Grant # 06AFHFLOOI0008
This agreement is made BETWEEN
The Florida Commission on Community Service
commonly referred to asV olunteer Florida
401 South lVlonroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
referred to herein as the "Commission"
City of Clearwater on behalf of
Clearwater Police Department
645 Pierce Street
Clearwater, FL 33756-5400
referred to herein as the "Provider"
The Provider, to be commonly referenced as "AmeriCorps Clearwater" will utilize AmeriCorps
Members in accordance with submitted proposal (Attachment [I). In consideration of the
contracted services by the Commission and of the advantages and benefits received by the
Provider by virtue of such relationship, the receipt and adequacy of all of which considerations are
hereby acknowledged, now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set
forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
A. Compliance.
1. The Provider is responsible for the compliance requirements applicable to CFDA
# 94.006 Federal Programs and all applicable Florida Statutes. These
requirements are inclusive of the Provisions provided as Attachment III.
2. The Provider will rectify all compliance issues identified by the Commission in
writing within the time period set forth or all future reimbursements will be
withheld until the deficiencies are corrected. Written documentation should
include how all noted deficiencies were corrected or an acceptable justification,
action plan and timeIine of compliance for any deficiencies not corrected within
the time period set forth.
3. By signing this contract, the Provider acknowledges receipt of the AmeriCorps
Provisions and AmeriCorps Regulations. The Provider further agrees to adhere to
the most current policies of both governing documents. The Provider is
responsible for ensuring that all staff manages the program in accordance with
both governing documents.
B. Program ~ame. The Provider may not change the program name without the prior
written approval of the Commission.
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C. Program Pel'formance Measures
Performance Measures Revisions. Program performance measures may be revised
llllly with prior written appl\l\ al of the Commission and through the Corporation for
National and Community Service's Weo Bascd Repllrting System (WBRS) or other
apprO\cd on-line n:pmting system.
Needs and Servke Activities (output) - S~ning Police Officer Time After one
year, memoers will save 4,~()0 hours of police officer time as measured oy
memoer timesheets.
Needs and Service Activities (Intermediate Outcome) - Saving Police Officer
Time After one year, members will save a minimum of 4,200 hours of assisting
police units with non-emergency details including crime prevention and patrol
services that will result in saving $111,930 worth of police officer time as
measured by program spreadsheet.
Needs and Service Activities (End Outcome) - Saving Police Officer Time
After one year, members will save a minimum of 4,200 hours of assisting police
units with non-emergency details including crime prevention and patrol services
that will result in saving $111,9.30 worth of police officer time. As a result, 70%
of community stakeholders will report a sense of feeling safer as measured by
stakeholder surveys.
Community Strengthening (Output) - Volunteer Recruitment
After one year, 39 volunteers will collectively provide at least 975 hours of
volunteer services as measured by volunteer logs.
D. Budget. Both a budget and budget narrative for the delivery of services described in
this contract are provided in Attachment H.
I. Match Requirements and In-Kind Contributions
a. The Provider must provide matching funds (cash) at a minImum of the
percentage stated in Attachment II of the total for Member costs.
b. The Provider must provide matching funds (cash) and/or in-kind contributions
at a minimum of the percentage stated in Attachment H of the total for all
other costs.
2. Budget Revisions. The Commission must be notified in writing of all changes
and the purposes of changes to the budget. The Commission reserves the right to
disallow any revisions.
3. Property. The Provider agrees to seek prior approval to purchase any equipment
and/or furniture not listed in Attachment II with a purchase price of $500 or more
to oe reimoursed by the Commission.
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E. Internet Access. The Provider agrees to provide the AmcriCorps Program Internet
access and e-mail capability as is necessary for program reporting and
F. Reporting
l. Monthly Progress Reports. "AmeriCurps Clearwater" \\ ill he required to
complete a monthly report by the fifteenth (15'11) calendar day of each month
during the contract period. The Commission reserves the right to request monthly
reports he submitted at any point during the program year.
2. WBRS Progress RepOl.ts. The Provider will submit Quarterly Progress Reports
via the Web Based Reporting System (WBRS) or other approved on-line
reporting system in accordance with the requirements and prescribed schedule of
the Commission and the Corporation for National Service.
3. Recruitment Plan for Persons with Disabilities. The Provider will submit a
plan to recruit persons with disabilities utilizing the format provided by the
Program Accessibility Coordinator three months after contract execution.
4. Administration of Members with Disabilities Survey. The Provider will
provide a time and place for all members to complete the Commission's Survey to
Determine the Number of Persons with Disabilities Serving Florida's
Communities and ensure the survey is administered according to Commission
5. Review of Facilities for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal. The Provider
will conduct annually a review of their facilities, policies, procedures and
provision of service delivery to ensure any barriers preventing the potential
participation of applicants with disabilities are removed or mitigated.
6. Sustainability Plan. The Provider will develop or update a sustainability plan in
accordance with the requirements of the Commission and Section I. W. of this
7. WBRS FSR Reports. The Provider will submit Quarterly Financial Status
Reports using Form SF269A in WBRS or other approved on-line reporting
8. WBRS Financial Reports for Reimbursement. The Provider will submit to the
Commission monthly financial reports for reimbursement consisting of a Periodic
Expense Report and Income Report. Both reports are standard forms on WBRS
or other approved on-line reporting system. With the exception of the Final
Financial Reports, all reports for reimbursement are due within the month
following the period of report. If circumstances occur delaying the reimbursement
request, an explanation should be sent to the Commission before the
reimbursement request is due.
9. .'inal .'inancial Reports for Reimbursement. The Provider agrees to submit the
forty-five (45) calendar days after the ending date of this contract or the date of
contract termination, whichever is earlier. If the Provider fails to suhmit the final
financial reports within the specified time, all rights to payment arc forfeited.
10. Supporting Documentation. The Provider will submit supporting documentation
for all expenditures for the first quarter. After the first quarter the level of
documentation will be determined hased on risk. The Provider will be notified in
writing by the Commission on the required level of documentation after the first
II. Property. At the end of the contract the Provider agrees to submit a current
inventory list of all property (i.e. equipment and furniture) \vith a purchase price
of S750.00 or more bought with funds provided through this contract. This
property listing must include a description of the property, model number, serial
number, date of acquisition, cost, inventory number and information on the
location, condition, transfer, replacement or disposition of the property. The
Commission reserves the right to retrieve, upon termination of this contract, any
and all equipment and furniture purchased with funds provided through this
contract, or to recei ve repayment for funds provided through this contract used in
the purchase or any portion of such equipment or furniture.
12. Audits. The Provider agrees to provide the Commission financial and compliance
audits of the Provider with the management letter within ninety (90) days of the
end of the Provider's fiscal year and to ensure that all related party transactions
are disclosed to the auditor.
13. Other Reports. The Provider agrees to provide other rep0l1s as may be requested
by the Commission by an established deadline.
G. Staff Recruitment and Responsibilities
I. Staff positions, duties, responsibilities and the number of staff working in this
program may be revised if requested in writing by the provider and approved in
writing by the Commission, provided such revisions do not exceed original
budgeted amounts for staff. The Provider will hire and maintain one (1) full-time
Program Director to be responsible for the overall management of the program.
2. The Provider will maintain one (1) person (Deputy Chief of Police) at 5% to
provide administrative oversight to the program.
3. The Provider will maintain one (1) person (Sergeant of Special Operations) at
20% to provide day to day program oversight.
4. The Provider will maintain one (1) person (Lieutenant of Special Operations) at
5% to provide administrative oversight.
5. The Provider will maintain one (1) person (Administrative Support Manager) at
5% to provide fiscal oversight.
H. AmeriCorps Member Recruitment and Responsibilities
I. Recruit a minimum of eight (8) AmeriCorps Members into full-time service
within sixty (60) days of implementation of this contract. Members will be
provided with a living allowance in accordance with the AmeriCorps Provisions
(Attachment III).Memoers will provide direct service in areas outlined in the
approved proposal (Attachment II).
2. Recruit a minimum of five (5) AmeriCorps Members into half-time service.
Memoers will oe provided with a living allowance in accordance with the
AmeriCorps Provisions (Attachment III).Memoers will provide direct service in
areas outlined in the approved proposal (Attachment II).
3. The Provider agrees to implement the Commission approved Recruitment Plan for
Persons with Disaoilities.
4. The positions. position descriptions. and number of Memhers serving in this
program may be revised if requested in writing by the pro\"ider and approved in
writing hy the Commission.
5. A ;\iational Service Enrollment Form must be completed via WBRS for all
\kmhers. The program should keep a hard copy of the member enrollment form
in a memher file.
6. Memher positions may only he revised through a Memher Change of Status Form
completed via WBRS for each Memher for the following conditions:
a. suspension;
b. ending service early;
c. reinstatement to service:
d. utilization of the Family Medical Leave Act; or
e. transfer to another AmeriCorps program. The program should keep a hard
copy in a memher file.
7. A National Service Trust End of Term of Service/Exit Form must be completed
via WBRS for each Member upon completion of her/his term of service. The
program should keep a hard copy in a member file.
S. The Provider will submit approved forms in WBRS within 30 days upon a
member's enrollment in, completion of, lengthy or indefinite suspension from, or
release from, a term of service.
9. The Provider will submit approved time-logs in WBRS within 30 days of payroll
period ending.
I. Partnership Development and Site Agreements
l. The Provider may enter into agreements with other private and public
organizations in the targeted communities to cooperate and coordinate the
provision of services under the terms of this contract.
2. Such partnerships may include, but are not limited to, the following agreements:
1. contributions of cash support for the services provided under the
terms of this contract
2. contributions of in-kind support for the services provided under the
terms of this contract.
3. coordination of service activities to prevent duplication of effort;
4. evaluation of service activities, Member development, etc.;
5. fundraising;
6. promotions or public relations; and
7. provision of member supervision and/or service site supervision.
3. Agreements with partners to provide Member supervision and/or service sites
must be in writing and include the following items:
a. description of services to he provided by Members;
b. designation of person(s) responsihle for member supervision and \erification
of memher servin.' hours;
c. description of prohihited member activities; and
d. other supervision or programmatic responsihilities.
4. The Provider shall include a list of its partner organizations on materials as
appropriate including:
a. brochures;
b. flyers;
c. posters; and
d. puhlic service annOUIlcements.
.T. Disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery.and/or Mitigation. The (\)rporation
for National Senice (under agreement with the Federal Emergenc)' :Vlanagcment
~ ~ ~
Agency) and the Commission (under agreemcnt with the Florida Department of
Community Affairs Division of Emcrgency Management) requires the availability of
AmeriCorps Members to be assigned to provide assistance in disaster preparedness,
response, recovery, and/or mitigation activities. As palt of its commitment to
community service, the provider agrees to train its members and staff to assist in disaster
prep..m~dness, response, recovery and mitigation activities. Volunteers working with the
program will be given the option to pwticipate in the training. The types of events that
could impact Florida include hurricanes, tornadoes, t1oods, other weather related events
and man-made events, such as hazardous materials accidents. Program members,
volunteers, and staff, based on the nature of the program, will he trained to assist with any
of the following activities: conuuunity preparedness education, shelter operations, mass
feeding, debris removal, community outreach, and other disaster recovery related
activities. Program members and volunteers may be requested to provide assistance
anywhere in the State of FlOlida. Provider staff and AmeriCorps Members shall serve
under the direction and control of the Provider and shall not be considered volunteers to
FEMA, DCA or DEM for plllposes of Chapter llO(IV) F.S. Requests for disaster
preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation assistance will be made on behalf of
the Florida Governor's State Coordinating Officer through the Commission's Director
of Emergency Management after consulting with the state Corporation for National
Service office disaster coordinator. All related activities undertaken by a program will
be done in cooperation with the local office of emergency management. Approved
expenses incurred as a result of provider activities related to disaster preparedness,
response, recovery and mitigation would be reimbursed. According to State of Florida
and Federal regulations, non-profit entities responding in times of disaster may request
reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Up to 75% of
eligible expenses may be reimbursed. The State of Florida, on a disaster specific basis,
may cover the remaining 25% of eligible expenses for private non-profit entities.
Providers responding at the request of the State Coordinating Officer would be eligible
for reimbursement of disaster related expenses. The Commission will furnish the
provider with additional information about expenditure reimbursement. Training costs
will not be reimbursable unless arrangements are made in advance. The Commission
has identified low and no cost training opportunities statewide. Providers may
contact the Commission's Director of Emergency Management for specific training
questions and opportunities.
K. Training and Technical Assistance. Training and/or technical assistance provided
to staff and/or AmeriCorps Members under this contract must be designed to facilitate
the improvement of the services, strengthen the development of skills and knowledge
for the staff and the AmeriCorps Members, and strengthen the communities in which
services arc provided. Training and/or tcchnical assistance may he provided directly
by the Provider, a community partner (such as a local voluntcer center) or other local
resources requested from the COlllmission or coordinated through the Commission.
1. Staff. The Provider will ensure the provIsIon of trammg and/or technical
assistance to ensure successful program implementation and operation. Required
trainings include;
a. four (4) Quarterly Program Director Meetings; and
b. two (1) disability specific trainings with the first two of a new program
directors tenure covering titles I. II and III of the Americans with Disabilities
Act. Training not provided by the Commission must be approved in advance
by Commission staff designated to oversee the Commission's disability
inclusion responsibilities.
Other suggested topics are, but are not limited to;
a. supervisory techniques;
b. AmeriCorps member evaluation;
c. working with the media;
d. AmeriCorps member motivation; and
e. report writing.
2. AmeriCorps Members. The Provider will ensure the proVISIOn of training
and/or technical assistance for members. Required trainings include:
a. American Red Cross-certitied or comparable CPR and First Aid training; The
Provider will have all members trained or certified in CPR and First Aid.
b. diversity appreciation;
c. citizenship;
d. Disability awareness and sensitivity training adhering to the Commission's
approved content.
e. Introduction to Disaster and one additional training in the area of disaster
preparedness or response.
Other suggested topics are, but are not limited to:
a. team building;
b. conflict resolution;
c. career development;
d. Life after AmeriCorps.
L. National Service Activities. The Provider will schedule and conduct a at least one
direct service activity designed for and conducted as part of the Seasons of Service,
the designated national service days of the Corporation of National Service, during
the contract period.
