10/19/19420 J"� 7..-'' THL r�1IPNTES 0�' TI3� CITY COP.;i.ZISSIOPJ CF Ti� CITY" OF CZEARITAT�'t2, I'LUF2IDA: ;_ The City Conunis�ion of the City of �learwatex, Florida raet in re�ular session UetoUer 19, 1942 with thE followin� r,ie�sbers presen�: Geo. �t. 5eavy, TYls�yor-Corncaissia71er J'esse G, g�ith, (:or:�rsissioner Dan L, 5toutar�ire, Uornri:is,��on�r D. C. �nit�, Cor�riissioner Sumne� Ft„ L'owe, �onraissi�ner . kbsen�;: None. The meeting was du1�y called to order by T;qafor George R, Seavy ' and the minutes oP the pre�rious meetin� lvere �ead and approved. I,Zayor r Seavy reported that �ii;y Z,Zana€er Hendrix �vou�d not be present on account of illness, W Ivir. E. I3. Casler, Jr, appeared before the Board ard requested the City po7^tTffj ssi on � s approv�I. o±' an assi��ent ��' lease iro� B. A. Lovae to J. i3ayr,iond 7�ecl�er=--tile property bein� o�vned by �l�e �itg ancl leased by t�e City to B• A. I,owe� upon v�hich has been constructed by T�Sr. Lor•�e a dock, baat-slip and etc, IToved vy t,ir. �owe, seconded UJ ir1r. �'esse G. Smith and carried that the assi�;ruuent of lease frota B. ri. Lowe to J'. �ayi�on� � Uecker be aPProved, and that the City accept tYie fi�,ure oz �3,0U0.00 as the or�iiiial cost D= COTIS�T'L1Ct1Dll anc ii,iprovement of the land in que9tion, also tYiat the City of Clearwater waives any ri�;ht iL rs�� have under �he lease to E. A. Loive on account �i the construci;ion ancl �ru�rover,�ents made by ! H. A. Lowe nc,t amounting to ?1�,500.00, the stipulated ariount•set out in the t lease to E. A. Lotive, , I Mr. 1dm. Al. D�vis appeared beiore the �ommi,ssi�ri to find out whether the City caas �oinb to rene�v Taxi licenses t�iat were zssued sttbsequent to �u�ust 31, 194.2• City AttorneJ Ralph Richards repori:ed that he had re- cei�red a letter froia the Uffice "of Defense lransportation, �iit]:an�a';: Gz�rgia;. :: �t��in�- that a; previous �rder U�T the U. S. G�vernr�ent �reezin� the muuUer �i � taais i:n aperation r�s ai' the end o�; liugust 31, 19/�2, is stiZl the law and � applies �b t�e operati7n of �axis in 6Te�rwater, and ti�at �? any cI�an�e in � ( the rules ��aould have to be effected by na�;in� proper applicazion to tYle fiffice - of Defer_se Trans�ortation�set�in6 for�ii �;ood and safTicient re�sons tl�ere�or. � i.ia or Seav i Y y poilited out that notice of the arder concernin�; number of �tsxis was not received b�• ttle �i �y until sorseyvhere aroun,d the r�iddle of SeP�e�ber, � t„ - and tlze existerice af such a�ulin� was iiot knotivr�� u�til t.hat time. By �;enzral ' ' = t consent the �oraaission decidecl ta renew taxi �`�.iceiises t�at had beeu issued i h prior and uP to the time or receipt oY tUe �overnrac�rit n�tice, but that no x lioense be issuad to taxis stt��tin�; operatiou subsequent to the receipt � of said notice by renevral ox otlzertmise. �4ayar Seavy said the Ci.ty tivould ) s pro�iably refur�d ori a pro-rata basis taxi lic,Erises �f the U, � S• Government ., 1 . _ . _..._.._� ,' _...:.. _. _ _ ,. _ . � S �-� forced the 'operation to discontinue business because of 1;Yte above ` i ��vernment rulin�. The niayor also su��ested to i+ur. Dairis that those taxi opezators interes�ed in �etiting the '�overnment rulin�;inodified should meet with Pllr. Iioteler, Chai�rsan o� `l'ranspor�ation c:ommit�ee in Clearwater of tl�e office ot �ivili�n pefense. 14qr. J'. J". �fars2iall, �tlr�ntic �oa�t I,�.ne Railroad 7.'•rairusas3�er, Ocal� �3istriet, end Tdn'. I,. Pci. llonaldson, local freight and pass�xn�er a�,ent f�r the a. C. I.. Hailroad� appeared Uefore the L'oard �nd �sked that the CiLy annul an old ordinance settiin�; apeed lirait of trains in Clear- �vater a� ten mi�es �er hour �nd suUstitute �herefor a lzew law settinb iorth , the following rates o� speed: fra.� the ilorth City Limits to Eldridga St: 35 miles per hour, iron �ldriclge Street �o Turner Street-tiU mil8s,pei'_�our, from murner Street-south 35 mzles p,er hour and that prew St, and dl,e�zgland St, be �la��ed as heretofore. In response ta a questiou fs•o�i PaIr. J'esse �. Smith, 2;2r. Marshall said tha�t uncer ordinary circunstances a passenger train travelin�.2D mile� per hour could be stop�ed withi.n iive to si� hundred feet. �a3Tor Ueavy accented tihe invitation of 1��, P,Iarshall t� ride a train thru Clearwater at t�e �roposed speeds. �he`Cozamissi,on decided to take no action on any chan�;e of law until the matter aould 1 , ` be �'urther investi�ated. The matter ei reducin� the occu�ationa]. lic�nse for Lavayers fro� ��25.00 to �t15.0� comin6 up, it was moved by I�r. Lowe, ,seConcled by ��. Jesse G, �mith and unarnimously earried that the licsnse retaain at , $�25.00. f jYir. Richards reported tihat he was not reo.d to e t f,h y r por on e proposed ordinar�ce coverin� occupational license charge fo r newsgaper�. �r. Richards also reported that he haci heard of severaT coaplaints zrom , people regarding the saTe o2 ���ood in Clearwater due to the differenne in prices and size of the u��� of sale. Ivlayor Seavy said that the City - � would revoke licenses of any.:v�o�d-yard dealers selling short. r�t the su��estion af i�jr. Zowe the Cor�nission decided to in- vestigate the riatter o£ placin�; bicycle racks at tYie �heatres in Clearvl�t er . � There being na fur�ther business to came before the bo�rd the meetin� was adjourned, ) . � , � . _,�. ivIayor-Comr�iasioner — . Q \.�' _ �����udi r � Clerk s . .; 1 � � , , . „ ... . ... �._ ._. � .. . .. � ��.. . �n�.. . � � - � � � : , � � .. . . � � � ,