CLEARWATER PARKS MILL AND PAVE PARKING LOTS - PROPOSALKEYSTONE EXCAVATORS, INC. ,E }1,kt nor E I 1.4677 Proposal March 19, 2024 TO: Mr. Craig Wilson Parks Senior Division Manager City of Clearwater 100 S. Myrtle Ave., Suite 120 Clearwater, FL 33756 RE: Clearwater Parks Mill and Pave Parking Lots City Project No. - TBI) As requested, enclosed is the proposal for asphalt milling and paving for 6 parking lots located at specified clearwater parks for a Guaranteed Maximum Price of 5532,873.50. Scope of Work: Work includes: 1. Milling Existing Asphalt. 2. Asphalt Paving. 3. Pavement Striping. 4. Concrete Curb Replacement. 5. Tree Preservation Sidewalk Installation. Cost Detail: Description Amount Cost of Work $474,885.00 Subtotal $474,885.00 General Conditions (Bond) $10,500.00 Contingency _10% $47,488.50 Guaranteed Maximum Price S532.873.50 Project Duration shall be _180_ calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Clearwater Parks - Mill and Pave + Misc. Concrete Work (2024) Phillip Jones Park $ 42,887.50 Glen Oaks Park $ 135,975.00 Woodgate Park $ 48,532.50 Forest Run Park $ 54,760.00 Soule Road - OPT. #2 $ 161,567.50 Country Hollow Park $ 38,662.50 Credits (Mobilizations) $ (7,500.00) TOTAL - Construction $ 474,885.00 10% Contingency $ 47,488.50 BOND $ 10,500.00 GRAND TOTAL S 532,873.50 Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks Mill & Pave Projects Date : February 29. 2024 Total amount of this Submitted by '" "`f ?/3'y Marcus Epling, Es ator Keystone Excavat rs , 371 Scarlet Btvd, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813-854-2342 Fax 813-854-2993 Project Notes / Exclusions: No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. y975 Deseri:Woo 00 Work Glen Oaks Park - All Asphalt Mill & Pave. UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity Price Amount ITEM 100: Mobilization LS 1.00 $ 5,700.00 $5,700.00 Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5" Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 4750,00 $ 24.50 $116,375.00 Item 300: Parking Lot Striping LS 1.00 $ 13,900.00 $13,900.00 Subtotal $135,975.00 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM •-- • $135,975.00 Total amount of this Submitted by '" "`f ?/3'y Marcus Epling, Es ator Keystone Excavat rs , 371 Scarlet Btvd, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813-854-2342 Fax 813-854-2993 Project Notes / Exclusions: No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. y975 Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks Mill & Pave Projects Date : February 29, 2024 Description of Work• Phillip Jones Park - All Asphalt Mill & Pave. UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity Price Amount ITEM 100: Mobilization LS 1.00 $ 5,700.00 $5,700.00 Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5" Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 1250.00 $ 29.75 $37,187.50 Subtotal $41887.50 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM ---- $42,887.50 Submitted by. - '--*„_._� Z $► 7.E,,1 Marcus Epling, E mator f ' Keystone Excavat , 371 Scarlet Blvd, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813-854-2342 Fax 813-854-2993 Project Notesf Exclusions: No permits, fees. bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in lts entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $ 1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks Milt & Pave Projects Date : February 29, 2024 Deadpan! et Wprlti Woody„ate Park - All Asphalt Mill & Pave. UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity Price Amount ITEM 100: Mobilization (Asphalt & Concrete) LS 1.00 $ 12,300.00 $12,300.00 Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5” Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 750.00 $ 40.95 $30,712.50 Item 300: Concrete Curb LF 45.00 $ 66.00 $2,970.00 Item 400: Parking Lot Striping LS 1.00 $ 2,550.00 $2,550.00 Subtotal 548,532.50 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM ---- $48$32.5O Submitted b Marcus Epling, Esttor Keystone Excavators , 371 Scarlet Blvd , Oldsmar , FL 34677 Phone 813-854-2342 Project Notes / Exclgsians: Fax 813-854.2993 No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct 51,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks MiII & Pave Projects Date : February 29. 