M. Quality Assurance and Evaluation
1. The Provider will track and document progress made toward accomplishing the
performance measures and specific deliverables of this contract.
2. The Provider agrees to facilitate, conduct and participate in technical assistance,
external reviews, and other continuous improvement activities related to the
3. The Provider agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the Commission to
inspect any records, papers, documents, facilities. goods and services of the
Provider that are relevant to this contract, and/or to interview any clients,
employees. volunteers, or any other parties affiliated with the Provider to be
assured of satisfactory performance of the terms and conditions of this contract.
I O!lW07
4. The Provider will conduct a minimum of one survey annually to examine primary
stakeholder satisfaL'lion with the program services. including at a minimum to:
a. AmeriCorps members;
h. service recipients:
c. community residents; and
d. community partners.
5. Provide any requested information in a timely fashion in the format specified by
the Commission;
6. Facilitate contact with community agencies and lor individuals for the
Commission or its consultant;
N. Records and Documentation.
l. The Provider agrees to maintain records of deliverablcs, including reports and
program and participant data.
2. The Provider agrees to maintain fiscal records and documents (including
electronic storage media) in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and
expenditures of funds related to this grant.
3. The Provider agrees to assure that records will be subject, at all reasonable times,
to inspection, review or audit by Commission personnel and/or individuals
authorized by the Commission.
4. The Provider agrees to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or
other materials subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, F.S. and made or
received by the Provider in conjunction with this contract. The Provider's refusal
to comply with this provision will constitute a breach of contract.
O. Safeguarding Information. The Provider agrees not to use or disclose information
concerning a recipient of services under this contract for any purpose not in
conformity with the state regulations (119, F.S) and federal regulations (45 CFR, Part
205.50), except upon wriUen consent of the recipient or the recipient's responsible
parent or guardian when authorized by law.
P. Assignments and Subcontracts. The Provider agrees not to assign responsibility of
this contract to another pm1y or to subcontract any portion of the work contemplated
under this contract without prior written approval of the Commission. No such
approval by the Commission will be deemed in any manner to provide [or the
incurrence of any obligation of the Commission in addition to the total dollar amount
agreed upon in this contract. All such assignments or subcontracts will be subject to
the terms and conditions of this contract and to any conditions of approval that the
Commission may deem necessary. The Provider agrees to inelude audit and record
keeping requirements in all approved agreements entered into by the Provider for any
other subcontracted services in the amount of $25,000 or greater.
Q. Indemnification. Each party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsihle for the
'^' rongful acts of its employees and agents. However, nothing contained herein shall
constitute a waiver hy either party of its sovcreign immunity or the provision of
Section 768.2X Florida Statute.
R. Incident Reporting. In compliance with Chapter 415 F.S. and 39 F.S., an employee
or agent of the Provider who knows. or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child,
elder, or adult with a disahility is or has heen ahused. neglected or exploited, shall
immediately report such knowledge l)r suspicion to the aouse registry (lperated oy the
Florida Department of Children and Families on the single statewide toll-free
tclephone number. 1-~O()-96-ABUSE (XOO-l)62-2~73).
S. Sponsorship
I. The PrO\ider agrees to. in puolicizing. advcrtising. or descrioing the sponsorship
of a program funded wholly or in part by the Commission. state "Sponsored oy
Clearwater Police Department and Volunteer Florida"". If the Spl)J1sorship
reference is in written material. the \voros "Volunteer Florida"" shall appear in the
same size letter or type as the name of the Provider.
2. The Provider agrees to incorporate the Volunteer Florida logo as appropriate on
all letterhead. brochures. newsletters, business cards, stationery, posters, tlyers,
and other written and pictorial communication meoia for all programs funded
wholly or in part by the Commission.
3. The Provider agrees to notify the Communications Director of the Commission as
soon as possible when engaging in contact with the media; and to provide the
Commission's tag line to all media contacts for all programs funded wholly or in
part by the Commission.
T. Purchasing, Procurement of Materials with Recycled Content. The Provider
agrees that any products or materials that are the subject or are required to carry out
this contract shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of s.403.7065 and
287.045, F.S.
U. Conflict of Interest. The Provider shall affirm that neither the Provider nor any of its
directors, officers, members or employees has any interest nor shall acquire any
interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner or degree with
performance of the service hereunder. The Provider further agrees that in the
performance of the service, no person having such interest shall be employed by the
V. Nepotism. No person may hold a job or position with the Provider in which a
member of his/her immediate family exercises supervisory authority within the
program. A member of an immediate family includes: husband, wife, father, father-
in-law, mother, mother-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, son, son-
in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law and separated spouses.
W. Sustainahility. It is understood that the funding provided by the Commission for this
program is "seed money"' to be used by the Provider to provide services to the
community, with the assistance of the Commission, that will eventually be continued
and managed locally with minimal federal funds or responsibility for the program.
Resources that are acquired during the course of this contract will be reported to the
Commission utilizing the WBRS Income Report.
X. Accessihility and Prohibited Discrimination. The Provider will ensure accessibility
and prohibit discrimination in accordance with AmcriCorps Provisions C. 30.
A. Reimbursements. Complete and accurate reimbursement requests (Periodic Expense
Report and Income Report) will be processed by the Commission and submitted to
the Commission's fiscal agent, Tallahassee Community College. for payment.
B. Technical Assistance. The Commission agrees to provide or assist the Provider in
obtaining technical assistance and training as needed by the Provider for this contract.
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C. Site Visits. Following any quality assurance!continuous improvement review, the
Commission will deliver in a timely fashion to the Provider a written report with
comments and recommendations regardin2: the manner in which services are heing
~ ~ ~
D. Contract Continuation. The Commission will notify the Provider in \\Titing of the
suhmission date and re4uirements for the continuing application and continuation will
be executed hy contract amendment.
A. Effective ~lI1d Ending Dates. The contract shall hegin J anllary I, :2008 and end on
December 31, 2008
B. Contract Funding Amount. The maximum amount reimbllrsahle under this
agreement is $130, 924.
C. Type of Contract. This will be a cost reimbursement contract. Payment for the
contracted services will be contingent upon the documented allowable expenditures
for the specified contract period. The Commission's performance and obligation to
pay for services rendered under this contract is contingent upon available funding
from the Corporation for National and Community Service and the State of Florida.
D. Ownership and Sharing of Grant Products. Unless otherwise specified, the
Provider owns and may copyright any work that is subject to copyright, including
software designs, training manuals, curricula, videotapes and other products produced
under the grant. However, the Provider may not sell any work that includes the
Commission logo without prior Commission written approval. The Provider, to the
extent possible, agrees to make products produced under this contract avaIlable at the
cost of reproduction to others in the field. The Commission retains royalty-free, non-
exclusive and irrevocable licenses to obtain, use, reproduce, publish or disseminate
products, including data, produced under this contract and to authorize others to do
so. The Commission may distribute such products through a designated
E. Contact Protocol. The primary contact for all matters relating to this program shall
be the staff listed in Section III. H. of this Contract, unless otherwise specified in
writing. The primary contact person will notify all parties in writing of alternative
contacts should he/she not be available.
F. Contract Amendments. All contract amendments will utilize the format of
Attachment I and must be executed by authorized representatives of the Commission
and the Provider.
G. Termination.
1. Termination at Will. This contract may be terminated by either party upon
no less than sixty (60) calendar days notice in writing, without cause, unless
both parties mutually agree upon a lesser time. Said notice shall he delivered
by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery.
2. Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this
contract hecome unavailable, the Commission may terminate the contract
upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to the Provider.
Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested or in
person with proof of delivery. The Commission shall he the final authority as
to the availahility of funds.
I O! I <)/()7
3. Termination for Breach. This contract may be terminated for non-
L'ompliance and/or breach of contract by the Provider upon no less than
twenty-four (.2~) hours notice. If applicable. the Commission may employ the
default pro\'isilln in Chaptcr 60A-l.006(31. FAC. Wai\ er of breach of any
prmisions llf this L'l)ntract shall not ht' decmed to bc a waiver of any other
breach and shall not hc construcd to be a modification of the terms of this
contract. The provisions herein dlll1llt limit the Commission's right to
remedies at law or to damages.
4. Overpayment In the event that the Commission, the Provider or an auditor
discovers an overpayment has bccn made, the Provider will repay the
overpayment within thirty (30) calendar days unless extenuating
circumstances are deemed to exist by the Commission.
H. Notice and Contact.
1. The name, address and telephone number of the Commission's Program
Consultant for the contract is:
Ericka Zdenek
401 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 922-0471
ericka (hi vnlunteertlorida.OI'g
2. The name, address, and telephone number of the representative for the
Provider responsible for the administration of the program under this contract
Rebecca Davis
AmeriCorps Program Director
Clearwater Police Department
645 Pierce Street
Clearwater, FL 33756-5400
(727) 562-4142
Rehecca.da vis (ili mvdt:'arwatt:'l..cnm
3. In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after
execution of this contract, notice of the name, address and telephone number
of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the other party and
said notification attached to originals of this contract.
I. All Terms and Conditions Included. This contract and its attachments as
referenced below contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
Attachment I - Contract Amendment Form
Attachment II - Approved AmcriCorps Proposal
Attachment III - AmeriCorps Provisions
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed by
their undersigned officials as duly authorized.
Coun tersigned:
~nk V. Hibbard '
William B. Horne II
City Manager
Approved as to form:
Robert . Surette
Assistant City Attorney
Wendy Spencer
Chief Executive Officer
This amendment is made BETWEEN
The Florida Commission on Community Service
401 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
referred to herein as the "Commission"
City of Clearwater on behalf of
Clearwater Police Department
645 Pierce Street
Clearwater, FL 33756-5400
referred to herein as the "Provider" amends
Contract # 06AFHFLOOI0008
1. Section _, Paragraph _ is hereby amended to read:
2. This amendment shall begin on , or on the date on which
the amendment has been signed by both parties, whichever is later.
3. All provisions in the contract and any attachments thereto in conflict with this amendment
shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment.
4. All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still in effect and are to be performed
at the level specified in the contract.
5. This amendment and all its attachments are hereby incorporated into and made a part of the
above cited contract.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed by their
undersigned officials as duly authorized.
Frank V. Hibbard
William B. Home II
City Manager
Approved as to form:
Robert J. Surette
Assistant City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau
City Clerk
commonly referred to as VOLUNTEER FLORIDA
Wendy Spencer
Executive Director
Approved as to form:
rv'odlfled Standard Form 424 (Rev.02/07 to confirm to the Corporation's eGrants System)
ApplicatKln X Non-Construction
31-MA Y -07
06A FHFLOO 1 0008
area codes):
NAME: Rebecca Davis
LEGAL NAME Clearwater Police Department
ADDRESS (give street address, city, state, zip code and county):
645 Pierce Street
Clearwater FL 33756 - 5400
TELEA-fONENUMBER: (727) 562-4142
INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESS:Rebecca.davis@myclearwater.com
7a, Local Government - Municipal
7b, Law Enforcement Agency
8, TYPE OF APPLICA TION (Check appropriate box),
~ Amendment, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es):
C. NO COST EXTENSION D. OTHER (specify below):
Corporation for National and Community Service
10b. TITLE AmeriCorps'State
AmeriCorps Clearw ater
12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (List Cities, Counties, States, etc):
The area affected by the pr09ram is the City of Clearwater, FL. The county in
which C1earw ater resides is Pinellas County.
ENDDATE 12/31/08
a.FEDERAL $ 132,299.00
b. APPLICANT $ 170,905.00
c. STA TE $ 0.00
d. LOCAL $ 0.00
e. OTHER $ 0,00
g. TOTAL $ 303,204,00
YES If "Yes," attach an explanation. X NO
Rebecca Davis
Program Director
(727) 562-4142
Page 1
For Official Use Only
Executive Summary
Not Applicable
Summary of Accomplishments
Progress To Date:
In the current year, the program is continuing to work towards meeting and exceeding program goals
and performance measures.
Saving Police Officer Time performance measure, as of April 30, 2007, AmeriCorps Clearwater has:
.Saved over $83,850 of police officer time.
.Provided 1,368.50 hours of patrolling neighborhood parks and other pubic areas.
. Provided 334.25 hours to patrolling of the Clearwater Beach area, providing a safer and friendlier
environment to the businesses, tourists and residents of Clearwater.
.Provided traffic detail and direction at over 15 major special events.
.Provided 214.25 hours of safety patrols to 401 critical infrastructures related to homeland security.
As a result, $3,124 of police officer time was saved.
.Established a committee consisting of AmeriCorps members who are creating, implementing, and
facilitating workshops to community members related to homeland security.
.Provided 1,035 hours of patrolling the grounds of two area high schools, and assisted in solving over
30 crim inal cases.
Volunteer Recruitment performance measure, over the course of the program year, AmeriCorps
Clearwater is:
.In the beginning stage of recruiting 10 volunteers to begin service on June 1, 2007.
.Improving community knowledge of members through collaborations and service with many
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Na rra ti ve s
community-based social service organization.
.Volunteering in community-based service projects such as Paint Your Heart Out Clearwater, Bicycle
Safety Rodeos and Neighborhood Clean-Ups.
Rationale and Approach
AmeriCorps Clearwater plans to sustain community service efforts in two ways. The first is by
building capacity in the community through the engagement of more volunteers in the Clearwater
Police Department and with local community agencies. The second is through creating a new
internship program sponsored by the Clearwater Police Department. This model is currently in the
beginning planning stages and will encompass the following component: As an institution of higher
learning, St. Petersburg College complies with the federal government's requirement to support
community service through Federal Work Study (FWS). A portion of the FWS allocation is spent in
the support of community service activities and placements. These placements are typically in public
schools supporting tutoring efforts in reading and math, and are planned to continue in the future.
When this plan is in place, the students will perform similar tasks as the AmeriCorps members,
including neighborhood patrols, safety awareness seminars and community involvement projects.
Students will work 10-15 hours per week and will gain valuable experience in law enforcement and
public safety. In turn, sustaining AmeriCorps services to the community.
According to the sustainability plan, as of April 30, 2007, AmeriCorps Clearwater is on target towards
meeting this year's goal. The first component is to recruit and enhance the volunteer program already
in place at the Clearwater Police Department. To date, 10 volunteers are scheduled to begin service on
,June 1, 2007. The second component of the sustainability plan is the FWS program. A workgroup
has been established, which consists of community partners, stakeholders, an AmeriCorps Alum, and
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lead agency staff. The workgroup is scheduled to have their first meeting in July of 2007. The
objective ofthis meeting is to discuss and implement the beginning stages of the sustainability plan.
