01/26/1998PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER January 26, 1998 Present: Larry Lindner Chair William Kirbas Vice Chair Charles Weaver Board Member Gary Giordano Board Member Donald Harris Board Member Gerry Shriver Board Member Art Kader Acting Parks and Recreation Director Steve Miller Recreation Superintendent Gwen Legters Board Reporter Absent: Gary Meritt Board Member The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. To provide continuity, the items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 2. Minutes Approval - November 24, 1997 Member Kirbas moved to approve the minutes as submitted in writing to each member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 3. Correspondence - None 4. Presentation "One City. One Future." -- City Manager Michael Roberto Mr. Roberto presented his “One City. One Future.” concept, based on the premise that all areas of the City are interrelated and must be addressed comprehensively. Because governments do not change directions easily, the City must choose and continue pursuit of a particular course long enough to achieve results. Public input will be accepted regarding five major areas: Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard needs work to become the defining corridor. Aesthetic and landscaping enhancements will help solve perceptual issues and make a statement at the City’s entryway that will clearly define Clearwater’s character; 2) Downtown improvements to define the community, give people a reason to visit, and improve pedestrian orientation by creating a focus on downtown as the “east beach”, converting the existing 80% asphalt on the bluff to 80% green space, and doubling the size of Coachman Park so focus is on people, not automobiles; 3) Clearwater beach pedestrian area redesign to open the vista for pedestrians along the Gulf, provide a better transition between residential and commercial areas, and improve traffic flow across the causeway; 4) North Greenwood as the area most impacted by downtown changes, provides the best opportunities for positive changes and residents want to participate in the solution; and 5) Land Development Code amendment, while the most important, is the most difficult area on which to focus public attention. The existing code was written while Clearwater was a development community, and must be rewritten to facilitate redevelopment because the current process is cumbersome and not friendly to development. The Land Development Code will be known as the “Value Added Code.” He cited examples of value added opportunities, adding the first draft will be available within 60 days. Mr. Roberto reported the City Commission gave direction to go forward with the plan at last Friday’s special meeting. As the purpose of the One City. One Future. document is to produce public feedback, 112 meetings are set up to collect that input. He compared the ten year process to that of Ft. Lauderdale where it took 14 years to reap investments from redevelopment efforts. This is an exciting time because public sentiment exists to do something constructive. People are obligated to be part of the process because the community’s future is at stake. The board received copies of "One City. One Future." and the new Clearwater magazine. They praised Mr. Roberto for the positive impact of his enthusiasm. He was encouraged to move forward and maintain the current momentum. Mr. Roberto responded decision making becomes tough from this point, but he is pleased with the City Commission’s ability to articulate the vision, put it in writing, and give it to the City to create a blueprint for Clearwater’s future. He added he and his family were happy in South Florida. He came to Clearwater because this community seems to really want to go somewhere. He and his family have been made to feel welcome. Mr. Kader observed this is the first time in the 19 years he has been with the City that a City Manager has appeared before the board. He thanked Mr. Roberto for attending. 5. Upcoming Recreation Events - Report by Steve Miller Mr. Miller distributed handouts highlighting programs and events scheduled for the month of February. He called attention to 1) Create a Valentine; 2) Valentine’s Dance; 3) Stage Agenda Theater Group presenting “Love Letters; 4) Clearwater Welcomes the Philles; and 5) USTA Women’s Professional Challenger at McMullen Tennis Complex. He stated the Clearwater magazine replaces the Communiqué and is produced by the Information Management (IM) department. He was pleased to have Parks and Recreation programs and events in the magazine. He responded to questions regarding format of the Clearwater Welcomes the Philles event. New Clearwater Magazine Mr. Miller responded to questions regarding cross-referencing recreation programs and events, stating competition for magazine space limits what can be included. The magazine is more visually oriented now. Time sensitive listings are difficult to manage as the magazine is printed quarterly, rather than seasonally. Staff will work with IM on the best way to manage the listings. 7. State of the Department Report The board received Mr. Kader’s report of 1997 accomplishments and 1998 priorities for the five Parks and Recreation divisions. Reading from the cover memo, Mr. Kader noted the department operates on the belief it is following the City’s values and vision.. Board members found the report impressive, but were not surprised, knowing it was produced by the Parks and Recreation Department. While expressing disappointment at the loss of space for large cultural activities, it was indicated looking at a social/cultural hall is one of Master plan components. Staff looks forward to doing a comprehensive Master Plan with the board’s involvement. It was indicated what the department has accomplished is very important. 