2024 Pvscrintiat at Work Forest Run Park - AH Asphalt Mill & Pave. UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity 1.00 Price $ 12,300.00 Amount $12,300.00 ITEM 100: Mobilization (Asphalt & Concrete) LS Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5" Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 1100.00 $ 32.55 $35,805.00 Item 300: Concrete Curb LF 15.00 $ 66.00 $990.00 Item 400: Parking Lot Striping LS 1.00 $ 5,665.00 $5,665.00 Subtotal $54.760.00 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM ---- $54,760.00 Submitted by -+':'r- , . Marcus Epting , Estitor Keystone Excavators , 371 Scarlet Blvd, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813.854-2342 Fax 813-854.2993 Project Notes/ Exclusions: No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks Mill & Pave Projects Date : February 29, 2024 Description of Work Sidewalk. OPTION #2. Soule Road - Asphalt and Tree Protection UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity Price Amount ITEM 100: Mobilization LS 1.00 $ 12,300.00 $12,300.00 Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5" Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 625.00 $ 43.50 $27,187.50 Item 300: Milt & Pave (Trail): 1.25" Mill / 1" Pave SY 1655.00 $ 31.00 $51,305.00 Item 400: Parking Lot Striping LS 1.00 $ 2,650.00 $2,650.00 Item 500: Tree Protection Sidewalk SY 545.00 $ 125.00 $68,125.00 Subtotal $161,567.50 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM ---- S161,567.50 Submitted bye . Marcus Epling, E ator Keystone Excav , 371 Scarlet Blvd , Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813-854-2342 Fax 813-854-2993 project Notes/ Exclusions: No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind figured. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. If more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. Contractor : Keystone Excavators City of Clearwater: Parks Mill & Puve Projects Date : February 29, 2024 Dcscrietio of vl► & Pave. Country I lollow Park - AH Asphalt Mill UNIT Costs UNIT PRICE ITEM Units Quantity Price Amount ITEM 100: Mobilization LS 1.00 $ 5,700.00 $5,700.00 Item 200: Mill & Pave (Parking Lot): 1.5" Mill / 1.5" Pave SY 750.00 $ 40.95 $30,712.50 Item 300: Parking Lot Striping LS 1.00 $ 2,250.00 $2,250.00 Subtotal S38,662.50 sub- Total UNIT PRICE ITEM ---- il► ,662.50 Submitted by✓ ••9e.--,�'� Marcus Epling , Estitt$iltor Keystone Excavators , 371 Scarlet Blvd, Oldsmar, FL 34677 Phone 813.854.2342 Fax 813-854-2993 7 project Notes / Exclusions: No permits, fees, bonds, or testing of any kind flgurcd. Work to be completed under 1 mobilization in its entirety. I f more than 1 location is selected by City of Clearwater Parks Dept., deduct $1,500 from each additional location's mobilization line item. Pricing is valid through 8/31/24. KEYSTONE EXCAVATORS, INC. 37i Scm1 tUt1\J Ol snur. 11 .11 Phone 813-854-2142 t't'C 1225282 I. PC 22-0001,100 Fax 813-854-2'7' Existing Contract: This proposal is submitted in conjunction with the existing Construction Manager at Risk Services Continuing Contract entered into with the City of Clearwater on August 21, 2020, based on RFO #40-20. If GMP Exceeds $150,000: Per Section III, Article 5.1 of the Contract Specifications, the contractor shall provide to the public entity a certified copy of the recorded bond. Once the City receives a certified copy of the recorded bond, a Notice to Proceed may be issued. Include the attached bond form as well as the Power of Attorney. For work performed, invoices shall be submitted to the City of Clearwater, Engineering Department, Attn: Veronica Josef, Senior Staff Assistant, P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida, 33758-4748. Contingency services may be billed only after written authorization is provided by the City to proceed with those services. Approved as to form: elissa Isabel Senior Assistant City Attorney Countersiened: Keystone Excavators, Inc. By: Marcus Epling, 'resident Date CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Attest: By: Rosemarie Call City Clerk Bruce Rector Mayor 1.0-3/A0A Date Jennifer Poirrier City Manager .1 -1/9,3/a/0 90 -i Date