Program staff will work towards developing a partnership with St. Petersburg College, and focus on
creating the FWS program to be implemented in January 2009.
Member Outputs and Outcomes
Enrollment and Retention
The current member retention rate is at 63%, which is slightly lower than our 2005-2006 rate of 70%.
This year, the program was allotted 13 member slots, however; only 10 members were recruited.
Currently, there are seven members actively serving, and the remaining three slots will be filled by
June 11, 2007, resulting in 10 members successfully completing the program. Due to the program
falling below the expected 90% retention rate, the following strategies will be implemented in the
current year and in the 2008 program year. Since we anticipate that the majority of our members are
interested in a law enforcement career, we will design a training program that will provide the
members with unique professional development opportunities. Specialized sections in the police
department provide trainings to the members on a monthly basis, members are given the opportunity
to go on ride-alongs, participate in police scenarios, and have a one-on-one mentor for the program
year. In addition, program staff recognizes the importance of building solid relationships among
mem bel'S of the Corps, and promoting team unity. Members are continuously involved in
teambuilding activities and service projects to bring them together. From experience, team unity and
esprit de corps is a significant piece to member retention. Finally, our program believes that member
recognition is also essential for retaining mem bel'S. The program director will recognize great service
efforts on a monthly basis by providing letters of appreciation, certificates, and member luncheons.
The program seeks to provide these growth opportunities to the members to keep them involved,
motivated and committed to the program. The incentive for the members' to complete their term of
service is the overall unique experience, the education award, and the possibility of being offered a job
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at the end of their service year. Program staff realizes the importance of member retention, and will
work diligently to improve the retention rate for the 2008 program year.
Community Outputs and Outcomes
Not Applicable
Organizational Capability
Not Applicable
Cost Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy
Not Applicable
Evaluation Summary or Plan
Not Applicable
Amendment Justification
Not Applicable
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Performance Measures
Service Categories
Community Policing/Community Patrol
Primary X
Service Category: Community Policing/Community Patrol
Measure Category: Needs and Service Activities
Needs and Activities
Briefly describe the need to be addressed (Max. 4,000 characters)
The Clearwater Police Department faces increasing pressure to provide neighborhood patrols and
crime prevention to our growing communities.
Briefly describe how you will achieve this result (Max 4,000 chars.)
Members will assist police units in the execution of crime prevention that will result in saving
valuable police officer time.
Activity Start Date: 01 Januarv 2008
Activity End Date: 31 December 2008
Number of Members: 13
Hours per Day (on average);
Days per Week (on average)]
Result: End Outcome
An increase in the comm unity feeling safer due to crime prevention and patrol services.
Indicator: Percentage of community stakeholders that report a sense of feeling safer in their
Number of service activites
Target: As a result, 70% of community stakeholders w ill report a sense of feeling safer as measured by
stakeholder surveys.
Target Value: 70%
Instruments: Stakeholder Su rvey
PI\II Statement: After one year. rrembers w ill save a minimum of 4,200 hours of assisting police units with non-
emergency details including crime prevention and patrol services that w ill result in saving $111,930
worth of police office time. As a result, 70% of community stakeholders w ill report a sense of feeling
safer as measured by stakeholder surveys.
Prev. Yrs. Data: During 2005-2()06, AmeriCorps members saved $348,471 of police officer time, provided 7,179.5 hours
of patrolling of fleighborhood parks, high schools, and other public areas, provided 561.5 hours to
patrolling of the dow ntow n Clearwater area, provided traffic detail and direction at over 20 major special
events, and served as role-players in more than 10 emergency response team scenarios. In addition,
AmeriCorps rrembers supported the Clearwater Police Department with 3 internet safety seminars r
eaching over 97 middle-school aged youth. 98% of students Strongly Agreed or Agreed that their
participation in thE seminar helped them understand the importance of being safe while using the
Result: Intermediate Outcome
After one year, members will save a total of $111,930 of police officer time.
Indicator: Number of dollars saved
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Result: Intermediate Outcome
Results of seminar surveys
Target: After one year, members w ill save a minimum of 4,200 hours of assisting police units with non-
emergency details that w ill result in saving $111,930 worth of police officer time as measured by
a program s
Target Value: *****
Instruments: Program Spreadsheet
PM Statement: After one year, members w ill save a minimum of 4,200 hours of assisting police units with non-
emergency details including crime prevention and patrol services that w ill result in saving $111,930
worth of police officer time.
Prev. Yrs. Data: See above in the prior years' data from the End-Outcome.
Result: Output
Saving officer time.
Indicator: Hours of service activities
Hours of service activities
Target: 4,200 hours of police officer time saved.
Target Value: 4200
Instruments: Member timesheets
PM Statement: After one year, members w ill save 4,200 hours of police officer time as measured by member
Prev. Yrs. Data: See above in the prior years' data from the End-Outcome.
Service Category: Community Policing/Community Patrol
Measure Category: Strengthening Communities
Needs and Activities
Briefly describe the need to be addressed (Max. 4,000 characters)
Enhancing public safety awareness and neighborhood strengthening to the residents of Clearwater.
Briefly describe how you will achieve this result (Max 4,000 chars.)
Members will support the Clearwater Police Department's efforts to promote community
strengthening by recruiting 39 volunteers to serve as volunteers in AmeriCorps and policing
Activity Start Date: 01 January 2008
Activity End Date: 31 December 2008
Number of Members: 13
Hours per Day (on average)2
Days per Week (on average~
Result: Output
39 volunteers will collectively provide at least 975 hours of volunteer services.
Indicator: Number of volunteers and volunteer hours.
Number of volunteers and volunteer hours
Target: 39 volunteers w ill provide 975 hours of service to the commun~y.
Target Value: 39
Instruments: Volunteer logs
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Result: Output
PM Statement: After one year, 39 volunteers w ill collectively provide at least 975 hours of volunteer services as
measured by volunteer logs.
Prev. Yrs. Data: During 2005-2006 AmeriCorps members recruited 101 volunteers to participate in 2 community
service projects/events. Volunteers contributed 441hours of service to the community.
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Required Documents
Document Name
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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July 23, 2007 8:59 AM
Application 10: 07AC077380
Section I, Program Operating Costs
A. Personnel Expenses
B. Personnel Fringe Benefits
C. Travel
Staff Travel
MentJer Travel
D. Equipment
E Supplies
F. Contractual and Consultant Services
G. Training
Staff Training
MentJer Training
H. Evaluation
I. Other Program Operating Costs
Travel to CNCS-Sponsored Meetings
Section I, Subtotal
Section 1 Percentage
Section II. Member Costs
A. Living Allowance
Full Time (1700 hrs)
1-Year Half Time (900 hours)
Reduced Half Time (675 hrs)
Quarter Time (450 hrs)
Minimum Time (300 hrs)
2- Year Half Time (2nd Year)
2-Year Half Time (1st Year)
B. MentJer Support Costs
FICA for MentJers
Worker's Cof1l)ensation
Health Care
Section II. Subtotal
Section II. Percentages
Section III. Administrative/lndirect Costs
A. Corporation Fixed Percentage
Corporation Fixed Amount
CorrlTission Fixed Amount
B. Federally Approved Indirect Cost Rate
Section III. Subtotal
Section III Percentage
Section I + III. Funding Percentages
Budget Totals
Budget Total Percentage
Required Match
# of years Receiving CNCS Funds
Form 424A
AmeriCorps Clearwater
Clearwater Police Department
Budget Dates:
Total Amt CNCS Share Grantee Share
73,218 13.705 59,513
23,295 4,339 18,956
269 269 0
13,968 0 13,968
Total $14,237 $269 $13,968
6,425 390 6,035
2,854 340 2,514
Total $2,854 $340 $2,514
36,524 0 36,524
500 500 0
Total $37,024 $500 $36,524
$157,053 $19,543 $137,510
12% 88%
88,800 74,592 14,208
29,380 24,679 4,701
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Total $118,180 $99,271 $18,909
9,040 7,594 1 ,446
12,180 0 12,180
5,376 4,516 860
Total $26,596 $12,110 $14,486
$144,776 $111,381 $33,395
77% 23%
0 0 0
1,375 1,375 0
Total $1,375 $1,375 $0
$1,375 $1,375 $0
100% 0%
13% 87%
$303,204 $132,299 $170,905
44% 56%
Modified SF-424A (4/88 and 12/97)
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July 23, 2007 8:59 AM
AmeriCorps Clearwater
Clearwater Police Department
Total MSYs
Form 424A
Modified SF-424A (4/88 and 12/97)
Page 2
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
Budget Narrative: AmeriCorps Clearwater for Clearwater Police Department
Section I. Program Operating Costs
A. Personnel Expenses
'~:~~~~~~.-~~~~::i~i~~~~;~;'~~:0: xc~~t~~~~~~provides day ~~ day ;ogra~-l
Administrative Support Manager (In-Kind contribution) Provides fiscal oversight.: - 1 II
person(s) at 62411 each x 5 % usage
PositionfTille -Qty -Annual Salary -% Time
AmeriCorps Program Director: - 1 person(s) at 45683 each x 100 % usage
Deputy Chief of Police (in-kind contribution) Provides program administrative
oversight.: - 1 person(s) at 104810 each x 5 % usage
Lieutenant of Special Operations (in-kind contribution) Provides administrative
oversight.: - 1 person(s) at 87973 each x 5 % usage
B. Personnel Fringe Benefits
CNCS Share , Grantee Share
13,705 T---;1,978
o I
o I~ ",m
o I
o I
13,705 I
Total Amount
Purpose -Calculation -Total Amount
i Program Director benefits (includes health care, worKers comp, pension, FICA, and
- life insurance):
Deputy Chief Benefits (in-kind contribution of salary) Includes health care, FICA,
pension, and life insurance.: 5% of salary
Sergeant of Special Operations (in-kind contribution of salary) Includes health care,
pension, FICA and life insurance): 20% of salary
I Lieutenant of Special Operations (in-kind contribution of salary) Includes health
! care, pension, FICA and life insurance.: 5% of salary
_ Support Manager (in-kind contribution of salary) Includes health care, pension, life
i insuracne and FICA.: 5% of salary
CNCS Share I Grantee Share
4,339 I 11,525
o I 1,238
o I ~140
o I 1,158
o I 895
Total Amount
https://egrants_cns_gov/espanlmainlreportjsp')sidc=cOa8020f30d680de7cf525I c4!8eac04ae! b81 b9a28b&scope=4&reporr=RPT _ BGT _ NARR&app=07 AC077380 (1 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07AC077380
4,339 I
c. Travel
Staff Travel
Purpose -Calculation
-, CNCS Share
I Grantee Share
! Total Amount
j Program Director Meetings: (2) trips @ 270 miles (RT) @ 48.5/mile = $131/trip
i Tolls = $3.50 Total cost per trip = $134.50 (2 trips) = $269
269 I
Member Travel
I CNCS Share I Gra~~~~~~~~~~-
,-:-1'3,9681 13,968
I 0 I 13,968 13,968
Purpose -Calculation
, Use of Police Vehicles for Member Activities (City and park patrol, homeland
! security, code enforcement, traffic details, special events): 13 members x 184.6
I miles = 2,400 miles/month @ 48.5/mile = $1164 $1164x12 months = $13,968
D. Equipment
r-- ______u_.._.
Item/Purpose -Qty -Unit Cost
CNCS Share
Grantee Share
Total Amount
E. Supplies
CNCS Share I Grantee Share
390 I 0
Total Amount
Item -Calculation
I Member Service Gear: ($30/member)(13 members) = $390
Department Issued member uniforms (in-kind contribution) Uniform includes radio,
cargo pants/shorts, short sleeve shirts. long sleeved shirt, traffic vest, tie and tie
tack): 13 members @ $420/member = $5,460
httpS://egranls.cns.gov/espanJmainlreport.jsp?sid~cOa8020t30d680de7cf525] c418eae04ae 1 b81 b9a28b&scope=4&report=RPT _ BGT _ NARR&apJF07 AC077380 (2 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
--~-I 455 455
0 I 120 120
390 I 6,035 6,425
Department issued bike helmets: 13 members @ $35/helmet = $455
General Office Supplies (in-kind contribution): $10/month @ 12 months = $120
F. Contractual and Consultant Services
~~----"~-----~---~---'-- -I
Purpose -Calculation -Daily Rate CNCS Share Grantee Share
.--.-.--..---.---..----.----------- I
CATEGORY Totals 0 0
G. Training
Staff Training
._--_._..~_.._-_...._.~_.__...__.._~_.- 'I
Purpose -Calculation -Daily Rate CNCS Share Grantee Share
~~.~~_._--_._-~.~-_.~-----~--- I
CATEGORY Totals 0 0
Total Amount
Total Amount
Member Training
'I CNCS Share I Grantee Share Total Amount
I ~-
340 o I ~
I 0 I 180 I 180
0 120 I 120
I 0 I 120 120
I 0 I 150 150
I 0 1 80 80
I 0 I 144 144
Purpose -Calculation -Daily Rate
Refreshments for trainings (10 days are budgeted because ther are often times
more than 7 trainings throughout the program year): 10 days @ $34/day = $34(}'
Daily Rate of 0
Disability Awareness (in-kind contribution): $180/day- Daily Rate of 0
Cultural Diversity (in-kind contribution): $120/day- Daily Rate of 0
I Conflict Resolution (in-kind contribution): $120/day- Daily Rate of 0
Traffic Direction (in-kind contribution): $150/day- Daily Rate of 0
CPD Policies and Procedures (in-kind contribution): $80/day- Daily Rate of 0
Mule/A TV (in-kind contribution): $144/day- Daily Rate of 0
https:liegrantscns.gov/espanlrnainlrepon.jsp?sid""COa8020f30d680de7cf525] c4!8eac04ae! b8! b9a28b&scope=4&repon=RPT _ BGT _ NARR&app=07 AC077380 (3 of 7)7/23i2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
i spa~~~~~~i~-~~~;;~~~$~~~~~;;;.~ay:~ai;-~ate of 0 I
;..-......-......-.--.......- ...------.....-.-..-......-.-...--..-........---.--.-------.-----------1
! CPR/First Aid (In-kind contribution): 13 members @ $50/member- Daily Rate of 0
: Radio (in-kind contribution): $72/day- Daily Rate of 0
School Crossing Guard: $338/day- Daily Rate of 0
0 I 650 650
0 I 72 72
0 I 338 338
0 I 310 310
0 I 350 350
340 1- 2,514 2,854
Code Enforcement $310/day- Daily Rate of 0
H. Evaluation
'~S Share
Purpose -Calculation -Daily Rate
Grantee Share i Total Amount
o I 0
I. Other Program Operating Costs
~--~-~-_.,---_._'~~~~---,~- I :
1 Purpose -Calculation I CNCS Share Grantee Share I Total Amount
! ,
...-.. -...-.--..-.-...-.---.-.--------.-..---.-.--,,-.--.+.-.---.-- I I I .._.-
Travel to CNCS-Sponsored Meetings: $500 500 0 i 500
I I !
