) be maintained. The City Commission will decide whether or not to charge these costs to the CRA fund. Concerns were expressed that CRA money that could be used for development was being used to pay City personnel costs and this is not done for development in other areas of the City. It was explained that tax money above the 1981 assessment, collected from the CRA district goes into the CRA fund. All taxes from other areas of the City go to the General Fund. A request was made that the Board be informed regarding time charged to the CRA fund and for what purpose. VIII - Future Meeting Schedule. The by-laws require that meetings be held monthly. The last Monday of the month has been established as the meeting date. IX - Election of Officers AND X - Designation of Ex-Officio Members to the CRA. The Chairman stated it has been traditional that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman also serve as the ex-officio members to the CRA. He recommended consideration be given to making these appointments separately and that specific terms of office be established. Discussion ensued concerning procedures for the election of officers and the appointments to the CRA. It was the consensus to make the appointments separately, that nominations would be from the floor and the vote by secret ballot. The Chairman requested nominations for Chairman. Mr. Finegan moved to nominate Tyler Grady for the position of Chairman. The motion was duly seconded. Mr. Homer moved to nominate Charles Finegan for the position of Chairman. The motion was duly seconded. Mr. Finegan declined. Mr. Flowers moved to nominate Dave Carley for Chairman. The motion was duly seconded. Mr. Carley declined the nomination. Mr. Homer moved to nominate Terry Flowers for Chairman. The motion was duly seconded. Mr. Carley moved the nominations be closed. The motion was duly seconded. Mr. Flowers stated he felt the standing committee provided for in the by-laws should be established and the Board should be more active in development of downtown. The secretary announced the tabulation of the secret ballots as a tie. Mr. Carley moved that the election of officers be continued to the next meeting. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Messrs. Finegan, Carley, Flowers, Thompson, and Ms. Vaughn voted "aye." Mr. Homer voted "nay." Motion carried. Mr. Finegan moved to postpone the appointments of ex-officio members to the CRA to the next meeting. The motion was duly seconded. It was requested that the method for designation of the ex-officio members be established. Upon the vote on the motion to postpone the ex-officio appointments being taken, Messrs. Finegan, Carley, Homer, Thompson, and Ms. Vaughn voted "aye," Mr. Flowers voted "nay." Motion carried. Mr. Finegan moved to annually independently nominate the ex-officio members to the CRA. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. XI - Citizens Comments - none. Other Board Action. A request was made that copies of the by-laws be sent to all members. A concern was expressed that items regarding downtown development are not being brought to the Board for input. It was suggested the standing committees called for in the by-laws be established. Paula Harvey, Acting Planning & Development Director, stated the Planning & Development Department will inform the Downtown Development Board regarding requests for variances, site plans, etc. for downtown development. Ms. Harvey stated the Planning & Development Department received a preliminary site plan from Norman Bie for development of his property near Pierce 100 Condos. The proposal is for a twelve-unit condominium development. The plan meets code requirements except for a water retention area. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.