04/28/1997PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER April 28, 1997 Present: Donald Harris Larry Lindner William Kirbas Gary Giordano Gary Meritt Gerry Shriver Chair Vice Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member   Ream Wilson Art Kader Steve Miller Gwen Legters Parks and Recreation Director Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Recreation Superintendent Board Reporter  Absent: Charles Weaver Board Member   The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall Commission Chambers, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. To provide continuity, the items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 2. Minutes Approval - March 24, 1997 and April 14, 1997 Special Meeting Member Kirbas moved to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 4. Correspondence - None 5. Upcoming Recreation Events - Report by Steve Miller Mr. Miller distributed handouts highlighting programs and events scheduled for the month of May. He called attention to: 1) Continuing Fun N’ Sun activities and events; 2) Mayfest, 1997--“The North Greenwood Renaissance”; 3) “Coolest Car Show & 30 Years of Rock-n-Roll on Memorial Day; and 4) Summer camp pre-registration dates. The 1997 Summer Youth Edition of Clearwater Communiqué magazine was distributed. In response to a question raised at a previous meeting, Mr. Miller verified non-member fees are in place for visitors to the Long Center. Apparently, center volunteers were unfamiliar with the correct procedure. Mr. Miller apologized to Member Weaver and his family for their inconvenience, on behalf of Long Center personnel. 6. Old Business A. Operating and Capital Budgets -- General Discussion Mr. Kader distributed a status update of 1996/97 Capital Improvement Projects, highlighting the changes since the last report. Mr. Wilson distributed and discussed the list of capital improvement program recommendations for 1997/98, as submitted to the City Commission. He detailed the current fund balance; priorities and their rationale; amount approved for each project; board recommendations regarding submitted projects; and the projects as modified in preliminary meetings with the City Manager. Mr. Wilson responded to questions regarding proposed location of the new Island Estates playground, and the City’s vision or mission focus on beautification in relation to creating a master plan for Crest Lake. He referred to the park as the jewel on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard. He did not feel that a consultant, if engaged, would find it necessary to change the style of the park from its current passive format. B. Bayview Property - Status Mr. Wilson reported interested individuals have requested the City to ask for a 50/50 grant from the State to purchase the land. The City Commission directed staff to check with the County to see if there is any interest in participating with the City to purchase the property. The City Manager will meet with County Administrator Fred Marquis to discuss cost estimates, water access, retention concerns, and other site details. Mr. Wilson will provide updates as more information becomes available. C. Swimming Pool at Clearwater Beach - Status Mr. Miller displayed drawings of the recent pool plan enhancements, as a result of the March 31 meeting with beach residents, held at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center. Mr. Kader, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Wilson had presented the City’s recommendation, and received the beach residents’ reactions to the plan. Of primary interest to the residents were adding two lanes for a total of six; increasing pool depth; adding starting blocks; adding pool heating; and yearround operation. While they had liked the idea of water park amenities, they wanted a larger pool. Fees and projected usage had been discussed. The design consultants were instructed to look at the cost and feasibility of incorporating the suggestions. Mr. Miller responded to questions regarding site reconfiguration and features. It was indicated the bath house/locker room is to be minimal, with only the required rinse shower. Staff proposes to outfit the facility for a heated pool, then wait to see if attendance experience indicates that year-round operation could be successful. In the beginning, the pool will open from Spring Break in March, through October. Discussion ensued regarding fuel costs for Clearwater’s two heated pools at Ross Norton Park and the Long Center. It was indicated the Clearwater beach pool will be smaller and less expensive to heat. D. St. Petersburg Junior College Athletic Fields - Status Mr. Wilson said a draft agreement is being prepared for the City to assume responsibility for field maintenance. He wished to inform the board the issue is still viable, and he will report news as it becomes available. New Business A. Rental of Building for Cultural/Social Programs - Discussion Mr. Wilson related the history of adult cultural/social programs within the City, indicating space is needed to conduct new and existing programs within the City. Such programs have been moved around since the City Hall Annex auditorium was demolished. As existing City facilities are too small, and parking is insufficient to meet the needs of such programs, staff has suggested looking for a large, vacant retail building that may be leased at a reasonable price. Mr. Miller felt it is likely that programs for adults would grow, given sufficient space, to produce revenue for the City. Staff will investigate and report at a future meeting. Board and Staff Discussion Member Lindner questioned whether the board wished to adopt a policy setting term limits for officers, as discussed at previous meetings. He and Member Kirbas expressed support for one year on; one year off, with the term of office continuing to run from January through December. Member Lindner moved to limit the term of office for Parks and Recreation Board Chair and Vice Chair to one year; with members eligible to serve another term after having been out of office for one year. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Member Lindner praised the City’s Communiqué magazine, stating its presentation is tremendous. He offered specific suggestions regarding cross referencing sports and activities for easier reference. Mr. Miller said the suggestions are timely because staff is in the process of designing changes for the publication. He noted the difficulty of projecting dates and times for future contract programs when firm commitments have not been received from the instructors. Member Kirbas suggested, as McMullen Tennis Complex improvements are nearing completion, to feature it on the cover of the Communiqué , so the public will be more aware of what is available to them. Mr. Miller responded the City’s Information Management office has entered a contract with a public relations/marketing firm to publicize the work being done by various departments. Birgitt Dowd is in the process of meeting with them regarding Parks and Recreation. Member Kirbas asked staff to look at minor details remaining at the McMullen complex: repairing the speaker system and repairing tiedowns on the lower edge of some nets. Member Lindner suggested inaugurating the facility with an opening activity, and questioned the status of pro court lighting. Staff will research details and report. Member Meritt praised the appearance of the trees planted along Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and questioned the density of the plantings. Mr. Wilson outlined the planting program and the limited City rights-of-way within the corridor where trees can be planted. It was indicated the first 18 trees are planted, representing one truckload. Staff hopes to plant one truckload each week until the project is finished. Member Kirbas wondered whether it would be possible for the City to replace a dead palm the City had removed from the right-of-way in front of his home. Mr. Wilson responded trees are not usually replaced in such a situation, because the Engineering Department tries to keep the rights-of-way open for utilities. Planting is encouraged to take place on private property. He offered to investigate if there was a problem. Mr. Kirbas did not indicate he wished to pursue the matter, but said he had enjoyed the tree. In response to a question, Mr. Miller said informational presentations will resume at the next meeting, when contract instructors will be featured. This month’s presentation was canceled due to the heavy budget and Fun N’ Sun schedule. It was suggested to ensure C-View will televise the meeting before inviting the instructors. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Chair Parks and Recreation Board  Attest:   Board Reporter