..--._M____.~__.__...~.__~_.._.___._>_.______.____._.__.___. I ~-----
Use of Office Space (in-kind contribution): $1500/month for 2 standard office 36,000 I 36,000
! spaces =$3,000/month @ 12months = $36,000 ($1,500 is the standard rate for 0
i office space at the City of Clearwater)
~..~-'----~~------_.._---------- I I I
Use of Nexlel Cell Phone for Program Director (in-kind contribution): $35/month for I
12 months = $420 0 I 420 I 420
r.."'.-.--~_....-_._..__.~.__._.~._.._~,_____________ I I ,
Department Access Cards (in-kind contribution): 13 members @ $6/card = $78 I 0 I 78 78
-.-.-.--.." ->_._------- ~-----~- I I
, ;
Member Background Screenings (in-kind contribution): 13 members @ $2/ ,
0 26 I 26
i screening = $26 i
-.. I
i I I i
I CATEGORY Totals 500 36,524 ; 37,024
i i
--~-_._.- .._--,., --.-.. - ---. I ! I
SECTION Totals 19,543 137,510 ; 157,053
I ;
- I
.- ~_ _._'_m -- I I
https://egrants.cns.gov/espan/mainlreponjsp?sid-ccOa8020f30d68Ode7cf5251 c418eac04ae I b81 b9a28b&scope=4&report=RPT __ BGT _ NARR&app=07 AC077380 (4 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
Section II. Member Costs
A. Living Allowance
... . .-..... .-..----.-~_......___m.___..______ I I Gra~;ee Share
Item - # Mbrs wI Allow -Allowance Rate - # Mbrs wlo Allow CNCS Share i Total Amount
I j
._-_.-._.._------_.._-..._-~-----_._---- I I I
ime (1700 hrs): 8 Member(s) at a rate of 11100 each 74,592 14,208 i 88,800
ers WID allowance 0 !
I I i
- ..-..-----.--.--"--- -------.._----.---__ ~_ __~._n___._ ~______ I I
r Half Time (900 hours): 5 Member(s) at a rate of 5876 each 24,679 4,701 i 29,380
ers WID allowance 0 ;
I I ;
.----------.-----..---.-...------.-----.---------- ~I r--------
r Half Time (1 st Year): Member(s) at a rate of each !
ers WID allowance 0 0
-..--.---.-....-.--.--.--------.- ____.._.n...__________.__.__. I I- I
r Half Time (2nd Year): Member(s) at a rate of each 0 0 0
ers WID allowance I
--~~------_._-~._- I I i
ced Half Time (675 hrs): Member(s) at a rate of each I 0 0 l 0
ers WID allowance I i
--_._-_.__._~._----_.__.._-- I I i
er Time (450 hrs): Member(s) at a rate of each i
0 0 j 0
ers WID allowance j
I i
__N_"____~__.____~~_.__~~ I I ~
um Time (300 hrs): Member(s) at a rate of each I 0 0 i 0
ers WID allowance i
._.._~.._-_..__._- -----..- I I
CATEGORY Totals 99,271 18,909 i 118,180
I j
i 2-Yea
[ Memb
I Memb
i Minim
i Memb
B. Member Support Costs
Purpose -Calculation
Worker's Compensation: In-kind contribution from City: $12,1809% of member
living allowance total
CNCS Share I Grantee Share Total Amount
7,594 I 1,446 9,040
I !
0 12,180 i 12,180
I r--------..
4,516 860 ; 5,376
12,110 I 14,486 26,596
111,381 I 33,395 144,776
. .~_.'.~n_~__~'_.n~__.__..__.,~~,..~_,_~
FICA for Members: 7.65% of total living allowance ($118,180)
. ~----.-.._--..-.-.-----..._--_.---.-..------...~"'~._ ____.__.._M..~_.___~_~_..._._.______.__._._~
Health Care: 4 members @ 1 ,344/year = $5,376 Historically only 50% of members
utilize hea"h care since the majority are still living at home and are in college.
.... ---.--.---.-----.------..---.-.----..
hllps:/fegrants.cns.gov/espan/mainireponjsp?sid~_cOa8020f30d680de7cf5251 c418eac04ae I b81 b9a28b&scope=4&repon=RPT _ BGT _ NARR&apJF07 AC077380 (5 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
Section III. Administrative/Indirect Costs
A. Corporation Fixed Percentage
Item -Calculation
I CNCS Share I Grantee Share Total Amount
I 0 I 0 0
I !
I ~.-------_.
I 1,375 0 1,375
-I I ----~-~._-
CATEGORY Totals 1,375 0 1,375
Corporation Fixed Amount:
Commission Fixed Amount: 0.0105 x 130,924
B. Federally Approved Indirect Cost Rate
-------~~I~~I~ti~~-~o~t~~~i~:;~~;-~~-;~t~~;~im~ -Rate I CNCS Share ~rantee Share
--- ___w__ -.-----.----.-----. ----~ATEGORYTotaIS-.I-~1 0
Total Amount
1,375 I
100% I
SECT/ON Totals
Total MSYs
Source of Funds
https:llegrantscns.gov/espanlmainJrepon.jsp?sidccOa8020f30d680de7cf5251 c418eac04ae I b8 I b9a28b&scope=4&report=RPT _BGT _ NARR&apJF07 AC077380 (6 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Budget Narrative for 07 AC077380
The source of matching funds is provided by the City of Clearwater (Clearwater Police Department). The
following are in-kind contributions from the Clearwater Police Department for Section 1. Personnel:
$22,791 for program oversight Personnel Fringe: $5568 Travel: $14,400 for member's vehicle mileage
Supplies: $8,230 Training: $2,830 Other: $36,888
Section I. Program Operating Costs
The source of matching funds are provided by the City of Clearwater (Clearwater Police Department). The
following are in-kind contributions provided by the Clearwater Police Department: Worker's
Compensation: $13,483
Section II. Member Costs
.-"----.--___n_____.._.__..__.~..__._._____n____n___. _ _ ________
Section III. Administrativellndirect Costs
City of Clearwater
https://egrants.cns.gov/espanlmainlreport.jspOsid~cOa8020f30d680de7cf5251 c418eac04ae 1 b81 b9a28b&scope=4&report=RPT _ BGT _ NARR&app=07 AC077380 (7 of 7)7/23/2007 9:00:50 AM
Effective June 1,2007
These AmeriCorps Grant Provisions are binding on the Grantee. By accepting funds under
this grant, the grantee agrees to comply with the AmeriCorps Provisions, all applicable federal
statutes, regulations and guidelines, and any amendments thereto. The grantee agrees to operate
the funded Program in accordance with the approved grant application and budget, supporting
documents, and other representations made in support of the approved grant application. The
grantee agrees to include in all sub-grants the applicable terms and conditions contained in this
For the purposes of these Provisions, AmeriCorps refers to AmeriCorps*State,
AmeriCorps*National and AmeriCorps*Tribes and Territories Programs only. All applicable
Provisions of the grant, including regulations and OMB circulars that are incorporated by
reference shall apply to any grantee, sub-grantee, or other organization carrying out activities
under this award.
I. Changes to the 2007 AmeriCorps Grant Provisions
II. Legislative and Regulatory Authority
III. Other Applicable Statutory and Administrative Provisions
A. States, Indian Tribes, U.S. Territories and Local Governments
B. Nonprofit Organizations
C. Educational Institutions
D. Other Applicable Statutes and Regulations
E. Order of Precedence
IV. AmeriCorps Special Provisions
A. Definitions
B. Affiliation with the AmeriCorps National Service Network
C. Member Enrollment
D. Training, Supervision and Support
E. Terms of Service
F. Changes in Member Status
G. Release from Participation
H. Minor Disciplinary Actions
I. Living Allowances, Other In-Service Benefits and Taxes
J. Post Service Education Awards
K. Matching Requirements
L. Member Records and Confidentiality
M. Budget and Programmatic Changes
N. Reporting Requirements
O. Grant Period and Incremental Funding
V. General Provisions
A. Responsibilities Under Grant Administration
B. Financial Management Standards
C. Administrative Costs
D. Program Income
E. Retention of Records
F. Liability and Safety Issues
G. Non-Discrimination
H. The Office of Inspector General
I. Ownership and Sharing of Grants Products
J. Publications
K. Suspension or Termination of Grant
1. Civil Rights Non-Harassment Policy
2. Grant Program Civil Rights Policy
The followin!! sub-sections have been added to the 2007 Provisions:
2.b. Changing Slot Types (unfilled positions). Effective 11/13/06, a change in the
slot type cannot increase the amount of the education award.
2. Waiving the Living Allowance
The followin!! sub-sections have been revised in the 2007 Provisions:
Section IV. F. CHANGES IN MEMBER STATUS (effective 11/13/06):
2. Changing Slot Types - Prior approval changed from "Corporation's
Office of Grants Management" to "Corporation's AmeriCorps Program
Section IV.F. CHANGES IN MEMBER STATUS (effective 5/17/07):
3 (c). Refilling Slots - Programs that have fully enrolled their awarded member
slots are allowed to replace any member who terminates service before
completing 30 percent of his /her term provided that...; changed from
4. Notice to Childcare and Health Care Providers - Grantees should work
directly with the childcare and health care provider when members change
The followin!! sub-sections have been deleted from the 2007 Provisions:
Section IV.F. CHANGES IN MEMBER STATUS (effective 11/13/06):
1. Changing Slot Types - Prior approval if the total number of slots authorized
is increased.
5(d). Health Care Coverage for less than full-time members serving in a full-time
capacity - The requirement to request approval for health care for half-time
members serving in a full-time capacity has been deleted.
This grant is authorized by and subject to the National and Community Service Act of 1990 as
amended, codified as 42 U.S.c. 12501 et seq., and 45 C.F.R. 2510 et seq. Grantees must comply
with the requirements of the Act and its implementing regulations.
Grantees must also comply with the applicable federal cost principles, administrative
requirements, and audit requirements incorporated by reference as follows:
The following circulars and their implementing regulations apply to states, Indian tribes, U.S.
territories, and local governments:
1. Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State
and Local Governments -- 45 C.F .R. 2541.2
2. OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State and Local Governments.
3. OMB Circular A-l33, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit
The following circulars and their implementing regulations apply to nonprofit organizations:
1. Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of
Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Nonprofit Organizations -- 45 C.F.R. 2543
2. OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations.
3. OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit
The following circulars and their implementing regulations apply to educational institutions:
1. Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of
Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Nonprofit Organizations -- 45 C.F .R. 2543
2. OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions.
3. OMB Circular A-l33, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit
The grantee must comply with all other applicable statutes, executive orders, regulations and
policies governing the Program, including but not limited to those cited in these Grant
Provisions, the Grant Assurances and Certifications, and those cited in 45 C.F.R. Parts 2541 and
Should there be any inconsistency among the Notice of Grant Award, the AmeriCorps Special
Provisions, the General Provisions, and the approved grant application, the order of precedence
that will prevail is (1) Notice of Grant Award, (2) the AmeriCorps Special Provisions, (3) the
General Provisions, and (4) the approved grant application.
For purposes of this grant the following definitions apply:
1. AmeriCorps National Service Network means AmeriCorps*State,
AmeriCorps*National, AmeriCorps*Tribes and Territories, Volunteers in Service to
America (VISTA), and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC); programs taken
together as programs dedicated to national service. VISTA is authorized under the
Domestic Volunteer Service Act (42U.S.C. 4950 et seq.). NCCC is authorized under the
National and Community Service Act (42 U.S.c. 12611 et seq.).
2. Approved National Service Position means a national service position for which the
Corporation has approved the provision of a national service education award as one of
the benefits to be provided for successful service in the position.
3. Faith-based organizations include:
a. Religious congregations (church, mosque, synagogue, temple, etc.);
b. Organizations, programs, or projects operated or sponsored by a religious
c. Nonprofit organizations that clearly show by their mission statements, policies,
and/or practices that they are religiously motivated or religiously guided
instituti ons;
d. Organizations that, when asked, designate themselves as a faith-based or religious
organization; or
e. Collaborations of organizations lead by an organization from the previously
described categories, or of which half or more of the members are from the
previously described categories.
4. Grantee, for the purposes ofthis agreement, means the direct recipient of this grant. The
term sub-grantee shall be substituted for the term grantee where appropriate. The grantee
is also responsible for ensuring that sub-grantees or other organizations carrying out
activities under this award comply with these provisions, including regulations and OMB
circulars incorporated by reference. The grantee is legally accountable to the Corporation
for the use of grant funds and is bound by the provisions of the grant.
5. Member means an individual:
a. Who is enrolled in an approved national service position;
b. Who is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or lawful permanent resident alien of the
United States;
c. Who is at least 17 years of age at the commencement of service unless the
member is out of school and enrolled
I. in a full-time, year-round youth corps Program or full-time summer
Program as defined in the Act (42 U.S.c. 12572 (a) (2)), in which case he
or she must be between the ages of 16 and 25, inclusive, or
II. in a Program for economically disadvantaged youth as defined in the Act
(42 V.S.C. 12572 (a)(9)), in which case he or she must be between the
ages of 16 and 24, inclusive; and
Hi. Has a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate (or agrees to
obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent before using an education
award) and who has not dropped out of elementary or secondary school in
order to enroll as an AmeriCorps member (unless enrolled in an institution
of higher education on an ability to benefit basis and is considered eligible
for funds under section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965,20
V.s.c. 1091), or who has been determined through an independent
assessment conducted by the Program to be incapable of obtaining a high
school diploma or its equivalent.
