10/23/1995PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER October 23, 1995 Present: Charles Weaver Donald Harris Henry Cruise Stephan Guss William Kirbas Chair Vice Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member   Leslie A. Dougall-Sides Ream Wilson Art Kader Steve Miller Gwen Legters Assistant City Attorney Parks and Recreation Director Parks and Recreation Asst. Director Recreation Superintendent Board Reporter     Absent: Gary Giordano Michael Stafford Board Member Board Member   The Chair called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. To provide continuity, the items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. Mr. Wilson welcomed Ms. Legters and explained she will regularly attend to take minutes for future Board meetings. Minutes Approval - September 25, 1995 Member Harris moved to approve the minutes according to copies submitted in writing by staff to each member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Upcoming Recreation Events - Report by Steve Miller Mr. Miller distributed three handouts and narrated a video presentation highlighting recreation programs and events scheduled during November. He listed concerts and classes to be held downtown and at City recreation facilities. The Good Life Celebration and Games for Seniors 55+, is sponsored by local businesses and scheduled for November 11 through 19 at various facilities. In addition to the annual Times Turkey Trot, several Thanksgiving related events are planned. He encouraged the Board and the public to call him for additional information. In response to a question, Mr. Miller stated participants pay entry fees to The Good Life Celebration and Games but spectators do not. Old Business A. Roller Skating in City Parks - Report by Steve Miller In response to ongoing questions and concerns regarding skating in City parks and recreation facilities, staff was requested to investigate. Mr. Miller researched and compared the regulations for Clearwater, Dunedin, Largo, St. Petersburg, and Tampa and submitted a report to the Board. Summarizing this report, Mr. Miller said some regulate skating by ordinance, others by policy and all are similar to what is done in Clearwater. He indicated skating is allowed as a general practice and detailed current and planned skating programs and services in the City. Mr. Miller stressed the objective of the Code is to be able to control skating activity when conditions are not suitable, to preclude the possibility of injury. Some adverse conditions would include times of heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic. He indicated it is hoped new and renovated sidewalks will be widened to ten feet to accommodate more skaters and bicyclists in the future. While he indicated a willingness to be responsive to the needs of the public, he did not feel any Code changes are necessary at this time. The Board commended staff for their extensive research and thorough report. Consensus was to accept the report and take no further action. B. Capital Improvement Projects - Report by Art Kader Mr. Kader detailed projects closed out this year and those remaining. Some of the remaining projects, such as tennis court resurfacing, are continuous. He gave a brief overview of bid and construction schedules for Countryside Recreation Center, Soule Road Park, Norton Park, Crest Lake Park, Bayshore Park and Lake Chautauqua Park. He said he will bring monthly updates and ask for direction of the Board. In response to questions, Mr. Kader said a full time maintenance person for Crest Lake Park should be selected by the time the new restroom is finished. Regarding the number of tennis courts resurfaced each year, he said the number varies according to location. On an average, he said five to six courts are done each year, with those near sand and salt water areas needing more frequent attention. He stated they keep a running list of those due for maintenance and reexamine each court every year. A question was raised regarding the status of funding for the “waterfall property” and the property near the east sewage treatment plant. Mr. Wilson responded the owners are not interested in selling off portions of the waterfall property. He indicated that property is not endangered, and no action is needed at this time. Direction is needed from the City Manager’s office regarding the site by the water treatment plant. C. Meeting with City Commission A copy of a City Clerk memo dated September 28, 1995, was distributed to the Board. It indicated several advisory boards had concerns regarding Commission action on advisory boards’ recommendations and issues. In addition to the presentation of annual advisory board reports, it was decided the City Commission would meet with each board on work session Mondays to share information. All board members will be invited to attend. D. Lake Chautauqua Park Mr. Wilson referred to an aerial map and pointed out the location of the park north of the boy scout camp and east of Lake Chautauqua. He outlined factors that are considered by consultants when developing a conceptual plan. Some of those factors are vehicular and pedestrian access, impact on adjacent residential properties, parking, environmental sensitivity and historical use of the land. Mr. Kader displayed an artist’s rendition of the conceptual plan for the park, developed by the consultants and staff. He said the constraints and opportunities were weighed and the drawing is subject to change, as it represents one draft of a plan for developing the park. He said the area residents are being invited to a presentation next month at the Countryside Library, on November 13, to gather information and present their concerns. He distributed a copy of the invitation to the public meeting. In response to a question, it was not felt a special board meeting with the residents would be needed, as all Board members were welcome and encouraged to attend the presentation to the neighborhood. Mr. Wilson noted a representative from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will be there to answer questions. Mr. Kader listed the four different ecosystems in the park. He described how each is to be handled and which are not to be disturbed when designing park features. He explained where nature and hiking trails, vehicular traffic routes, buffer zones for wildlife, water craft launching and picnic areas are proposed. He noted some signs of a historical structure remain on the land. The Historical Preservation Society will look into the site to see if its history can be determined. Mr. Kader reiterated the plan is only a suggestion at this point. The land will be carefully walked and flagged by environmentalists to avoid disturbing ecosystems and wildlife. Some concerns of which staff is aware include: 1) maintaining a 100 foot wooded buffer zone between the park and adjacent residential property; 2) the relation of park access to the Landmark Drive extension; 3) increase in traffic to the area; 4) proposed traffic circulation; 5) unauthorized parking on nearby streets and roads; and 6) whether to have a restroom and where to locate it. One member noted Camp Soule stopped using the lake for water activities due to its high bacteria content. Mr. Kader said no swimming will be allowed; however, fishing and sailing non-motorized water craft will be encouraged. He noted Pinellas County is responsible for the water quality and they are taking steps to improve it. Mr. Wilson indicated plumbing, security, staffing and location are some of the difficulties that complicate the restroom issue in a passive park. A number of options were discussed and it was noted the public will have an opportunity to offer their suggestions. Discussion ensued regarding the Landmark Drive extension, locating the entrance, the historical opportunities, and the presence of the four acre D.D. Davis Park across Landmark from the subject property. Summarizing the proposal, Mr. Kader said this plan is a simple and effective means of opening up the park as directed by the Park Service. The plan preserves as much of the property as possible in its natural state, is ADA accessible and can be used by everyone. Staff was requested to notify all Board members by mail the week prior to the neighborhood meeting. New Business 1. Board Membership Mr. Wilson urged the public to apply in the City Clerk Department to fill upcoming Board vacancies. 2. Potential Grants Mr. Wilson distributed a copy of a memo and attachment from Commissioner Thomas, dated October 4, 1995, regarding potential funding sources for park facilities. Brief discussion ensued regarding the attached Technical Assistance Bulletin prepared by the Florida Communities Trust for the Preservation 2000 and ACSC Programs. Mr. Wilson stated two agencies listed on the bulletin provided matching funds for several City projects. He noted DOT beautification grants were not listed. Board Discussion Member Harris suggested postponing election of Board officers until the vacant seats are filled. He also wished Member Kirbas good luck in tomorrow’s City Commission election. Member Weaver praised the Crest Lake Dock, stating he and his family enjoys it. He said it gets a lot of use and suggested sending a water truck to hose it off a couple of times a month. He also suggested that maintenance is needed on bollard fence posts along Glenwood Avenue. He questioned what appeared to be core drilling on the east side of the park. Staff is to investigate. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.