November 28, 1988
Members present:
Tom Thompson, Chairman
Chuck Finegan, Vice-Chairman
Ed Armstrong III
Tom Brown
Tyler Grady
Bill O'Malley
Mayor Garvey, Ex-Officio
Also present:
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Terry Flowers
John Homer
Paula Harvey
Lee Cusack
Mitchell Miller, Chamber of Commerce
Clay Cone, Press
Theresa Bierney, Press
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The invocation was offered by Board member, Tom Brown.
The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the October 24, 1988 meeting. A motion was to approve the minutes. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Chuck Finegan went into detail regarding the checkbook balance $55,501 as of September 30th, the end of the fiscal year. He stated part of that balance was miscellaneous excess tax
refund of $1,507. He indicated the figures he gave were misleading and, after discussing the matter with Jacquelyn Smith, he indicated the account should show a $19,172 balance. He
stated the Board has received numerous revenues outside the budget in the amount of $1,591 as indicated by the last two items on the statement, therefore giving the Board an account
balance of $20,767.77. It was stated all items are correct on the statement, but it is confusing when you have to subtract other income in order to arrive at the account balance. A
motion was made to approve the Financial Statement of October 31, 1988. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Tom Thompson stated he and Tyler Grady were the Counting Committee for the election this a.m. and announced the results of the six candidates seeking election to the Board. Mary Vaughan
and David Carley were elected to three year terms, John Homer was elected to a two year term and Terry Flowers was elected to a one year term. He further indicated there was only a
15 vote difference among the four candidates, and according to the by-laws, the two receiving the most votes are assigned the three year terms, etc. Mr. Thompson reiterated the Board
will miss both Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Brown as well as the other former members.
Congratulations was conveyed by the Board to the newly elected officers present.
Discussed ensued regarding the continuity of the Board together with services to be provided to the Board in light of the fact the contract with Jacquelyn Smith is due to expire the
end of this month. It was stated they had agreed to keep Ms. Smith on through the initial period for the reporting of the tax millage, as well as the end of the fiscal year. Further
discussion ensued regarding the Board services, location, receiving of the tax, finances coming to the Board, paying checks, keeping the minutes and other such services. Mayor Garvey
stated the City Clerk is prepared to take over those responsibilities. As the current lease for the space in the First Florida bank building is due to expire, discussion ensued as to
a future location for the Board. Mayor Garvey stated the Board could meet in the City Hall Conference Room.
Mr. Bell stated he heard the Board was going to be abolished in the future and asked for additional information. Mayor Garvey indicated the City Commission voted to sunset the Board
with the understanding that this may happen in a year. If this comes to pass, the assets of the Board would be redistributed and put into more promotion.
It was stated at the last meeting, the Board members agreed they would no longer occupy the spaces currently utilized, and they would continue to use Jacquelyn Smith's services through
November 30, 1988. It was stated even if the Board is sunsetted, it would not occur until September 30, 1989. Therefore, the Board will still need a meeting place, space for their
files and a Secretary to the Board. The Chairman indicated his understanding was the Board would be vacating the present spaces, they are on a month-to-month rental basis with First
Florida and plans are to vacate by the end of December, 1988. It was also stated the liability insurance expires December 15, 1988.
Mayor Garvey stated she would have the City Manager send letters to Board members notifying them of the procedures, and the City Clerk would be notifying them of the time and place
of future meetings.
The Chairman stated a preliminary audit of the office items has been completed, and those items will be retained and moved to another facility by the City. He also stated all administrative
duties will also be handled by City personnel. This will include taking the minutes, handling monies, etc.
Further discussion ensued regarding the Board's future. It was suggested the Board make contact with City personnel to coordinate the move to vacate the currently leased space by December
31, 1988.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for the December 19th meeting. Mayor Garvey again stated the City Hall Conference Room was available for the Board's meetings.
In response to a question regarding the election, it was stated Mr. Homer and Mr. Flowers, who were elected to replace those members who resigned, should fill the seats immediately
rather than waiting until the first of January. The Chairman being in agreement, a motion was made for Mr. Flowers and Mr. Homer to become official voting members as of this meeting.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Further discussion ensued concerning the office equipment, shutoff of telephone service and notification to the landlord upon the Board vacating the premises. Mayor Garvey stated the
City could use the pictures, VCR and the television, and the rest of the equipment could be sold with the monies going to the Downtown Development Board.
A motion was made to vacate the premises on December 31, 1988, that the Board ask the City to move the furniture and all fixed assets and the Board donate those assets for the City's
use. The motion was duly seconded.
A member stated some of the fixed assets are of historical value and should be made available to a historical organization for purchase. Mayor Garvey stated the pictures would be used
by the City with a guarantee they would not be disposed of.
An amendment was made to the motion that the picture of Downtown be made available to Mr. Ogg as he has been involved with the Board for a long time. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously. At that time Mr. Ogg was presented with the picture in appreciation for his service to the Downtown Development Board.
Discussion ensued regarding a letter of recommendation and severance pay for Jacquelyn Smith.
The Chairman stated he would like Mr. Finegan to handle the changeover in the interim. He stated he and Mr. Finegan would sign the checks as Jacquelyn would be removed from the signature
list. Chuck Finegan agreed to oversee the changeover and pointed out a letter of recommendation was issued to Ms. Smith at the last meeting. He stated her last paycheck included severance
pay as agreed upon.
Paula Harvey stated Pinellas County is proposing an addition to their utilities building west of the corner of Osceola Ave. and Court St. She stated they will be doubling the size
of their office building and propose a one story parking structure over a portion of the parking lot. Ms. Harvey stated they are asking for a variance from the City of the 40% view
A motion was made to support the site plan of the Pinellas County Utilities building and parking facility.
John Homer questioned if the Board was supporting the site plan because they didn't want the County to move out or off the tax rolls, or because it is what the County wants. The Chairman
stated it is a most expeditious way to promote downtown redevelopment and revitalization through repopulation of professionals working downtown every day, all day. He stated it is far
easier to take a professional work force downtown than to try to attract people to the retail situation. He stated this is going to increase the professional work force in downtown
and is more advantageous.
* A motion was made to approve the Pinellas County site plan for the utilities building. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Mr. Homer abstained.
Discussion ensued regarding the December meeting. The Vice-Chairman stated he has a conflict should they set a meeting for the 19th. A question was raised whether or not the December
meeting was needed.
A motion was made to dispense with the December meeting and hold the regular scheduled meeting in January. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
One member pointed out a letter should be sent to all Board members as to when and where the next meeting will take place after the changeover.
Mr. Ogg expressed sincere appreciation to the Board for the picture of downtown.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.