6. Parent Organization means a grantee that is responsible for implementing and
managing a National Direct AmeriCorps or National Direct Education Award Program.
7. Service Recipient means a community beneficiary who receives a service or benefit
from the service of AmeriCorps members.
8. Sub-grantee refers to an organization receiving AmeriCorps grant funds from a grantee
of the Corporation.
1. Identification as an AmeriCorps Program or Member. The grantee must identify the
Program as an AmeriCorps Program and members eligible for a Corporation-approved
post-service education award as AmeriCorps members.
2. The AmeriCorps Name and Logo. AmeriCorps is a registered service mark ofthe
Corporation for National and Community Service. The grantee must use the AmeriCorps
name and logo on service gear and public materials such as stationery, application
forms, recruitment brochures, orientation materials, member curriculum, signs, banners,
press releases and publications created by AmeriCorps members in accordance with
Corporation requirements. The Corporation provides a camera-ready logo. To establish
the relationship between the Program and AmeriCorps, the grantee must use the phrase
"The AmeriCorps National Service Network" or "an AmeriCorps Program" and may use
the slogan "Getting Things Done"TM on such materials in accordance with Corporation
guidelines and requirements. The grantee may not alter the AmeriCorps logo, and must
obtain the written permission of the Corporation before:
a. Using the AmeriCorps name or logo on materials that will be sold, or
b. Permitting donors to use the AmeriCorps name or logo in promotional materials.
The grantee may not use or display the AmeriCorps name or logo in connection with any
activity prohibited in these grant provisions.
3. AmeriCorps Service Gear. The grantee is encouraged to provide the core AmeriCorps
Service Gear Package for each member. The core package includes the standard items
made available by the Corporation, through the Mississippi Industries for the Blind. The
grantee should direct members to wear their service gear at officially designated
AmeriCorps events and may allow members to wear their service gear at other times
consistent with Corporation guidelines. The grantee may not use Corporation funds to
purchase local Program service gear.
4. Participation in AmeriCorps Events. The grantee agrees, within reasonable limits, to
arrange for members to participate in AmeriCorps events and activities sponsored by the
Corporation, such as the National Opening Ceremonies, AmeriCorps week, conferences
and national service days.
M~rnber re?r~Hrn~:nt, selection and enrollment requirements are in the Corporation's regulations
at ~5 C.F~R.l?~rt::!:~27. In addition, the following apply:
1. Member Enrollment Procedures.
a. An individual is enrolled as an AmeriCorps member when all of the following
have occurred:
l. He or she has signed a member contract;
11. The program has verified the individual's eligibility to serve;
Ill. The individual has begun a term of service; and
iv. The program has approved the member enrollment form in WBRS.
b. Prior to enrolling a member in AmeriCorps, programs make commitments to
individuals to serve. A commitment is defined as signing a member contract
with an individual or otherwise entering into a legally enforceable commitment
as determined by state law.
c. Within 30 calendar days of entering into a commitment with an individual, the
grantee or sub-grantee will notify the Corporation of the commitment via WBRS
by enrolling the individual as a member.
d. Member Enrollment: Within 30 calendar days of the member's starting service,
the program must complete and approve the enrollment form in WBRS.
e. If a commitment does not result in a member actually being enrolled, the
program must cancel the commitment in WBRS within 30 calendar days of the
member's expected start date. If a grantee or sub-grantee does not complete an
enrollment within 30 days of the member's expected start date, the grantee and
sub-grantee will receive notification that the timeframe has expired. The
program will then have 15 calendar days to complete the enrollment before the
commitment is removed from WBRS.
f. Failure to notify the Corporation of member commitments or enrollments within
these timeframes may result in sanctions to the grantee or sub-grantee, up to and
including, reducing the number of member positions or suspending or
terminating the grant.
2. AmeriCorps Members. The grantee must keep time and attendance records on all
AmeriCorps members in order to document their eligibility for in-service and post-
service benefits. Time and attendance records must be signed and dated both by the
member and by an individual with oversight responsibilities for the member.
3. Completion of Terms of Service. A Program should make every effort to enroll
members so that each member has a reasonable expectation of completing his/her term
of service by the end of the Program's project period. Should a Program not be renewed,
a member who was scheduled to continue in a term of service may either be placed in
another Program where feasible, or a member may receive a prorated education award if
the member has completed at least 15% of the service hour requirement.
4. Reasonable Accommodation. Programs and activities must be accessible to persons
with disabilities, and the grantee must provide reasonable accommodation to the known
mental or physical disabilities of otherwise qualified members, service recipients,
applicants, and program staff. All selections and project assignments must be made
without regard to the need to provide reasonable accommodation.
The vast majority of accommodations are inexpensive. For those cases where reasonable
accommodations are more costly, there is a limited amount of money available through
State Commissions to provide accommodations for service members. The Office of
Disability Employment Policy operates a toll-free, confidential, free resource for
employers on reasonable accommodation requirements and options for accommodating
employees at (800) 526-7234 (voicenTY), e-mail at JAN@ian.icdi.wvu.edu, or website
at www.ian.wvu.edu.
Accommodations that impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the
operation of the program or fundamentally alter its nature are not reasonable
accommodations. However, the grantee must document and prove any undue burden.
Similarly, a person who poses a direct threat to the health or safety to himself or herself
or to others, where the threat cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation, is not
a qualified individual with a disability. In such instances the grantee must document and
prove the direct threat.
5. Member Classification. AmeriCorps members are not employees of the Program or of
the federal government. The definition of "participant" in the National and Community
Service Act of 1990 as amended applies to AmeriCorps members. As such, "a participant
(member) shall not be considered to be an employee of the Program in which the
participant (member) is enrolled" 12511 (17) (B)). Moreover, members are not
allowed to perform an employee's duties or otherwise displace employees.
For the limited purposes ofthe Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, the member may
be considered an eligible employee ofthe project sponsor. The Family and Medical
Leave Act's requirements as they apply to AmeriCorps Programs are contained in 45
C.F .R. 2540.220(b).
6. Parental Consent. Before enrolling in a Program, individuals under eighteen years of
age must provide written consent from a parent or legal guardian.
7. Criminal Background Checks. Programs with members (18 and over) or grant-funded
employees who, on a recurring basis, have access to children (usually defined under state
or local law as un-emancipated minors under the age of 18) or to individuals considered
vulnerable by the program (i.e. the elderly or individuals who are either physically or
mentally disabled), shall, to the extent permitted by state and local law, conduct criminal
background checks on these members or employees as part of the overall screening
The grantee must ensure, to the extent permitted by state or local law, that it maintains
background check documentation for members and employees covered by this provision
in the member or employee's file or other appropriate file. The documentation must
demonstrate that, in selecting or placing an individual, the grantee or the grantee's
designee (such as a site sponsor) reviewed and considered the background check's
8. Criminal Charges. An AmeriCorps member who is officially charged with a violent
felony, or with the sale or distribution of a controlled substance during a term of service
will have his/her service suspended without a living allowance and without receiving
credit for hours missed. The member may be reinstated into AmeriCorps service if he/she
is found not guilty or ifthe charge is dismissed. If an AmeriCorps member who has been
cleared of such charges is unable to complete his/her term of service within one year,
he/she may accept a pro-rated education award as long as he/she has completed at least
15% (255 hours full-time/I35 hours less than full-time) of his /her service.
An AmeriCorps member who is convicted of a criminal charge as described above must
be terminated for cause from the program, and he/she is not eligible for any portion of an
education award.
1. Planning for the Term of Service. The grantee must develop member position
descriptions that provide for meaningful service activities and performance criteria that
are appropriate to the skill level of members. The grantee must ensure that each member
has sufficient opportunity to complete the required number of hours to qualify for a post-
service education award. In planning for the member's term of service, the grantee must
account for holidays and other time off, and must provide each member with sufficient
opportunity to make up missed hours.
2. Member Contracts. The grantee must require that members sign contracts that, at a
minimum, stipulate the following:
a. The minimum number of service hours and other requirements (as developed by
the Program) necessary to successfully complete the term of service and to be
eligible for the education award;
b. Acceptable conduct;
c. Prohibited activities, including those specified in the regulation~i
d. Requirements under the Drug-Free Workplace Act (41 U.s.C~'7()li~~~:seq.);
e. Suspension and termination rules;
f. The specific circumstances under which a member may be released for cause;
g. The position description;
h. Grievance procedures; and
I. Other requirements as established by the Program.
3. Consistent with the approved budget, the grantee must provide members with the
training, skills, knowledge and supervision necessary to perform the tasks required in
their assigned project positions, including specific training in a particular field and
background information on the community served.
The grantee must conduct an orientation for members and comply with any pre-service
orientation or training required by the Corporation. This orientation should be designed to
enhance member security and sensitivity to the community. Orientation should cover
member rights and responsibilities, including the Program's code of conduct, prohibited
activities (including those specified in the regulations), requirements under the Drug-Free
Workplace Act (41 V.S.C. 701 et seq.), suspension and termination from service,
grievance procedures, sexual harassment, other non-discrimination issues, and other
topics as necessary.
4. Service-Learning. The grantee agrees to use service experiences to help members
achieve the skills and education needed for productive, active citizenship, including the
provision, if appropriate, of structured opportunities for members to reflect on their
service experiences.
5. Supervision. The grantee must provide members with adequate supervision by qualified
supervisors in accordance with the approved application. The grantee must establish and
enforce a code of conduct for members.
6. Performance Reviews. The grantee must conduct and keep a record of at least a
midterm and end-of-term written evaluation of each member's performance for Full and
Half-Time members and an end-of-term written evaluation for less than Half-time
members. The evaluation should focus on such factors as:
a. Whether the member has completed the required number of hours;
b. Whether the member has satisfactorily completed assignments; and
c. Whether the member has met other performance criteria that were clearly
communicated at the beginning of the term of service.
7. (a) Registration to Vote. The grantee should encourage all eligible members to register
and vote. However, the grantee is prohibited from requiring members to register or to
vote, and from attempting to influence how members vote. Members who are unable to
vote before or after service hours should be allowed to do so during their service time
without incurring any penalties. The site director should determine the length of
(b ) Voter Registration Activities Prohibited. In addition to the prohibited activities
listed in 45 C.F.R. 2520.65, staff and members may not engage in voter registration
drives, and the grantee may not use grant funds to conduct a voter registration drive.
8. Jury Duty. The grantee must allow AmeriCorps members to serve on ajury without
being penalized for doing so. During the time AmeriCorps members serve as jurors, they
should continue to receive credit for their normal service hours, a living allowance,
health care coverage and, if applicable, child care coverage regardless of any
reimbursements for incidental expenses received from the court.
9. Member Death or Injury. The grantee must report any deaths or serious injuries to the
appropriate Corporation Program Officer immediately.
10. Armed Forces Reserves. Generally, the Reserves of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S.
Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, the Army National Guard and the Air
National Guard require reservists to serve one weekend a month plus 12 to 15 days a
year (hereafter referred to as the two-week active duty service). To the extent possible,
grantees should seek to minimize the disruption in members' AmeriCorps service as a
result of discharging responsibilities related to their reservist duties. If members have a
choice of when to fulfill their annual two-week active duty requirement, they should do
so when it will not disrupt their AmeriCorps service. In instances where the dates of
active duty are inflexible and conflict with AmeriCorps service, members should be
granted a leave of absence for the two-week period of active duty service in the
Reserves. Members may not receive time-off for additional Reserves-related service
beyond the two-week active duty service. No AmeriCorps service credit is earned for the
once-a-month weekend service in the Reserves. Grantees should credit members for
AmeriCorps service hours during their two weeks of active duty service in the Reserves
if it occurs during their AmeriCorps service. The member would receive credit for the
number of hours he or she would have served during that period had there been no
interruption. For example, if a full-time member is signed up to serve 30 hours of
AmeriCorps service one week and 40 hours of AmeriCorps service on the following
week, she or he would receive 70 hours of AmeriCorps service credit for the two weeks
of active duty service regardless of the actual number of hours served in the Reserves.
Reservists in the U.S. Armed Forces receive compensation for their mandatory two
weeks of active duty service. The compensation regulations governing the Army and Air
National Guard may vary by state.
Grantees should continue to pay the living allowance and provide health care and
childcare coverage for the two-week period of active duty.
1. Program Requirements. Each Program must, at the start of the term of service,
establish the guidelines and definitions for the successful completion ofthe Program
year, ensuring that these Program requirements meet the Corporation's service hour
requirements as defined below:
a. Full- Time Members. Members must serve at least 1700 hours during a period
of not less than nine months and not more than one year.
b. Half-Time Members. Half-time members must serve at least 900 hours during a
period of one or two years as indicated in the approved budget.
c. Reduced Half-Time Members. Reduced half-time members must serve at least
675 hours over a time not to exceed one year.
d. Quarter-Time Members. Quarter-time members must serve at least 450 hours
over a time not to exceed one year.
e. Minimum Time Members. Minimum time members must serve at least 300
hours over a time not to exceed one year.
2. Notice to the Corporation's National Service Trust. The grantee must notify the
Corporation's National Service Trust within 30 days upon entering into a commitment
with an individual to serve; a member's enrollment in WBRS; and completion of, lengthy
or indefinite suspension from, or release from, a term of service. Lengthy or indefinite
suspension of service is defined as an extended period during which the member is not
serving, nor accumulating service hours or receiving AmeriCorps benefits, because it is
unclear when the member might return to the Program.
The grantee also must notify the Trust when a change in a member's status is approved
and changed (i.e. from full-time to less than full-time or vice versa). Failure to report
such changes within 30 days may result in sanctions to the grantee, up to and including,
suspension or termination. Grantees or sub-grantees properly utilizing WBRS meet
notification requirements when they use that system to inform the Corporation within the
approved time frames. Any questions regarding the Trust should be directed to the Trust
1. Changing Member Status. Circumstances may arise within a program that necessitate
changing the type of unfilled AmeriCorps member positions awarded to a grantee or sub-
grantee, or changing the term of service ofa currently enrolled member. Note that once a
member is exited with a partial education award, the remaining portion of that education
award is not available for use.