8. Old Business A. Capital Improvement Projects Status In response to questions, Mr. Kader said staff put the Crest Lake Master Plan on hold during the Gulf-to-Bay Beautification project due to the magnitude of the department’s current involvement in other projects. Discussion ensued regarding resurfacing and lighting work in progress on tennis courts at Clearwater High School. Staff was requested to check whether or not lights were supposed to be placed on the center poles. Discussion ensued regarding progress at Lake Chautauqua Park, B. Clearwater Beach Pool Mr. Miller reported the overall feeling is the pool priority may change as One City. One Future. progresses. Concerns were expressed the project will be indefinitely delayed like Mandalay Streetscape improvements. Mr. Kader said the City Manager’s goal is to do it right the first time, and questions had been raised whether the proposed location is the best place for a pool. It was felt the $300,000 replacement estimate may have been short-sighted. Discussion ensued regarding bid alternatives. Skateboard/Roller Blade Park Mr. Kader reported this issue was taken off the table because it, like the pool issue, needs restudy to determine whether the best location was chosen. He did not feel these issues are dead. Staff has met with contractors who build skate parks. A consultant has reviewed four other locations for skate parks, other than Mandalay Avenue. Staff will bring a report and recommendations. D. McMullen Tennis Update Staff met with the resurfacing contractor on site and it was determined surface cracks on eight courts are cosmetic and do not affect play. The cracks cannot be eliminated without removing and replacing the courts. Brief discussion ensued regarding the City’s resurfacing program. Staff will continue monitoring the courts and look at replacing them in the future. E. Pinellas Trail Mr. Kader reported the City was unable to construct the proposed trail stop near the parking garage due to the construction time table, but is researching another nice area in downtown for the stop. Space for parking and unloading near the trail will be addressed. It was suggested to make the public aware that weekend parking is free in downtown parking garages. While little space exists for landscaping, nursery staff has scheduled planting trees similar to those north of Drew Street within the next three months. Status and ultimate use of the Clearwater Train Station were not known, but it was indicated owner Fred Thomas has offered part of his land for a restroom. 9. New Business A. Island Estates Park Mr. Kader reported staff was to revisit cost estimates and design for a small neighborhood park on a lot in Island Estates, for future consideration by the City Commission. Site plans for condominiums to the east and an existing marina to the west were discussed. B. February Meeting Location and Program As next month’s meeting is not televised, a suggestion was made to hold the February meeting at Clearwater Sailing Center and ask Harbormaster Bill Held if he is available to make a presentation. Staff will inquire whether the facility and Mr. Held are available. New Parks and Recreation Director Status Mr. Kader reported five candidates were interviewed for the vacant position but no decision has been made. He said Ozell George, another key person in the organization, has also retired. Staff will continue as a family unit, practicing good customer service, and focusing on people. C-View Schedule Mr. Kader reported staff has received a memo from C-View staff that their programming emphasis is changing. Parks and Recreation Board meetings will not be televised after April 1, 1998. Consideration will be given to whether the board wants to continue meeting in Chambers or at various recreation centers in the community. Moving around would provide more opportunities for the public to attend, and for board members to visit the facilities. Board Comments Member Weaver reported a need for maintenance at the disc park on Old Coachman Road. Due to recent heavy rains, waterborne sand and debris have accumulated. He reported the mulch has washed away from some areas of the new sidewalk on the west side of Crest Lake Park. He recommended a more stable ground covering material in narrow areas between the sidewalk and street. The board said good-bye to Mr. Weaver who has fulfilled his second consecutive term on the board. It was indicated Mr. Weaver has been a capable chair, and a proactive board member, with whom all have enjoyed working. Noted for his work to improve Crest Lake Park, he has adhered to his principles and was always available to share his recommendations, ideas, and vision. Mr. Weaver said he had a good time and enjoyed learning about all phases of City government. He regretted term limits prevented him from seeking reappointment immediately. Member Kirbas questioned whether any action was taken on the board’s recommendation to strike Section 1B from Resolution 97-43 regarding park renaming. Staff will investigate. Member Harris commended staff for taking the opportunity to issue participant cards during little league registration. Mr. Kader said the effort was very successful. An amazing number of resident and non-resident cards were issued. Plans are underway to repeat the effort, as staffing permits. 10. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.