Any change of member status that:
a. Necessitates a change in the number of member service year positions in the
grant, or
b. Changes the funding amount of the grant
requires prior written approval from the Corporation's Office of Grants
2. Changing Slot Types (unfilled positions). Grantees or sub-grantees may change the
type of slots awarded to their program without prior approval from the Corporation's
AmeriCorps Program Office if:
a. the change does not increase the total MSY s authorized in the Notice of Grant
Award (e.g. one half-time position cannot be changed to one full-time position),
b. the change does not increase the amount ofthe education award (effective
November 14,2006).
To request a change in slot type, the grantee must make a slot conversion and/or
correction request in WBRS and forward it to the Corporation for approval.
3. Changing a Term of Service (filled positions). Changes in terms of service may not
result in an increased number ofMSYs for the program.
a. Full-time. State Commissions and Parent Organizations may authorize or approve
occasional changes of currently enrolled full-time members to less than full-time
members within the first 90 days of the member's service. Impact on program
quality should be factored into approval of requests. The Corporation will not
cover health care or childcare costs for less than full-time members. It is not
allowable to transfer currently enrolled full-time members to a less than full-time
'J_ _~
status simply to provide a less than full-time education award. A Change of Status
form must be completed in WBRS and forwarded to the Corporation within 30
b. Less than Full-time. Changing less than full-time members to full-time is
discouraged because it is very difficult to facilitate, unless done very early in the
member's term of service. State Commissions and Parent Organizations may
authorize or approve such changes so long as they are within the first 90 days of
the member's service, and the current budget can accommodate such changes.
Programs must keep in mind that a member's minimum 1700 hours must be
completed within 12 months ofthe member's original start date. A Change of
Status form must be completed in WBRS and forwarded to the Corporation within
30 days.
c. Refilling Slots. Eligible AmeriCorps*State and National programs that have
fully enrolled their awarded member slots are allowed to replace any member who
terminates service before completing 30 percent of his /her term (effective May
17,2007) provided that the member who terminates is not eligible for and does
not receive a pro-rated education award. Programs may not refill the same slot
more than once.
As a fail-safe mechanism to ensure that corporate resources are available in the
national service trust to finance any member's education award, the Corporation
will suspend refilling if either:
i. total AmeriCorps enrollment reaches 97 percent of awarded slots or
ii. the number of refills reaches five percent of awarded slots.
Gra~J~~"~..,,whose awards have special grant conditions under 45 CFR2$43.14"gr
2541,12~ are not eligible to refill positions. In order to be qualified to refill,
grantees will be evaluated on the basis of the results oftheir State Administrative
Standards reviews, the outcomes of Inspector General audits, and site visits and
oversight by CNCS program and grants officers.
State Commissions and Parent Organizations must forward all changes and
appropriate forms to the Corporation after approval. Any requests for changes that
fall outside of the parameters set forth above must come to the Corporation for
written approval with concurrence from the State Commission or Parent
4. Notice to Childcare and Health Care Providers. The grantee must notifY the
Corporation's designated agents immediately in writing when a member's status
changes, such that it would affect eligibility for childcare or health care. Examples of
changes in status are converting a full-time member to less than full-time member,
terminating or releasing members from service, and suspending members for cause for
lengthy or indefinite time periods. Program directors should contact AmeriCorps@Care
at NACCRRA at (800) 570-4543 on childcare related changes, and their health
insurance provider about health insurance related changes.
Grantees may release members from participation for two reasons: (a) for compelling personal
circumstances; and (b) for cause,~e 45 C.F .R. ~2522.230 for requirements. In addition to the
regulations, the following apply:
1. No Automatic Disqualification if Released for Cause. A release for cause covers all
circumstances in which a member does not successfully complete his/her term of service
for reasons other than compelling personal circumstances. Therefore, it is possible for a
member to receive a satisfactory performance review and be released for cause. For
example, a member who is released for cause for a first term for personal reasons - e.g.
he/she has decided to take a job offer- but who, otherwise, was performing well up until
the time he/she decided to leave, would not be disqualified for a second term as long as
he/she received a satisfactory performance evaluation for the period he/she served.
2. Required Disclosure by Member of Prior Release for Cause. Any individual released
for cause who thereafter applies to serve in any AmeriCorps program must disclose the
fact that he/ she was released for cause to the Program to which the individual is
applying. Failure to disclose that the individual was released for cause from another
AmeriCorps Program will make the individual ineligible to receive the AmeriCorps
education award.
The grantee may temporarily suspend or impose a fine on a member for minor disciplinary
reasons, such as chronic tardiness, as outlined in the conditions of the member contract.
1. Temporary Suspension of Service. The period of suspension does not count toward a
member's required service hours. Further, members who are suspended for minor
disciplinary reasons may not receive a living allowance for the suspension period.
2. Fines. If determined to be necessary for improvements in member performance or
attendance, the grantee may impose a reasonable fine on members for minor disciplinary
problems consistent with the member contract. The fines may not be calculated on an
hourly basis. For example, a member who is an hour late may not be fined an hour's
worth of living allowance. Instead, the grantee shall establish a written policy on fines,
which is not linked to an hourly rate. The grantee may deduct fines from that portion of
the member's living allowance that is paid by non-Federal funds. Before making any
deductions, the grantee should consider how this might affect the status of members
under employment laws, including minimum wage and unemployment compensation.
Further, a grantee that deducts in this fashion may be required to provide additional
matching funds.
~~quirements related to member living allowances and benefits are in ~:~:;::~;F.R.~~252~.2~Q;;.!Qij
2522.~50. In addition, the following apply:
1. Living Allowance Distribution. A living allowance is not a wage. Programs must not
pay a living allowance on an hourly basis. Programs should pay the living allowance in
regular increments, such as weekly or bi-weekly, paying an increased increment only on
the basis of increased living expenses such as food, housing, or transportation.
Payments should not fluctuate based on the number of hours served in a particular time
period, and must cease when a member concludes a term of service.
If a member serves 1700 hours but is permitted to conclude a term of service before the
originally agreed upon date, the program may not provide a "lump sum" payment to the
member. Similarly, if a member enrolls after the program's start date, the program must
provide regular living allowance payments from the member's start date and may not
increase the member's living allowance incremental payment or provide a lump sum to
"make up" any missed payments.
2. Waiving the Living Allowance. If a living allowance is paid, a member may waive all
or part of the payment of a living allowance ifhe or she believes his or her public
assistance may be lost or decreased because of the living allowance. Even if a member
waives his or her right to receive the living allowance, it is possible-depending on the
specific public assistance program rules-that the amount of the living allowance that
the member is eligible to receive will be deemed available. A member who has waived
the living allowance may revoke the waiver at any time and may begin receiving the
living allowance prospective to the revocation date; the member may not receive any
portion of the living allowance accrued during the waiver period.
3. Taxes and Insurance.
a. Liability Insurance. The grantee must have adequate general liability coverage
for the organization, employees and members, including coverage of members
engaged in on- and off-site project activities.
b. FICA (Social Security and Medicare taxes). Unless the grantee obtains a
ruling from the Social Security Administration or the Internal Revenue Service
that specifically exempts its AmeriCorps members from FICA requirements, the
grantee must pay FICA for any member receiving a living allowance. The
grantee also must withhold 7.65% from the member's living allowance.
c. Income Taxes. The grantee must withhold Federal personal income taxes from
member living allowances, requiring each member to complete a W -4 form at
the beginning of the term of service and providing a W-2 form at the close ofthe
tax year. The grantee must comply with any applicable state or local tax
d. Unemployment Insurance. The U.S. Department of Labor ruled on April 20,
1995 that federal unemployment compensation law does not require coverage for
members because no employer-employee relationship exists. The grantee may
not charge the cost of unemployment insurance taxes to the grant unless
mandated by state law. Programs are responsible for determining the
requirements of state law by consulting their State Commission, legal counselor
the applicable state agency. AmeriCorps*National and AmeriCorps*Tribes and
Territories grantees must coordinate with their State Commissions to determine a
consistent state treatment of unemployment insurance requirements.
4. Worker's Compensation. Worker's Compensation is an allowable cost to the grant.
The grantee is responsible for determining whether state law requires the provision of
worker's compensation for members. Ifa program is not required by state law to provide
worker's compensation, the Program must obtain Occupational Accidental Death and
Dismemberment insurance coverage for members to cover in-service injury or incidents.
5. Health Care Coverage. The grantee must provide a health care policy to those full-time
members not otherwise covered by a health care policy at the time of enrollment into the
AmeriCorps program, or to those members who lose coverage during their term of
service as a result of participating in the Program or through no deliberate act of their
own. The Corporation will not cover health care costs for family members or for less
than full-time members.
a. Minimum Benefits. The health care policy must meet the following minimum
I. Physician services for illness or injury;
ii. Hospital room and board;
iii. Emergency room;
IV. X-ray and laboratory;
v. Prescription drugs;
vi. Limited mental/nervous disorders;
vii. Limited substance abuse coverage;
viii. An annual deductible of no more than $250 charges per member;
IX. No more than $1,000 total annual out-of-pocket per member;
x. A 20% co-payor a comparable fixed fee with the exception of a 50% co-
pay for mental and substance abuse care; and
XI. A maximum benefit of at least $50,000 per occurrence or cause.
b. Obtaining Health Care Coverage. You may obtain health care insurance for
your members through any provider you choose, as long as the policy provides
the minimum benefits and is not excessive in cost. If you use a health care policy
that charges more than $150 per month to the Corporation you must send a copy
of the policy along with a summary of its coverage and costs to the Corporation's
Office of Grants Management.
c. Half-Time Members. Although no portion of health insurance expenses for
halftime members may be paid from Corporation funds, you may choose to
provide health care to half-time members from other sources.
d. Less Than Full-Time Members serving in a Full-Time Capacity. Less than
full-time members who are serving in a full-time capacity for a sustained period
of time (such as a full-time summer project) may be eligible for health care
benefits supported with Corporation funds.
6. Childcare. The grantee must ensure that childcare is made available to those full-time
members who need such assistance in order to participate. Members are not eligible to
receive childcare from AmeriCorps while they are receiving childcare subsidies from
another source for the same perio~~~ Ameri~orps service. The criteria for member
eligibility are contained in 45 C.:It.~~~~22.250.
7. Administration of Child Care Payments. In general, the Corporation will provide for
childcare payments, which will be administered through the National Association of
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), hereafter referred to as
AmeriCorps@CARE. Grantees that choose to provide childcare as a match source (as
approved in their budget) may use AmeriCorps@CARE for technical assistance.
Grantees can contact AmeriCorps@CARE at (800) 570-4543 with questions regarding
a. Program Director's Responsibilities. In addition to determining a member's
eligibility at the start ofthe term of service, Program directors are required to
notify AmeriCorps@CARE immediately in writing when:
i. A member is no longer eligible for childcare benefits due to a change in
the member's eligibility status (e.g., family income exceeds the limit, the
child turns 13, a full-time member becomes a less than full-time member,
or a member leaves the Program);
n. New or existing members become eligible for childcare benefits;
lll. A member wishes to change childcare providers or a childcare provider
will no longer provide childcare services; or
IV. A member is absent from the Program for excessive periods of time (five
or more days in a month).
b. Costs incurred due to the grantee's failure to keep AmeriCorps@CARE
immediately informed of changes in a member's status may be charged to the
grantee's organization.
c. Half-Time Mem bers. Although no portion of childcare expenses for half-time
members may be paid from Corporation funds, Programs may choose to provide
childcare to half-time members from other sources.
d. Less Than Full-Time Members Serving in a Full-Time Capacity. Less than
full-time members who are serving in a full-time capacity for a sustained period
of time (such as a full-time summer project) may be eligible for childcare
benefits supported with Corporation funds.
,. .1Ir
e. Payments. Payments or reimbursement for childcare benefits will be made for
eligible members to qualified providers from the date child care need was
established after service began. The amount of childcare allowance may not
exceed the applicable payment rate established by the State where the member is
serving for child care funded under the Child Care and Development Block
Grant Act of 1990. No payments and reimbursements will be made in the event
the AmeriCorps member was ineligible, or if the provider was not qualified
under the state guidelines.
8. Family and Medical Leave. The Corporation's Regulations at 4~q:f.R.~2540l:~~:~:
describe the circumstances under which AmeriCorps members can take family and
medical leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
However, family and medical leave does not count toward the requisite service hours
and members may not receive a living allowance during this period.
At the grantee's discretion, temporary leave may also be authorized for the reasons
allowed under FMLA to AmeriCorps members who do not otherwise meet the eligibility
requirements for FMLA leave as described in the regulations. If temporary leave is
appropriate, grantees have the flexibility to determine the duration ofthe absence for up
to 12 weeks, and may choose to continue providing health benefits to the member during
the period of absence.
The length of the leave must be based on two considerations: (1) the circumstances of
the situation; and (2) the impact of the absence on the member's service experience and
on the overall program. If the disruption would seriously compromise the member's
service experience or the quality ofthe program as a whole, then the grantee may offer
the member the option of rejoining the program in the next class or completely
withdrawing from the program.
9. Federal Work Study. Upon approval by the Corporation's Program Office, grantees
may enroll Federal Work Study students as AmeriCorps members. Only individuals who
enroll in an AmeriCorps position in a program that has been approved by the
Corporation are eligible to receive AmeriCorps member benefits. Except as required by
Federal Work Study regulations, AmeriCorps members may not be paid on an hourly
basis. The Corporation does not consider a wage under the Federal Work Study program
to be a living allowance for purposes of the National and Community Service Act. The
grantee is not required to report such wages in the AmeriCorps grant. If you have
members to whom you pay a living allowance for any service beyond the hours worked
under the Federal Work Study Program, then at least 15% of the amount of the living
allowance must be provided from non-Federal sources.
In order for a member to receive a post-service education award from the National Service Trust,
the grantee must certify to the National Service Trust that the member is eligible to receive the
education benefit. The grantee must notify the National Service Trust on a form provided by the
.. .
Corporation (electronic submission via WBRS suffices) when it enrolls a member for a term of
service, when the member completes the term, and whenever there is a change in the member's
status during the term (e.g., release for compelling circumstances or suspension). A member may
receive a post-service education award only for the first two terms of service. For example, one
full-time and one half-time term of service count as two terms. Ifa member is released for
reasons other than misconduct prior to completing 15% of a term of service, that term does not
count as one of the two terms for which an education award may be provided. No Corporation or
other federal funds may be used to provide member support costs for a third or subsequent term
of service in an AmeriCorps*State or National Program.
In order to receive a full education award, a member must perform the minimum hours of service
as required by the Corporation and successfully complete the program requirements as defined
by the Program. For example, if successful completion ofa full-time program requires 1,800
service hours, members in that particular program are not eligible for an education award simply
upon completion of 1,700 hours. If a member is released from a Program for compelling
personal circumstances, the member is eligible for a pro-rated education award based on the
number of hours served, ifit is at least 15% of the total required hours. Questions regarding
authorized uses of the education award should be directed to the Corporation's National Service
Trust Office.
See C~F.R.~~2521.35 - 2529.95 for the AmeriCorps matching requirements. Grantees must
~~~~ref~Lto OMB Circulars A-21, A-~7, A-122 and A-I 02 [and its implementation regulation
(~?Cif.~.~2543) or A-IIO (45 C.f;R1,~~'?~l)], as applicable, for additional requirements related
to allowable kinds and sources of match and match documentation requirements.
1. Exception for Donated Professional Service. Because the purpose ofthis grant is to
enable and stimulate volunteer community service, the grantee may not include the value
of direct community service performed by volunteers. However, the grantee may include
the value of volunteer services contributed to the organization for organizational
functions such as accounting, audit work, training of staff and AmeriCorps Programs.
1. Record-Keeping. The grantee must maintain records specified in the Financial
Management Standards (Section B) of the General Provisions below that document each
member's eligibility to serve pursuant to the member eligibility requirements in the
definitions section of these provisions. The records must be sufficient to establish that
the individual was eligible to participate in the program and that the member
successfully completed the program requirements.
2. Verification. To verify U.S. citizenship, U.S. national status or, U.S. lawful permanent
resident alien status, the grantee must obtain and maintain documentation as required by
45 C.F.R.~2522.200(b) and (c). The Corporation does not require programs to make and
retain copies of the actual documents used to confirm age or citizenship eligibility
.., ..
requirements, such as a driver's license, or birth certificate, as long as the grantee has a
consistent practice of identifying the documents that were reviewed and maintaining a
record of the review. To verify whether the member meets the requirements relating to
high-school education, the grantee must obtain from the member, and maintain in the
member's file, a written declaration under penalty oflaw that the member meets the
requirements of these provisions relating to high school education. If the member has
been determined to be incapable of obtaining a high school diploma or its equivalent, the
grantee must retain a copy ofthe supporting independent evaluation.
3. Confidential Member Information. The grantee must maintain the confidentiality of
information regarding individual members. The grantee must obtain the prior written
consent of all members before using their names, photographs and other identifying
information for publicity, promotional or other purposes. Parental or legal guardian
consent must be obtained for members under 18 years of age. Grantees may include an
informed consent form as part of the member contract materials that are signed at the
time the member enrolls. Grantees may release aggregate and other non-identifying
information, and are required to release member information to the Corporation and its
designated contractors. The grantee must permit a member who submits a written
request for access to review records that pertain to the member and were created
pursuant to this grant.
1. Programmatic Changes. The State Commission or Parent Organization must first
obtain the prior written approval of the AmeriCorps Program Office before making the
following changes in the approved Program:
a. Changes in the scope, objectives or goals of the Program, whether or not they
involve budgetary changes;
b. Substantial changes in the level of participant supervision;
c. Entering into additional sub-grants or contracts for AmeriCorps activities funded
by the grant, but not identified or included in the approved application and grant
Programmatic changes require final approval of the Corporation's Office of Grants
Management (see MA. below).
2. Program Changes for Formula Programs. State Commissions are responsible for
approving the above changes for state formula programs.
3. Budgetary Changes. The grantee must obtain the prior written approval of the
Corporation's Office of Grants Management before deviating from the approved budget
in any of the following ways:
a. Reallocation of Funds from the "Member Support Cost" category to other
categories ofthe approved budget. However, the grantee may reallocate funds
within the line items in this category, except for increases in health care cost per
member, which must be approved. The specific line items covered by this sub-
clause are:
i. Living allowance,
ii. FICA, worker's compensation, and unemployment insurance and
iii. Health care (or alternative health care).
b. Specific Costs Requiring Prior Approval before Incurrence under OMS
Circulars A-21, A-87 or A-I22. For certain cost items, the cost circulars require
approval of the awarding agency for the cost to be allowable. Examples of these
costs are overtime pay, rearrangement and alteration costs, and pre-award costs.
c. Purchases of Equipment over $5,000 using grant funds, unless specified in the
approved application and budget.
d. Unless the Corporation share of the award is $100,000 or less, changes to
cumulative budget line items that amount to 10 per cent or more of the total
program budget must be approved in writing in advance by the Corporation. The
total program budget includes both the Corporation and grantee shares. Grantees
may transfer funds among approved direct cost categories when the cumulative
amount of such transfers does not exceed 10 percent of the total program budget.
4. Approvals of Programmatic and Budget Changes. The Corporation's Grants Officers
are the only officials who have the authority to change the requirements of the grant.
The Grants Officers will execute written amendments, and grantees should not assume
approvals have been granted unless documentation from the Grants Office has been
1. Financial Status and Progress Reports. Progress and Financial Status reporting
requirements in these Provisions apply only to the grantee. Grantees are required to
review, analyze, and follow up on progress and financial status reports they receive from
AmeriCorps sub-grantees or operating sites. Each grantee must submit Progress and
Financial Status Reports by the required due dates.
Requests for extensions of reporting deadlines will be granted when I) the report cannot
be furnished in a timely manner for reasons legitimately beyond the control of the
grantee and 2) the Corporation receives a request explaining the need for an extension
before the due date of the report.
Extensions of deadlines for FSRs (SF 269a) may only be granted by the Office of Grants
Management, and extensions of deadlines for Progress Reports may only be granted by
the AmeriCorps Program Office.
a. Financial Status Reports. The grantee shall submit semi-annual cumulative financial
status reports, summarizing expenditures during the reporting period using eGrants
(on the menu tree, click 'Financial Status Reports'). Financial Status Report deadlines
are as follows:
Due Date
April 30
October 31
ReDortine: Period Covered
Start of grant through March 31
April 1 - September 30
A grantee must set its own submission deadlines for its respective sub-grantees.
b. Progress Reports.
1. Reporting Dates for National Direct Parent Organizations. A grantee
Progress Report ("GPR") must be submitted on the first Monday in
December of each year for the period from the start of the program year
through September 30. This report is to be submitted electronically
through the Corporation's on-line web-based reporting system (WBRS).
The report will require the grantee's analysis ofthe AmeriCorps grants it
administers. This includes reporting on the operating sites that have
completed their program year by the reporting end date, as well as the
progress to date for operating sites still in operation for that project
c. Reporting Dates for State Commissions, Tribes, and Territories. An annual
grantee Progress Report ("GPR") is due in WBRS on the first Monday in December
of each year for the period from the start of the program year through September 30.
The report will require the grantee's analysis of the AmeriCorps grants it administers.
This includes reporting on sub-grantees that have completed their program year by
the reporting end date and the progress to date for those sub-grantees still in operation
for that project period.
d. Final Financial Status Reports. A grantee completing the final year of its grant must
submit, in lieu of the last semi-annual FSR, a final FSR that is due within 90 days
after the end of the grant.
Note: Sub-grantee Financial Status and Progress Reports. The Corporation
expects each grantee to set its own Sub-grantee reporting requirements. Grantees are
responsible for monitoring sub-grantee activities and training needs, tracking progress
toward objectives, and identifying programmatic and/or financial challenges. Sub-
grantees must adhere to the reporting requirements outlined and communicated by its
grantee for the program year.
2. AmeriCorps Member-Related Forms. The grantee is required to submit the following
documents to the National Service Trust at the Corporation on forms provided by the
Corporation. Grantees and sub-grantees may use WBRS to submit these forms
electronically. Programs using WBRS must also maintain hard copies of the forms.
a. Enrollment Forms. Enrollment forms must be submitted no later than 30 days after a
member is enrolled.
,-.> ,.
3. Notice to the Corporation's Office of Inspector General. The grantee must notify the
Office of Inspector General immediately of losses of federal funds or goods/services
supported with federal funds, or when information discovered by someone at a program
indicates that there has been waste, fraud or abuse, or any violation of criminal law, at
the program or at a sub-grantee.
1. General. The grantee must maintain financial management systems that include
standard accounting practices, sufficient internal controls, a clear audit trail and written
cost allocation procedures, as necessary. Financial management systems must be capable
of distinguishing expenditures attributable to this grant from expenditures not
attributable to this grant. The systems must be able to identify costs by programmatic
year and by budget category and to differentiate between direct and indirect costs or
administrative costs. For further details about the grantee's financial management
r~spo~sibilities, refer to OMB Circular A-I 02 and its impl~lTI,~~~i~~,re~.~~ations (45
~',F.~;~2~43) or A-IIO and its implementing regulations ,(45C~'FJ~,,~,~541), as
2. Consistency of Treatment. To be allowable under an award, costs must be consistent
with policies and procedures that apply uniformly to both federally financed and other
activities of the organization. Furthermore, the costs must be accorded consistent
treatment in both federally financed and other activities, as well as between activities,
supported by different sources of federal funds.
3. Audits. Grantee organizations that expend $500,000 or more in a year in Federal
awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in
accordance with the Single Audit Act, as amended, 31 V.S.C. 7501, et seq., and OMB
Circular A-133. (Ifthe grantee expends federal awards under only one federal program,
it may elect to have a program specific audit, if it is otherwise eligible.) A grantee that
does not expend $500,000 in federal awards is exempt from the single audit
requirements ofOMB Circular A-133 for that year. However, it must continue to
conduct financial management reviews of its programs, and records must be available
for review and audit.
A recipient of a Federal grant (pass-through entity) is required in accordance with
paragraph 400(d) ofOMB Circular A-133, to do the following with regard to its
subrecipients: (1) identify the Federal award and funding source; (2) advise sub-
recipients of all requirements imposed on them; (3) monitor sub-recipient activities and
compliance; (4) ensure sub-recipients have A-133 audits when required; (5) issue
decisions and ensure follow-up on audit findings in a timely manner; (6) where
necessary, adjust its own records and financial statements based on audits; and (7)
require sub-recipients to permit access by the pass-through entity and auditors to records
and financial statements, as necessary, for the pass-through entity to comply with A-133.
4. Consultant Services. Payments to individuals for consultant services under this grant
will not exceed $540'.0'0' per day (exclusive of any indirect expenses, travel, supplies and
so on).
Administrative Costs are defined in 45 C.F .R,,!~:?~.:1Q.20. In addition, the limits on administrative
costs are included in 45 C.F.R".~2521.95.
1. General. Income earned as a direct result ofthe Program's activities during the award
period may be retained by the Grantee and used to finance the non-Corporation share of
2. Fees for Service. When using assistance under this Grant, the Grantee may not enter
into a contract for or accept fees for service performed by members when:
a. The service benefits a for-profit entity;
b. The service falls within the other prohibited Program activities set forth in these
Grant Provisions; or
c. The service violates the non-displacement Provisions of the Act set forth in these
Grant Provisions.
The grantee must retain and make available all financial records, supporting documentation,
statistical records, evaluation and program performance data, member information and personnel
records, for 3 years from the date of the submission of the final Financial Status Report (SF
269A). If an audit is started prior to the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be
retained until the audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.
1. Liability Insurance Coverage. The grantee must have adequate liability insurance
coverage for the organization, employees and members, including coverage of members
engaged in on-and off-site project activities.
2. Member Safety. The grantee must institute safeguards as necessary and appropriate to
ensure the safety of members. Members may not participate in projects that pose undue
safety risks.
1. Assurances. The grantee must assure that its programs or activities, including those of
its sub-grantees, will be conducted, and facilities operated, in compliance with the
applicable statutes set forth below, as well as with their implementing regulations. The
grantee must obtain an assurance of such compliance prior to extending Federal
financial assistance to sub-grantees. The U.S. Government shall have the right to seek
judicial enforcement of these assurances.
2. Discrimination Prohibited. A person, including a member, a community beneficiary,
or Program staff, may not, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age,
political affiliation, disability, or religion (except as noted below) be excluded from
participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination,
directly or through contractual or other arrangements, under any program or activity
receiving federal financial assistance. The prohibition on discrimination on the basis of
disability protects otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities. The prohibition
against discrimination on the basis of religion with respect to Program staff applies only
to Program staff paid with Corporation funds but excludes staff paid with Corporation
funds who were already employed by the grantee on the date the Corporation grant was
This prohibition against discrimination includes, but is not limited to:
b. Denying an opportunity to participate in, benefit from, or provide a service, financial
aid, or other benefit;
c. Providing an opportunity which is different or provided differently;
d. Denying an opportunity to participate as a member of a planning or advisory body
integral to the program;
e. Segregating or subjecting a person to separate treatment;
f. Providing an aid, benefit, or service to a qualified disabled person that is less effective
in affording opportunity to obtain the same result, gain the same benefit, or reach the
same level of achievement;
g. Denying a qualified disabled person the opportunity to participate in integrated
programs or activities, even though permissibly separate or different programs or
activities exist;
h. Restricting a person's enjoyment of an advantage or privilege enjoyed by others;
1. Providing different or separate aid, benefits, or services to disabled persons unless
necessary in order to provide them as effectively as provided to others;
J. Treating a person differently in determining admission, enrollment, quota, eligibility,
membership or other requirements;
k. Using criteria or administrative methods, including failing to provide needed
auxiliary aids for disabled persons, which have the effect of subjecting persons to
discrimination, or defeating or substantially impairing achievement of the objectives
of the program for a person;
1. Selecting a site or location of facilities with the purpose or effect of excluding
individuals from, denying them the benefits of, or subjecting them to discrimination
under the program;
m. Denying a qualified disabled person a benefit, aid, or participation because facilities
whose groundbreaking occurred after May 30, 1979 are inaccessible to or unusable
by disabled persons or because programs or activities in facilities predating May 30,
1979, when viewed in their entirety, are inaccessible to or unusable by disabled
persons; and
n. Failing to provide reasonable accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals with
disabilities. The Corporation's updated policy statements "Grantees Civil Rights
Policy" and its "Civil Rights Harassment Policy" which include additional
discrimination prohibitions are attached and incorporated herein.
3. Public Notice of Nondiscrimination. The grantee must notify members, community
beneficiaries, applicants, Program staff, and the public, including those with impaired
vision or hearing, that it operates its program or activity subject to the nondiscrimination
requirements of the applicable statutes. The notice must summarize the requirements,
note the availability of compliance information from the grantee and the Corporation,
and briefly explain procedures for filing discrimination complaints with the Corporation.
Sample language is:
It is against the law for organizations that receive federal financial assistance from
the Corporation for National and Community Service to discriminate on the basis
ofrace, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, political affiliation, or, in most
cases, religion. It is also unlawful to retaliate against any person who, or
organization that, files a complaint about such discrimination. In addition to
filing a complaint with local and state agencies that are responsible for resolving
discrimination complaints, you may bring a complaint to the attention of the
Corporation for National and Community Service. If you believe that you or
others have been discriminated against, or if you want more information, contact:
(Name, address, phone number - both voice and TTY, and preferably toll free -
FAX number and e-mail address of the grantee) or
Office of Civil Right and Inclusiveness
Corporation for National and Community Service
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20525
(202) 606-7503 (voice); (202) 565-2799 (TTY)
(202) 565-3465 (FAX); eo@cns.gov (e-mail)
The grantee must include information on civil rights requirements, complaint procedures
and the rights of beneficiaries in member contracts, handbooks, manuals, pamphlets, and
post in prominent locations, as appropriate. The grantee must also notify the public in
recruitment material and application forms that it operates its program or activity subject
to the nondiscrimination requirements. Sample language, in bold print, is "This program
is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex,
political affiliation, or, in most instances, religion." Where a significant portion of the
population eligible to be served needs services or information in a language other than
English, the grantee shall take reasonable steps to provide written material of the type
ordinarily available to the public in appropriate languages.
4. Records and Compliance Information. The grantee must keep records and make
available to the Corporation timely, complete and accurate compliance information to
allow the Corporation to determine if the grantee is complying with the civil rights
statutes and implementing regulations. Where a grantee extends federal financial
assistance to sub-grantees, the sub-grantees must make available compliance information
to the grantee so it can carry out its civil rights obligations.
The Corporation will provide specific guidance regarding records and compliance
information. At a minimum, the grantee should have available racial, ethnic, sex, and
disability data regarding members/applicants, service recipients/applicants and Program
staff/applicants. This data should be sufficient to measure the distribution of benefits to
the eligible population and evaluate the services provided to the different segments of the
population being served. Data on members and Program staff should be gathered, on a
voluntary basis, directly from the individuals. Data on service recipients may be gathered,
estimated, or based on census or other statistics. Racial and ethnic data should be
gathered for the following categories:
a. Hispanic/Latino/Spanish culture or origin or non-HispaniclLatino/Spanish
culture or origin (one or the other) and one or more of the following:
b. American Indian or Alaska Native
c. Asian
d. Black or African American
e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
f. White
5. Obligation to Cooperate. The grantee must cooperate with the Corporation so that the
Corporation can ensure compliance with the civil rights statutes and implementing
regulations. The grantee shall permit access by the Corporation during normal business
hours to its books, records, accounts, staff, members, facilities, and other sources of
information as may be needed to determine compliance.
6. Discrimination Complaints, Investigations and Compliance Reviews. The
Corporation may review the practices ofthe grantee to determine civil rights
Any person who believes discrimination has occurred may file a discrimination
complaint with the Corporation's Equal Opportunity Office. The grantee may not
intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against an individual to interfere with a right
or privilege secured by the civil rights acts or because the person made a complaint,
testified, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or
hearing. The Corporation will keep the identity of complainants and witnesses
confidential except as necessary to conduct an investigation, hearing, or judicial
The Corporation will investigate whenever a compliance review, report, complaint, or
other information indicates a possible failure to comply with the statutes and their
implementing regulations. Ifan investigation indicates a failure to comply, the
Corporation will so inform the grantee and any applicable subgrantees and will attempt
to resolve the matter by voluntary means. If the matter cannot be resolved by voluntary
means, the Corporation will initiate formal enforcement action.
Discrimination complaints may be raised through the grantee's grievance procedure.
Use of the grantee's grievance procedure may not be a required precursor to filing a
federal discrimination complaint with the Corporation. Use of the grantee's grievance
procedure does not preclude filing a federal discrimination complaint. The grantee's
grievance procedure should advise members that use of the grievance procedure does
not stop the running of Corporation time frames for filing a discrimination complaint
with the Corporation. In all cases where discrimination allegations have been raised with
the grantee, the grantee must submit a written report to the Corporation's Equal
Opportunity Office, which has review authority over the investigation and disposition of
all discrimination complaints.
7. Self-Evaluation Requirements. The grantee must comply with (1) the self-evaluation
requirements under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act regarding accessibility for
individuals with disabilities; (2) the self-evaluation requirements of the Age
Discrimination Act of 1975; and (3) the self-evaluation requirements under title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972 regarding discrimination based on sex. Guidance
regarding the self-evaluation requirements may be obtained from the Corporation's
Equal Employment Opportunity Office, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Washington,
D.C. 20525, (202) 606-7503; (202) 606-3472 (ITY); (202) 565-2816 (FAX); or
eo@cns.gov (e-mail).
8. Applicable Statutes. In accordance with its assurances, the grantee must comply with
all federal statutes relating to non-discrimination to the extent applicable, including, but
not limited to titles VI and VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.g2000d and
3601 et seq.), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.g794), title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U .S.c.g 1681 et seq.) the Age Discrimination
Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C.g6101 et seq.), the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of
1972 (P.L. 92-255), the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,
Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), the Public Health Service Act
of 1912 (42 U.S.C.g290dd-3 and 290ee-3), and the requirements of any other non-
discrimination provision in the National and Community Service Act of 1990, (42
U.S.c.g 12635), or any other applicable non-discrimination provision.
The Corporation's Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts and supervises independent and
objective audits, evaluations, and investigations of Corporation programs and operations. Based
on the results of these audits, reviews, and investigations, the OIG recommends policies to
promote economy and efficiency and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in the
Corporation's programs and operations.
.. .,
The OIG also conducts and supervises audits of Corporation grantees, as well as legislatively
mandated audits and reviews. The legislatively mandated audits include the annual financial
statement audit, and fulfilling the requirements of the Government Information Security Reform
Act and its successor, the Federal Information Security Management Act. A risk-based
approach, along with input received from Corporation management, is used to select grantees
and grants for audit. The OIG hires audit firms to conduct some of its audits. The OIG audit
staff is available to discuss its audit function, and can be reached at (202) 606-9390.
The OIG is available to offer assistance to AmeriCorps grantees that become aware of suspected
criminal activity in connection with the AmeriCorps program. Grantees should immediately
contact OIG when they first suspect that a criminal violation has occurred. The OIG
investigative staff is available to provide guidance and ensure that the appropriate law
enforcement agency is notified, if required. The OIG may be reached by email at
hotline@cnsoig.gov or by telephone at (800) 452-8210. Following notification to OIG, grantees
should also inform the respective program and grants officers of the facts and circumstances
surrounding these incidents.
1. Ownership. Unless otherwise specified, the grantee owns and may copyright any work
that is subject to copyright, including software designs, training manuals, curricula,
videotapes and other products produced under the grant. However, the grantee may not
sell any work that includes an AmeriCorps logo without prior written approval from the
2. Corporation Use. The Corporation retains royalty-free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable
licenses to obtain, use, reproduce, publish or disseminate products, including data,
produced under the grant and to authorize others to do so. The Corporation may
distribute such products through a designated clearinghouse.
3. Sharing Grant Products. To the extent practical, the grantee agrees to make products
produced under the grant available at the cost of reproduction to others in the field.
1. Acknowledgment of Support. Publications created by members may include an
AmeriCorps logo if they are consistent with the purposes of the grant. The grantee is
responsible for assuring that the following acknowledgment and disclaimer appears in
any external report or publication of material based upon work supported by this grant.
"This material is based upon work supported by the Corporation for National and
Community Service under AmeriCorps Grant No. _" Opinions or points of view
expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
official position of, or a position that is endorsed by, the Corporation or the AmeriCorps
'0. ,.
2. Materials Provided to Corporation. The grantee is responsible for assuring that two
copies of any such material are sent to the Corporation's Office of Public Affairs and
Program Office.
Regulations related to theSo~o~ation's authority to suspend or terminate this grant are
contained in 45 C.F.R.~:?:~:4Qi::40Q. In addition, Grantees may suspend or terminate assistance to
one of their sub-grantees, provided th~~ s~ch action affords the sub-grantee, at a minimum, the
notice and hearing rights described in :.!):~:",€.F.R.~2540.400.
'< <:
Civil Rights Non-Harassment Policy
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is committed to treating all persons with dignity and
respect, regardless of non-merit factors such as race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age,
disability, political affiliation, marital or parental status, or military service; and free of sexual, racial, ethnic,
religious or other harassment. Whether in CNCS offices or campuses, in other work-related settings such as training
sessions or service sites, or at work-related social events, such harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Slurs and other verbal or physical conduct relating to an individual's gender, race, ethnicity, religion or any other
basis constitute harassment when it has the purpose or effect to interfere with work performance or create an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: explicit or implicit
demands for sexual favors; pressure for dates; deliberate touching, leaning over, or cornering; offensive teasing,
jokes, remarks, or questions; letters, phone calls, or distribution or display of offensive materials; offensive looks or
gestures; gender, racial, ethnic, or religious baiting; physical assaults or other threatening behavior; or demeaning,
debasing, and abusive comments or actions that intimidate.
Harassment may be by persons of the same or different races, sexes, religions, or ethnic origins. It may be carried
out by a CNCS employee or supervisor; a project or site employee or supervisor; a non-employee (e.g., client); a co-
worker, or service member. Conduct directed at another may create an offensive environment for co-workers.
I expect CNCS supervisory and management personnel, when made aware of alleged harassment by employees,
service participants, or other individuals, to immediately take appropriate action to prevent or end it. CNCS will not
tolerate retaliation against a person who raises harassment concerns in good faith. Any employee who violates this
policy or asserts a false claim of harassment with a malicious intent will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to
and including termination.
Any CNCS employee, former employee, or applicant for employment who believes that he or she has been
discriminated against in violation of civil rights laws, regulations, or this policy, or in retaliation for opposition to
discrimination or participation in discrimination complaint proceedings (e.g., as a complainant or witness), should
raise his or her concerns with our Office of Civil Rights and Inclusiveness (OCRI). Discrimination claims not
brought to the attention of OCRI within 45 days of their occurrence may not be accepted in a formal complaint of
discrimination. OCRI may be reached at (202) 606-7503 (voice), (202) 565-2799 (TDD), eo@cns.gov, or through
Any employee who experiences or witnesses harassment in the workplace may make a report to Andrew Wasilisin,
Director, Workforce Relations and Communications.
In addition, we encourage everyone to consider our Alternate Dispute Resolution (A DR) Program as an informal
way to resolve workplace conflicts. Our ADR contractor may be reached at (202) 265-9572, ext. 1328 (voice) or
May 25,2005
signature on file
David Eisner, Chief Executive Officer
120 I ~ew York :\\Tnlle ~.\\" * Washingwn. DC 2052'5
202-60h-5000 * w\\w,nalinnalsen'ice,org
Senior Corps * :\mcriCorps * Lcarn and Scn'c America
Freedom C()rp~
(l~ f I ~ r ~ s~' a~'~';":'~"'(~:~~ I'r"t~';"~~~";<:i::'~
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Grant Program Civil Rights Policy
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is committed to treating all persons with
dignity and respect, without regard to non-merit factors such as race, color, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, marital or parental status, or military service; and
free of sexual, racial, national origin, religious or other harassment. Whether in CNCS offices or
campuses, in other service-related settings such as training sessions or service sites, or at service-related
social events, such harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Slurs and other verbal or physical conduct relating to an individual's gender, race, ethnicity, religion or
any other basis constitute harassment when it has the purpose or effect to interfere with service
performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive service environment. Harassment includes,
but is not limited to: explicit or implicit demands for sexual favors; pressure for dates; deliberate
touching, leaning over, or cornering; offensive teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions; letters, phone calls,
or distribution or display of offensive materials; offensive looks or gestures; gender, racial, ethnic, or
religious baiting; physical assaults or other threatening behavior; or demeaning, debasing or abusive
comments or actions that intimidate.
Harassment may be by persons of the same or different races, sexes, religions, or ethnic origins. It may
be carried out by a CNCS employee or supervisor; a project, or site employee or supervisor; a non-
employee (e.g., client); a co-worker or service member.
I expect supervisors and managers of CNCS programs and projects, when made aware of alleged
harassment by employees, service participants, or other individuals, to immediately take appropriate
action to prevent or end it. CNCS will not tolerate retaliation against a person who raises harassment
concerns in good faith. Any CNCS employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, up to
and including termination, and any grantee that permits harassment in violation of this policy will be
subject to a finding of noncompliance and administrative procedures that may result in termination of
federal financial assistance from CNCS and all other federal agencies.
Any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against in violation of civil rights laws,
regulations, or this policy, or in retaliation for opposition to discrimination or participation in
discrimination complaint proceedings (e.g., as a complainant or witness) in any CNCS program or
project, may raise his or her concerns with our Office of Civil Rights and Inclusiveness (OCRI).
Discrimination claims not brought to the attention of OCR I within 45 days of their occurrence may not be
accepted in a formal complaint of discrimination, No one can be required to use a program, project or
sponsor dispute resolution procedure before contacting OCRI, and if another procedure is used, it does
not affect the 45-day time limit. OCRI
may be reached at (202) 606-7503 (voice), (202) 565-2799 (TOO), eo@cns.gov, or through
www .nationalservice.gov.
May 25, 2005
signature on file
David Eisner, Chief Executive Officer
1201 :\cw York :\n'nuc :\.\\'. * Washington. DC 20525
202-(100-5000 ... w\\w.natil1nalscn'iLc.l1rg
Scnior Corps * AmeriCl1rps * Lcarn and Scn'c America
rn:"dUlll Corps
IlIL" ,Prt"~~~dent"s Call t'J St'I\.'tct